Ashes in the Sky

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Ashes in the Sky Page 26

by Jennifer M. Eaton

  I’d like to thank my husband, whose super macho domestic abilities kept my family fed, kept the laundry machine running, kept the house clean, and made sure the kids were on time for school every day.

  Thanks to my three amazing boys, who nodded with excitement when we discussed this opportunity as a family, and who understood why Mommy had to be locked in her office almost every night, typing away.

  Thank you to Georgia McBride, who knew I could do this even when I wasn’t so sure, and who also loved my story enough to slow down the process to make sure Ashes in the Sky was everything we both hoped it would be.

  Thanks to my editors Kerry, Stacy, and Cameron, for putting up with Jess’s quirky voice and helping to curb my love of the dreaded comma.

  Here’s a nod to all the people who critiqued parts of the book while I was dashing to finish this sucker: Kastil Eavenshade, Jocelyn Adams, Celia Lucente, and Dawn Burne.

  And this is me waving madly to the Spanish Police: Aldana Maria Coitiño Diaz, Anmarie Hernandez, and Diana Esqueda, who jumped out of the Instagram world to help make sure my high school Spanish was indeed Spanish and not some strange language of my own invention. You guys are awesome incarnate. No, seriously, you are! Muchas Gracias!

  I certainly cannot forget my duo of beta readers, who pushed up their sleeves and read Ashes in the Sky in record-breaking time to help me reach my deadline. Kelly Said and J. Keller Ford, you are my little angels. If you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.

  And here’s a big shout out to the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pens, who cheer me on when things are going great, who offer shoulders to cry on when things are hard, and who kick my rear in gear whenever I’m slacking. You guys are incredibly important to me!

  Finally, here’s another big thank you to the fans. You guys totally rock. Yep, I’m talking to you. Thanks for loving David and Jess as much as I do.

  Alien Kisses!







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  Sample Chapter

  In the Shadow of the Dragon King

  Chapter 1

  Had Eric known what daylight would bring after the nightmares ended, he would have remained in bed, the covers pulled over his head.

  Instead, he waded through the puddles of the castle’s upper courtyard, each gong from the clock tower coiling his stomach into tighter knots. Sloshing beside him along the aisle of topiaries and statues was his best friend, a devilish lad with unkempt hair the color of dirt and a cockeyed grin.

  “I don’t know why you’re in such a hurry,” Sestian said, polishing an apple on his sleeve. “Weapons class began fifteen minutes ago. Master Mafi won’t allow us in.” The apple crunched in his teeth.

  “You don’t understand, Ses. I have to try.” Eric swatted at the spindly arms of a willow tree. “This will be the third day in a row I’ve missed. If I don’t go, word will get back to Trog, and he’ll flog me. You know how he gets.”

  “You worry too much. He’d never physically hurt you. However, I do have to admit, he is quite an odd fellow. I saw him make another midnight trek to the fountain last night. He sat there all hunched over like he’d lost his best friend, and then he stood, dropped a rose in the water, and left.”

  Eric’s muscles bunched under his light shirt, his brow pinched. “That is bizarre, even for him.”

  “Want to hear something even more bizarre?” Sestian paused, took another bite of the apple and buried the core in a potted plant. “I overheard Trog and my headache of a master talking this morning. I believe the exact words out of Farnsworth’s mouth were, ‘Fallhollow is under attack.’”

  Eric came to a stop, his eyes wide. “Attack? From who?”

  Sestian shrugged. “Don’t know, but members of the Senate and the Mages’ High Council arrived an hour ago, including the Supreme Master himself. They’re meeting with the Order as we speak.”

  “What?” Eric’s pulse quickened. “Jared’s here? You saw him?”

  The grand mage of all magical beings never involved himself in the affairs of men. Ever.

  “No, but I plan to change that.” An impish twinkle glistened in Sestian’s eyes. “Are you game?”

  “What? You want to—you mean—you’re joking, right?”

  The puckish grin on Sestian’s face answered his question.

  Eric shook his head. “Oh, no. There is no way you’re going to get me to eavesdrop on a secret council meeting. I’d rather get hit by lightning than suffer punishment from anyone sitting in that room.”

  “Aww, come on, Eric. Must you always be so dull? Aren’t you the least bit curious?”

  “That sort of curiosity will land us in the pillory at best.” Eric pushed past his friend through the carved citadel doors. Sestian darted in front of him and stopped.

  “Your point?”

  “My point is that I value my life.”

  “And what of Fallhollow? Don’t you value our home?”

  “Of course I do, but—”

  “Then what are you waiting for?” Sestian punched Eric’s arm. “Let’s go.”

  “Ses, no!” Eric’s protest fell on empty ears. His friend was gone.

  Eric brushed past the lapis columns of the marble vestibule into the Great Hall, a wide-open space topped by a domed ceiling so high its ornate detail became lost in the darkness. Nobles and servants milled about, coming and going out of the many rooms, laughter echoing off the walls speckled with massive tapestries and oil paintings. A flock of girls dressed in aristocratic finery stood upon the majestic staircase, twittering like excited canaries. One of them, Lady Emelia, a startling girl with red hair and striking features, waved at him and winked. Eric rolled his eyes and scurried down the hall past the stairs. The last thing he wanted or needed was a flighty girl choking his freedom.

  He passed several lavish rooms before spotting his friend at the far end of the music room, leaning on a harp.

  “What took you so long?” Sestian grinned, then pushed aside a wall tapestry and vanished through a secret door.

  “Drat you, Ses. How do you find these things?” Eric glanced over his shoulder and followed.

  Inside, Sestian struck a wooden match against the stone wall and lit a torch he plucked from an iron sconce. They climbed a set of narrow steps. The guttering flame of Sestian’s torch cast shadows on the walls. More than once the passageway twisted and turned as they ascended.

  “Are you sure you know where you’re going?” Eric asked.

  Sestian laughed. “We’re in the heart of the castle, and you’re going to ask that question now?”

  They continued upward. After what seemed an eternity, the steps emptied onto the landing of a dark corridor filled with cobwebs. Sestian stopped and thrust the torch at Eric.

  “Hold this.” He spun a wall sconce in a combination of left and right turns until a latch popped, and a hidden door opened inward, exposing a small room filled with wooden crates.

  “What the—?” Eric stepped inside, his mouth open.

  Sestian placed his finger to his lips and motioned to a jagged hole the size of a man’s fist in the wall.

  Curious, Eric squatted and peered through a banner of delicate silk hanging on the other side.

  “Dragon’s breath,” he whispered. “That’s the king’s arbitration room!” He flicked a sideways glance at Sestian. “How did you fi
nd this?”

  “I don’t sleep much, remember?”

  “Dragon’s breath, you are crazy.”

  A chair scraped across the wood floor below. Four mages, recognizable by their golden skin, turquoise eyes, and sapphire–blue garments sat on one side of an immense oval table. Four senators clad in similar garments of purple and gold sat across from them. At one head of the table sat Trog and Farnsworth. At the other, a sojourner shrouded in black with silver rings on his fingers and tattoos etched upon his hands. And at one of the five arched windows stood the sorceress, Slavandria, her thick lavender hair plaited in a single braid to the floor.

  “Jared,” Eric said under his breath, offering Sestian a view.

  “Yep,” Sestian said. “That’d be my guess.” He sat against the wall, his knees to his chest.

  Below, Trog leaned forward, his massive hands clasped together, and addressed the cloaked figure opposite him. “We will heed your warnings, Master Jared, and dispatch a legion to Their Majesties. Latest word is they have left the kingdom of Banning and should arrive in Gyllen by tomorrow evening. I also think it wise to notify our neighbors to the north of the encroaching threat. If this enemy’s intentions are to see Hirth fall, he will attack our allies first to render our kingdom helpless.”

  “Agreed.” Jared’s voice resonated deep within the chambers, and into Eric’s core. “Master Camden, see to it the kingdoms of Trent and Banning are informed of the possible threat. Also, instruct the shime to dispatch regiments and secure the borders of Hirth.”

  “Do you feel that necessary?” replied a bald man clad in blue. “There is no proof the kingdom of Hirth or the realm of Fallhollow, for that matter, is under attack. There have only been a few isolated incidents of bloodshed, nothing that could be construed as acts of war.”

  “Master Camden,” Jared said, “several families of barbegazis, a herd of nine unicorns, and over a hundred humans are dead, all in the course of four days. This morning, patrols rescued a herd of pixies from a crow’s cage in the Elmwithian Marsh. They were swathed in dragon’s blood. Might I remind you, a single act of brutality, especially one steeped in black magic as these incidences are, is one violation too many. Our job is to protect this world, and more so this kingdom, from any dark sorcery that may threaten it. If this directive is in any way unclear, I will be more than happy to personally instruct you on the importance of upholding your defensive role.”

  A chill crept up Eric’s spine.

  “Oh, come on. Instruct him,” Sestian said quietly, a grin stretched across his face.

  A palpable silence fell over the room. Master Camden shifted in his seat and wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead. “Personal instruction is not necessary, Supreme Master.”

  “I find that to be a wise decision.”

  Eric exhaled. Yes, so do I.

  Jared stood and pulled the hood of his cloak forward. “Since we are in agreement, I believe we can disperse. Sir Trogsdill, if I may, I’d like to speak with my daughter alone.”

  “Of course,” Trog said, standing. “The rest of you, follow me to the dining hall where you can feast before your journey home.”

  “I don’t believe this,” Sestian whispered as Trog ushered the last of the visitors out and closed the door behind him.

  “Shh,” Eric said.

  Down below, Slavandria said. “What is on your mind, Father?”

  Jared strolled past her, his hands tucked into his voluminous sleeves. “I have given this a great deal of thought, and I have reached a decision. Considering all that has happened, I have no other choice than to order you to summon the paladin.”

  Her gasp could have ripped leaves from their stems.

  “Father, no! I can’t! The paladin is only to be summoned in the direst of circumstances. While these attacks are horrid, they are far from extreme.”


  “Father, please. The ramifications will be devastating to all those involved. Together with the shime, we’ll find this enemy and bring him into the light. I beg you. Please do not do ask me to do this.”

  “If that were true, they would have done so by now. As such, your arguing is futile. My decision is made. By sunset within three days, you as queen of the Southern Forest and Protector of the realm must fulfill your duties. I will have the document drawn and sealed. Have Mangus deliver it. So it is said?”

  Slavandria’s jaw tightened. “You’re being unreasonable.”

  “And you are bordering the line of punishment.”

  Eric shuddered at the menacing tone.

  “Do I have your word?” Jared asked.

  Slavandria straightened her back and steadied her voice. “Yes, Father. So it is said. So it shall be done, but do not think for one minute I won’t improvise when the time presents itself.”

  “You have always been my challenge, child. I would expect nothing less from you. Now, if you will forgive me, I must go.”

  “Where this time?”

  “Home to Felindil for a day. Afterward, I will be in seclusion, communing with the heavens before taking to the sea.”

  “What? And leave me here to set the world right once the paladin arrives?”

  Jared’s full-bodied laughter filled the room. “You sound as if the demon of the underworld will rise, spewing fire and ash.”

  “And how do you know he won’t?” She paused, her fingers steepled to her lips before continuing. “Father, please. All I ask is, for once in your long, stubborn life, listen to me. The people of this kingdom and all of Fallhollow are innocent. They need our protection. I fear what the paladin’s presence will do. You can’t bring such devastation upon Fallhollow and then leave me to salvage whatever is left.”

  “I bring nothing upon this realm; therefore, I leave you with nothing to clean up. The course of the world is set. Events will unfold as they will. The paladin will not change that which is in motion.”

  “You’re wrong, Father.” Slavandria brushed past him.

  “Disagree if you must. You always do. For now, go home. Wait for my summoning papers and prepare the traveler. I will come to you in Chalisdawn three days hence.”

  Jared snapped his fingers. White shards of light crackled and zapped around him, and he was gone.

  Slavandria shook her head. “You have no idea what you’ve done, Father.” She gathered her cloak from the back of a chair and incanted some strange words. A swift pale-blue mist rose from the floor, swirling, engulfing her in a vortex. The air sizzled and splintered, and she too disappeared.

  “Whoa,” Sestian said. “This is worse than bad.”

  “No kidding,” Eric stood and brushed the dust from his breeches, “and I have a feeling it’s going to get a lot worse.”

  Sestian withdrew the torch as they left the room and shut the door. “You do realize we’re going to have to find out who this paladin is, right?”

  Eric walked down the steps. “Why is that?”

  “Come on. Are you that daft? How else are we going to prove to Trog and Farnsworth that we’re deserving of becoming knights? Right now all we are to them is a pair of imbeciles worthy of nothing more than polishing armor and performing the duties of a valet.”

  “We’re squires, Ses. That’s what we do.”

  “And it’s all we’ll ever do if we don’t prove ourselves. Don’t you get it? When was the last time Gyllen Castle or Hirth saw battle, hmm?”

  “You sound as if you want war.”

  “No, but I haven’t trained all my life to become a knight only to end up as a fat, lazy, well-paid manservant.”

  Eric turned a corner and continued downward, his voice hollow in the muted dark. “I don’t think you’ll ever be fat or lazy.”

  “Eric, come on. Why must you be so difficult? Without a skirmish or two, acts of heroism for us are limited to rescuing girls from over-zealous drunkards and protecting the royal dinner from the palace dogs. I want more than that. When I die, I don
’t want to be remembered for how well I polished a sword, but for something grand and heroic. Don’t you want the same?”

  “Of course I do, but I don’t sit around thinking about what legacy I want to leave behind when I die.”

  “Liar. All you ever talk about is how much you want to be a knight like Trog.” Sestian shoved past Eric and blocked his descent. “Think about it. You know as well as I that we’ll be relegated to saddling horses and packing rations and bedrolls if there is the slightest hint of a conflict. They won’t let us anywhere near a battlefield, especially you. It’s like you’re some poster boy for squire school.”

  “I know, but—”

  “No, there are no buts. Don’t you see? Now is our chance to show our mettle. If we team up with this paladin, we have a chance to prove ourselves. Trog and Farnsworth will have to take notice.”

  “Yeah, after they flog, tar, and feather us. Besides, what makes you think this paladin will want us, huh? He’s probably some powerful sorcerer like Jared.”

  “No one is as powerful as Jared, but I’ll bet you a rooster against a duck this savior dabbles not only in white but black magic, too. That’s why Jared needs him.”

  “Which is all the more reason for us to keep our distance.”

  “No! It’s all the more reason for us to find him. He’ll need guides to help him maneuver through our lands. We’ll be heroes for saving Fallhollow from a murderous foe. King Gildore will praise us. They’ll write songs about us.”

  Eric rolled his eyes.

  Sestian snorted. “Don’t think I can’t hear your eyes flipping around in their sockets. You know I’m right. We know every crack in the earth Fallhollow possesses. The very best knights in the world have trained us. On top of that, I have a knack for getting us in and out of places unseen. You’re extraordinary with a blade. Together, we’re dangerous. We can be his eyes and ears. And when we defeat whatever is out there, Trog and Farnsworth will have no choice but to admit our accomplishments and recommend us for knighthood.”


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