Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War Page 28

by Unknown

  “Alexa Lorrayne Jackson, you tell us what happened this instant!” Aunt Claire ordered. I raised my eyebrows in shock and disapproval. “Too motherly?” she checked.

  “Uh, yea.” I couldn’t help but grin at her attempt.

  “Oh, sorry.” She was calm and humble. I had a feeling she was confused about what role to play in my life now.

  “It’s ok. I’m going to rinse off and change. Both R’s should be back soon. Hound them. After I’m heading out.” I kissed her cheek and went to my room.

  Chapter 26

  “I don’t know whether to be mad at you, proud of you or scared of you. You have to control your temper babe. That’s the second vamp you’ve killed when they push your hot button,” Kellan said the moment I walked out of the bathroom.

  “They both threatened more than just me. They were criminals who refused to reform despite the opportunity to. I couldn’t let them continue to roam rampantly destroying and threatening the lives of others,” I clarified. “It doesn’t matter. I’m pissed. The same people who killed my mother are roaming free. I’m done being hunted. I’m tired of always having to look behind me. I’m ready to hunt these snakes that have poisoned my life. No more nice girl. They’ve woken the beast within and now everyone will need to vamp themselves for war.”

  “Lexi, they’re trained. They’re skilled, very good at what they do. Regular vamps can’t compete. That’s why they’re paid so much,” he objected.

  “So because I’m not an expertly trained killer, I’m supposed to wait around on pins and needles for them to find me? I’m supposed to torture myself day and night waiting knowing whether they seek me or I seek them I might die?! Sorry babe but I can’t do that. I’d rather do something than nothing.” I scurried past him. Killing Mike just now had awoken the fighter within me. He’d pushed the buttons that needed to be pushed. These last few weeks, I accepted defeat. I allowed the assassins to rule my life rather than using them as fuel to fight for my life.

  “Lexi! Babe! Wait!” He chased me. I abruptly stopped in the family room.

  “I assume you all heard our conversation.” I received four doe-eyed, innocent, non-confrontational stares. “I’m going to see the Bladangs. They can train me. Tell Auggy what I’m up to so I don’t get heat later.”

  Without one word or objection I left. Waiting for the garage to open, Kellan jumping in the passenger’s seat. I paid him no attention. I was on a mission he openly was against… again. Everything happens for a reason; I’m a firm believer in that line.

  “You’re right. I’m sorry,” he said as I drove out of my neighborhood.

  “About what?”

  “It’s better to do something than nothing. I just… it’s just…” He pinched the bridge of his nose, eyes closed, visibly flustered. “I worry about you. That’s all.” We sighed together.

  “I know. But I am a vampeen you know; I’m not a weak human anymore. Plus, I can’t risk losing you the way I did my parents. I know I’ve been a horrible girlfriend this past month. I’ve been unattentive, despondent and just plain cold at times. I’ve drowned my emotions and just shut down the accessible part of me and I’m so sorry for that. But I know the only way I can prevent that girl from ever appearing again, I have to get rid of the threats. I have to do whatever it takes to ensure that no one else is at risk simply for having some sort of connection to me.” I reached over and took his hand. I couldn’t stay mad at him for long. I’m too in love with him. The part that hurts us is we’re both stubborn and hot headed. We’ve learned to compromise along the way, but that doesn’t eliminate the characteristics. We’re lucky that we built a solid foundation throughout my transformation. Had we not created that stability of love and trust, we wouldn’t still be together, especially given all I did and questioned with Kai.

  “Very analytical,” he stated with a chuckle.

  “Ugh! Stay out of my head!” I went from three to five and now six people can read my thoughts. Unbelievably irritating! I can’t read not one of theirs…

  “Sorry baby,” he kissed my hand that was wrapped in his.

  “Uh huh. I doubt that.” He kept smiling, unfazed by my doubt.

  Kalel answered the door. I didn’t want to barge in despite having a key.

  “Teach me. I need you to teach me to fight them,” I blurted before I was officially through the door.

  “Is she serious?” he asked Kellan. They shared a few looks.

  “Um, hello?! I can speak for myself. And yes I’m serious.” I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a drink. B Positive had quickly been becoming my drink of choice. Kai was right about time and taste.

  Back in the living room a rumble had erupted. Kai and Gabi had joined and they all seemed to be in a heated discussion verging argument over my choice.

  “I think it’s great. We need to show these pendejos that we won’t go down without a fight. And even if we lose; they will lose something,” Gabi fired at the men.

  “I agree. Leka shouldn’t sit idle. We should fight with her. They are after one of our own, not a stranger,” Kai added.

  “Think about it. What vamp has ever hunted their assassin? Well, assassins in my case. We could gain the element of surprise. That’s got to be better than waiting for a hit,” I jumped in. By now the sides were obvious. It was Gabi, Kai and me against Kellan, Kalel and the last to join, Rafi.

  “It’s too dangerous. They could catch on and lead us straight into a trap. We don’t know how many are working together,” Rafi argued.

  “I agree. It would lead us off our home turf into the unknown. We would be fighting blind,” Kalel continued.

  “Not necessarily. They’re watching me. They’re already on our land. We just have to make sure to fight them here,” I offered. I chugged the remainder of my blood and set the empty bottle on the coffee table. I’m proud to say that most vamps recycle, partially because we will get to see what the items are remade into.

  “Are you adamant?” Kellan asked shifting to look at me directly.

  “Yes. I really want this done and over with.” I was half pleading, half stating my answer. I hate the whole cat and mouse chase thing; I didn’t even like Tom & Jerry growing up. (I’m indifferent now.)

  “You are such a stubborn, impulsive girl but I adore your gumption.” Kellan projected the thought into my mind. I stopped fidgeting and smiled up at him. Everyone had quit chatting to stare at us.

  “What?!” I snapped. Kai cut his eyes at me. He wasn’t happy with my choice of man, but he cared about me too much to abandon me. That’s what he said to me on one visit during my dark days, as I’m now referring to them as.

  “Clearly it’s four against two now. Kellan, do you know how to fight vamp style?” Kalel took charge.

  “Of course.”

  “Fine. Let’s divide and conquer. Rafi pull the area maps. Kai, you and Leka collect the weapons. Gabi, meet with the officers and high circles. We will need back up everywhere. Show them a picture of Leka and Kellan so there are no mishaps. Kellan, come with me so we can get clothes and gear.” We all dispersed according to Kalel’s orders.

  “Before we go in there, I have to know. What is up with Ralph? There is something very off with him…” I figured now was as good a time as any to get the four-one-one.

  “So I’m not the only one who thinks he’s a slimey bastard?” he checked.

  “Nope. I get a very weird vibe from him…”

  “I don’t trust him. We’ve had words before. I’m the only one who has a problem with him though. The others think he’s great. I’ll admit the man’s brilliant which is why I put up with him, but I question his loyalty.” It clearly was an issue that sat in his mind regularly; and it didn’t sit well from the sounds of it.

  “Come along. Erase your thoughts. He has a few psychic powers,” Kai warned before we entered the warehouse. We gathered what felt like a little of everything. Ralph approached us of course.

  “Why hello again Leka,” he greeted. A chill ran thro
ugh me.

  “Hi Ralph,” I waved lopsided since Kai was loading me up.

  “To what do I owe the great pleasure of seeing you again?” He was smiling. It was a bit creepy. It’s like the movies where you know he’s the crooked guy in the good bunch but can’t prove it yet. I quickly shut down my mind to protect my mental notes.

  “Just picking up some stock.” I nodded towards the pile in my arms.

  “Quite a load. You planning to start a World War? Attack the Middle East? Because I’ll fight the front line with you,” he winked. Very creepy. He officially sucked at flirting.

  “No. Just practicing. Kai’s planning to expand my vampire horizons via exploitation of powerful weapons,” I smirked, catching a glance at a hidden faced yet visibly amused Kai.

  “Be careful. This one is a bit of a clutz sometimes,” he said smacking Kai’s shoulder with a loud slap. Ralph was grinning, but his tone was hard. You couldn’t cut the tension with my gold dagger. He was trying to make Kai look bad.

  “I’m always careful,” Kai bit out. I remained composed.

  “Not according to the tears I’ve seen you cry. Nonetheless the necklace has a built in shield for you that should come in handy.”

  “I didn’t know it had a shield. How do I use it?” I tried to peer down at my new charm.

  “May I?” he pointed to my neck.

  “Sure.” I leaned my head back a bit to separate the necklace from the weapons I held. He lifted it over my head and positioned it in front of him.

  “You push inwards on these two short arms with your palms. If you did it right you’ll hear a tiny ping,” he explained.

  “How big is the shield?”

  “It’ll cover all of you but only if you’re wearing the necklace. It doesn’t work if it’s off.” He wrapped it back around and fastened it.


  “We need to go,” Kai cut in.

  “Nice seeing you again Leka,” Ralph waved.

  “You too,” I replied quickly following the rapidly exiting Kai.

  Everyone had already returned to the living room.

  “You really made her carry everything?!” Kellan growled at Kai.

  “She’s vamp. She can handle it,” he teasingly punched my arm. Kellan narrowed his eyes at Kai; he was ready to attack.

  “I’m fine. Don’t worry about it. Let’s fight the enemy not each other,” I jumped in before things got worse.

  “Give me those.” Rafi took the pile of weapons from my arms little by little to ensure he didn’t set anything off. It wasn’t until my hands were free and view unobstructed that I saw everyone’s coordinated outfits.

  “Holy mother of muscles!” I exclaimed. They all wore camouflage cargo pants with black wife-beater tanks. Rafi, Kalel and Kellan’s bare arms were enough to make me melt. It was a symbol of the strength that surrounded me. I walked over to Kellan and squeezed his bulging bicep. I didn’t recall them being so big.

  “Thanks babe,” he smiled widely showcasing his signature dimple on his left cheek. He kissed me on the lips, a quick display of affection.

  “Change. You and me have the same outfit. It’s cute, right?” Gabi asked turning from side to side to model. She had on camouflage cargo capris that gathered tight just below her knees, a black tank layered below a hunter green tank and I finally noticed that everyone was wearing the same all black DC brand skater shoes.

  A bag was tossed my way. I caught it and ran to the library to change. The capris felt tight over my butt; at first I didn’t even think they’d fit, but they did… barely. They made me feel fat for the first time in a while. Thank God I wasn’t out to impress anyone.

  “I’m sure you look great.” I nearly jumped out of my skin startled by Kellan’s words in my head. I momentarily forgot he heard everything I thought. I sighed, threw on the no show black socks and shoes and made a mental note to book a pedicure for Saturday with Mel, if I lived to see Saturday that was.

  I returned to everyone wearing a black vest with tons of pockets and slots that were clearly filled with weapons. Kai, dressed in the same outfit as everyone else now tossed me a vest. I put it on and waited for instructions.

  “Come here and I’ll load you up,” he said laying out an array of mismatched leftovers. I walked past Kellan elbowing him along the way.

  “That’s for scaring me,” I thought.

  “It was worth it for this view. If we didn’t have an audience I would be all over you,” he projected. I spun around, glared for a minute to get my point across. What point I wasn’t sure, but I got a point across.

  I was suddenly jerked backwards. Kneejerk reactions: I elbowed him and kicked his left foot from under him simultaneously all while facing away from him. The force of my elbow knocked him back and the push of my kick to his foot ensured he’d fall back. I swung around the moment I caught myself. He was pissed.

  I extended my hand to Kai. He ignored it mumbling about impatience, arrogance, stupidity and a bit more I chose to not listen to. I heard the cackles of laughter behind me as Kai jumped up scowling.

  “I’m really sorry. I just reacted…” I shrugged apologetically.

  “Yea well, I guess you don’t need a training course on self defense,” he said bitterly. He started flipping open pockets and filling them with an assortment of defense mechanisms. “Where’s your dagger?” he asked. I pulled it out of my pocket and handed it to him. He stuffed it in a side slot.

  “Are you going to tell me what all these things do?” He looked up annoyed at me. “Just asking.” I held my hands up in mock surrender.

  “Lighten up Kai and stop roughing up the girl,” Kalel scolded. I looked back and immediately noticed Kellan’s body was stiff as he glared at Kai.

  “Kellan, it’s ok,” I offered softly. He was on the verge of exploding. I’d already seen these two fight once before; I didn’t want it to happen again.

  “He’s outright disrespecting you; being rough because he’s mad that you’re with me and not him!” Kellan accused.

  “Get over yourself! I could bang her if I wanted to!” he shot back. I growled, literally roared at Kai. I couldn’t believe he’d just said that.

  “Kunane!” Kalel yelled. “Control yourself!”

  Gabi had squared off with Kai beside me; her brows furrowed and hands clasped tight into fists ready to fly. “If looks could kill” popped in my mind. I sighed and backed away. I wanted to fight the assassins, not Kai. They were being childish. I’m not a piece of property they can claim. Glancing around, everyone had chosen a side and stood at attention ready to go at each other. Ridiculous is what it was, and I didn’t want any part of it. It made me miss my mother. She would have taken control of the situation and straightened everyone out in a snap… But she’s not here anymore. And neither was my father thanks to the guys outside.

  I pressed my palms to the short sides of my necklace to activate the shield. As soon as I heard the tiny ping I made my escape. I was done puttering about; I was ready to fight for my parent’s honor and my own life.

  “I’m out!” I announced on my way out the back door. I heard them call my name frantically, but I didn’t stop. I hopped over several neighbors’ fences and raced around the lake toward the South Forest. I didn’t hesitate or even stop to think about what I was doing; I just did it.

  “Slow down Lexi! Wait up for me please. Don’t go alone!” Kellan pleaded from afar in my mind. The thing was I didn’t want to slow this down. I wanted all of it to be over with. I didn’t want fate to be haulted… but I allowed it.

  “Hurry up,” I sighed. If I was to die today, I would want it to be with Kellan. Moments later I heard them all approaching me.

  “We have no choice but to divide up,” Gabi said adjusting her vest.

  “Leka has to be in the center of us since she has to lure them,” Kalel added.

  “Several officers have reported sitings but no kills; they’re too fast,” Rafi explained huddling in closer to Gabi.

��At least we know they’re here then,” Gabi continued. We were huddled in a circle but kept looking around anxiously.

  “Take her to the Palace,” Kai instructed to Kellan. I guess any quandaries they had were over or at least set aside for the moment. “Any that you come across, try to lead them to that central point. Rafi, have all the officers branch out from there and abandon the borders.” He nodded and broke away from the pack. This was the first time I noticed the Bluetooth in his ear, his way of passing on orders.

  “Gabi, go with Rafique. This is the one time we need to pair up for safety. Kellan, are you sure you can protect Leka? She is the prime target and will be hit the hardest.” Kalel was always the leader in the group despite the leadership qualities the others portrayed.

  “Of course I can and will,” Kellan defended pulling me into his arms.

  “Don’t get yourself killed over me; any of you,” I ordered. None of them even pretended to be listening.

  “Lex, we’re doing what we have to do. This is as much about us as it is you. They gassed our home. We’re Republican vamps; we always fight back,” Gabi stated a bit snobbish in her delivery.

  “Let’s go. Watch yourselves,” Kai interjected before taking off.

  “Finally, thank you,” I huffed. I was ready to go the moment I ran out the door. I ran along the banks until I entered the brinks of the woods.

  “Talk mentally from here on out. It’s safer,” he cautioned. I nodded my head in agreement. “Let me go in front…”

  “I should be in front. I have the shield, not you,” I argued rushing past him.

  “What shield?”

  “It’s part of my necklace.”

  “Fine, I’ll pull up the rear. Don’t forget to scan the trees.” I hadn’t. My eyes were everywhere searching high and low for signs of company.

  “Crap. I forgot to ask them how I know they’re an officer or not…”

  “Everyone’s an enemy right now babe. Better to be safe than sorry.”


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