Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War

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Diary of a Vampeen: Vamp Yourself for War Page 31

by Unknown

  “I was hoping you would say that,” I smiled trying not to fall victim to the waterworks. “Put your block up though please.”

  “Sorry,” she blushed immediately putting up the wall. Kalel had shown everyone how to create a mental block and, aside from Kellan, everyone used it. Though he struggled in the beginning, Kellan claimed to like the open line of communication we shared in our thoughts. It strengthened our relationship and affirmed every feeling erasing all doubt when it came to our love. I never wondered anymore if he truly loved me and he never worried about Kai anymore seeing how I viewed him.

  “Hey Lexi. How are you?” Beth asked extending her arms to hug me. She set a small gift bag on the island for me.

  “Better each day, thanks. Are you missing Kellan yet?”

  “Nah, you can keep him as long as you’d like. It’s nice not having the extra laundry,” she chuckled.

  “Mom!” he groaned.

  “Hey Al,” I greeted him with an embrace.

  “Ay muchacha! I love this outfit!” Gabi gushed with a lingering finger that moved up and down. I looked down at little black satin dress covered with a red apron. I wore my white gold necklace, stud earrings and sky-high, strappy black heels. I had even taken the time to curl my hair and do my make-up. Ok, so I only did the last two to pass the time before I started to bake…

  “Thanks. You look super cute too,” I motioned to her black pencil skirt, silver off-the-shoulder top and bright red heels. “Hey Rafi,” I waved as he slid in behind Gabi.

  “Don’t I always though?” she did a mini-curtsey before walking over towards the sectional to greet everyone else.

  I turned my attention back to the pot to give it a quick stir. I checked the timer and realized I needed to make the icing for the cookies and cupcakes. I poured 1.5 pints of blood in the mixer and added the powdered sugar little by little until it was of the perfect consistency. I then pulled out all the mugs I purchased the day before and lined them up ready to be ladled with the hot blood.

  “Wow. Beautiful and she knows how to cook? Kellan is a very lucky man.” I heard the voice before I turned to see the face – Kai.

  “Hey stranger. How are you?” I asked wrapping him in my arms. Kai had been avoiding me, only talking to Kellan when he called. He was mad that I spoke with Kalel that day and not him. Given how he felt about me, I didn’t worry too much. I knew it would pass.

  “Much better now that I’ve seen you in that dress.” I pulled back and frowned. “What?!” he smirked. “It is a little leggy don’t you think?”

  “It’s approximately three inches above my knees; I’d hardly call that leggy,” I rebuttalled.

  “You always were feisty. I love that about you.” Oh Kai, why must you always make things so awkward? Better yet, why must he be so persistent, especially since he knows I’m with Kellan?

  I was saved by the timer. “Got to finish these.”

  I skipped over to the ovens promptly turning each of them off. I pulled out the butter knife, which we always used to spread the icing. I grabbed the matching potholders I purchased for the occasion and began to remove the trays of baked goods from the racks. Upon icing everything I set them upon the decorative serving trays. I ladled the finished hot blood which was serving as our hot chocolate into the mugs. I completed each one with canned whipped cream and dark chocolate shavings.

  “Come and get it everyone,” I announced at the spread across the island. Looking around and seeing this as the final piece of the evening, I was proud of what I’d accomplished in my parent’s absence.

  “Looks like I arrived just in time,” Kalel stated reaching to grab a sugar cookie. Everyone was right behind him picking up mugs and sweets.

  “So it seems,” I smiled. He took a bite and closed his eyes in mock bliss.

  “This is delicious Leka,” he praised taking another bite before grabbing a cupcake.

  “These are wonderful Lexi,” Beth said taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

  “Best baked buggers I’ve ever had here love,” Craig chimed in. I laughed a bit at the icing around his lips.

  “Delicious babe. I love all of it,” Kellan added. He gave me a kiss on the cheek before grabbing another cupcake.

  “Oh my gosh Lex. I am in heaven. You so have to share the recipes! Move over breakfast and hello desserts!” Gabi gasped. Her eyes were glistening passing over everything unsure of what she wanted next.

  “Really good. Really, really good,” Rafi spoke with a mouth full of food.

  “I hope I’m not too late,” Dr. H greeted.

  “Not at all. You’re just in time. Take a drink and all the treats you’d like.” I motioned to the island. It was strange seeing him out of his white jacket. I could see he was actually very well built in his polo tucked into khakis.

  “Don’t mind if I do. I’ve always been intrigued by this eating of human food,” he offered.

  “Hello Dr. H,” Aunt Claire sidled up to him. Hmm… Looks like old habits die hard. They’re not a bad match though he’s a little subdued compared to what she’s used to.

  Everyone mingled, chatting friendly amongst each other while the music played softly in the background. I cleaned the counters and stuffed the dishes in the dishwasher.

  “Babe, you’re supposed to be hosting, not cleaning,” Kellan interrupted.

  “I am hosting and everyone is entertained. Isn’t that my main job?”

  “Technicality. You’re not supposed to be cleaning while they’re here though.”

  “Everyone is family. Plus I’m almost done. All I have to do is take out the trash,” I countered tossing out the final plastic wrapper from a piece of décor. He gave me teasing look. “Stop,” I laughed.

  “Okay. Trash and then you’re not lifting another finger the rest of the night,” he agreed, his tone a cross between authoritive and playful.

  “Thank you,” I smiled, pleased that I had gotten my way. I leaned up and kissed him. I didn’t linger given the audience, but it was enough to let him know I loved him for being concerned.

  “Hey mate, come check out Raf’s new gadget. It’s flittering awesome,” Craig called to Kellan.

  “Go. I’ll be right back.” He hesitated a second longer before going to see what the fuss was about.

  I lifted the bag out of the trash bin. I tied it off and held it out, careful not to mess up my dress with any loose mess. I sighed longingly as I looked around at everyone. They were all full of laughter and cheer. They were enjoying themselves in a way I was almost envious of. Despite my smile, I was suffering inside. The hollow hole inside me felt like it would never close. My parents were the biggest contributors in my life; I never realized just how much they added to my every day until they were gone. Now I was left with these wonderful people who, regardless of their efforts, would never fill the void.

  I carried the bag to the garage. I lifted the lid on the large suburban trash can the city provided and stuffed the bag in. Given my overly zealous purchasing the last few days, the container was nearly overflowing. I pushed down on the pile and was abruptly thrust backwards. The light was off, but I could see perfectly in the space and I saw only cars, a lawn mower and the trash can in front of me.

  Instincts told me to run, but I froze. Curiosity got the best of me. I was physically yanked backwards, yet no one and nothing was in sight that could have done so. I did a 360 degree turn surveying the area. I walked around searching high and low trying to find the cause. Just as I was about to give up and go inside my feet were pulled from under me. I hit the ground with a loud thud. I was on my feet in one swift motion but again, no one was there to fight. This time though, I knew I hadn’t imagined it. Someone was in there with me.

  With one stealth leap I was on the hood of my father’s SUV. I looked around waiting, listening for a flicker of movement. Abruptly someone fell from the track above and knocked me backwards and the battle began. I tossed the assassin into the wall and was at their side before they could blink. Staring at t
he face, he looked familiar, but I couldn’t place him.

  It was a momentary distraction but it gave him an advantage. He kicked my chest sending me flying into the side of my mother’s car. Before I could even bounce back he had the wire around my neck prepared to finish his mission. I took a risk. Instead of protecting my throat I clasped his forearms and tossed him over me. I didn’t send him far enough though. He landed directly in front of me. He karate chopped my side successfully breaking a rib. I winced in pain. My mind scattered as I tried sending my thoughts to Kellan, but he wasn’t responding. I was regretting the mental block we agreed to while everyone was around.

  He pushed me against the closest vehicle and withdrew in one quick flash a dart I recognized immediately. The adrenaline kicked in at that moment. I knew it was fight or die. I kneed every man’s most precious area and knocked his hand simultaneously. The dart went flying. His eyes flew between me and the dart which landed beside the back tire of my mother’s car.

  Without warning he began swinging the wire slicing my dress as if it were butter and cutting my skin beneath. I jumped out of the way. I was backing up towards the door to the house when he leapt onto me. We rolled around in a fury of motion. He was whipping me around in circles so fast I could barely keep up. I couldn’t gain my footing to pull upwards or to knock him off of me. The moment I was positioned, he moved me over him. It was a dance but he was the one entirely in control. I finally gained enough leverage to knee his stomach. I hopped up immediately and ran for the door. Mere inches from the door I was thrust backwards again.

  I went to yell but his hand swiftly covered my mouth as if knowing the move I was about to make. They were all in there, only a few yards away. The murmurs of conversations and laughter traveled through the walls. They were happy, too enthralled in the joyous gathering to realize anything was wrong. Had I not distracted them with cookies, cupcakes and cocoa, if music wasn’t a backdrop enticing conversation, and if there weren’t so many of them all together, maybe, just maybe someone would have noticed by now.

  He held me in place welded to the wall with a hand firmly over my mouth. I fought hard but he had me in the right position and already had an upper hand in strength and speed. Up close I saw the scar running across his forehead to his hairline. I remembered that scar. I remembered this Hispanic vamp. From… I gasped beneath him. Rico. The same Rico who worked for the High Authorities, who I met on my first trip to the army headquarters without my mother was trying to murder me. He’s a double agent; an assassin.

  He lifted his brow as if to challenge me. I was thrusting so hard he had to use both hands to restrain me. It’s what I wanted. A free hand meant he could pull a fast one and I’d be gone in a second. He didn’t like my attitude. But his speed proved invaluable. One flash and another dart was coming down on me. All my strength, all my adrenaline fortified in this one moment when I hopped up and kicked him with both heels.

  He went flying and smashed into the side of my car setting off the alarm, but again was right back on me. He was quick; much faster than me. All I could do was try to stall him until Kellan or someone broke away from the party to come looking.

  I heard them all come running. Kalel was the first to barge through the garage door. The assassin tried to escape through the side door leading to the back yard.

  “Oh hell no! You are not getting away!” I chased after him. I was pissed. This guy attacked me in the comfort of my own home, smashed the side of my car, and ripped my dress. He was not allowed to run.

  I wasn’t the only one hunting him down. Me being the closest to him, the rush surfacing on every level, I reached him first. I snatched his arm and sent him flying backwards right into Kalel’s arms. All the men were right at his side apprehending him like the criminal he was. They snatched the dart from his hand and were prepared to off him.

  “Stop!” I yelled. They all halted. “Take him inside,” I ordered. After a minute of no movement I added, “I’m serious. Now!” That got them moving.

  Once inside everyone surrounded Rico. Beth wet a paper towel and wiped away the blood from my healing cuts. Not one person wasn’t on edge.

  “Thank you,” I said flinching when she dabbed at a cut along my rib cage. Kellan let out a primal growl at Rico. He snarled prepared to attack him; Craig had to hold him back.

  “Oh my. I don’t believe I’ve ever witnessed such wrath,” Dr. H commented. He was the only male not in war mode.

  “Rico, who hired you?” I demanded.

  “I don’t talk unless you pay up,” he replied cockily. I had to remind myself that he came from the streets. His life and his word was only worth what he could negotiate in his next deal.

  “How much are they offering you?” I asked knowing money was his language.

  “More than you could afford.”

  “I’m trying to be nice. We could off you in a millisecond. I want to work with you. But you have to be willing to work with me. Now how much are they offering you?” I got tough with him. My tone took on that of a drill sergeant; it was an unfamiliar range for me.

  “Fifty mil,” he smirked.

  “That’s all? Boy you got swindled. The other assassins were offered much more,” I grinned. Kai turned, eyeing me suspiciously. I winked and he suddenly caught onto my game.

  “You’re bull shitting.” He called my bluff, but I wasn’t prepared to share it.

  “Why would I? I don’t owe you anything. Now who hired you?” His face hardened. His eyes locked in on mine. He was trying to read me. He was waiting for me to look away, to show a sign of weakness or admit I was lying with a quick glance. But I didn’t falter.

  “They call him Black Jack.” I didn’t recognize the name but I noticed Gabi stiffen immediately.

  “Why did he hire you?”

  “I don’t ask why I just ask how much,” he shot back. His expression held the same rough cockiness as his earlier tone.

  “Bullshit!” I walked straight up to him. Kellan and Kai flanked me immediately. My tone was low and menacing. “Despite my innocent appearance I wasn’t born yesterday and I’m not stupid enough to believe that hunk of crap. Now why did he hire you?!”

  “Good for you.” He didn’t cave. He held his ground. The serum scorched my throat for the first time all evening. Even fighting in the garage didn’t spark it which surprised me. Now though, now I was angry. He was mocking me. He threatened me, tried to kill me and now was mocking me. “Getting all hot and bothered over me?” he chuckled.

  Kellan leapt for him. I flung my arm out in time. That combined with Craig’s quick reflexes reined him in time. To show I wasn’t playing though I gave him a swift kick to the groin. He let out a grunt.

  “I don’t have my dagger on me or the necklace. Can I please borrow someone’s?” I held out my hand in the air. Kai handed over his gold dagger. “Thank you.”

  “Now listen up Rico. I’m really a nice person. But when you try to kill me and then turn around and mock me when I give you grace, well, to put it bluntly, you pushed the wrong button. So here’s how this will work. Every time you refuse to answer my question I will slice off the body part of my choice. And in case you’re not familiar with this particular sword,” I leaned in close to whisper, “everything I chop is gone forever. Vamp healing doesn’t work with this one,” I winked.

  “So again, why did he hire you?” Nothing. Silence. He was testing me. His hard face yet taunting eyes proved it. I sighed in frustration. When you’re dealing with a stubborn arse, you have to act like an equally stubborn arse. “Fine. Have it your way,” I huffed. I removed his hand from Kalel’s grip and was about to slice when he broke down.

  “Don’t! Stop! I’ll talk!” He pleaded. Al grabbed his loose hand.

  “Fine. Talk.” I ordered.

  “I, uh, well, I got a call from an unknown number. It was a guy, not Black Jack though. He was scouting for a few seasoned assassins and promised good pay. I agreed to meet him in an abandoned warehouse a couple nights later. It w
asn’t until I met him and signed the papers that I was told about the mission. He promised fifty million to the assassin that murdered you and a hundred mil to anyone who brought you back to him.”

  “Why did he hire you?!” I cut him off.

  “He… He didn’t say specifically. All he said was that you had too much influence in the higher circles of our kind.”

  “Deadline?” He shook his head no. “How many did he hire?”

  “I only knew about three of us.”

  “Anything else I should know?” I pressed, thoroughly repulsed and feeling sick. He nodded his head again.

  Another perfect entrance. I heard the taps on the front door followed by Auggy, Laurence and Felipe waltzing in.

  “What’s going on?” Auggy demanded recognizing Rico immediately.

  “Your guard is a double agent. He’s a hired assassin who attacked Lexi,” Al explained.

  “Who hired you?” Laurence demanded.

  “Black Jack,” Rico sighed.

  “Interesting. It seems you did a good job of defending yourself against this hooligan Alexa,” Felipe acknowledged. I guessed they were reading his thoughts.

  “Well then. Please accept our apologies Alexa. It seems we need to further tighten our ropes and do a prompt investigation of all our hired ranks again,” Laurence added.

  “It’s ok. I’m just glad no one got hurt.”

  “While I don’t believe that one what with your broken rib, I will happily take over from here. We’ll remove him from the premises and ensure that he is locked away from a good century for what he attempted,” Laurence stated eyeing Rico with disgust.

  “Of all the knuckle head things to do. Who the hell do you think you are soldier?! You don’t run this army; you don’t decide who lives and dies!” Auggy yelled.

  “Here Alexa,” Felipe handed me a small silver box with a bow tied around it.


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