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Hunter Page 11

by Andrew Macdonald

  One thing that made it hard to put the issue out of his mind was that neither Ryan nor Keller fit his mental image of a religious bigot. Both men were obviously quite intelligent and well informed. Keller was a trained scholar, and even Ryan might be considered one; certainly the FBI official showed none of the religious narrow-mindedness and superstition Oscar had encountered among more primitive Christians, Protestant and Catholic. And Keller didn’t even profess Christianity. Keller especially, with his laid-back, easygoing manner, just wasn’t the uptight, neurotic “hater” Oscar expected an anti-Semite to be.

  Beyond these considerations there was a certain plausibility to what both men had said, and that really bothered him. He was sure there was a “catch” somewhere — that the apparent sense their statements made would fall apart under closer scrutiny. So far, however, in going over their arguments in his mind and in referring to books in his own library, he had not been able to find the flaw. He had a list of a dozen or so reference books he wanted to consult in the Library of Congress in order to settle the issue.

  It was during the long drive home from skiing Monday night, when Adelaide had gone to sleep with her head in his lap, that he had first been able to reflect on the reasons why Keller and Ryan’s anti-Semitism troubled him. More than the negative stereotype of Jew-haters he had accepted uncritically from the mass media, there was the conflict with his own ideas on race and history, which had not come to him easily and were not easily to be abandoned.

  He realized that in the past he had had a tendency to be one-dimensional in his thinking on the subject. The dimension was intelligence. In Oscar’s scheme the races of man were ordered in a simple hierarchy of intelligence. Individuals differed, of course, but on the average one could with reasonable accuracy judge the intelligence of races by noting their historical accomplishments — or by observing the performance of a large enough sample of individuals in the present. By either standard Blacks were an inferior race, and interbreeding between Whites and Blacks could only pull the former down. Jews, on the other hand, were clearly as intelligent as any other Whites — perhaps more so, if one judged them by current performance rather than by historical accomplishment, which, he had to admit, was rather scanty, despite their own vainglorious boast of being the inventors of monotheism and a moral light to the nations down through the ages.

  The more he examined his racial scheme, the more he saw its inadequacies. It really was too simple.

  There were too many facts it didn’t account for. Orientals, for example, clearly were different from Whites, both physically and psychically, but was it accurate to say that they were inferior? Certainly not on the basis of intelligence, as measured by standard IQ tests. How, then, to fit them into his racial hierarchy?

  Clearly, the reality of racial difference was multi-dimensional. Average intelligence was only one of many, many characteristics which differed from race to race. In fact, what he called “intelligence” undoubtedly was a composite characteristic, which ought to be resolved into a number of components; some races seemed smarter in one way, others in another way.

  Blacks, for example, had a capacity for verbal and behavioral mimicry which often concealed a real inadequacy in cognitive intelligence. He had seen through this protective coloration in school, where he had observed a number of Blacks with remarkably well-developed social skills, who were able to move comfortably in White circles and gave the impression of being alert and capable. They talked like Whites and dressed like Whites; they had separated themselves from the bulk of their race and seemed more like Whites than Blacks, if one ignored the obvious physical differences.

  When put to the test, however, not one of them could measure up to White intellectual standards. Most of them seemed to be aware of that fact themselves, and so steered clear of situations where they would be put to the test. They avoided the rigorous disciplines like the plague, concentrating themselves in the pablum curricula, and the very few who did take mathematics, engineering, or science courses performed with uniform mediocrity.

  So if one were evaluating races on the basis of the kind of intelligence required to be a good actor or public performer, Blacks would have a much higher relative rating than if judged on the basis of their ability to deal with abstract concepts and solve problems. One had to be very careful in talking about “inferiority” and “superiority.” The terms made sense only when referred to a specific, well defined characteristic. A race judged inferior on the basis of one characteristic might be superior on the basis of another.

  That was all well and good. He needed to refine his views substantially. He had been too simplistic in the past. Instead of analyzing things carefully and dispassionately, he had reacted hotly to the obvious fraud being perpetrated by the news and entertainment media, which tried to persuade everyone that Blacks were “equal” to Whites in intelligence, creativity, originality, and enterprise: that their feelings, tendencies, and thought processes were exactly like those of Whites — or were exactly like those Whites would have if their circumstances were the same as those of the Blacks. And in reacting he had focused on the most easily refutable element in the fraud: namely, that Blacks had the same cognitive intelligence, on the average, as Whites.

  So what were the implications of a more realistic, multidimensional view of racial differences? How should that affect the role of the Jews in his scheme of things? Both Keller and Ryan had disagreed with his assumption that Jews were racially White. A couple of the books he was seeking dealt with the racial history of the Jews. He wanted to absorb the facts first and then think about the implications.

  And what if the Jews’ origins in the Middle East and their subsequent history gave them a significantly different genetic heritage from Whites of European ancestry? Keller and Ryan had suggested that the Jews possessed a special sort of inborn malevolence, a genetically based hatred of the world, which expressed itself in an all-encompassing, though cleverly concealed, campaign against their White neighbors. To Oscar that seemed fantastic.

  More specifically, Keller and Ryan had made some allegations about the Jewish control of the news and entertainment media and the way in which that control was used. If true, those allegations would go a long way toward supporting their whole case against the Jews. If false, Oscar could fairly easily dismiss the case. Several of the books he was seeking at the Library of Congress were concerned with the men who ran the mass media.


  What Oscar had expected to be a brief, simple research project — the checking of a few dozen facts, perhaps the reading of a book or two — turned out to be neither brief nor simple. He had spent an average of six hours a day for the past ten days poring over the 300-plus pages of photocopies he had made Wednesday of the previous week at the Library of Congress and over a good two dozen books to which that material had led him, the latter obtained through interlibrary loan via the Arlington library. It was Saturday afternoon now, and he was worried. Not only had he failed to disprove Ryan and Keller’s thesis about the Jews, but he had convinced himself that they were at least partly right.

  That is, he had verified several of their claims about what Jews were doing now and had done in the past; he still was far from ready to accept their assertion that the Jews as a whole regularly conspired together and acted in concert or that their collective motivation was to destroy the White race, however. In fact, he had turned up a couple of instances where the Jews seemed clearly to be divided into groups at odds with each other. And there were long periods of history during which they were quite powerful in one country or another, but apparently made no effort to destroy their hosts there.

  One topic he had concentrated on was the Jewish role in the mass media, both because it was a matter of crucial importance and because the evidence was fairly easy to gather. He now realized that it was not just Hollywood the Jews controlled, but virtually the entire entertainment industry. In each entertainment medium he had examined — films, radio and television broadcasting,
mass-circulation magazines, mass-market paperback books — the Jewish presence was overwhelming, and it consisted of much more than a few Jewish executives at the top. The largest producer of television entertainment programs, for example, was MCA, Inc., and virtually every director and officer of the giant corporation was a Jew.

  The same was true of the news industry: every medium, and virtually every organ of every medium, was under either direct or indirect Jewish control.

  What really amazed Oscar was the extent and depth of the Jewish influence in the media. In news, for instance, the top three newspapers in the country, in terms of influence — the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the Wall Street Journal — were all owned outright by Jews. There were many small, independent newspapers owned by non-Jews, and a few large ones as well, but even in these he found a surprisingly high percentage of Jews in key editorial positions.

  Furthermore, he was made aware of the fact that it was not the nickels and dimes from subscribers which paid the editors’ salaries and made the publishers’ profits — it was the revenue from advertisers. The biggest advertisers in every big-city newspaper Oscar examined were the chain stores and department stores, and the Jewish presence in these was heavy enough so that if the Jewish businessmen in any city were unhappy with the editorial policies of the local newspaper and withheld their advertising from it, it could not survive.

  Everything was not immediately obvious, of course. He had had to do quite a bit of digging to come up with all the facts, repeatedly checking lists of directors against biographical reference works to determine the ethnicity of doubtful cases. As an example, in checking out the Hollywood film industry he thought at first he had found a substantial non-Jewish moviemaker in the Walt Disney Studios. Further investigation revealed that although the company’s founder, Walt Disney, had been a Gentile, within a few years after the man’s death his heirs had been bought out by Jews, and Walt Disney Studios was currently as Jewish as the rest of Hollywood. Likewise with some of the other entities in the world of the mass media: Gentile names would be prominently associated with them, but when one looked closer one found that they were subsidiaries of other outfits, with Jews at the helm.

  What did it all mean? It was becoming clear to Oscar that the Jews, just through their control of the mass media, had the potential for being the nasty adversaries of the White race Ryan and Keller claimed they were. And were they not in fact acting as adversaries? Were not the mass media the most racially destructive force at work in the world today?

  As far back as Vietnam he had recognized the newspaper and television news people as an especially treacherous pack of scoundrels, who had deliberately set out to prevent an American victory and had succeeded. At the time he had put this down to a pro-communist bias. But could it not just as well have been that what they wanted to prevent was a White victory, and that their bias was anti-White more than pro-communist?

  The trouble with that was that the majority of the rank-and-file news people weren’t Jews; they were Whites, and yet he remembered them as a perverse, lying, smirking gang of bastards, who could hardly conceal their glee at every American reverse and who made a point of grossly misrepresenting everything they reported. Did they behave like that because their Jewish bosses told them to? Oscar didn’t believe it. He was sufficiently familiar with human nature to recognize all of the little signs which told him that their behavior was voluntary.

  The same could be said for many of the aspects of the disintegration of White society after the Vietnam war. The media enthusiastically promoted every form of degeneracy and sickness, but the White population certainly was putting up no resistance to them. Could one fairly blame racial mixing, permissiveness and the decline of standards of behavior and performance, feminism, liberalism, the explosion of homosexuality, modern anti-art, the replacement of traditional White music with rock and other non-White forms, the spread of drugs, and a thousand other ills on the mass media, just because the media provided a tolerant atmosphere for these things? Couldn’t it be that everyone, the general public as well as the media people, including the Jews, was just going along for the same ride? If that were the case, then the most the Jews could be blamed for was a failure to use the power of their news and entertainment media to combat degenerative tendencies in the population: in other words, a sin of omission rather than one of commission.

  He really needed to talk to someone, and so he gave Harry Keller a call and arranged to meet him Sunday afternoon.

  Then he called Adelaide to tell her he had finished his work for the day and to make arrangements for dinner. “I know it’s only four o’clock, baby, but why don’t you come on over now? I’ve been beating my brains out with a crash study program, and now I need your presence badly.”

  “Uh-huh! What you mean is you need my body.”

  “Well, that too.”

  “Oscar, you’ve been promising for more than a week to help me find a new pair of skis. Why can’t we do that now?”

  There was a slightly plaintive note in her voice. And it was true: her present skis were a little too long for her, and she had trouble keeping them under control. Furthermore, the bindings weren’t satisfactory. They were her first skis, and she really hadn’t known what she was doing when she bought them. After approximately her twentieth fall during their skiing trip two weeks ago, he had told her he would buy new skis and bindings for her as soon as they returned home. He had already put her off twice since then, first because he was preparing for the Kaplan job, and then because he was absorbed in his research project.

  “Okay, sweetheart, we will. We can make love after dinner. Bring your boots over, and we’ll take care of it. I think the store is open until six.”

  Then Ryan called. He didn’t identify himself, but the voice was unmistakable: “Meet me at the entrance to the Clarendon metro station in 20 minutes.”

  “Is that really necessary? I have another appointment now. Can we meet tomorrow morning instead?”

  “Yeager, you’d better be at that metro station in 20 minutes.” Then Ryan hung up.

  Shit! He really had to figure out how to get Ryan off his back soon. It was a sticky situation. Looking at it from Ryan’s point of view, if Oscar ever got caught by someone else — the local police, say — how could Ryan be sure Oscar wouldn’t involve him in order to gain some advantage? Even now, Oscar probably could tell a pretty convincing story about why he killed Kaplan, how he knew so many personal details about his victim, and so on.

  No, clearly Ryan couldn’t afford to give him many more assignments. And for the same reason, Ryan couldn’t afford to arrest him himself. In fact, if the FBI agent wanted to sleep easily at night, he couldn’t even afford to let Oscar continue living much longer. Very soon Oscar was going to have to deal with Ryan, before Ryan dealt with him. Even the meeting Ryan was demanding for this afternoon might be intended for the latter purpose.

  Oscar didn’t think so, though. Ryan had been too cold and peremptory on the telephone. If the man’s intention were to lure Oscar to his own execution, he would have been a little friendlier and more expansive, in order to lull Oscar’s suspicions. He hoped his intuition was correct as, with a heavy heart, he called Adelaide again to postpone their shopping date a third time.

  Just inside the entrance to the metro station he spotted Ryan. He squeezed his left arm against the reassuring hardness of the weapon in his shoulder holster as the other man gestured to him to follow and began walking down the stairs toward the train platform. They took up a position in the shadow of a column near the far end of the platform with their backs against the station wall, where they could talk without being overheard and without being conspicuous.

  “Congratulations, Yeager. You did a first-class job on Kaplan — not only putting the coke in his pocket like I suggested, but hitting him inside that sleazy porno joint. The details are gossip all over the Bureau. I saw to that. The Yids who had been pushing that perverted little turd as Yahweh’s gift to
the Bureau are keeping pretty quiet now.” Ryan grinned, genuinely pleased.

  “Now, listen carefully. Your next target is a man named Daniel Feldman. He’s 33 years old with black hair and dark brown eyes. His hair is in tight ringlets close to the skull, almost like nigger wool. Medium complexion, maybe slightly on the ‘olive’ side. Height five feet, ten inches. Medium build, about 160 pounds. His nose isn’t big, but it’s definitely Jewish, if you know what I mean.” Ryan paused, watching Oscar’s face.

  Oscar said nothing, and Ryan pulled a photograph from his pocket and held it where Oscar could see it: “Study the face. You can’t have this photo, so remember the details. Notice his cocky little grin. The bastard is always grinning. It’s his trademark. At first I thought it’s because he’s nervous, insecure. Another thing that might lead a person to believe that is that he’s a little jerky in his movements, and he always talks fast, like he’s wound up too tight.

  “Now I think the grin is calculated; it’s Feldman’s way of keeping people off their guard. And let me warn you, Yeager, he’s a lot more dangerous than any rattlesnake you’ll ever see, so be careful. He’s a cold-blooded killer, and if you make a false move you won’t get a chance to make another move. He doesn’t play by any rules at all. If he even thinks you might be after him, with no evidence at all, he’ll blow your brains out in front of 50 witnesses and worry about justifying himself later.”

  “Whom does he work for? The Mafia?”

  “No, he’s one of us, believe it or not,” Ryan replied with a trace of incredulity in his voice, as if he couldn’t believe it himself. “He’s one of our dirty tricks specialists. The Bureau does a lot of things it really shouldn’t, things which aren’t strictly legal — in fact, some things which are illegal as hell.


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