Someone Unexpected (Blu Brothers #1)

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Someone Unexpected (Blu Brothers #1) Page 7

by Ashley Blake

  A chill tore through me as I tried to figure out what that meant. Was he out and they forgot to notify me? How did he send me a letter without sending it through the prison system first? Brian wasn’t scheduled to be released for a few more years so it was freaking me out that he said he would see me soon. I tried to push it out of my head because he always tried to get to me and years of therapy had taught me to not let him have control over me. I put the letter in the box with all of his other letters and shoved it in the back of my closet. Brian was a part of my past and I wouldn’t let him be a part of my future.

  As I got ready for bed I thought about what a good time I had with Sebastian that night and how much I was looking forward to going out with him again. Brian was a distant thought as I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Seven – São Paulo Part One

  The next week Sebastian called me from Paris to tell me that we were leaving for São Paulo sooner than originally planned, he sounded distant and he didn’t mention our date at all. I instantly worried that during our time apart he’d had time to think and decided that he didn’t want to date me. The trip was huge so I had to push my concerns about Sebastian out of my head and I had to remind myself that this was an important business trip. I didn’t have time to worry about him and the more I thought about it the more I kicked myself for even thinking that he would really like someone like me. He was coming back from Paris that Tuesday and we were going to have a staff meeting to go over last minute details for Blu Sierra São Paulo. As much as I shouldn’t have, I wondered how things would be between us when he returned.

  Monday morning we gathered in the conference room. “Alright everyone, great job today. For those of you going to Brazil, that’s you Elena, Mark and Carol, your assistants have already arranged your travel and your itinerary should be in your inbox when you got back to your desk. This was a great meeting today, let’s keep up the good work. Now, back to work everyone.”

  We all got up to leave and Sebastian asked me to stay behind for a minute. I felt a little bit awkward because I thought I saw a few raised eyebrows and I didn’t want people starting rumors. Once everyone left he turned to me and crossed his arms as he leaned against he conference table. The butterflies went crazy in my belly. Was he going to tell me how much he missed me?

  “Fantastic job today Elena, exactly the kind of fire we were looking for. I feel very confident that we will have superb results with Blu Sierra São Paulo. I also wanted to let you know that you will be flying with me on the private jet to Brazil on Wednesday.”

  Nope, nothing about missing me. Wait, what? Did he just say private jet? Okay, seriously, this is not my life.

  “Do you really think it’s a good idea that I fly with you? Won’t people talk?”

  He looked at me and I could see the lust brimming in his eyes.

  “I want to spend time alone with you, Elena, so you’re flying with me. No one will know.”

  So he did miss me.

  The butterflies decided at that moment that they wanted to dance the rumba in my belly. I hated to admit it but each time I saw him I didn’t want to resist him. I decided not to fight him on this one because who would turn down the opportunity to fly on a private jet?

  “Okay.” I barely recognized my own soft voice. I started to ask him how his trip was but I was cut off.

  He smiled at me and then looked at his watch. “That is all Elena. A car will pick you up Wednesday morning to take you to the airport and I will see you there.”

  Okay, why is he being so cold and weird?

  I was a bit taken aback by the abrupt dismissal but I just picked up my things and left the conference room. I went back to my office and sat at my desk and took a deep breath as I looked around the room and thought about how much my life had already changed in a few weeks. I was really looking forward to going to Brazil but since things were weird between us I didn’t know what to expect. The Sebastian that was in the office that day was not the same Sebastian that I had an incredible date with the week before. If this was what it was like to date this billionaire, I was not interested. I thought he didn’t play games, but I guess I thought wrong.

  When I got home that night I packed for the trip and I was having a tough time trying to decide what to take with me. Sebastian said we were going to be there for seven days and that I would need at least two nice dresses because we were going to entertain clients Friday and Saturday night. Even though we weren’t leaving until Wednesday, I didn’t want to wait until the last minute to pack so I was completely done by the time I went to bed.

  Tuesday flew by for me and it was time to go home before I knew it. Bev had taken care of everything for me so all I had to do was meet the car in front of my building the next morning to go to the airport. Sebastian was leaving the office at the exact same time I walked out of my office so we ended up riding the elevator down to the first floor together.

  “Are you all packed for tomorrow?”

  We were the only two in the elevator so I was grateful to have a bit of privacy. Maybe he would warm up to me again since we were alone.

  “Yes, I am all packed. Are you?”

  He raised an eyebrow at me, I could see the surprise on his face and I doubted that anyone had ever questioned him about being ready for anything. He had a small smirk on his face as he answered me.

  "Yes, as a matter of fact I am packed also. Did you remember to include something to wear the two nights we will be entertaining clients?”

  “Yes, and I hope that they are appropriate.”

  "I will let you know when you model them for me on the airplane and if they are not what I had in mind, I will have dresses sent over to the hotel for you from one of my favorite boutiques. Don’t forget to pack them in your carry-on luggage.”

  “Sebastian, I am afraid I will not be able to afford to buy new dresses while on this trip so hopefully what I packed will be good enough. I am on a budget and I am saving every penny that I can.”

  He sighed and almost looked offended as his eyes searched mine. "I would never expect for you to pay for anything on a business trip Elena so, like I said, if I don't like what I see I will arrange to have dresses sent over for you. Please just accept the gesture, there is no hidden meaning behind it.”

  When the elevator opened on the first floor, Sebastian barely looked at me as he said goodnight and walked out of the building. I stood in the lobby worried, once again, that I had pissed him off. I wanted to kick myself over what I had said and I wished so badly that I could take it back. Oh well, there was nothing that I could do about it then so I did my best to push the whole elevator ride out of my mind and I went home.

  The next morning as I got ready to leave, I made sure I had my passport because that would be a huge nightmare if I left that behind. The only reason I had a valid passport was because I studied in France for a semester my junior year of college. The car picked me up right on time and dropped me off in a section of the airport I had never been to. I was the first to arrive so I checked in and I waited inside the private jet terminal for Sebastian. I was reading a magazine when I heard footsteps getting closer to me. I looked up to see Sebastian, walking toward me and he looked like a male model plucked right of a magazine. He was wearing beautifully tailored tan pants, a casual white linen shirt and sunglasses. The white shirt complimented his olive skin and I was literally speechless, as he got closer to me.

  “Good morning Elena, the plane is ready for us, shall we go?”

  He was still cold and very formal with me. This sucks.

  We walked out onto the tarmac and boarded the plane that said Blu Sierra Hotels on the side in big blue letters and I wanted to pinch myself to make sure it was real. The plane was super plush inside and it looked like it could seat eight people. It had a couple of bedrooms and a small conference area and had the signature crystal vases on the table. Sebastian and I were the only people on board aside from a flight attendant and the two pilots. The flight attendant directed to m
y seat and Sebastian sat directly across from me, facing me.

  He took off his sunglasses and gave me a slow once over and I was hoping I looked okay. I thought that my black pants and light pink short-sleeved button down shirt was an appropriate outfit for the flight because it wasn’t too casual or revealing.

  “Elena, you look…comfortable.”

  Well we are going to be on a long flight, why wouldn’t I wear comfortable clothes?

  “Thank you, I think.”

  He pulled out his newspaper, slipped on reading glasses and peered over the top of the paper at me and held my gaze.

  “That wasn’t an insult, it’s just that your clothes don’t suit your figure.”

  I could feel my cheeks getting warm and wished so badly that I could control that. I was a bit annoyed at being given the once over like I was a piece of cattle so I decided to say something. He might be my boss, but I was not going to let him insult the only clothes I could afford. If I had his bank account my clothing would be beyond gorgeous.

  “This is what I can afford right now and I happen to think it is a very nice business casual ensemble.”

  He put the paper down, crossed his legs, took off his glasses, his gorgeous dark eyes held my gaze and he did not speak to me for a full minute. I wished that at that moment I could duck and hide from his imposing stare because I appeared to have irritated him.

  “When we get to São Paolo, I am going to have a personal shopper stop by to see you to select more suitable clothing for you for this business trip.”

  “That is not necessary.” Defiance dripped from my words, I wasn’t some charity case. I was making pretty good money in that new position and I would be able to buy a few nicer things in a couple of months. Until then, I thought I looked perfectly fine.

  He gave me a stern look and I knew not to say anything. “There is no room for negotiation on this Elena.” He put his glasses back on and continued to read the paper.

  Okay, I guess he had the final word on that. I told myself that I would pay back every penny he spent on the clothes, but I would quickly find out that the clothes that were going to be selected for me cost more than I would make in five years in my new position.

  I pulled out the book I was reading and immersed myself in the story, hoping it would make the time pass more quickly. Sebastian clearly was not interested in me anymore so I needed something to distract me from the ache I was feeling in my heart. About an hour later Sebastian finished his paper and I could feel his eyes on me after he put the paper away. I raised my eyes to his and he just about took my breath away. The man was simply beautiful.

  “I’d like to see the dresses you’re going to wear. Did you remember to pack them in your carry-on?”

  I felt nervous butterflies flutter in my belly.


  “Go try them on, please.”

  He was serious about that?

  “You can change in the bedroom behind you.”

  “Sebastian…” I wanted to tell him how uncomfortable I felt but there was a part of me that was excited about flaunting my figure in front of that gorgeous man.

  “Elena.” His voice was firm so I did as I was told.

  When I emerged from the bedroom I was wearing a simple but pretty black form fitting long black sleeveless dress. My breasts were pretty ample and the dress hugged the silhouette of my curves perfectly. I could see the appreciation in Sebastian’s eyes turn to lust as they traveled the entire length of me.

  “Your figure is incredible, very sexy. That dress does not do you justice. Let me see the next one.”

  The next dress was a bit more conservative and it had a zipper in the back that I would need help with. I was planning to ask Carol to help me with the zipper the night I was going to wear it but now I would have to ask Sebastian. The dress was a simple, red, knee length cocktail dress but it was pretty, or at least I thought it was. It also hugged my curves perfectly and had a v-neck which showed just a hint of cleavage. I walked out holding the back closed with my right hand and stood in front of Sebastian. I was nearly shaking with anticipation as I asked him the question.

  “Will you please help me with the zipper?”

  I saw a gleam in his eyes as he stood and told me to turn around. His fingers lightly grazed my skin as he zipped me up and then I felt his hand rest gently on the back of my neck. My breaths were short as my heart began to race from his touch. He began to lightly stroke the back of my neck and I wanted to just lean back into him and feel his arms wrap around my waist. His hand moved from my neck, gently slid down my arm to my wrist and he slowly turned me around. Lust was brimming in his eyes as they perused my body. He leaned in close to me, my heart thumped against my chest and I just knew that he was going to kiss me. He moved my hair behind my shoulder, grazing my skin as he did so, causing it to tingle.

  “The dresses don’t do you justice.” He then took a step back and I was left practically panting for him, craving his kiss. “Clarissa, the personal shopper will meet you in your room this evening, I’ll have Bev make the arrangements.”

  We were scheduled to arrive at 6:00 p.m. and Sebastian told me that we were meeting the others at 7:30 for a quick dinner. The personal shopper was meeting me in my room at 9:00.

  “Isn’t that kind of late?”

  “No, it shouldn’t take long, just tell her what you like and she will be able to do the rest. You’ll have the clothes by Thursday afternoon, plenty of time for you to choose something to wear to the client dinner. You can change back into your comfortable clothes now. If you turn around I will unzip you.”

  I turned around and his fingers slid along my bare skin all the way to the bottom of the zipper, once again causing it to tingle. His teasing was driving me crazy, in a good way, and I found myself feeling more turned on than I had ever been in my life.

  I had to get my feelings under control because this was just the beginning of the trip. I was going to be with him for quite a few days so I had to push any attraction I had for him out of my mind, especially since it was clear to me that he was playing games. I mean, what was that? Touching me like that, making my skin tingle? But acting so cold toward me? It was almost like the date the week before never happened.

  As I went to change back into my casual clothes, my mind wandered to his touch. I was weak. Instead of telling myself to avoid letting that happen again, I was telling myself that I couldn’t wait until it happened again.

  I returned to my seat and Sebastian was watching my every move, his eyes never leaving mine. I had to say something because his intensity nearly made me unable to think straight. I had never had such an intense reaction to a guy before and while I was usually the one I control because guys always fawned all over me, this time everything was different. Sebastian Blu was getting to me and I didn’t know how to stop it, or if I even wanted to. But this whole staring thing and making me want to drop my panties for him, had to stop.

  “Sebastian, I find it very hard to concentrate when you look at me like that.”

  “When I look at you like what, exactly? I’ve missed you.” I couldn’t tell if he was being sincere or just playing with my emotions.

  “You have a very seductive look on your face. You’ve missed me? Why have you been acting so cold toward me?” I could barely look at him as I said it.

  He suddenly became very serious as his eyes searched mine. “Elena, I’m sorry if it seems that way. Paris was a lot more difficult than I anticipated and I have issues there that I need to resolve, but it will take a while. I hope you know that I had a wonderful time with you last week and I am looking forward to another date. I’m just a little pre-occupied with personal things right now. I didn’t expect to meet you and I wish I had met you after all of this was resolved.” His words trailed off as he looked out the window and he had a definite pained expression on his face.

  What was going on in Paris that made him so upset?

  He looked back at me and gave me a small smile. “Just kn
ow that when you see me looking at you like this, what you are seeing is very simple, a man admiring a beautiful woman. You say this is a seductive look, but Elena, when I decide to seduce you, you’ll know.”

  I was completely tongue-tied when he said that. What could I say to that? A wave of giddiness washed over me and I felt like a teenager. He still likes me! This was so not part of my plan. Here I was falling head over heels super fast for this guy and I wanted to let all self-control fly out the window. While my head was trying to protest, my body was betraying me. My core began to gently throb as I thought about what it would feel like to have him kiss every inch of my body. He was so sexy and masculine, I just knew that he knew how to devour a woman’s body and I couldn’t wait to let him devour mine.


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