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Quickies Page 8

by Eddie Cleveland

  “Get outta here, I better not see your ass around the stage when I get back. We don’t need to be hanging around with some kind of rapist wanna be.” I throw his arm back down and he rubs his free hand over it gingerly.

  “Ok man, fuck, don’t be such a douche,” he mutters as he sulkily slinks away.

  “Thank you,” the girl whispers, her large blue eyes locked on mine.

  “Don’t thank me, that guy was way outta line. I’m sorry about him,” I let the tension slide back out of my shoulders as I look at her. She’s wearing a little robe now, barely covering her defined legs, barely covering the beautiful body I just saw. I remind myself to keep my eyes on hers, she’s already dealt with one perv tonight.

  “I’m Scarlett,” she holds out her hand and smiles.

  “Cord MacGregor,” I answer, shaking her hand gently. “Is that your stage name?” I imagine it must be, maybe that’s why she has the red streak in her long hair.

  “No, it’s my real name,” she looks up at me shyly. You wouldn’t think this was the same girl who just ripped off her clothes on a stage in front of strangers only moments ago.

  “You’re with the bachelor party, right? I saw you when I was dancing,” her voice is like honey, thick and sweet.

  She did see me. It wasn’t my imagination.

  “Yep, that’s me. It was pretty hard to notice anything but you,” I murmur.

  I want to wrap my hand in her long hair and kiss her. I want to tear off her little robe and fuck her against the wall right here and right now. My mind gets lost in the drunken fantasy and I realize I’m staring at her without saying anything. However, if she’s uncomfortable, she’s not showing it. Instead, she’s staring right back.

  “Scarlett!” The tension around us shatters as the hallway echoes her name. I turn and see the manager standing at the end with his hands on his hips. “Your damned sister is on the phone again! I’ve told you a million times she can’t be calling you here,” he booms.

  “Oh no! I’ve gotta go,” her eyes grow wide with concern and I step aside. Wasn’t there something I came down here for? My full bladder twinges and reminds me of what I came to do.

  “Mr. Thomas, I think I need to go home,” she runs down the hall toward him. I can hear him angrily answer her as I make my way into the bathroom. My hands are trembling as I pull my cock out to piss. I’ve never felt that kind of… what the hell was that? It was like an electric charge was building between us, just by looking at each other.

  I think I should call it a night too. Besides, there’s no point in sticking around now. It’s not like any of the other girls can hold a candle to Scarlett. I think it’s time to get home and maybe work out some of this tension before I hit the hay.

  Chapter 2 - Scarlett

  I step on the gas pedal and my pathetic Chevy Aveo protests loudly as it struggles to accelerate faster. I’m going to be late.


  I didn’t mean to sleep in this morning, it’s not my style at all. I’m always up early. Since I took over as my sixteen-year-old sister’s guardian, I’ve gotten up everyday before her and made us breakfast.

  However, two nights ago I had to leave work to pick her up from a sketchy bus stop after she missed the last run of the night. By the time I got home it was late. Then last night, I was burning the candle at both ends studying for my midterm.

  I peer over at the car clock. Damn it, if I’m too late they won’t let me take this exam. Then I’m fucked. I won’t keep my scholarship if I’m flunking. And then this whole house of cards will fall.

  Wee-ohh, wee-ohh!

  Red and blue flashes in my rearview mirror and my chest squeezes tight. Please don’t be for me. Please go around me and find a murderer or a bank robber. There must be people out there committing real crimes, right? There must be bigger fish to fry than a girl racing to get to school.

  The lights flash bright and the car doesn’t go around. Damn it! Why does it feel like I can never catch a break?

  I pull over onto the soft shoulder and throw my car into park. Leaning over, I rustle through the papers in my glove box and find my registration then I pick up my bag and pull out my wallet with my license.

  Sometimes I feel like I’m cursed. When you grow up with a mom who always chose any random dude who would buy her crack-cocaine over her own children, it wasn’t hard to feel like I wasn’t special. Or loved.

  However, she eventually got put behind bars and I worked my ass off to give my sister and I better lives. It means working a job I don’t like, and staying up studying when everyone else I know is out partying, but I’ve managed to carve out a life for us.

  So why does it always feel like a stack of Jenga blocks that are ready to tumble down?

  I snap back to the present and watch a tall, muscular cop step out of the patrol car and make his way to my window.

  With his hat pulled low on his brow, I can’t see his face, but I have more than enough to soak in with his shredded body. Just his forearms alone are so burly and sexy, I could get off just fantasizing around them.

  I shake my head. Woah, snap out of it! That’s the other downside of holding everything together by a thread. It doesn’t exactly leave a lot of time for a love life. It’s not like I’ve never had a boyfriend, but it’s been a while. I’ve never dated anyone for more than a few months, and I can’t even remember the last time I went on a date. A year ago? No, longer than that.

  A thick finger rapping against my window startles me back to reality. I roll it down, hold out my paperwork and look up at the officer. My mouth drops open.

  “You?” I know my eyes are as wide as saucers, I can’t believe that it’s him. Cord MacGregor. The smoking hot guy who saved me from that lecherous creep the other night is a cop? I didn’t think he could get any hotter, and yet, here we are.

  “Well, well, small world huh?” He muses. My heart skips a beat as his blue eyes twinkle like the sun sparkling off the ocean. Now that he’s in his short-sleeved uniform, I can see a sleeve of tattoos blanketing his thick arms.

  “Where are you heading in such a rush?” His voice is deep and rich, it makes a tingle of excitement ripple through my body as my pussy clenches tight.

  For a minute, I struggle to remember where I was going. I know I was driving, but where? A fog of desire clouds my mind and distorts the details.

  “I, uh, oh I’m on my way to school!” I blurt out the answer that pops up in my brain like a jack-in-the-box.

  “School? What school?” He looks suspicious.

  “St Joseph’s College. I’m running behind today and I have a midterm exam I’m going to be late for, and if I don’t get there soon, I’m screwed.” My words gush out like water rushing from a dam.

  “You know, I’ve always heard about the stripper making her way through school, but I never thought that was a real thing,” he smirks and I can’t help but smile back.

  “Trust me, in most cases it’s a line to get more money out of the clients, okay? But I’m really a student, see?” I pull my student identification card from my wallet and he looks it over.

  “Wow, I’ll be,” he hands it back. “Okay, wait here, I’ve still gotta run you through, I’ll be right back.” He turns and walks back to his car. His round, firm ass is pushing the limits of his uniform. It’s a welcome distraction from the panic welling up inside me about my exam.

  He doesn’t take long to head back my way, my heart sinks as I focus on the long piece of paper in his hand. A ticket.

  Honestly, am I cursed?

  I swallow hard as he comes back to my window and hands me my license and registration back. “Okay, so you were going twenty miles an hour over the speed limit here. Normally that’s a four-hundred-dollar fine,” he holds out the paper to me as I groan, “but I’m letting you off with a warning,” I can’t help the huge smile that’s overtaking my face.

  “Thank you so much!”

  “Don’t thank me, just don’t be speeding out here like that again, okay?�
� He scolds me and the image of me lying over his lap and showing me just how naughty I’ve been flashes through my mind.

  “I promise!” I hold my hand over my heart.

  “Great, well here you go,” he hands me the ticket. “Just one more thing,” he leans toward me before I have a chance to look at it.

  “What’s that?” I look at the shiny handcuffs on his belt and feel my pussy grow slick with desire as my spanking fantasy gets turned up a notch.

  “I’m going to get you to your exam on time, okay? Follow me,” he taps the roof of my car and goes back in his car, turning on the flashing lights again. I watch as he pulls out in front of me and I turn on my ignition. Glancing down at the ticket, I see he’s scrawled his phone number across it and I bite my lip. I pull out from the curb and follow him down the road. Maybe things are starting to look up. After all, doesn’t every curse eventually get broken?

  * * *

  Chapter 3 - Cord

  I haven’t been able to get Scarlett out of my mind all day. I feel like a lovestruck teen instead of a man. I’ve never gotten so bent out of shape by a woman I barely knew. I’m not the kind of guy who believes in lightening strikes of love instantly transforming my heart. Yet, when I look at her, when she smiles at me, I can feel the electricity build between us. It’s like one of those balls at a science center that has a hundred little beams of electricity randomly zapping around until you place your finger on it and they all converge together and meet your fingertips.

  I walk in my front door and toss my keys in a bowl on the table. I pull my cell out of my pocket and slump forward with a sigh when I see I still haven’t missed any calls from her. Not even a text. Is it possible I read this all wrong? Maybe she’s not interested.

  A girl like Scarlett probably gets hit on by dozens of men every night she works. I’m guessing there’s a lot of young guys trying to get in her pants at college too. Why did I think she’d see me as any different than all of them?

  I kick off my boots and make my way to my bedroom, shrugging off my shirt. As I hang up my uniform I briefly consider going back to the club. I know she works there. Maybe I could talk to her for a bit, show her I’m different.


  That’s creepy. Last thing a girl like her needs is a guy following her around like a lost puppy. I change into some jeans and tee before heading back down to my kitchen.

  Swinging the fridge door open I grab a cold brew and pop the lid off before taking a long swig. With the next couple of days off work, I’m gonna need to think of something to keep me busy. I’m not going to sit around my house moping about some girl who doesn’t like me back. That’s stupid.

  I’m over it. Over the whole thing. Move on, right? I take another long drink of cold beer and wipe the back of my hand over my lips. Yep, it was worth a try, but it is what it is.


  I leap on the spot and lunge over to my cell phone. It’s her! My heart jumps into high gear as I press the green button.

  “Hello?” I answer too loudly. Way too loudly. So much for being over it.

  “Umm, hi, is this Cord?” Her voice drips with sugar and I can’t help but wonder if her tongue tastes as sweet.

  “Speaking,” I manage to answer in my inside voice.

  “Hi, it’s Scarlett.”

  “Oh hey, how’s it going?” I play it smooth. She doesn’t need to know that five minutes ago I was seriously considering taking up stalking as a pastime.

  “Good, I wanted to thank you for today,” her voice is breathy and it’s making me crazy. I can picture making her talk like that as she calls my name out… in bed.

  “Did you get to your exam on time? That all worked out for you?”

  “Yes, thanks for the escort. My professor let me take the exam and I think I did pretty good on it,” I can hear the relief in her tone. It sounds like she had a lot hinging on this test. I’m happy I could help her.

  “That’s great! We should celebrate,” I grin and take another pull of beer. “I bet you wouldn’t guess this, but I’m a great cook. How about I make us a nice meal?” I hold my breath and wait for her to answer.

  “I, uh, that sounds nice, but I, um, well, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. I mean, I know you’ve seen me naked, but I’m really not the kind of girl you probably think. I’m just working there to support my sister and I while I’m in school.” She explains nervously.

  “Hey, hey. I don’t think you’re any kind of way just because of where you work. Everyone needs to eat, right? Besides, I’m not sure what kind of guy you think I am, but I don’t put out on the first date, thank you very much,” I tease her.

  She laughs and I can’t help but grin. “Okay, sure, does tomorrow night work?”

  “It does,” I beam. “How does six sound?”

  “That sounds great,” I can hear the smile in her voice.

  “Perfect, I’ll text you my address then. I can’t wait to see you again,” I tell her truthfully.

  “Me too,” she answers.

  As I hang up the phone I walk back over to my fridge and pull open the door. I scan the half empty jars of pickles and old bottles of condiments. I wasn’t lying when I told her I’m a great cook. It’s just that I don’t have a lot of reasons to cook elaborate meals when I’m living alone and working long shifts.

  Guess it looks like I’ll have to hit up the grocery store. As I finish the last of my beer, I realize that I’m actually a bit nervous about having her over. It hasn’t been that long since I’ve been with someone, but it’s been a long damned time since I was worried about impressing someone.

  * * *

  Chapter 4 - Cord

  “Mmmm, this is amazing,” Scarlett flutters her eyelashes closed as she chews a bite of the tender steak I cooked.

  “Glad you like it,” I chomp on a piece of juicy meat and nod in agreement with her. It is delicious.

  “Would you like another glass of wine?” I lift the bottle from the table and fill her glass back up as she nods at me. I finish the bottle by pouring the remains into my glass and take a moment to soak her in.

  She’s absolutely stunning. Her long black hair is flowing down over her shoulders with the wild streak of red adding a punky punch of color.

  “I like the red in your hair,” I meet her blue eyes, the color of an autumn sky.

  “Thanks, I put it in because it’s my school’s color,” she runs her fingers through her hair and tosses it back.

  “Do you go to a lot of the games or something?” I ask before taking another mouthful of creamy garlic mashed potatoes.

  “No, I’m on the gymnastics team, I’m at school on an athletic scholarship,” she answers.

  “Gymnastics!” The image from the other night of her flipping from a handstand back onto her feet pops in my mind. Her grace and skill make more sense now. “What kind do you do?”

  “I train in all areas, but I specialize in the balance beam,” she looks down modestly.

  “Well, that’s pretty impressive. I’m about as elegant as a drunk elephant, so I think it’s pretty cool that you can do that,” I smile at her.

  “Thanks,” she takes a sip of her red wine and looks up at me from under her long eyelashes. “I think what you do is pretty amazing. It can’t be easy to go to work everyday not knowing if someone is going to shoot at you, or if something crazy is going to happen,” her pale cheeks flush a little. “I think that’s pretty heroic.”

  “Well, you’d be surprised,” I laugh. “Most days are pretty routine. It’s not everyday that I get to keep the world safe from a breakneck speedster like you,” I tease her.

  “I’m sure the world is grateful,” she laughs. “But seriously, I never got to tell you how grateful I am that you stopped that guy the other night. I felt like you were my hero when you saved me,” she levels me with those eyes.

  “Don’t thank me for that. I would’ve done the same thing if I was a civilian, trust me. He was way outta line.”

“Well, either way, thanks,” Scarlett reaches across the table and grabs my hand and my heart races.

  I want to fling the plates onto the floor and lift her up onto the table and fuck her right here in my dining room. It takes an enormous amount of restraint to gently rub my thumb over the back of her hand and keep my instincts under wraps.

  I stand up and pick up my empty plate, holding out my hand to take hers as well. “I’ll help you,” she stands up and joins me. The plates go in the sink with a clatter, but I don’t care. I couldn’t care less if they’re shattered into a million pieces, I wrap my hand around her head, tangling my fingers in her luxurious hair and tenderly taste her sweet lips with a kiss.

  She hesitates at first, but her lips part and our tongues collide in a sensual dance. When I pull away, her eyes are still closed. She opens them like she’s waking up from a dream.

  “I’m sorry I don’t have any dessert made,” I breathe the words.

  “That’s okay. I was just thinking, well, it’s too bad,” she looks up at me.

  “What’s too bad?”

  “Just that you’re a cop so you probably follow the rules pretty strictly, right?”

  “That’s usually the case,” I answer.

  “Yeah, I guess I was just hoping you’d break your rule you have about first dates,” she looks at her toes.

  “I’ll tell you what,” I pull her in so close I can smell her natural perfume, “how about you give me a personal lap dance and I’ll toss my rule out. Besides,” I growl, “you’re the only dessert I want to eat tonight.”

  * * *

  Chapter 5 - Scarlett

  I tug Cord by the hand and lead him into his living room. Standing up on my tippy-toes, I reach up to his broad shoulders and push him down into the chair. I don’t know what’s gotten into me, but I’ve never been the kind of girl who fucks on the first date. There’s just something different about him, I feel like I’ve known him forever. Like we grew up together in this small town. Like that guy you always noticed on the bus, but never talked to, but somehow just watching him everyday from afar and caring about him made you feel closer to him.


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