And Everything Nice (Snowed In & Snuggled Up #3)

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And Everything Nice (Snowed In & Snuggled Up #3) Page 5

by Mary Leo

  Gaby wondered just how many lies she could tell to someone she loved.

  “Huh, well, maybe she can join a friend this year so you can stay right here. It might be our very last holiday in this house, and I would love for you to be here with us.”

  “Thanks, I’ll think about it.”

  But Gaby had already made up her mind to change her flight from Wednesday to Tuesday so she could get out of there sooner. Her resolve was beginning to falter and she couldn’t take the chance that she might be talked out of doing the right thing for her baby.

  “Are you ready to tell me why you’re here, and why you haven’t contacted your dad? He’ll be joining us for dinner, by the way.”

  Catherine just wouldn’t let up. “My dad? Here? Wouldn’t he be working at his restaurant?”

  “Not this year. He decided to close it. Instead, his customers can buy the complete meal already cooked and ready to be put in the oven. He thinks Thanksgiving is a day for families to be together and this year he wants to be part of a family.”

  “My dad? Part of this family? Do your sons know about this?”

  “It’s my party and I can invite whomever I choose, and I chose your dad.”

  And that was when it hit Gaby right between the eyes. Catherine, sweet, loving Catherine was engaged to her dad.

  Be careful what you wish for!

  Gaby laughed out loud. “My mom would blow a gasket if she knew about this.”

  “Then we won’t tell her, sweetheart. So now you have to stay. Your dad will be here and you can tell him all about your baby then. It’s the perfect setting.”

  Gaby stopped laughing as she thought of what this meant . . . how if her dad and Catherine were married, that would mean Hamilton would be her stepbrother.

  She had gotten pregnant by her stepbrother!

  She blushed and slid down on the bed. “Oh, yeah. It’s all perfect!”


  Hamilton made his way through the crowd to where his brother was seated at a poker table. The dealer was busy shuffling the cards, so Hamilton knew this was the perfect time. He wanted to ask him if he’d heard of a fire at the cabin, but Hamilton didn’t think Scout would know anything about it. If he was going to ask anyone it would be JT. He seemed to know everything about their dad’s sordid past. Scout was the guy to go to for advice on women. He just seemed to know what to do, and if ever Hamilton needed advice on a woman, it was right now.

  Scout looked up when Hamilton was only a few feet away. “As I live and breathe. You’re here.”

  Scout stood and they embraced, but it was quick and a bit awkward. “Yep. I’m here all right. Came in yesterday. Caught a little of the ceremony at the ice-skating rink.”

  “Yeah, I saw you. Why didn’t you come on over and talk to me?”

  “I thought you had enough people vying for your attention.”

  “You’re my brother. Those other people are fine, but no one else comes close to my brothers.”

  “Thanks, the feeling is mutual, but I had a lot of work to do back at the cabin. Speaking of which, it looks great.”

  “Are you in this game or not?” one of the guys at the table barked, looking up at Scout.

  “No, man. Sorry, deal me out. You guys remember my brother, Hamilton?”

  Hamilton vaguely recognized a couple of the guys at the table, but for the most part, they seemed like complete strangers to him. Everyone nodded their hellos, then Scout picked up his winnings.

  “Can we get a booth or something where we can hear each other?” Hamilton asked. Despite their lack of communication in the last few years, Hamilton still looked to Scout for advice. JT was the oldest, but Scout was the guy Hamilton could always depend on with the right answer when he needed it most.

  “Yeah, sure. You want another beer or something?”

  Hamilton checked the amount of fluid in his bottle. “No, I’m good.”

  They made their way to one of two empty booths along the far wall. There was no band playing this early, but the jukebox was already fired up with the latest Country hit.

  When they finally settled across from each other, Hamilton wanted to get right to the point without letting Scout know this involved Gaby.

  “I need your advice on something,” Hamilton began.

  “Why do I get the feeling this has something to do with a woman?”

  Scout could always read Hamilton a mile away.

  “It could be about my work, or about my diet, or about any number of things. What gives you the idea it’s about a woman?”

  “Because when one guy goes to another guy for advice it’s usually about a woman.”

  “Are you always this full of yourself, or is tonight an exception?”

  “Do you want the damn advice or not?”

  Hamilton drank some of his beer and thought about it for a moment. Maybe he didn’t need Scout’s advice after all. Maybe he could figure out this whole mess on his own. Maybe he’d grown up enough not to need his brothers.

  Or not.

  Scout sat up and leaned across the table. “Tell it to me straight. What’s going on?”

  Hamilton hesitated while he tried to think of the right words. After what seemed like an entire day had gone by with Scout prodding him for the information he finally said, “The woman I love is pregnant with my child, but wants to give the baby up for adoption. I need to know how the hell I’m supposed to deal with that.”

  Scout looked at him for a moment, then shook his head. “So let me see if I understand your situation. Gaby Venti is pregnant with your baby, and she’s threatening to give it up for adoption instead of raising it with the one man who has put up with all her bullshit since she rode her tricycle over our mom’s tomato plants in our front yard? And you want to know how to let her do it because the whole thing is ripping your heart out? Am I right?”

  “That about covers it, yes.”

  “Two questions . . . no, three: How many months pregnant is she? Does Mom know? And what about her dad, Henry? He ought to be going crazy with this news. The way that man loves kids, to give up his grandchild would be impossible. This can’t happen.”

  “She’s about eight months pregnant. It’s a girl. Yes, mom knows she’s pregnant, but doesn’t know it’s mine . . . yet. And her dad has no idea.”

  “I have two words for you.”


  “Marry her. It’s the right thing to do. The responsible thing to do. If she won’t agree, and is determined to give it up, you need to prove to her that’s not the way to go. Or, and I can tell you’re emotionally ready for this, offer to take the baby and raise her yourself. Financially, you’re solid, so no worries there. If you turn on the Winchester charm you’ll have her begging to get married. Make her feel loved. Or better still, say some prayers to our grandfather and have him stop her somehow.”

  “I already did. So far, other than turning out a light or two in the cabin, he hasn’t done much. And hell, I don’t know if I believe in any of that stuff.”

  “Ah, that’s where you’re wrong, little brother. If there’s one thing I know for sure, our grandfather can move mountains, always did, and always will. You just have to believe he’s there waiting to help. Just give it time.”

  “Gaby leaves on Wednesday.”

  “Then you better hope he does something soon.”

  “Yeah, but in the meantime what can I do?”

  “Snuggle up a little closer, baby.”

  “Easy for you to say. I’ve been acting like a real dick thinking I’d try a new tactic. Normally, I’m the one vying for her attention. Not this time.”

  “Save the cold shit for our dad, and use all your warm charms on her instead.”

  “Thanks, it’s what I needed to hear.”


  Chapter Nine

  By the time Hamilton finally opened the front door to the cabin his mom had long since gone and Gaby was nowhere around. He took off his coat, scarf and boots and left them near
the door. It had been snowing off and on all night so Avalanche Road was almost impassible, and wouldn’t be cleared until morning.

  He hadn’t overdone it with beers knowing he’d have to drive up that road, so despite the somewhat happy feeling he was experiencing, it wasn’t all due to the three or four beers he’d consumed over the course of the evening. What really had caused his good disposition had more to do with his reconnection with Scout rather than his alcohol consumption.

  Not that every detail of their relationship was ironed out, but the majority of it was finally on the right road. He’d wanted to ask Scout about a fire in the cabin, but the time had never been right. Besides, before he asked any questions and made his dad look like more of a jerk in their eyes, he wanted to do some research on the subject.

  Hamilton grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, and made his way to his bedroom, noticing that Gaby’s light was still on and her door was slightly open. As he passed her room he peeked inside to see if she had fallen asleep again with the light on, and this time he found her curled up in a ball in the corner of the room, crying.

  “Hey, cupcake,” he whispered as he approached, a nickname he’d given her when they were kids. She had had a thing for cupcakes and apparently still did. “What’s wrong? I thought by now you’d be in bed fast asleep. Why are you crying?”

  She looked up at him, her nose and cheeks red from crying. A box of tissues sat on the floor next to her with most of its contents balled up around her. She wore a fuzzy bright blue robe that lay open revealing pink pajamas that hugged her sweet baby bump.

  “Oh, Hammy. Everything’s wrong. Absolutely everything.”

  Hammy was the nickname she’d given him when they were kids. She was the only one he’d allow to use that name, and when she did, he knew she needed his shoulder to cry on.

  He knew he should walk away from her. Be tough. Act cold and aloof. As if he didn’t care. Maybe then she’d realize how much he loved her and want to stay with him, but he couldn’t do it. He couldn’t turn his back. Besides, Scout had counseled him to be nicer to her, to snuggle up.

  He sat down on the floor next to her and she immediately melted into his lap, resting her head on his chest, while he stroked her head and held her close.

  “I’m here. Nothing can hurt you when I’m here. I promise.”

  She sobbed a bit more. He pulled yet another tissue out of the box. “Look at me,” he told her.

  She followed his direction. He first slipped her chestnut colored hair off her forehead, then he carefully dabbed at the tears on her cheeks and eyes. “Blow,” he said as he held the tissue on her nose. Again she followed his orders.

  When she was all cleaned up, she stopped crying and gave him a weak smile.

  He couldn’t help but grin right back at her. “There, don’t you feel better now?”

  “A little, thanks.”

  He could barely hear her. “How about if I help you back into bed.”

  “Only if you cuddle with me until I fall asleep.”

  He knew this was a very bad idea, especially considering how much he wanted to make love to her . . . had wanted to make love to her since he first saw her standing on the front porch of the cabin.

  But he also knew how much she needed him right now. “Sure,” he said as he picked her up and carried her over to the bed.

  As soon as he put her down and helped her off with her robe, he knew he was in trouble. She didn’t stop with her robe. She pulled off her pajama top, exposing her even more amazing breasts, and her lovely round belly. Her breasts were full and lay heavy against her chest, and he wanted desperately to reach over and hold them, kiss them, feel them once again, but he restrained his desires, his passions. With her prominent belly now exposed, he couldn’t help but feel a deep love for her, one like he’d never felt before. But he was instantly guilty for even thinking about sex with her. She was pregnant. They couldn’t make love while she was so pregnant . . . could they?

  “Maybe you shouldn’t do that.”

  “I want to feel your skin next to mine. It’s the only way I can sleep.” Then she crawled into bed, and turned on her side, waiting for him to spoon up next to her.

  “I need you tonight, before we can’t do this anymore.”

  “There’s no reason why we can’t always snuggle.”

  She started crying again. “Oh, Hammy, there is, or at least there will be, but for now just hold me close. I want to feel you next to me.”

  He shed his clothes, but kept on his underwear. Of course it wouldn’t matter. She’d be able to feel how his body was reacting to her.

  He turned off the light, slid up next to her, and covered them with the down quilt.

  At once he put his arm around her belly and felt his baby move inside her. “Oh God, was that what I think it was?”

  “Yes, she’s active tonight.”

  She rolled over on her back, and swept the quilt down around her legs. Hamilton gently placed both hands on her tummy, waiting for another kick, and this time the baby rolled right under his hands.

  Deep affection surged through his body. He’d never felt a baby move before. It almost felt surreal, incredible, and exhilarating all at the same time. “That’s so amazing. Does it hurt when she kicks?”

  Gaby chuckled. “No. It feels funny, like tiny feet, legs and arms rubbing against my insides.”

  Hamilton felt as if a door had opened and he was finally welcomed inside. “Did I happen to mention how beautiful you are?”

  “I don’t feel very beautiful. I feel like a beached whale. I have indigestion all the time, and I can never get comfortable.”

  He sat up, then turned to her. “Would you like more pillows? Can I get you an antacid? A drink of water? Tea?”

  Her voice went husky as she slipped her hands down his chest. “You can make love to me.”

  “What? No. That can’t be right. How could we possibly . . .?”

  “The doctor said I can have sex until the final weeks, as long as we’re careful.”

  He simply couldn’t imagine how that could be doable. His apprehensions about that much contact seemed impossible to overcome.

  “But how? Won’t I hurt you?”

  “I can straddle you, or we can spoon and do it that way or I can turn away from you and straddle you that way.”

  “It sounds as if you’ve researched this.”

  “I looked it up online when I was first pregnant. It’s amazing how horny you get during those first few months.”

  Her eyes glistened as she threw him a sly little grin. Her fingers lightly danced over his chest, making him crazy with desire for her, but he still had reservations.

  “Won’t I hurt the baby?”

  “Not a chance.”

  He knew making love to her might break him forever or it could be exactly what he needed to do to change her mind about the adoption. Either way he was playing with fire, and for the moment, all he could think of was the taste of her lips, her skin, the feel of her body touching his. Nothing else mattered. He was obsessed with her, always had been, and always would be.

  He slipped her black panties down her legs, kissing her soft flesh as he went. He helped her to sit up and lean against the headboard, then they kissed. As their tongues met, and he gently cupped one of her breasts in his hand, and stroked her peaked nipple with his thumb, the sensations that coursed through his body caused his mind to drift into the moment. He couldn’t believe he was once again making love to Gaby Venti, only this time he was certain she would stay. This time, their baby would have a home . . . their home.


  Gaby awoke to the sound of her phone ringing on the nightstand next to her. She knew without looking at the screen that it was her mom. Gaby had assigned “Bad To The Bone,” as her ringtone.

  She didn’t care if her mom needed to talk to her. She refused to start her day with a negative phone call. Instead, she wanted to take a moment to replay the previous night and how absolutely delightfu
l she felt after a night of passion with Hamilton. He’d been so very gentle that there were times when she cried over how loving he was, and how fabulous it felt to be wrapped in his arms. No other event or moment in her life meant more than what had happened between them last night, and she knew without a doubt that she had been on the wrong path. That giving up their baby would be a horrible mistake.

  They hadn’t spoken about it, nor had he even mentioned it, but she knew those thoughts had lingered in the back of his mind. All she wanted to do now was tell him that she had changed her mind, and she was willing keep little Autumn as long as she was sure he would be standing by her side the whole time.

  “Bad To The Bone” chimed again.

  Knowing that her mom would never give up, Gaby picked up the phone.

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Why haven’t you called me? Where are you?”

  Gaby hadn’t told her mom she’d flown off to see Hamilton or she’d never hear the end of it. “I’ve been busy.”

  “Where are you?”

  Her mom never gave up. She was going to have to tell her the truth sooner or later. “Now don’t get upset, but I’m in Plymouth Rock, Colorado.”

  “What the hell are you doing there?”

  “I came to talk to Hamilton. He deserved to know the truth.”

  “And I suppose he told you he doesn’t want anything to do with a baby, just like I said he would.”

  “On the contrary, he wants me to keep it.”

  “Has he asked you to marry him?”

  Gaby hoped that after last night, Hamilton might actually consider the possibility. Despite her apprehensions about marriage, she felt she was ready to seriously consider it with Hamilton.

  “Not yet, but if he does, I might say yes.”

  “Yeah, right. Is that why his girlfriend just posted on his Facebook page that she’s lonely and can’t wait for his return?”


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