Shift (The Neturu Chronicles)

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Shift (The Neturu Chronicles) Page 50

by Sarah Carter

  Exactly fifteen minutes later, the door to her room opens. The same security guard from before comes in. “He wants you to come to the dining room now.”

  “Whatever,” Kayla grumbles. She gets up and follows the guy out of the room. They walk through stark white hallways. There are no windows, and every door is shut. They finally arrive at a larger door where the security guard waves her inside.

  William is sitting at the table reading a newspaper. Food covers the entire tabletop. Kayla flops down in one of the chairs. William looks up at her. “I would have thought you had better manners and posture than that.”

  “I’m not out to impress you.”

  “You’re a beautiful girl,” William states, putting down his newspaper. “You impress me, regardless of your efforts to dissuade me.”

  Kayla crosses her arms. “I don’t want you to like me. I know I won’t like you. It’ll be a loveless marriage.”

  “Oh, I think that will change. Just give it time.”

  “I am never going care about you, so don’t get your hopes up.”

  William starts to pile food on his plate. “I’m surprised you’re not hounding me with questions.”

  “What will you actually tell me?”

  “Who I am,” William states.

  She raises an eyebrow. “And who are you?”

  “My name is William Harrison. I was named after my grandfather, William Caster.”

  Confused, Kayla says, “William Caster only had one son, Gregory.”

  “That is not true,” William replies. “He had another. It just wasn’t by his wife. My father, Kenneth, was his illegitimate son. No one knew about him.”

  “What does that matter to our people? It’s not uncommon to have children with different people.”

  He puts up his finger. “My grandfather’s wife was very humanized and refused to let him have children with anyone else. When my father was born, the great William Caster wouldn’t acknowledge him publicly. He didn’t want to lose his wife, which is ridiculous. You shouldn’t cheat on someone you don’t want to lose.”

  “You are criticizing someone else’s morals?” Kayla quips. “Really—”

  “Yes, well, when pushed, even the holiest of saints will make mistakes.”

  “I would never kidnap or imprison anyone.”

  William just shrugs his shoulders. “Anyway, William Caster left my father a lot of money when he passed, secretly of course, and that was it. My father followed in his footsteps and became a botanist, but he was so much more than that. My father was brilliant.”

  “Was he as evil as you?” Kayla asks, crossing her arms.

  “No,” William replies, cutting up his food. “This was entirely my idea.”

  “So what’s your plan? I don’t understand what you intend to get from kidnapping me and forcing me to marry you.”

  William pauses before saying, “If you’re my wife and have my children, technically, they’ll be part of the Caster bloodline. We’ll have to be accepted by our people, but they would never refuse your children, especially if they’re girls.”

  “They won’t accept you. You kidnapped me! Are you really that stupid?”

  “By that time, you ‘ll have seen the truth and will be my wife.”

  “That is sick and twisted. If they don’t imprison you, Damien will kill you.”

  William shakes his head. “Not if you object to it.”

  “I will throw the switch myself or pull the trigger or do whatever it takes to end you.”

  “I don’t believe you’ll do it,” William smugly states.

  She leans forward. “You are delusional.”

  “Eat,” William commands, pointing to the food. “I have a private chef. It’s very good.”

  “I’m not hungry,” Kayla grumbles.

  “Eat!” William growls.

  Kayla puts her hands up. “Really! I’m not hungry. I can’t eat when I’m stressed.”

  “Eat or I’ll give you a sedative,” William snaps.

  Resisting the desire to protest, Kayla takes some food and throws it on her plate. She takes a bite and glares at William. He watches her. Kayla realizes she really is hungry. Begrudgingly, she eats her dinner. Neither one of them speak.

  When they are finished, Kayla looks up at William. “Can I record my messages now?”

  “Yes. If I am anything, I am a man of my word,” William says, standing up. Kayla follows him. He leads her out of the dining room and across the hall into a room that appears to be his office. There is a desk, with a computer…and a phone. Every thought running through Kayla’s head involves trying to make a phone call to escape her prison. Almost as if he can read her mind, William murmurs, “If you try to call someone, I will tie you back up and withhold your food. After a few days, you’ll learn your lesson.”

  “You said you wouldn’t hurt me,” Kayla whispers.

  He walks over to the computer. “As long as you behave, I won’t let anything happen to you. No one will ever touch you. I promise you that.” Sitting down, he starts to click on a lot of stuff. Finally, he says, “All right, come here.” Kayla walks over to the chair. William gets up so she can sit down. He bends over her. “Who do you want to send messages to?”

  “My parents, Damien and Jackson,” Kayla replies.

  William looks down at her. “Jackson, really? How is he important?”

  “He’ll watch out for my family and Tracy,” Kayla replies. “He’s friends with them, and they’ll need someone to help them through this.”

  “Whatever you want,” William says. “Click this icon when you want to start recording.”

  “I want to talk to my parents first,” Kayla whispers. William sits on the desk behind the computer so no one can see him. Kayla takes a deep breath and then clicks the button. A little red light appears on the screen. “Hi, Mom; hi, Dad,” she softly says. “I just wanted you to know I’m okay. I’m alive and not hurt. I don’t think I’m coming back, though. I’ve been told that no harm will come to me as long as I cooperate.” Kayla sees William point his finger at her. She frowns. “I love you, please always remember that. I’ll think about you every day. You need to move forward and live your lives. I will never forget you. Please, take care of each other. I don’t know what else to say. Maybe someday I will get to see you again.” Kayla starts to get choked up. “You both mean the world to me. I love you. Please hold on to that thought. I will say see you later instead of good-bye. Love you.” She brings her fingers to her mouth, kisses them, and then puts them out to the camera. Kayla clicks the stop button and bursts into tears.

  William walks over and opens a desk drawer. He pulls out a box of tissue and hands it to her. “I’m not heartless. I know this is painful.”

  Her jaw drops. “Yes, you are heartless. You’re ripping me away from my family. You stole my life away from me!”

  “You’re going to start a new life.”

  “I don’t want a new life! I want my home! I want to finish school. I want my family and friends.”

  Reaching over, William brushes Kayla’s hair behind her ear. “It will get better.”

  She smacks his hand away. “Don’t touch me you slimy piece of—”

  William grabs her. “Don’t finish that sentence. You will act like a lady and not some crass teenager.”

  “Let go of me,” Kayla growls, twisting out of his grip. “You sure don’t know how to romance a girl. Hurting her doesn’t make a girl fall in love with you. You are just proving my point that this will never work.”

  He lets go of her and scowls. Finally, he growls, “Yes, good point, make your other two messages then.”

  Kayla turns to the computer. “I don’t even know what to say.”

  “Oh, Damien, I love you,” William mocks with a blasé attitude. “Never forget about me. Blah. Blah. Blah.”

  “Shut up, you jerk,” Kayla retorts. She looks at the computer. Pressing the button, she starts, “Hey, I’m not sure what to say right now. I know you’r
e frantic and trying to find me. I don’t want to say it’s a hopeless cause, but it may be. If you fail to find me, please go on and live your life. I know we only just met each other, but you mean a lot to me. Please watch out for my family.” Out of the corner of her eye, Kayla sees William glare at her. “I don’t mean security wise. I mean, just make sure they’re okay, Jackson too. I know you two don’t get along, but try for me, all right? I’m sorry for being angry with you. That seems stupid now given the circumstances. I hope we can see each other again someday. I realize things will probably change over time, but I will pray to see you again. I only want you to live your life and be happy. Take care of each other. I think I’ll be safe for now. I’m not in danger, and I’m not hurt. Take care, Damien.” Kayla puts her fingers to her mouth again. She reaches for the camera again and a single tear runs down her cheek. When she clicks end, Kayla just stares down.

  “Now, Jackson of all people?” William says. “I didn’t realize you were that close.”

  She continues to stare down at the desk. “Yeah, we are.” Kayla takes a deep breath and clicks the button on the computer. “Hey,” she starts. “I hope you’re okay. I left you on the bathroom floor when everything went down, and I’ve been worried about you being okay. I’m just worried about you period. I’m okay. As best as can be expected, I guess. I’m not hurt. I’m alive and breathing. I just…” Kayla looks up at William. He just raises an eyebrow. “I want you to take care of yourself. Please watch out for my family and Damien. As I said to Damien, try and get along…for me, okay? And please protect Tracy,” Kayla starts. William shoots up from the table. Kayla quickly stutters, “P-protect Tracy from herself. You know she sleeps around so much. I don’t want her to go overboard with me missing. So please, protect her from being a floozy.”

  “That’s enough,” William hisses, standing up.

  “Paint your heart out…for me,” Kayla says as William clicks end.

  Kayla crosses her arms and tries to hold herself together. “Thanks.”

  He stands there and stares at her. “I think it’s time for you to go to your room.”

  “You’re really going to send those, right?” Kayla says slightly panicked.

  “I said I would, and before you get any ideas, it won’t be traced. I have some really intelligent people working for me, as many as the council does.”

  “How are you so powerful?”

  William smiles. “When your dad makes some really good investments with some up-and-coming computer companies, a lot of money can turn into a ridiculous amount of money. Money buys everything.”

  “Will money buy me things I want?”

  A smile passes over William’s face. “And what would you like?”

  “Some books, music, something other than TV. I can’t watch it all day long. Are you planning things for me or am I stuck in my room forever?”

  “What kind of plans do you want?”

  “To go outside,” Kayla says. “Get a breath of fresh air. I can’t be cooped up in a building all day.”

  William chuckles. “Your first night here and you’re already making demands.”

  “If I’m going to be here for a while, I need something to do. Books…something. What time is it?

  With a confused look, William looks at his watch. “Seven.”

  “Okay, so I go to sleep usually around eleven, which means you expect me to watch TV for four hours straight.”

  “Aren’t you upset? Aren’t you going to cry yourself to sleep?”

  She crosses her arms again. “I already cried myself stupid, and I can guarantee I will cry some more, but I have a feeling I’m going to be stuck in my room for a while. Even if you send these messages and Damien’s somehow able to track them, who knows how long that will take?”

  William furrows his eyebrows. “This is not the response I was expecting.”

  “Well…I’m sorry. If it’ll make you happy, I’ll go cry in my room,” Kayla states, standing up. She starts to walk to the door.


  Kayla stops and turns on her heel. “Yes?”

  “What books would you like?”

  “I don’t know. Can’t you take me to a library?”

  “No, but I can take you to Amazon. Sit down.”

  She walks over to the chair and flops down. “Now what?”

  Leaning over her, William clicks on the Internet and takes her to Amazon’s website. “There. Pick whatever books, movies, or whatever you want, and I will get them for you.”

  “I want my iPod; that’s what I really want,” Kayla sighs.

  “Where is it?”

  Kayla laughs. “The safe house in Las Vegas. Good luck getting anything from there. I’m sure Damien has the place surrounded by guards.”

  “No, he’s probably pining over your picture, drooling in a corner,” William mocks.

  “At least he knows what love feels like,” Kayla growls.

  William looks at Kayla. “Do you love him just as much in return?”

  Kayla diverts her eyes from him. “My relationship with Damien is none of your business.”

  “I do have to say, I was happy to hear that you’re a virgin.” William sighs. “No need for me to get jealous of ex-lovers.”

  “You should be jealous of my boyfriend. Have you looked at him? Met him? He is so gorgeous and has a rocking body.” Kayla looks William up and down. “I think I’m going to miss that.”

  A cold expression passes over William’s face. “Not every guy can look like Damien.”

  “Or Jackson,” Kayla sighs. “He has the perfect body, especially when he’s in a towel with water dripping down his muscles.”

  “Enough,” William snaps. “I didn’t know you two were intimate.”

  Kayla clicks her tongue. “There are a lot of things you don’t know about me.”

  He clenches his fist and then points at Kayla. “You are trying to get a rise out of me.”

  “No,” Kayla retorts sarcastically.

  “Pick out what you want,” William instructs. “You will need to get something to entertain yourself, because you’ll be here for a while.”

  With a glare, Kayla turns to the computer. “I’m going to rip a hole in your bank account.”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  “Challenge accepted,” Kayla mumbles as she starts to click on stuff. “Just watch.”

  An hour later, William is leaning over her. “Are you serious?”

  “What?” Kayla retorts, turning around. “A thousand is too much?”

  Giving her a look, William sits up. “No, not at all. I’ll have it brought to you. I think it would have been better to buy you a kindle.”

  “I like to be able to hold books,” Kayla says. “Anyway, there are movies too. As long as I have something to do other than to look at you, I’ll be happy.”

  “Mmmm,” William hums. “One day you’ll find me attractive and actually like me.”

  “And one day monkeys are going to fly out of my ass,” Kayla retorts back.

  William looks down at her. “That may be painful.”

  Kayla rolls her eyes. “Ha-ha, you’re so funny.”

  “I will tell you this, Miss Kayla, you’ll be my wife, sooner or later.”

  “Sure, when I’m ninety and don’t remember my name, then maybe you can con me into marrying you because I won’t know any better.”

  A smirk passes over William’s face. “I think it will be before you’re ninety.”

  “You won’t get into these pants before then. You better have a girlfriend on the side. Oh wait, you would actually have to have a girl like you for her to be a girlfriend. Or do you have multiple prisoners? Like a harem of captive girls.”

  “You’re the only one,” William says, standing up straighter. “I don’t need anyone else.”

  Kayla snorts. “You’re going to need your left hand a lot then if you don’t have a girlfriend.” William steps up to her and brings his hand back. Kayla shoots up and looks h
im straight in the face. “Go ahead, hit me, it’s just going to be one more thing that cements my opinion of you.”

  William clenches his fist and closes his eyes. “I won’t hurt you.”

  “I don’t know. I can be pretty sarcastic. Add that with the fact that I hate you, and I bet you’re going to hit me sooner or later.”

  “No harm will come to you if you behave,” William exhales. “Just keep that in mind.”

  “Can I hit you? You kind of act like a misbehaving two-year-old. If I can’t have you, nobody can!” She stomps her foot dramatically.

  William grabs the bridge of his nose. “It’s time for you to go to your room.”

  “Oh! I struck a nerve. Am I annoying you? Want to get rid of me yet?” Kayla inquires snottily.

  “No, I find it horribly attractive. I like a girl with a fighting spirit.”

  Kayla glares back at him. “If I knew how to fight, I would actually fight you and kick your ass.”

  “Mmm, don’t you wish,” William purrs. “Now, let’s get you to your room.” He gestures to the doorway with his hand. Kayla begrudgingly gets up and follows him out. When they get to her room, William says, “I’ll take you for a walk outside tomorrow. I’ll blindfold you so you don’t know where we are, but I’ll let you go outside.”

  “Thanks…I guess.”

  “If you need anything, all you need to do is press the red button on the wall in the living room. Someone will come to help you.”

  Kayla looks around the room. “There has to be cameras in here. Why don’t I just flip off whoever is watching?”

  “Can you behave like the girl I have come to admire? You were always well-mannered and well-spoken.”

  “I’m not going to do anything that will make you like me more.”

  William leans over to her. “That’s fine. I like spunk. I can handle you.”

  Pulling away, Kayla says, “You kiss me, I’ll deck you.”

  “You’re not allowed to punch me in the face,” William snarls, yanking her against him. He brings his lips to hers and unfurls his energy. Kayla fights it as much as possible. Remembering she has shoes on, she brings her foot up and slams it down his shin. William quickly lets go and screams. Grabbing her, he shoves Kayla against the wall.


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