Talon of the Unnamed Goddess, a Fantasy Adventure

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Talon of the Unnamed Goddess, a Fantasy Adventure Page 9

by C. R. Daems

  "Is that a mirage behind the town, Chimola?" Rhiannon asked. She waved her hand toward the shimmering blue ribbon that lay beyond the city.

  "No, Anka, that is the great lake Tiamat, made from the goddess Tiamat's own tears to give the Jaddahan people life" Kibwe had proved the most gregarious of the warriors, with an opinion and comment about everything. He clearly admired his commander, Chimola.

  The rectangular walls surrounding Zenjir towered ten paces high and at least two leagues long, with slender watch minarets fifteen stories high at each of the four corners. At the very top of each structure were four open arches supporting their golden domes.

  Outside the walls, hundreds of open-air tents formed the bazaar. Wending our way through the throng, we passed vendors crying their wares. I gasped at the designs and bright colors made lively as they moved and flapped in the warm desert breeze. As we passed the bazaar on the way to the gates of the city, the multiple colors and exotic designs flapping in the gentle wind created a breathtaking scene that seemed alive and moving. Chimola made a signal to the guards at the entrance before she left us just inside the gate. The guards stared hard at Rhiannon and me but did not bother us.

  "We will direct you to the Red Hawk, a clean inn, that our clan owns, where you can stay until you determine where you want us to take you," Uzoma, who appeared the oldest warrior in the group although clearly not its leader, said. I guessed his age in his forties. "Chimola must report to our clan leader to inform him of your presence and our contract."

  "Are there any Talons in Zenjir, Uzoma?" I asked. Talon support would be welcome.

  "Yes, a few. Hi'Lord Baqir employs several, and Talons are hired to guard caravans coming to Zenjir from other kingdoms. These usually stay in the city to rest and relax before returning."

  "Can you get word to one of them that Aisha Talon would like to talk with him?" I failed to contain my excitement.

  "Yes, Mistress Aisha." He waved to Kibwe, who peeled off in another direction. We strolled down the wide streets lined by domed structures and decorated with variegated fronds and flowers. If it weren't for duty, I would have stopped and gaped at the houses, shops, and temples. Most of the buildings were white or contrasting shades of light and dark brown; the trim included intricate mosaic designs of blues, oranges, and greens. Arches were inlaid with intricate embossments and writings that I would have liked to study. I forced myself to concentrate on my duty and scanned the people around us for signs of trouble.

  The Red Hawk Inn was a modest two-story structure with an open colonnade with tables for eating outside. Inside, it was clean and bright from the multiple open arches allowing access. We paid for a room with two beds; it was clean and pleasant if austere.

  "This is rather…plain and small." Rhiannon looked around the room. "It reminds me a bit of the dungeons."

  "Uzoma, Anka and I need to shop for clothes. We didn't exactly have the chance to bring any and what we have might draw attention." I smiled at the thought. "We seem to have gotten separated from our luggage. Can you help us?"

  "It is my duty to protect you while you shop," Uzoma said with a small grin. "But I'm not sure how much help I could be. The women who are warriors shop in the same places as the men, but many women prefer clothing that is more beautiful. I never shop with my wife or my daughter. They don't allow it."

  I smiled. "How many children do you have, Uzoma?"

  "Two sons and a daughter, Mistress."

  "You must be anxious to see them after being away." I learned as much about our escorts as I could, valuable when trouble exposed its ugly fangs.

  "Yes, Mistress Aisha. I would like to spend some time with my family, but we are under contract to you, which takes precedence. You have not indicated how many of us you expect to guard you while you are in Zenjir."

  "One of you, night and day. Is that acceptable?" We were far from Granya or Valda, unlikely to encounter more than an isolated assassination attempt. I could handle that myself, although backup could be valuable. We mostly needed a guide and informant.

  "Yes, Mistress. Very reasonable, considering what you are paying us." Uzoma grinned. "Three of us are married and would like to spend some time with our families while we are home. The fourth, Kibwe, has several women friends. He would not like them to forget him. For now, I will be outside your door while you freshen up." Uzoma closed the door as he left.

  "Do you think Father is alive, Aisha?" Rhiannon said.

  "I think the attack was intended to kill you and your father, Anka. I saved your life at the cost of the other Talons. I hope that your father's Talon guard was able to save him, too. I know they would give their lives to save him, but bravery is not always enough." I paused to consider my next remark. "You should begin to regard yourself now as hi'Lady Rhiannon. It couldn't hurt. If you are not now, you will be someday in the future."

  "You think my father's dead." Rhiannon sat on the edge of one of the beds, sobbed, and covered her face with her hands. "And why do you keep calling me Anka?"

  "I continue to call you Anka to protect you. Whether your father is alive or dead, you are still in danger. The longer we can hide your identity, the less likely you are to be attacked. As for your father, it is best not to assume, because, if you do, you will act on that assumption. And if the assumption is wrong, it could mean your death. Before we act, we will try to find out the truth while we are here."

  "Will you stay with me, Aisha?" Rhiannon asked. "I don't know who else I can trust."

  "Yes, Anka. I'm contracted for a year. At that time, you may extend the contract if you wish."

  "Are you and the Talons going to seek revenge for whoever killed the Talons in the ambush?"

  "Probably not. The soldiers and nobles attacked you and your father, not the Talons. It was not personal against the Raptor Clan. The Talons are professional soldiers." I knew this whole conversation would sound harsh to a young girl, but better the truth than a lie.

  "So you only protect me for the money!"

  "I am here for my clan's honor, and for that honor I would give up my life to protect you. No, I do not do it for the money. But do not dismiss money. People need it to eat, to feed their families, to buy clothes, and to provide shelter for them. The poorer you are, the more important money is to your survival. You will also find that you can't buy loyalty. You must earn it by the way you rule."

  "I'm confused—" Rhiannon was interrupted by a knock at the door.

  "Yes?" I asked as I put my hands on my knives.

  "Mistress, four Talons are here to see you," Uzoma said through the closed door.

  "Let them in, Uzoma." I motioned for Rhiannon to go to the far corner of the room. Until I was sure, I would be prepared to fight.


  Zenjir: Temporary safety

  Our room at the inn seemed small as four men entered and smaller yet when the last one closed the door. It was large enough for two beds, a table, and two chairs, but too small for six people. The four were Talons, attired with traditional sashes, black silk shirts, and pants. They walked with a catlike lilt, stood, and watched me as I eyed them. An uneasy standoff.

  I sensed that the four had War Sigils and three had additional sigils. One had an Energy Sigil, one had an Illusion Sigil, and one had the Truth Sigil. I decided not to use my Negativity Sigil since I wanted the Talon with the Truth Sigil to be able to establish the truth of my statements. My problem was determining the truth of theirs.

  I didn't recognize any of them, and none showed that they knew me. A cold silence pervaded the room as if the chill of the desert night entered with them. I presumed they were waiting for me to identify myself; that was not so easily done. Talons had no identifying clan scars or tattoos. Even our weapons, while expensive and distinctive, were not unique.

  **Welcome Brothers,** I signed and waited. The four men, all different heights, builds, coloring, facial hair, and looks, had a stamp about them that was easy to see but difficult to describe. Two were above avera
ge in height, one medium, and one short, although at least a hand taller than me. **I'm Aisha Talon.**

  **Who is the girl in the corner?** the oldest of the four signed. Judging by his sash, he was a Master Talon.

  **Anka, my duty.** I signed. I didn't allow myself to relax. The fact that the older one could "battle sign" was encouraging since clan law forbade teaching anyone the Talon's sign language. But I had heard stories that a few rogue Talons existed, and they would know how to sign.

  "When did you graduate?" the older man asked.

  "I was called sister this year." I said aloud, hiding my smile at the test.

  "Name three masters at the Aerie."

  "Bakaar, Jiang, Dragos." It was now my turn. "Name their positions."

  "Master Bakaar manages supplies and equipment and conducts knife training; Master Jiang is the senior trainer; and Master Dragos is the senior Talon of the Raptor Clan." The senior Talon looked back at each man, who nodded. "Have we tested each other enough, Sister Aisha?"

  "Yes, Senior Brother." I didn't think rogue Talons would have current knowledge of the masters at the Aerie. Besides, I had heard rumors the rogue Talons lived in the Salda Kingdom or even farther south. I had to assume that these four were Talons, although I hated to assume anything with Rhiannon's life at stake.

  "Welcome, Sister Aisha. I am Anton, and these brothers are Marku, Stanko, and Vasile. Brother Cezar is the other Talon in Zenjir. He is currently on guard duty with hi'Lord Baqir. How may we help you?" The four men sat themselves on the floor in a semicircle facing me.

  "First let me introduce my duty. Her name for now is Anka. Her title, the last we knew, was pri'Rhiannon. Master Dragos contracted me to hi'Lord Varius as her bodyguard, pretending to be her chaperone." I detailed the attack on the caravan, our subsequent escape into the desert, and my existing agreement with the Jaddahan warriors. "Before I can decide what action to take next, I need information about the situation in Granya. I hoped my brothers could help me."

  "Do you know the status of Anka's detail?" a younger Talon asked. "I have an old friend on that detail."

  "No. To my shame, I had to leave with Anka and could not stay to help. When we fled the camp, they were greatly outnumbered, and they could not disengage since Anka still lived. They would have held to the last man to give us as much time as possible." Every time I thought back to the scene and having to leave them, bile rose in my throat. I had done the right thing, duty came before honor, but that didn't make me feel any better.

  "Cezar, Vasile, and I are under contract to hi'Baqir. However, Marku and Stanko are not currently under duty and are free for clan work," Anton said. "If you wish their services, Anka, you must negotiate a contract with the Talon."

  "I don't know how to negotiate a contract." Rhiannon turned to me. "And I have no gold, Mistress Aisha."

  I frowned, finding myself in an awkward situation. I was clan and, therefore, could not negotiate against the clan; yet I was under contract to Rhiannon and responsible for her safety. Having a duty to protect both put me in a tenuous position. Where did one end and the other begin?

  "Master Anton, you are the senior Talon here and, therefore, represent the clan. I wish your advice as to the extent that I may assist Anka in her negotiations with you."

  "You may not participate in the negotiations, but you may advise her beforehand on what resources and services she will need, and the questions she should ask the Talon."

  "Anka, we need information. To get it, you must send two Talons to Granya to determine the current situation. One Talon must return to us with a report. The other should report to the Aerie, but that is Talon business and you need not pay for that. Then I would suggest we plan to meet with a representative of the Talon from the Aerie at the town of Dahab. There you and the representative can determine your next action. You must ask Anton Talon his standard rates for these types of services and negotiate a rate based upon how different your service requirements are from standard. Remember how I negotiated with the Jaddah warriors?"

  "You threatened to fight them to the death!" Rhiannon half shouted, which brought smiles to the Talons' faces.

  Rhiannon was right. The threat had been part of the negotiations. I smothered a laugh at an image of Rhiannon standing, hands on hips, challenging Anton to a duel. "No matter what happens, Anka, I am your bodyguard and advisor for the year. And the four Jaddahans are also yours to command."

  "Oh." Rhiannon walked over to the table and sat in the chair. "Anton Talon, what is the standard rate for a Talon to enter Granya, find out what is happening, and return to tell me?" Rhiannon found her most noble-like voice while sitting straighter in her chair.

  Anton spoke after some thought. "What you want is a general spy, someone to travel through Granya, eating and drinking at inns, and listening to the gossip. Two gold scrules each week for each Talon plus a scrule per week for their food and lodging."

  "Mistress Aisha, how much did father pay for you?" Rhiannon looked at me.

  I had to admit that was good thinking. I expected her to agree with Anton's price.

  "Four gold scrules each week and he would provide food, lodging, and clothing." I resisted the urge to smile.

  "Anton Talon, my bodyguard has saved my life twice, has risked her life several times, and has spent every hour attached to me. That seems many times harder than what I require. One scrule each week for each Talon and one scrule for their expenses." I noted several lips twitching in what would have been broad smiles on anyone except a disciplined Talon.

  "Two scrules each Talon each week," Anton countered, "no food or lodging. But you must pay for a Jaddahan guide to Granya and back to Zenjir."

  "Aisha, can we lend one of our Jaddahan warriors as a guide?"

  "Yes, they work for you." Rhiannon took to bargaining as if she was born into a merchant's family. She matured before my eyes. The months ahead would not be easy. Her choices could make the difference between hi'Lady and dead.

  "I will provide the guide to Granya and back to Zenjir," Rhiannon said. She turned back to Anton.

  "That would be acceptable, Anka." He nodded agreement. Rhiannon looked at me, and I gave her a small nod.

  "I agree to your terms, Anton Talon, but, I don't have any gold." She wrung her hands nervously.

  "You don't need any, Anka. Your word will be sufficient. If your father is alive, he will pay the debt. If he is dead, you will be the hi'Lady of Granya and have the gold to pay your debt."

  "What if I die, Anton Talon?" Rhiannon asked. I can't say I blamed her, based on the events of the last year.

  "Do you want Aisha to fail in her duty?" Anton asked. It was spoiled a bit when his lip twitched.

  "No, Anton Talon." A smile spread over her face. "She wouldn't allow it."

  "Good, then you have a contract with the Talons."

  "Do I have to cut my arm again, Aisha?" Rhiannon turned to me. Anton could not suppress a laugh.

  "No, Anka, Anton Talon will write up a contract that you will sign. A Talon's signed contract is his blood oath. The Jaddahans think the blood makes the oath more binding." I paused to think about it. "Or maybe they can't read and write."

  "If you would come to Zenjir Castle tomorrow morning," Anton said, "I will have the contract ready for signing, and Marku and Stanko can be on their way to Granya. Cezar, Vasile, and I train the hi'Lord's elite guards, the Fangs. We meet in the castle's training yard each morning at nine glasses. I thought perhaps Anka could benefit from some training, and you may enjoy the exercise, Sister. Some of the warriors are quite good."

  Anton and the other Talons rose to leave.

  "Can I, Mistress Aisha?" Rhiannon asked, reverting to the young girl she had been weeks ago. She seemed to forget I worked for her. I guess, in truth, the lines of who was in charge blurred from time to time.

  "As I have told you, we cannot teach you to be a knife fighter without years of training. However, surprise is a powerful weapon. Even with limited knowledge on how to use a knife
, you could be very dangerous, as long as no one knew you had one. I have already shown you some tricks. More training would be helpful." I liked the idea of Rhiannon learning to defend herself in an emergency and would welcome the chance to practice. "Thank you, Master Anton. I am rusty from a lack of practice and would welcome the exercise."

  As the Talons left the room, Uzoma entered. "Mistress Aisha, my wife sent word that you are welcome to eat with us tonight. Afterward, we will take you and Anka to the market."

  I looked to Rhiannon, who nodded eagerly.

  "We would be honored, Warrior Uzoma. First, we need to freshen up. Is there someplace we can bathe?" I hoped we didn't have to use the bowl and pitcher sitting on the table. Neither of us had had the chance for a real bath in over a week.

  "Yes, mistress, there is a bath house attached to the Red Hawk Inn. They will even clean your clothes while you bathe." He led us downstairs and through a long hallway that ended in an arched entrance. Inside, several women in long white robes waited to help us.

  "Hala, this is Mistress Aisha and Anka. They are residents of the Red Hawk Inn and require a bath and their clothes cleaned."

  "Welcome, Mistress Aisha, Anka. This way, please." Hala and another woman led us around a tall barrier into a second room. They stepped out of their robes. Underneath they had brief panties and narrow halters around their breasts. They stripped the two of us naked and led us into a third room, where we were doused with water, scrubbed with a perfumed soap, and rinsed clean. They led us into another room with a large pool with steaming hot water. It was glorious. My aches and pains from the previous week's activities seemed to dissolve in the pool. I could have stayed there for hours.

  "Mistress Aisha, Anka," Hala said, "I'm afraid you should leave the pool. It is not good to stay in the hot water too long. After a quarter glass, some people experience problems. We can offer you a relaxing massage after you have been in the cold pools."

  "Not me, but I'm sure Anka would like one," I said. If I had a massage, it would mean I couldn't watch Anka, and I would be defenseless and under someone's control. I knew I was being overly cautious, but I was not going to make it easy for someone to kill her.


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