Flight of the Maita Supercollection 3: Solving Galactic Problems Collector's Edition

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Flight of the Maita Supercollection 3: Solving Galactic Problems Collector's Edition Page 130

by Moulton, CD

  Nax slapped the relay ID plate and the door slid silently upward. Z entered, tossed the pillows beside the small ledge, sat the wine and glasses on the ledge along with the sweetcake and asked again if they cared for any. They didn't reply, but sullenly closed the door.

  Z was sure there would be a television camera watching him now so he poured some wine into a crystal goblet, tasted it, waved his hand over it (Drawing out some heat as he did so with the same spell that made the blue flame), tasted it again, nodded and laid back. He spotted the camera over the door and moved small bits of matter around until he shorted out a capacitor, shutting the camera down. It was a thing that could have happened in normal use so they wouldn't be sure he had done it. It wouldn't do to have them see him open that door.

  Okay. They were confused now. He could have simply walked away yet he seemed to be moving in on his own. They wouldn't have any idea how to figure him. He had learned what he wanted to know and had let Maita know how he was going to handle his end of it. He knew fairly closely where everything was on this ship.

  The door opened again. He glanced up with a questioning look at Froh, who saw him sitting on his pillow drinking a bit of the wine. Froh flipped open the camera panel, popped out a component board, popped in another, then went back out, closing the door. Z laid back ignoring the camera. In a while the camera could break down again – while the wizard seemingly slept. This might be great fun for a number of reasons!


  Maita was as fidgety as, according to Z's wild expressions, a cat at a dogfight. It didn't know what was happening, could only guess at what Thing was planning, couldn't use the few sensors left aboard the Jornian ship and felt truly helpless about it. If there was only a hint of what these organics would do!

  Z's actions would make no sense whatever so the rest of their little group would do whatever he wanted them to where the Prlnth were concerned. That otherplaner would become and would stay vastly confused. Maita knew Z would plan on that if it didn't know anything else.

  Thing would fly off as it had, would think the situation out on the way to the dark continent, would decide what Z would be doing and would match its plan to that of the Terran. Maita would stay in the thick of it through the golems.

  Z had re-entered the Jornian ship almost an hour ago after sending the passive recordings. Thing knew more or less what was planned by now so there would be a rapid coming together of ideas. It was too bad Fale went along because it would hamper the rest of their actions. Everyone would have to stay in character. Perhaps that was good. Perhaps this was going to become yet another legend of the amazing wizard-demon, Boss.

  Another message was coming! Z came carelessly out from the Jornian ship – after he was taken aboard at laser point – and slipped the passive recorder disk into the reader slot. He then removed some items from the floater and went back toward the spaceship as Jornians came rushing out waving their lasers. Maita quickly read the information on the recorder, sent it on to Thing and began to understand what Z was doing.

  It had known Z would protect those innocent Tlorgian people and saw how this could work. It was great fun to see the expressions on the faces of the spaceship crew when Z came up behind them in the mess room. The oh-so-innocent "I didn't mean to startle you" was a gem to be recorded along with such times as when T6 had said "Excuse me?" to Rimalt and company years past (Describe Intelligent). T6 had given Maita all of those records.

  Z was determined to have fun with this, which was good. It was like old times. It really was. Maita could relax its surveillance a bit now. There was no immediate danger unless the Prlnth did something to those farm people and Z went wild. Kurk would join him in that. Maybe before they were all killed these Prlnth would learn a lesson about Plutons and Terrans alike.

  It was a good time to check all the reporting stations in the empire and to monitor the things an emperor was supposed to control. That took almost three minutes, the empire was so vast, now.

  Maybe Z was right. The Tlorgians and the demons should be allowed to join the Maitan Empire if they so chose. Kurk would definitely want to travel around for a bit and Maita would as definitely like to study the strange Pluton. It was so much like Z in some ways, yet was so very different in others. Those two would soon become close friends despite Z's reticence to become close to others. The one time past when Thing came to Tlorg for the case of Kene and the Immins, the Pluton, Wruk, was there, had been Kene's closest friend and had shown the traits Kurk displayed. Good traits, if a bit primitive. The Plutons were exceptional people, basically. Misguided and very much entrapped in a stage of social development they should have passed. Maita liked Kurk and TR liked Kurk. Thing liked Kurk and Z liked Kurk. Fale liked Kurk and Burl liked Kurk.

  Kurk was a terrifying sight to most peoples and was capable of being as terrifying as he looked, which was different from the Feach who were as terrifying to look at, but who were very gentle, compassionate people. Maybe the decision would be made by the Zulians. Maybe Kurk could be presented to those people, their reactions noted and when.... The Zulians would be fascinated by Kurk and Kurk would love the Zulians.

  It shows how much Maita trusted its friends and crew that it didn't fret as it was prone to do now that it understood some of what they planned.


  Thing, Kurk, Ehrak, the golems and Fale met at the former rendezvous point where Thing gave instructions.

  [ Fale, if you will be so kind as to quickly fly over the areas Kurk and Extrx will tell you about to see that the mines are not operating Kurk will come with me to the spaceship with the golems while Extrx will move around behind their ship and stay concealed in the forest until we call him. I think we can work this out fairly well. Boss has communicated, as he often does through the golems, that he is playing with the demon and the otherworlders so we will play that game, too. I think we understand that Boss accomplishes much through comedy. The lack of logic in our acts and those of Boss will confuse the demons, though we must be exceedingly careful not to do anything to make them harm the farmers and the children. If Boss becomes angered as he will if those people are harmed it will be a terrible thing for us as well as for those on that spaceship. ]

  "Zhat iss drue," Fale replied. "I will dry do zday oud of zhigd of zhe ozzerworlderz. Zhu can dell me whad do do. I will do anyding for Boss. I zee whad he iss doing. Iss gread fun!"

  "It's also deadly serious, Fale," Ehrak warned. "Boss would allow them to kill him to help those people in there. Don't forget that. Boss always faces danger with humor.

  "Maybe, we know you're closest to Boss so you be the leader in this. Just tell us what to do and we'll do it."

  [ I'm going to continue Boss's act. He's playing the 'who cares?' game like he's amused at the schemes of the Prlnth so we'll confuse them even more. All of you know how the wizards used to challenge one another so what we'll do is act like I'm trying to get Boss's power for myself. The Prlnth will expect us to come to rescue Boss so it'll get more and more confused as we go along. We must do things it can't understand. ]

  "Maybe I can come in with the same scheme," Ehrak suggested. "I have some ideas of my own about how to do some of this. If they think they can play you against me and both of us against Boss we'll have a lot of options open they never even took the time to consider!"

  "Zhes!" Fale cried. "Maybe will have zhe golems and Kurk wid id! I can be wid Extrx! Zhat will make id look like a war!"

  "A war among sorcerers and demons!" Kurk said. "I can feel I'm being left out somehow so I can make any deal I want! Better! I can still be totally loyal to Boss! We can stage some real battles among ourselves!

  "There has to be some way for Boss to know what's going on so he'll know how to react."

  –Hey, Dungbreath! You forget we're here? You think maybe we can't communicate with Boss?–

  [ I'm sure you can once we're inside of the ship, but you don't fool me! You're limited to getting information FROM Boss while separated, but you can't get it back TO
Boss! ]

  +Now, Maybe.I'm sure No wasn't attempting to deceive anyone. This is too serious for that.

  +We can communicate with Boss, but we must wait because the demon is watching him. When the time is right we will tell him what he must know.+

  That was good! Thing knew Maita had found a way to activate one or more of the spy floaters hidden inside the Jornian ship so Z would be able to coordinate his own actions with theirs.

  [ Fale, please go as quickly as you can to survey the mine sites. We'll wait here for your return. ]

  The others explained where Fale was to look, it took off and Thing explained to Kurk that there was a spy device inside the ship Maita could use to communicate with Z when he wasn't being watched.

  [ I hope Maita can give me some kind of sign if Z needs a distraction. We can cause one for him. This floater I'm on can fire some very interesting weapons, but we'll have to refrain from hurting the Prlnth or each other. ]

  "I'll come in at a sign from Maita that Z is ready for me," Ehrak said. "I can be outside where a floater can come to me. I'll have a portable shield in place. The floater can protect you so we can produce some special effects that will REALLY be SPECIAL!

  "Maita, can you make something spectacular and send it over on a floater? Fast?"

  *Yes! Very fast! I know the perfect thing. A magician should have a magic wand. I can design it so it will self-destruct if taken apart. There are radioactives being mined at the third mine so maybe you can stop that project, Ehrak. You'll have some time while Thing's setting up all of this at the ship. Crude methods will suffice well. As a matter of fact, the cruder the better.*

  "Right! I'll get that started right now!" Ehrak agreed. "Some form of primitive explosive?"

  *At the surface. They can't detect better once we've caved the whole thing in. Fale will see that no one is in the mine, I think. They're limited to using servos mostly so we don't care about that.*

  Ehrak melted into the forest, reminding Thing of Tom. Many years ago Tom was able to seem to disappear right in front of one's eyes in these settings.

  Fale soon returned to say only golems were at the mines so the group went toward the ship. Fale would go around to await Extrx on the far side of the encampment while the others would go right on in. It was getting interesting.


  Ehrak was feeling deep exhilaration now. He almost instinctively moved in a new manner, thought in a new manner and acted in a new manner.

  Thing, therefore Maita, had not said one thing against his taking a strong role in this and it WAS a good idea to magnify any confusion. Thing said Fale would be waiting at the far side of the ship for him. He was to get rid of that radium/uranium mine on his own. He was given responsibility and was now accepted as a part of this group. It was a good feeling!

  He moved very rapidly and silently through the forest, came out above the mine, watched for a few long minutes, then went close. The guard machines were being handled by Maita's floaters so he could go in among the mining machines. There was some trmpthm on the floater – enough for this – and a number of old-fashioned nitrate explosives were there in case they were needed. The trmpthm would do the job while the nitrates would leave evidence it was locals who had done the damage. Good.

  Ehrak waited until an ore carrier came out, dumped its load into the hopper and started back inside. He put the trmpthm and a detonator on the cart with a set pulse timer, waited until the cart disappeared inside, then placed the nitrates in what seemed to be the best places. He lit the fuse on the nitrates then headed at a steady trot for the ship. He had gone about a half kilometer when the charges went off almost together. The ground jumped under his feet, but he never broke stride. He was soon at the agreed spot where he saw Fale in a tree. He waved a signal to the Frome, then sat to catch his breath and to take stock of the area. whisper from midair and above told him Maita had secreted a floater in the tree. He found it and whispered that he was ready.

  *The wand is on its way. Maybe five or six minutes. Thing and Kurk are making a good impression, I guess you could say. The golems are driving the Jornians crazy while the Prlnth is becoming more and more confused. The wand is various colored lasers as well as some gases and a projectile weapon. There are several small buttons on the base. You can figure them out pretty well, I think.*

  "I'll try," Ehrak answered. "My problem will be to explain where I got the wand to Fale."

  *Call Fale down. I'll handle it! You can put the wand on the limb above you where it can't be seen from beneath.*

  Ehrak signaled for Fale to come as soon as the wand arrived and he had it placed on the limb. He said they must be ready for a sign from Boss as to when to cause their diversion. While he was talking Z's voice came seemingly from nowhere.

  "Fale, Extrx, my dear friends! I thank you for your concerns for me and for these innocent people here. I am using a farseeing spell now that is somewhat hard to control from inside of this ship so I will only say I am aware of what you and the others plan. The golems keep me very well informed.

  "If you will look carefully above your heads along the low branch there you will find a wand. Extrx, you will please use that wand because you have been trained by me to do so. You know its power. Be most careful with it. I think you will recognize it.

  "I must go. This is a difficult spell from in here. We will speak directly soon, my friends."

  "I know this wand!" Ehrak said, lifting it down from where he had concealed it. "It's Boss's own! He made it! It holds more power than you can imagine! Now all we have to do is wait for the signal."

  "Zhes, my friend," Fale replied. "I am glad iss do zhu do use zhe wand. Iss doo much power for me! Boss musd drusd zhu compledely do give zhu zuch power."

  "Boss knows I would gladly die for him," Ehrak said. "We've been together for a long time and we've done a lot together over the years. This is far more serious than even I know, I think. This wand isn't a thing Boss would let out of his own hands, as a general rule – even to me or to Maybe, who has the real brains in our group. Even Boss always says Maybe's smarter than all of us added together!"

  Z's voice came from the air again, "My dear friends, I think perhaps Maybe and Kurk could use a distraction or two right now. Try to time it so I have at least a quarter hour to do what I must do. I plan to get the people out of here and to safety, then I will join you. The major problem here is not so immediate, but I wish that no one be harmed. Please be most careful.

  "Extrx, use only the sensational and dramatic powers of the wand. Maybe has a wand of its own and will do the same. Kurk will do what he can and the golems will add to the confusion greatly.

  "Thank you, my friends. This is important to me."

  "Zhes, Boss!" Fale cried. "We will do anyzhing zhu zay! Zhu be careful, doo!"

  "I assure you, my friend, I will!" the voice replied.

  "Come on!" Ehrak said. "Let's get this play on the stage!"


  Kurk followed close behind Maybe while the golems followed above. This all seemed a bit silly, but it was also going to be fun – if no one got hurt. The object to confuse the Prlnth couldn't fail with this and Z would have time to act if they started fighting among themselves to distract the Jornians. It would have to seem random, but they would also have to select their targets with care. If they could knock out all communications from the spaceship he ... no, that wouldn't mean anything. The Jornians had already taken care of that.

  Kurk didn't doubt for a minute the Jornians were there under force. Lahst told Z her lifemate would be killed if she didn't cooperate and Z was expected to do as he was told because the Prlnth was threatening to harm the farmers so it was within the pattern of things. Maita had the ability to simply open the big portal, send through truly massive energy beam weapons and eliminate the problem for all time. There was a direct threat to everyone everywhere, not only to this one planet. Kurk simply didn't understand why Maita would pause, much less refuse to handle the problem in the most direct and effecti
ve way.

  The Prlnth planned beforehand to kill everyone on Tlorg. They didn't deserve consideration. They made the choice of how the rules were so there shouldn't be any hesitation in following those rules THEY made against THEM! The argument that Maita's group would then be no better than the Prlnth was both superficial and silly. The Prlnth had already made the rules. There could be no reasonable objection if anyone else followed those rules. It was a way Kurk's own race had solved a huge trade problem among the different nations on Hades a few years ago where one nation could send products to another while placing silly restrictions and taxes against the very nation they traded with. The law was passed in his own nation under which the nation who had closed markets to his was allowed to make all the rules of trade between the two nations – only both sides were to play with the same set. If there was a tax on imported products into Krollehr the exact same tax rate would be applied to products FROM Krollehr, effectively destroying Krollehr's markets with almost every nation where such unfair trade practices were imposed. In very short order trade opened up. Everyone profited in one way or another.

  This was no different: Allow Prlnth to make the rules. If the rule was that Prlnth could destroy a population on Tlorg Tlorg or its representatives could destroy the population on Prlnth. Show over. Maybe was supposed to be the most logical one as well as the smartest, but it couldn't see that simple point. Why?

  Perhaps it was Kurk who was missing the point, but there was no logic in the argument. If there was no other point in the omniverse where the same thing could happen it would certainly be smartest and safest – and easiest – to solve the problem quickly and permanently. That was logic.


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