Homecoming: A Secret Baby Romance

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Homecoming: A Secret Baby Romance Page 2

by Landish, Lauren

  After his fifth shot or so, Max was obviously starting to get quite a buzz as he started to loosen up, getting a little louder, and began to have a slight slur in his speech. I was surprised when he bent over to whisper in my ear with the rest of his friends at the table.

  "I can’t stop staring at your body in that dress,” Max said looking at me. "You're making it hard not to pop wood."

  It took a second for his words to register. When they did, I felt a powerful feeling down below.

  "I think that's the alcohol talking," I said, feeling squeamish under the eyes of his friends.

  Max shook his head, and I could tell he was trying hard to focus. "No babe, that's my dick talking." Max’s last words were loud enough so that his friends could hear. Normally I wouldn't mind him saying something like that to me. Hell, I'd actually like it, but I didn't want them to hear it.

  An embarrassed flush came to my cheeks and I swear my whole body started tingling with pleasant sensations. The guys, who were all drunk, looked around at each other, their expressions amused.

  “I think you’ve had just a little bit too much to drink,” I replied, avoiding eye contact with his grinning buddies. “It’s time to go home.”

  “I just started having fun. The party is just getting started.”

  “And now it’s over,” I said, rising up from the table. “Come on, Max.”

  Max looked over at his friends. “Sorry guys. The sis wants me to go home. I can’t disobey her, otherwise she’ll have my balls on a platter.”

  A few of his buddies burst into laughter. Max rose to his feet unsteadily and I rushed over to support him, though he didn’t really need it.

  “Cya, dude.” His friends said.

  Semi-annoyed, I helped him out of the bar and back to my jeep. Once there, I opened the back passenger door and Max climbed into the seat.

  “Don’t you think that was a little too much?” I asked him.

  “What? We do that all the time when I come in. It’s just usually I don’t have my disapproving stepsister along with me.”

  I placed my hands on my hips. “So what are you saying? I’m a buzz kill?”

  Max looked at me. “No. I’m just saying you care about me, and it shows.”

  I was struck silent. It was true, though.

  “And . . . I need you to help me with something before we pull off.”

  “Help you with what—“

  Max grabbed my hand and placed it on his crotch. Hardness. Big hardness. My mouth dropped in shock at the bold act.

  “Max, what—“

  “Help me, Nikki,” Max pleaded. “It’s been bugging me all night, ever since seeing you in that dress. I can’t contain myself.”

  I could literally feel his cock throbbing through the material of his pants. It filled me with longing, and down below, I could feel a moistness between my legs.

  “I’m not going to be able to leave this parking lot until you do.”

  “I-I-I can’t,” I stammered. I couldn’t believe what he was asking.

  My little red dress caused all this? I wondered.

  Max refused to give up. “I know you want to. Don’t lie.”

  It was true. I wanted to so bad. I stood there for a moment, feeling his cock throb beneath my hands, filled with turmoil. “Not a word to anyone about this,” I said finally, firmly.

  Max nodded. “Not a word.”

  Sucking in a breath, I shut the door and headed around to the other side of my jeep and climbed in the back alongside Max. By now, my pulse was pounding so hard, I could hear it in my ears.

  Max placed his hands on the back of his head and turned on that sexy grin of his. “All yours.”

  All yours.

  The words filled me with an insatiable greed and burning excitement. I wanted him in my mouth. My hands trembling, I quickly unbuttoned his army pants and tugged at them, along with his boxers, halfway down his chiseled thighs. His cock sprang out like a jack-in-the-box, long, hard and fat.

  I gaped how big it was, bigger than I ever thought it would be. He had a nice, luscious, mushroom head with a large vein running down the middle of his shaft. I looked at him and he continued to grin at me, almost cockily, like saying, ‘Yeah I know I have a big dick and I know you want it.’

  My mouth watered as I watched it twitch from the blood rushing through it.

  I looked around quickly, not seeing anyone, then I began to dip my head down towards his crotch, but hesitated. What if someone from inside the bar walked out past our car and saw us? Or what if one of his buddies did? The thoughts quickly left my mind. In reality, I was turned on by the thought of doing something so naughty. They'd have to get right up on us to see anyway, the windows were tinted to the legal limit.

  Just do it!

  Taking a deep breath, I leaned down and wrapped my lips around his cock. It felt like I had to spread my mouth as far as it would go. Above me, Max moaned. “God your hot little mouth feels so good.”

  His words filled me with confidence. Slowly, I started bobbing my head up and down, only stopping to catch my breath. I gripped his cock, thrilling at the hardness of it, and began stroking in tandem.

  Before long, Max placed his hands on either side of my head, and began humping upwards into my mouth, causing me to nearly gag, his chiseled thighs flexing in and out.

  He picked up speed, groaning and moaning, until I felt him growing incredibly hard against my tongue. I became filled with panic. He was about to come and didn’t seem like he was going to pull out.

  Too late.

  “Fuuuck!” Max gasped as a thick, creamy explosion went off.

  I tore away from his grasp, gasping, not ready for it. I opened the car door, spitting his seed out on the ground for what seemed like several minutes.

  A couple people who came out of the bar walked past us. I was blocking Max, so they couldn’t see inside, but they could see the mess I’d spit out on the ground. Considering we were outside a bar, hopefully they just thought I'd had a little too much to drink.

  When I turned back to Max, he’d already stuffed his dick back into his pants and was staring at me with a satisfied grin.

  Me, on the other hand, I was shaking from head to toe. I couldn’t believe what I’d just done, what he’d just done. I should have been angry at him, especially since he gave me no warning. But strangely, I was turned on by it.

  “Thank you, Nikki,” Max said. “I’ve been waiting for that for a long time.”

  I wanted more. More of Max. More of us.

  “This never happened,” I told him, wiping at my lips, and getting ready to jump in to take us back home.

  “It never happened,” he repeated.

  Chapter 4

  After that evening at the bar, I spent the next couple of weeks having hot and heavy sex with Max whenever we could get some alone time. It became a game of sorts. Max and I would build the sexual tension right underneath our parents' noses, like say at the dinner table, or while we were watching a movie, by teasing each other silently. He'd give me the look, and as soon as we were alone, we'd fuck like rabbits.

  It was wrong, and we shouldn't have been doing it, but we couldn't keep our hands off each other. Sex with Max was incredible, more amazing than anything I'd ever experienced — though it’s not like I’d had a lot of partners. The very act of sneaking behind our parents' backs made it that much more exhilarating and exciting.

  There was just one thing that was starting to bother me. I wasn't sure if Max had actual feelings for me, or if it was only sex to him. That's what it was at first, but for me, it was much than that now. I was starting to think I was falling in love with my stepbrother.

  Eventually, I decided to confront Max about our burgeoning relationship.

  * * *

  "So what is this supposed to be?" I asked him.

  We were sitting on the couch after our parents had left out. Max began kissing me on the neck, getting me all hot and bothered, but for once, I resisted. I needed to know
where this was headed, what our future could possibly be.

  Max, who was dressed in tight blue jeans and a white button-up shirt that was open at the neck, exposing his tanned chest, sat back on the couch and looked at me. "What do you mean?"

  "Us," I said, feeling a lump form in my throat. "What are we? What is this to you?"

  "What kind of silly question is that, Nikki?" Max asked. "We're step-siblings." He began to move in toward me again, intent on devouring my neck.

  I placed a hand against his chest and pushed him back. "I'm serious. That's not what I meant, Max, and you know it." I gave him a serious look.

  He stared at me for a long moment and then let out a sigh, sitting back on the couch. "What do you want it to be?"

  "I want it to be real, more than just great sex."

  "Do you know what you're asking?"

  The fact that Max didn’t immediately proclaim his love for me made my heart feel like it was breaking.

  I nodded.

  "I'm sorry, Nikki. But how can it ever be more than that?"

  Max was killing me. I felt like I was dying inside. He rose up from the couch and started pacing the living room. "Nikki, I've been trying to tell you for a week now. I plan on re-enlisting."

  What? I wanted to scream. You can't do this.

  "No," I begged, my voice sounding tinny to my ears.

  Max turned to face me. "Don't you see? Our relationship would be forbidden. No one would ever approve. We'd have to carry on our love affair in secret. Forever. What kind of life is that for either one of us?"

  "But we could make it work," I insisted, trying hard to hold back the tears that burned my eyes. "You don't have to go. I don't want you to."

  "They're practically begging me to come back. I sort of have to."

  I buried my phase in my hands and started to cry. "Calm down, Nikki. You had to know that this was coming."

  "No," I said in denial, my whole body shaking. I looked up at him with accusation. "Why didn't you tell me you were going to be leaving again?" I demanded.

  Max looked guilty and I saw hurt in his eyes. "I tried, but I didn't want to upset you."

  He came over and sat down next to me, taking me in his arms. "Look, Nikki, the military is who I am, everything about it. It's been in my bones since the day I was born, just like my dad. I can't shirk my duty as a soldier because of our little fling."

  I scowled at Max. A fling? Is that how he thought of our relationship?

  I tore away from him and jumped up from the couch. "Screw you," I hissed with venom.

  Max looked at me with surprise. "Nikki?"

  "I wish you had never come back home." Of course I was lying through my teeth. I was desperately afraid of him leaving again. It would be even worse than before, and I was angry that he was choosing the military over me.

  "Nikki, I think you're overreacting."

  I stormed my way to my bedroom, Max yelling at me to come back all the while.


  I ran into my room, slammed the door, locked it, and slumped against it, breathing in and out heavily. I wiped the tears from my eyes and slowly straightened, trying to calm myself.

  After a moment, I walked over to my bed and jumped in, ignoring Max’s calls for me to come out. I lay there for a long time, listening to Max pound the door, until finally he gave up and left.

  I just lay there, thinking. Thinking about a way I could stop Max from leaving. I just didn’t know how I could accomplish it. He was so damn devoted to the military.

  “I need to find something that will make him stay,” I whispered out loud. “I can’t let him leave.”

  I continued to think up a myriad of ways to keep Max at home. Suddenly, it hit me. I knew what I needed to do.

  If I'm not reason enough for Max to stay, I thought, then I have to make a reason that is too powerful for him to leave. Something that will make him mine . . . forever, I thought greedily.

  Chapter 5

  He can’t leave. Yet, Max was probably making plans as of this very moment. I hated it. I didn’t want him to go.

  If he truly loves me, why can’t he stay? I wondered. Do I mean that little to him?

  Max said that he loved me and that our forbidden relationship meant something to him, but his actions spoke otherwise. He was determined to reenlist, which ultimately meant he'd be gone another four years. Four years. The last time he left I only had a simple crush on him and it was hard on me. This time, I’d allowed myself to truly fall for him. What the hell would I do with myself all that time?

  Worry, I thought. Worry about him coming back in one piece or if he’ll meet someone out there.

  There had to be a way. There had to be a way to convince Max that staying with me was the best course of action.

  There is one way . . . My thought trailed off as I stood before the toilet in my bathroom, fingering my bottle of birth control pills. It was a horrible idea, I know. One that I would likely regret in the future, but my emotions were getting the better of me.

  “If I do this,” I whispered to myself, my heart hammering in my chest, “there’s no turning back.” I stood there for a long moment, breathing deeply in and out, staring down into the toilet.

  Screw it.

  I tossed the pills into the bowl and flushed it.

  * * *

  Max and I had gotten over our little argument. We'd talked about him leaving again, but this time, I managed to keep my emotions under control, and I had promised that I would be okay with him leaving, although that was a lie. He assured me that we'd keep in contact, and that we'd try the whole long distance thing.

  I’d never been in a long distance relationship before, but then again, I’d never been in a romantic relationship with my stepbrother either.

  Click. Max shoved the clip back into the handgun with his palm. “That’s how you handle a gun.”

  I was in Max’s bedroom, watching him show me how he handled his weapon of choice. I'd never cared too much for guns, they were just too dangerous for my liking. But I sat there watching, pretending that I was interested. In truth, I was only interested in Max. I’d dressed in a red skirt and white cut off top that bared my midriff and sparkling diamond belly ring. My hair was pulled back into two pigtails and I had on minimal makeup.

  I stared at the cold, hard steel with trepidation. “What kind of gun is that?” I asked.

  Max grinned at me, his eyes straying to my body. As usual, he looked extra hot in a black tank top that showed off his cut biceps and gray sweats. I tried not to look, but his cock was imprinted against the material. He had on a sporty cologne that stirred something inside of me.

  I marveled at the way the veins stood out on his biceps as he held the gun, it made him look even more sexy, dangerous. Heat rose through my neck as my internal thermostat went up.

  “It’s a Glock 42,” he replied, tearing his eyes away from my body and putting them back on the weapon, admiring it. I could tell he was totally into it, which wasn’t surprising because Max always loved guns. Before he left, hunting was one of his favorite pastimes with his father. “Want to hold it?”

  I shook my head, making a face. “No. I don’t like guns-“

  “Oh come on, Nikki. Don’t be such a scary cat.” Before I could protest, he placed the gun in my right hand and positioned himself behind me. The cold, steel felt unforgiving in my clutch and I was surprised at how heavy the thing felt. Up close, I got even hotter with Max’s hard body pressed against mine.

  Max had me raise the gun at his bedroom window, and at the same time, he kicked my feet apart to adjust my posture. It threw me slightly off balance, but put me in what he called the right stance.

  Max was pressed up against my body from behind, affixing my stance, and I could feel his bulge pressing into the thin fabric of my skirt from behind. Down below, a throbbing began between my thighs, and I wanted to bend over and let him take me then and there.

  "Good, that's perfect," he said. "Now pull the trigger."
  “What? I’m not doing that!”

  “Do it.” Max urged me.

  When I didn't, taking control of my hand, Max forced me to squeeze the trigger.

  Chapter 6


  Nothing happened.

  “There,” Max whispered in my ear, his breath hot on my neck. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

  “Don’t you ever do that again!” I cried, tearing away from Max’s grasp, my limbs shuddering uncontrollably.

  “Relax, Nikki. I'd never put a loaded weapon in your hands, what kind of person do you think I am?” He wrestled the gun from my fingers, I was still a little tense from him pulling the trigger, loaded or not. “I didn't mean to totally freak you out.”

  I crossed my arms angrily across my chest, glad to be rid of the gun. “I am not totally freaked out.”

  Truth be told, I was turned on by how he took control of me, and how his hard body felt behind me. I was just surprised he pulled the trigger. “I wasn’t scared.”


  “I wasn’t.”

  “Well then maybe I’ll teach you how to really shoot some day.”

  “I think I’ll pass.”’ I nodded at the gun. “Have you ever had to use it?”

  Briefly, a shadow passed over Max’s face. “That particular gun no,” he said quietly. “But I have had to use my weapon on duty.”

  There goes his past he doesn’t want to talk about, I thought sourly.

  “Have you ever had to kill someone?”

  “Nikki . . . I’d rather not talk about that.”

  “I just want you to share everything with me.”

  “Maybe one day.”

  Max walked over to a lockbox that he kept at the foot of his bed and opened it, dropping the gun inside. Then he turned back to me, a sly grin on his face. “But enough talking about that. It belongs on the battlefield, where I left it. I’d rather talk about what I’m going to do to you.”


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