Mastering Darkness

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Mastering Darkness Page 7

by Kate Wendley

  He grumbled under his breath, “He’s not crazy. I don’t worry about your safety with him. I just never imagined you… with him.”

  Kaia took a deep breath. “Christ Ethan, you act like we’re getting married. It’s a date. A first date, which you and Patrick are royally screwing up for me. I don’t know why you suddenly feel the need to watch out for me anyway. You never popped out of the bushes when I was on an actual bad date. I think your spidey sense is a little off. This one was going good. Was is the key word.”

  Ethan took his time before soberly saying, “He’s the one you met last night at the bookstore?”


  “And he’s being decent to you?”

  Her restless hands spoke her exasperation again. “Yes! Good God, he’s more than just decent, he seems like a really great guy. I’ll be lucky if I ever hear from him again after tonight though.”

  A cool breeze blew as Ethan curled his lip and ran his finger down his left cheek. “What about his scar? It doesn’t bug you?”

  She was quiet for a moment before saying, “God Ethan, I didn’t think you were that shallow. Everyone has scars, you just happen to be able to see his. I’m sorry if that bothers you.” She started to step away, then turned back and flatly said, “Please stop harassing me and Anthony.”

  “Kaia, wait. I didn’t mean anything by that. I’m not shallow, I just wanted to see what you’d say. Come on.”

  She rolled her eyes as she walked and growled to herself under her breath. She was not in the mood to play whatever game he was playing right now.

  He caught up behind her and whined, “All right, all right. I’ll apologize.”

  Anthony stood as they approached and Kaia worriedly mouthed ‘sorry’ to him. Could this night have taken a worse turn? No. Now it was just a matter of how fast Anthony would run from her, and if he’d at least be polite about it. Damn Ethan.

  For now all Anthony did was give her a small smile. He didn’t even look at Ethan, his attention was focused all on her. He looked… happy, like he had earlier tonight. It made her pulse speed up because it made her think of them finally getting close. Those dark, dark eyes keeping her in their sights…

  He held his arm out for her, so she stepped into him and looped her arm through his. Ethan stopped in front of them and half-heartedly snarled, “I apologize for interrupting your night out. I’ll be on my way to my meeting. Have a wonderful, safe evening under the open stars with our delicate Kaia.”

  Anthony confidently said, “I’ll watch over her as if she were family.”

  Ethan didn’t seem happy with that as he stared Anthony down for a heartbeat, then turned and put a hand up as if to wave goodbye. He left without another word.

  Chapter 8

  Anthony had an unholy urge to chase after Ethan and rip his throat out. He’d bleed out before he could heal himself, and then Anthony would throw Ethan to his few enemies in town to do with as they wished.

  Ethan had spat in his face tonight, flaunting that he’d gone against Anthony’s rules by having a human live in the heart of Wild Woods, a complex meant only for vampires and shapeshifters. Anthony now had no doubt Kaia knew something of their kind, she just didn’t seem to know who he was. Or maybe she did.

  “I’m really sorry about those two. I swear this doesn’t happen every time I leave the house.”

  Her genuine tone pulled at his heart strings. His ability to sense her emotions the moment she had them told him much about her. Like that she was attracted to him and was excited when he touched her.

  And that she now felt disappointed, even defeated. But why?

  She flicked her hair back in a nervous gesture, and he couldn’t help gazing at the rapidly thumping vein in her neck. He wanted to pull her into his arms and nuzzle her. To languidly enjoy the feeling of his sharp teeth pressing, then finally breaking through the tender skin of neck. Within seconds the rich, coppery, warm taste of her blood would singe his taste buds, and he’d swallow that first unique taste of her. Everyone tasted different, and he was sure she’d be incredible. It sent a shiver of desire through him because she wouldn’t push him away while he bit her. She wanted to be in his arms. He’d felt it all night.

  Except she wouldn’t. She wanted a man in her arms, not a beast. Not a vampire.

  “It’s good to have friends who’ll watch out for you, no matter what. Even going so far as to be an ass just to make sure you’re safe.” He couldn’t help poking at Ethan, and he received a sharp wind in his face for his trouble.

  “Well, just so you know, we’re just friends. Nothing more.”

  She looked unsure of herself, but now that she was being more subdued, he could read her energy better. He could tell if she was lying to him. She wasn’t, and his male pride surged to know that she wasn’t romantically involved with either Ethan or Patrick. What that meant for Anthony, though, he didn’t know. And what he wanted it to mean, he wasn’t sure.

  “Thank you for that. Would you like to get something sweet to eat?” He had no doubt Ethan, Patrick, and maybe others in Ethan’s family would be in the shadows trailing them, but as he looked at warm, soft, Kaia, he knew he couldn’t just walk away from her. She was the only woman in years who’d made him feel comfortable around her. The only woman in years who’d even cared enough to try. And the realization that he didn’t feel judged by her was… freeing.

  He wanted her, and for more than just the off limits fantasy of tasting her blood. He wanted her for who she was. Smart, energetic, beautiful, and for some reason, interested in him.

  So for now, he’d watch for signs that she might be playing a ruthless game with his heart for Ethan’s benefit while he enjoyed whatever time he had with her, no matter how tainted it might be.

  She looked confused at his question as she shivered and pulled her sweater from around her waist. A little sharply, she said, “Sure. Some chocolate sounds perfect right now.”

  “You’re cold.”

  “I’ll warm up on our walk.”

  He held his arm out for her once she’d put her sweater on, and she looped her arm through his again, but he sensed irritation from her now.

  He led them out of the gardens, putting a weak sound barrier around them, making it just strong enough to muffle their words for anyone who might be eavesdropping. Kaia was quiet for longer than she normally was, and when she finally spoke, he didn’t like her accusatory tone.

  “Did you know Ethan would show up tonight?”

  Ah. Here would be the end of their night. They were going to cut right to the chase of what was going on with her and Ethan, and why she was at Wild Woods, a place she didn’t belong. “I didn’t know you knew him until you said you lived at Wild Woods.”

  She stubbornly replied, “But when Patrick showed up. Did you know then that Ethan would also show up?”

  He looked earnestly at her. “I had a hunch.”

  Her frown deepened. “Why?”

  Because Ethan’s a bastard… because Ethan took every opportunity he could to be a constant irritant in Anthony’s life… The list went on and on, but that wasn’t for Kaia to hear if she didn’t already know it. Still, he could tell her some truths that talked around the real reason he knew, which was because Patrick was a shifter in Ethan’s family, and Patrick wasn’t brave enough to stand up to Anthony on his own. Patrick didn’t have the power to, either, and Anthony could’ve easily hurt him tonight with no formal repercussions. They both knew it, and they both knew he was only there because he’d been ordered to be there. So Anthony had tried to be nice to the young wolf. It was the only decent thing to do.

  “Because Patrick didn’t seem jealous of me being there, as if you two had unresolved feelings for each other. And since he lives at Wild Woods, where many work for or just look up to Ethan, well, I would’ve been surprised if Ethan hadn’t shown up.”

  She looked away from him.

  “You’re upset with me.”

  Sounding guilty, she said, “You got comfy
talking to Patrick. I thought you were blowing me off.”

  “Blowing you off. You mean ignoring you? Disrespecting you?”

  “Belittling me.”

  He pulled her to a stop and took her by the shoulders. This wasn’t a game to her. She really felt he’d hurt her. And… that upset him that she thought that. Did this mean his human emotions were getting stronger inside him? Was he regaining his humanness because of her?

  “I’m sorry you felt that way, my sweet. I’m not a man that would treat a woman that way, but those kinds of things are best shown and not insisted upon through mere words. I hope someday you’ll believe that about me, though.”

  Her frown lines disappeared and she reached a hand out and caressed his cheek. He tensed because every time she touched him, if he wasn’t battling an urge to forcibly grab her and taste her blood that he knew would be oh so addictively sweet, then he was battling his long ignored need for a woman spread naked in his bed, her body supple and willing, craving him to satisfy her. The former would only cement the fact that he was indeed a monster with no human civility left in him whatsoever. The latter seemed disrespectful and not how he wanted a relationship with Kaia to start.

  She stilled and quietly said, “Am I doing this wrong?”

  Her sweet words instantly smothered his vampire urges, reminding him that he was a man, not a monster. The speed with which she could do that shocked him to his core. He’d never been able to turn it off that quickly on his own.

  He pressed his hand gently atop hers, feeling like a beggar for her touch. “No. You’re not doing anything wrong. I’ve had a lot on my mind recently, and meeting you made me realize how distracted I’ve let myself become. I’m… working on that.”

  “You’ve been distracted because of that man that died?”

  “Yes, but he was only a catalyst for other things. Now I have much more important, more enjoyable things to think about. Like getting to know you better, and how to make you happy.” His heart kicked up its pace at his last words.

  “You don’t have to do anything to make me happy besides let me get to know the real you.”

  The real you… He ached for her to know the real him. He’d never had that in any of his few relationships over the years. For the women he was truly attracted to, he’d always worked so hard to be more like the man he knew they wanted him to be. For the supernatural women he’d occasionally satisfied his male needs with over the years, the only thing he’d shared with them was his body.

  But with Kaia, did he dare dream that he could have it all with her? He cupped her warm cheeks, craving the taste of her soft lips as if her kiss would bring him the comfort in life he’d always been so sorely lacking.

  She breathily said, “And that. If you want to make me happy, do more of that.”

  He’d smile at her playfulness, but his aching need was too great right now. His heart pumped harder than it had in a long time as he leaned closer to her, Kaia’s heart now racing in her chest as well. The dual beats fed and intensified his craving for her until he could no longer deny it…

  Their lips only inches apart, a blast of wind funneled around them both, whipping their hair in their faces with such force, they both jerked back from the shock of it.

  Ethan. That bastard. Anthony used his power to calm the mini tornado and finger combed his hair out of his face as Kaia tried her best to control her own long locks. The wind quickly died down, but their intimate moment had clearly passed as well.

  Kaia burst out laughing, and for a brief instant he imagined she was laughing at him. That he was the butt of a horrible joke between her and Ethan.

  But no. That wasn’t the look in her eye right now. There was a fire there that hadn’t been there before. A knowing, a shared secret between them… A passion that they both knew would be enjoyed soon, and only between them.

  She smiled. “That was crazy. Are you ok?”

  He put his arm out for her so they could resume their walk to the dessert shop. “Yes. I’m fine. Thank you. Disappointed, but fine.”

  The twinkle in her eye said she’d be happy to stop walking and try their kiss again, but with Ethan, Patrick, and now Christopher, one of Ethan’s vampires, all watching them, he knew the attempt would be another lost cause. And now that he thought about it, he didn’t want their first kiss to be in front of an audience, so this was for the best.

  They lazily made their way to the Sweet Tooth Dessert Shoppe a few blocks away, and Anthony had to adjust his sound barrier as they went inside so that he didn’t muffle the other people, yet kept his conversation with Kaia private between them. He had to focus for a moment to tweak the energy just so because he could feel that Ethan had followed them inside as mist.

  Kaia frowned for a brief instant as she looked around herself in agitation.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “No. I’m fine.”

  Something was clearly unsettling her, but he didn’t know what, so he let it go. “Would you like something to eat? Some chocolate perhaps?”

  Her focus back on him, she smiled and said, “Yes.”

  He led her to the display case and watched her get excited over all the different cookies, candies and cakes, most of them some type of chocolate. He was used to the smell of food, and didn’t crave it at all as a vampire, but he had to admit it smelled good in here.

  She finally picked a couple chocolate covered strawberries and a bottled water, which he insisted on paying for. He supposed it was an outdated custom that men always paid on a date, but he felt more comfortable doing it. Besides, he liked how such a simple thing as a sweet to eat seemed to really make her happy.

  She innocently asked, “Nothing for you?”

  He gathered napkins and her drink and led her to a table. “No, I have something of an intolerance to certain foods. The smell of everything in here is wonderful though. It’s enough for me.”

  She gave him a concerned look as they sat down. “Do you know exactly what you’re allergic to?”

  He settled in his chair and gestured casually with his hand. “Many things. It’s easier for me to not eat out, but don’t feel bad. It’s not an issue for me, and I still enjoy accompanying others.”

  She blinked twice as her mood slightly cooled and he wondered if he’d said something wrong. She shivered and hugged her arms to herself.

  “Are you still cold?”

  “No, I just got a little shiver up my spine. It’s nothing.”

  He couldn’t help fantasizing about her in one of his button down shirts hanging open on her otherwise naked body. He caught himself eyeing her all over, and by the look on her face, she caught him as well. She didn’t seem to mind as she toyed with her strawberry, a mischievous smile gracing her luscious lips.

  Someone started playing a guitar nearby and they both turned to look. There was a small stage area with a relaxed looking young man perched on a stool as he played a soothing melody.

  Anthony loved the perfectness of it. They watched the man play for a time, Kaia eating her chocolate strawberries, Anthony wishing it was his mouth she was suckling rather than the sweet fruit. He smiled at his own thoughts. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt so good with a woman. Had he ever?

  They turned back to each other as the song ended, the musician taking his time before starting another one. Anthony had vainly made sure she was closer to his right side than the left, hoping to keep her from focusing on his hideous disfigurement too much. Her words to Ethan about his scar still rang in his head, but he was having a hard time believing them.

  Kaia interrupted his train of thought. “Do you believe in ghosts? I mean, what do you think happens when you die?”

  “Ghosts?” The topic hit a little close to home and made him wonder again if this was some kind of set up that Ethan was orchestrating.

  She looked squarely at him for a moment, then blinked and smiled haphazardly. He felt like something was going on but he wasn’t quite sure what. Ethan and head games came to
mind. She gestured with her hand as if to wave it all away. “Never mind. That was a silly question. I’ve been watching−”

  “I believe−”

  Her attention on him again, she cocked her head and instantly stopped talking.

  He somewhat carefully said, “I believe in the possibility of any type of life. I don’t know what happens when we die, but I lean towards believing there’s something out there after death. What, I’m not sure, but something.” He was glad to both feel and see her relax. “Do you believe in ghosts? Have you ever seen one?”

  She gave him an almost sad smile and shook her head. “No. I’ve never seen a ghost. And I’m not sure what I believe.”

  He cocked his head. She was confusing him. “Have you seen something you can’t explain?”

  Her smile faded. She shook her head and casually looked around before meeting his eyes again. “No, it was just a silly question. I’ve been watching those crazy ghost hunting shows on TV lately and it made me start to think about what could be real. If ghosts are real, what else is real? And why would one person be a ghost but not someone else?”

  She smiled again but it seemed forced. He had the feeling she was trying to get at something with her questions, but he wasn’t sure what. It felt like she was talking around something that troubled her.

  The musician started strumming his guitar again and she turned to look.

  Anthony calmly said, “I’ve seen a ghost.”

  Kaia gave him a strange look. “What?”

  “I said I’ve seen a ghost. Our apartment buildings are old, and for reasons unknown, the ghost of a repairman, Pete, started appearing in one of them.”

  She leaned forward in her chair. “Really? What was it like?”

  “An older couple called in some complaints that they kept hearing a man’s voice in their apartment late at night, but no one was ever there. By the time they told me about it, it’d been a couple weeks, and by that time they also started seeing a strange shadow. We sat in their apartment around midnight for a few nights until he finally appeared for us. First there was nothing, then a shadow started to build, and then there he was.”


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