His Secret: (Man Of The House Taboo Erotica) (CANDY GIRL SERIES)

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His Secret: (Man Of The House Taboo Erotica) (CANDY GIRL SERIES) Page 2

by Lucy Lixx

  “It really is beautiful,” I said. “It makes me miss my home. We had such a lovely farm out in Raleigh. I wish I didn’t have to leave.”

  The thought made me lower my gaze to the window sill. Dallas carefully wrapped an arm around me and pulled me into a hug, running his gentle fingers through my hair.

  “I can’t imagine how you must feel, but I promise you’ll love it here,” he whispered, pressing his lips to my forehead.

  I leaned into his embrace, feeling amorous as my skin mingled with his. The feeling of his fingers through my hair made me shiver, causing me to press my face into his shirt and inhale the scent of his cologne. It almost smelled like my grandfather’s cologne. The reminder made me miss my home even more and I wrapped my arms around Dallas, needing more than this hug.

  “Are you alright?” he asked.

  “I’m fine,” I whispered through quivering lips. “I just miss my grandparents.”

  He rubbed my back and shushed me, telling me everything would be alright. I asked if he wouldn’t mind carrying me up the stairs. It was an awkward request, but one I’d become accustomed to through the years. All through my childhood and on into my teenage years, despite his age, my grandfather had always treated me like his baby doe. Picking me up for piggyback rides, and lifting me in his arms as if I were nothing more than a featherweight toddler. That had always been my grandfather’s way of ‘daddy-ing’ me, and his gentle way of trying to replace the loving and playful father figure I had missed out on as a child. At this moment, longing for some sort of familiarity from the past, I asked of Dallas the only thing that made me feel whole; To be treated tenderly by him, like the way my beloved grandfather had. To my surprise, he agreed and lifted me up into the air without hesitation. I wrapped my arms around his neck, savoring the tender gesture and intimacy. My eyes trailed over the vein in his neck. It vibrated to the rhythm of his heart, enticing me to lean up and kiss it. Without thinking, I did just that.

  My eyes went wide as I realized what I had just done, burying my face deeper into his shirt. He promptly placed me on the ground. My thoughts spun around wildly, lamenting how I had done something so naughty as to kiss my mother’s husband.

  Why did you do that, stupid? I thought to myself. Are you trying to ruin your chance at having a happy life?

  “Listen, Madison,” Dallas began.

  “I’m so sorry, Dallas,” I said quickly, cutting him off. “It was just a gesture of affection. My papa use to carry me up the stairs. It was a gut reaction.”

  Dallas sighed, nodding.

  “You can’t do that in front of your mother,” he said sternly. “You’ll have to walk to the rest of the way.”

  I was fighting every inclination to beg for him to pick me up, but grown women didn’t do that. I should have never asked him to lift me to begin with. I don’t know why I thought it was a good idea. I’m just a silly little girl, I thought to myself.

  Pushing the door open, I wandered over to my bed and fell face first into the comforter. I could feel Dallas lingering in the doorway. As I rolled over to look at him, a rush of emotions came over me as my hair tangled around my face. I wanted him in the bed, but knew better than to ask. What if my mother saw us necking each other? Would he even be receptive to it?

  “Dallas, do you think…” I trailed off.

  He stepped over threshold.

  “Yes, Madison?” he asked, imploring me with his eyes to continue.

  “Oh, nothing,” I responded quickly.

  I rolled over on the bed, hoping he hadn’t noticed the desire on my face. As much as I wanted him near me, I wasn’t sure what I would even do. I didn’t have much experience with men. In high school, I had dated a couple of guys and the most we did was make out behind the barn. No one had ever touched me down there; and while it was enticing, I wasn’t sure if it was appropriate in this situation.

  Mom isn’t home, a voice in the back of my head said. She’ll never find out.

  It was then I noticed his fingers were trailing down the length of my torso, stopping just above the button of my shorts. The intense sensation that grew in my gut was familiar from nights spent kissing my old boyfriend in the fields where his hands would try to cop a feel. It grew until I couldn’t stand it, my panties growing wet from the close proximity of his erection.

  “I’m not supposed to do this, but…” Dallas trailed off. It was as if he was incapable of finishing the thought, as if saying it out loud was utterly forbidden.

  Of course it was forbidden! This is my mother’s husband. He’s her rock and her love. Who am I to step in and try to compromise that? Yet I also felt somewhat selfish. I hadn’t experienced much in my little sheltered home and this was an opportunity to try something new, something totally wild and tempting.

  I wanted him to feel me just a little bit.

  I guided his hand to the button and coaxed him to undo the zipper, arching my back as his hand slid down beneath the fabric. His fingers caressed my untouched rose petals, causing me to sigh nervously. No other hand has ever touched me except my own, and it was something I pushed off until my arousal became a nagging pinch inside my throbbing clit. Carefully, one finger slid inside and pressed up into the spongy skin, forcing my hand up to grip the back of his neck. Lips caressed the exposed skin of my neck. His other hand shimmied underneath my body, pulling up the tank top to reveal my pink bra.

  Pulling down the cup, he revealed a supple breast which he caressed gently. His hands were large against my miniature frame, years of experience apparent in every single touch. I bucked hard while his thumb danced over my clit. This was light years away from self-stimulation. The way his fingers dipped beneath my folds and caressed the slippery skin was incredible.

  “You’re so tight,” he whispered between moans.

  “I’m a virgin,” I squeaked in return. “Be careful…”

  “Even better,” he said while pressing two fingers inside of me.

  I moaned beneath his touch, his other hand trailing up to my mouth while telling me to stay quiet. Even though my mother was at work, there were still servants around the house. I hoped they hadn’t seen him carry me up the stairs. Having his hand covering my mouth made my pelvis tingle and I rolled my hips against the motion of his fingers. Within moments, I was bucking hard, brimming with waves of energy that rattled my body. I groaned against his hand as he whispered encouragements into my ear.

  “Cum for me,” he said as his hand slide in and out of my virgin skin. “Say my name.”

  “Oh, Dallas,” I whispered.

  “No, call me Daddy,” he responded.


  Calling him that led to my ultimate explosion, heat coating every bit of my skin with pleasure. He held me firmly as I twitched and laid more kisses on to my neck, telling me in a sweet voice how good I was to cum for Daddy.

  “You’re my little girl, right?” he asked as he removed his hand from my shorts.

  Confused and enamored, I responded, “Yes, sir.”

  I turned to kiss him, savoring the taste of him in my mouth and loving every squeeze he gave my body. It was the most loved I had ever felt in months. Nothing could compare to such an amorous moment and I fell into him, wanting nothing more than to get lost forever in his sweet embrace.

  Chapter Three

  “You must promise to keep this a secret,” said Dallas while I recovered from the incredible orgasm he had given me.

  I hesitated, the thought of my mother discovering this encounter causing a pang in my stomach. It hadn’t occurred to me to say anything, but was this right? My body had said yes while my mind was a mess of anxious thoughts and strange emotions. It had been exhilarating to experience my first orgasm with him, yet I also felt an incredible amount of guilt. I concluded that it would be best to keep it a secret, at least until I understood what this meant.

  “Of course,” I responded while sitting up from the bed. “So, are we still going shopping?”

  “Yes, we are.
You should wear a dress,” he suggested. “It would accentuate your figure.”

  I blushed at this comment and nodded, hopping off the bed to clean up in the attached bathroom. I still couldn’t believe I had my own bathroom. I was so use to having to share everything. Yeah, and now you’re sharing your mother’s husband, I chided myself, realizing again what I’d just done. Growing up, I had always shared a bathroom with my grandparents, but now I had one all to myself. It was decorated with pink sea shells and fluffy pink towels. I scoffed dryly. I guess my mother was paying attention. Pink had always been my favorite color and it was on at least every clothing in my limited wardrobe.

  After I showered and got dressed, I met Dallas in the hallway wearing my favorite pink and yellow sun dress. It went down to my knees and matched my brown boots even though they were a bit worn from years of wear. Dallas took my hand and spun me in a circle.

  “You look adorable. I think you’ll be fine for shopping. Which car do you want to take?” he asked as he pulled me towards the stairs.

  “I can’t believe you have more than one car,” I commented as we made our way to the front. “I like the Porsche from the other day.”

  “Porsche it is,” said Dallas.

  As we walked through the garage, I marveled at the line of expensive cars. Each of them shined brightly like a star in the middle of the night. I wanted to touch them, but also didn’t want to leave finger prints on the surface of the metal. We climbed into the Porsche and took off, leaving the windows down to enjoy the fresh air. Dallas handed me his sunglasses when he noticed me squinting against the sun. Our first stop was a bustling street filled with shops where we dipped in and out of whatever stores caught my eye. I admired the large selection of tops and jeans, wondering how much this trip was going to cost. Dallas assured me not to worry about the price.

  It wasn’t long before our arms were lined with bags, each one filled to the brim with pink tops, low-cut jeans, and brown vests. Dallas even picked out a new pair of boots which I pulled on immediately before heading to the salon. I met his favorite hair stylist named Julio who sat me down in the chair and admired my long strands of yellow hair.

  “These locks are dead, sweetheart,” said Julio to my reflection. “The color is gorgeous, but I’m just going to highlight it a bit and take off the rotten ends.”

  “Alright,” I said with a polite smile.

  We chatted while he washed my hair in the sink, massaging my scalp and practically putting me to sleep. I told him about the farm where I grew up and described the scene in great detail. He responded that a city boy like him would love to see the country. As he cut my hair, Dallas sat in the chair next to the mirror, looking up at me a few times with a bright smile. It was lovely being groomed like this. I hadn’t gotten a haircut in over a year and I felt sad to lose so many inches of hair, but my yellow locks were already starting to look healthier with each snip of the scissors.

  The highlighting process took an hour and I fell asleep in the chair while holding a fashion magazine. Dallas walked over to pat my leg.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” he asked as I blinked a few times to wake up.

  “It’s been wonderful,” I replied. “Thank you.”

  “You’re a sweet princess and you should be treated as such,” said Dallas while rubbing my thigh. “Your mother called and wants to meet for dinner later. Do you like lobster?”

  “I’ve never had lobster,” I replied.

  Dallas gave me an incredulous look.

  “Seriously? You’re too sheltered. We’ll turn you into a city girl in no time,” he said.

  I smiled at the comment. I feared all of this luxury might turn me into a spoiled brat, that my grandparents wouldn’t recognize the new person I was becoming. After Julio finished washing my hair, he dried it and straightened it out, revealing my new appearance in the mirror. I gasped. It hardly looked like the girl who entered the salon. The other workers gathered around my chair and admired my reflection. Dallas was the first to say how beautiful I looked.

  My new Daddy left Julio a handsome tip and then we walked over to the nail salon where I chatted with the polished women who ran the store. They had been giving manicures to the affluent residents of Hollywood for nearly fifteen years and knew my mother personally, commenting on how lovely she was whenever she visited. The woman who did my nails also plucked my eyebrows, something painful I had never before experienced. I flinched with every pull of hair. She insisted that beauty is pain.

  When they were finished, Dallas took me to Sephora where a sales woman applied make-up to my face. I was getting tired from being made up. The entire day was filled with clothing adventures and small talks that were beginning to drain me. By the time she was finished, all I wanted to do was nap, but I brightened up as soon as I looked into the mirror. She had highlighted my cheeks bones with a little blush and filled in my eyebrows, accentuating my elongated face. Eyeliner and pink shadow made my green eyes pop, my lashes black against the tan skin.

  “You have a beautiful complexion,” said the woman. “I’d recommended using these colors to keep it up. You don’t need a lot of make-up for your eyes to shine. It’s such a gorgeous shade of green.”

  “Thank you,” I said with a wide smile.

  Dallas appeared in the little mirror behind me.

  “Are you ready for dinner?” he asked.

  “Absolutely,” I responded. “Can I change first?”

  “Of course you can. You have a whole wardrobe in the car,” he replied.

  We excitedly headed back to the car and then drove to The Diamond Mansion where I sprinted up the stairs to throw on an attractive outfit. It took me nearly twenty minutes to get the right outfit together. The bright pink sequin halter matched the black leggings and I pulled on a pair of pumps. I stumbled across the room, gaining my balance by leaning against the dresser. I wasn’t used to heels. My mother walked in them like they were nothing. I had some practicing to do.

  In the hall, I pulled my shoulders back and held my clutch, throwing my hair over my shoulders as I became accustomed to the new shoes. I gripped the railing of the staircase while walking down and met Dallas in the front. He had changed from his bohemian look into a silk button shirt and khakis with a matching pair of loafers. His hair was smoothed back. It made him look like one of the cool kids.

  “You look great,” I said with a wide smile.

  I desperately wanted to ravish him in the middle of the parlor.

  “You do, too,” he replied. “Let me take a picture.”

  Blushing, I rolled my eyes and posed next to the stairs with my arms hanging at my sides. Dallas reached over to fix my posture, saying to put my hands on my hips and lean my head back a bit.

  “Smile big,” he instructed. “Like you just won an award.”

  Dallas snapped a few pictures, telling me how adorable I looked which made my raise my hand to my face to cover my reddening cheeks.

  “Come look at them,” he said while waving me over.

  He slid through the pictures on his phone, pointing to the candid he had taken while I was covering my mouth.

  “You should make that your profile picture,” he suggested. “I’ll send it to you now. What’s your number?”

  “I don’t have a phone,” I said with some embarrassment.

  “Really? You’ve definitely been sheltered. We’ll get you a phone after dinner,” he said as he wrapped an arm around me.

  “That sounds great,” I responded.

  We went out to the Porsche again and headed for town where we met my mother at an upscale seafood restaurant. The tables were covered in white cloth and all the servers were clad in posh uniforms who spoke eloquently about the meal specials. My mother reached across the table and took my hand in hers, saying I looked like a new person.

  “You are absolutely radiant,” she said. “I’m glad you two are getting along.”

  She called to a few friends at a local table to show me off, saying that I wa
s her wonderful daughter from across the country. All of them admired my hair and outfit. None of them knew the ugly duckling who existed prior to this gorgeous girl. After we ordered our food, my mother procured a black velvet box from her Prada bag and placed it on the table in front of me.

  “What’s this?” I asked, lifting it and running my fingers around the edges.

  “It’s your welcome home gift,” she replied. “Open it.”

  Smiling, I slowly opened the box to find a glimmering diamond necklace resting on white silk. It glowed, reflecting the dim light of the restaurant. With tears in my eyes and mouth agape, I lifted it from the box and held it up to show Dallas who clapped his hands in praise.

  “Good choice, darling,” he said to my mother.

  He took her hand and squeezed it with a smile which caused a pang of jealousy to ripple through my gut. I had almost forgotten that they are still married. While they smiled at each other, I pulled my hair aside and snapped the necklace in place, admiring the diamonds that decorated the length of the chain.

  “You’re a Diamond now,” announced my mother.

  “Maddy Diamond,” said Dallas.

  “I like that nickname,” said my mother. “Maddy.”

  A new appearance called for a new nickname and I commended them for the choice. Maddy Diamond sounded more like the daughter of a famous Hollywood producer than merely Madison. She was no more. I’m Maddy Diamond and I am a princess.

  Chapter Four

  During dinner, my mother received a phone call which led to a heated conversation that she ended up taking outside the restaurant. I gave Dallas a questioning look who shrugged. When my mother came back, she looked flustered.

  “I have to head into the studio because one of our actors is having a meltdown,” she informed us. “It shouldn’t take long. Dallas; can you drive her home?”

  “Of course, darling,” he responded while standing to kiss her cheek.

  My mother turned to me.

  “I’ll see you later, alright?” she said while embracing me.


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