Releasing Kate

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Releasing Kate Page 9

by Cyna Kade

  Once in the taxi, she closed her eyes, remembering the feel of him, his strength and just how seductive it was to think of abandoning all pretense of control. The thought of letting him rule was liberating. She wanted to abandon civilized conventions. She wanted to believe that he wouldn’t misuse his power. The thought of never seeing him again was devastating. Could she really walk away? Did she want to? How pathetic and twisted, she silently screamed at herself. Did he know exactly how much of his battle waged inside her?

  Pictures from the book filled her head. She remembered Michael’s collection. Her body wanted to know what he could do. She wanted him. She wanted to surrender to his will. She wanted to feel his physicality. She knew his muscled arms were as hard as they looked. She wanted to feel him holding her securely and she wanted to know she couldn’t escape, that she could truly surrender to her emotions with no restraints because he’d removed them all. No one had warned her that the thought of a man’s possession could create obsession.

  All the beliefs she’d built up over twenty-five years were suddenly suspect, cold and unsatisfying. What was the cost of female independence? Could a physical romp be emotionally satisfying? Would giving in to her dark fantasies provide incredible sex? Why did Michael tempt her so?

  Michael’s strength, physical and mental, was seductive. Kate couldn’t deny that she wanted him but his terms were too frightening.

  Kate remembered what he’d said about being a man and wondered what else he felt. To know he could do as he pleased. What did it feel like to have a woman writhing beneath him, knowing she was mindless because of his actions? What did it feel like to repeatedly drive a woman to orgasm, forcing his will on hers? Did he care about her as a person at all? Was she merely a game piece, a tool for his ego, making him feel good about his power? Would any woman do in Kate’s place?

  Kate felt a twinge of regret that she couldn’t fight like a man. Why couldn’t she play the game and simply leave at any point. Why did the battle hurt? Why was there no way for Kate to fight as a female? He seemed immune. How was he impervious to female charms?

  Kate arrived home and entered her apartment. She knew if she ever surrendered to Michael she would be lost. She hadn’t wanted to leave though. A traitorous part of her mind had wanted to stay—to stay and find out what he’d do. Stop, she ordered herself.

  She was just an object to him, something to be won. Her mind recognized Michael’s ploy but her body didn’t care. It is just a game to him, she told herself again, sternly this time. A game she couldn’t win. Her surrender would be her undoing. Kate knew he’d be amused if he heard her thoughts. Her body, brimming with need, was ready to explode.

  Chapter Eight

  The next week, Michael escalated. His moves became bolder. He massaged her breast or cupped her buttocks in the security of his office. He continually startled Kate with his determination until, by Thursday, she’d had enough.

  “This is harassment,” she said.

  Smiling, dimples deep and eyes twinkling, he said, “I haven’t even started harassing you yet. You want me to touch you. I know you’re wet. I can smell your arousal.”

  He was right and it made Kate angry. She wanted to fight even as she longed to feel his touch. Kate shook her head to clear it and stepped into the doorway. “If you don’t stop, I’ll file a lawsuit,” she said before she walked out of the room and slammed the door.

  Eileen looked up and asked, “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t know. No, I’m not okay.” Kate shook her head. “No that’s not right. I’m not sure. He’s pursuing me and I’m not sure if I like it or not.”

  “Kate—” Eileen started.

  “No, I have to deal with this myself.” Kate turned and left.

  Kate drew in a cleansing breath once she reached the safety of her office. She felt weak and shaky. How did he affect her with just a few words? Thanks to him, she now had an executive position. She should feel powerful and satisfied so why couldn’t she fight him? Had her life become so mundane and routine that she couldn’t resist the lure of the unknown? A different kind of sex, shared with a capable partner, tempted her. It was too tempting and too dangerous. She needed to escape before it went too far. She thought longingly of his body and her need to be touched as she typed up her resignation.

  She could no longer be close to him without surrendering. But surrendering to Michael challenged everything she believed about herself. She was afraid that if she turned in her resignation he’d be done with her. He’d move on to other prey. She fought off a twinge of regret and signed the letter.

  Later that day, long after Eileen left, Kate dropped off her resignation.

  Michael scanned the document as Kate walked to the door. “I didn’t figure you for a coward,” Michael said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “We know we’re attracted to each other,” he said. His eyes narrowed. “Why are you so afraid to see where it goes?”

  Desire, anger, lust, irritation and interest all warred within Kate. “We’re not good for each other.”

  “Let’s compromise.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Spend the weekend with me. We won’t do anything you don’t agree to.”

  Kate hesitated.

  “You won’t regret it.”

  Kate held the doorknob. She knew she should leave but she wanted him at least once and it seemed as though he’d finally given in. Sex would be on her terms.

  Michael waited patiently while war waged in her head. She finally looked up at him and asked, “You promise, no pain?”

  “I promise I won’t do anything you don’t want.” He stared deeply into Kate’s eyes.

  Kate was confident that she’d never agree to pain. She was confident they’d just have sex—great sex. The opportunity was too enticing. She couldn’t pass on his offer. If she ran away from Michael now, she’d always wonder what could have happened. A weekend—just a weekend. Kate could handle that and then she’d be free of him. She needed to play the game to the end. Just leaving, without ever trying, was cowardice. He was right. So Kate agreed to spend the weekend with him.

  * * * * *

  Kate didn’t mention their arrangement to anyone. Eileen and Janet would try to talk her out of it. Kate was conflicted enough. She didn’t need her friends adding to the mix. She knew she had to spend the weekend with Michael even as her mind screamed that it might not be one of her better decisions.

  Kate left early Friday afternoon. Michael picked her up at her apartment an hour later. As they drove to his house, Kate struggled to overcome her anxiousness. “Aren’t we supposed to have a contract about a scene?”

  Michael glanced at her and quirked an eyebrow. “Have you been researching?”

  “A little,” Kate admitted.

  “A typical bondage and domination scene has a contract. We’re not doing that.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re spending the weekend. I’ve promised I won’t do anything you don’t want. I will keep my word.”


  “No buts,” he said. “If we detail everything that can and can’t be done, where’s the mystery or adventure? Contracts defeat the whole purpose of the game. Besides, the written word doesn’t guarantee either person will follow the rules laid down in the contract. They are a waste of time. If you want a contract, you’re with the wrong man. Do you want to change your mind?”

  Kate looked at the passing scenery.

  Michael pulled the car to the side of the road. His hand cupped her chin, gently coaxing her to look at him. His thumb stroked her cheek while he said, “Kate, if you don’t want to continue, now is the time to say so. You can still back out. Should I take you to your apartment?”

  Kate sank into the small, gentle touch of Michael’s thumb. She couldn’t lie to herself. She wanted this man. She’d rather it wasn’t on his terms with his rules but she couldn’t deny her needs anymore. “No. Take me home with you.”
/>   Michael nodded and put the car in gear.

  When they entered his house Michael gently pulled Kate into his arms. He softly kissed her, just barely grazing his lips across hers. Kate tried to deepen the kiss, but he laughed and held her away. “Not yet. We have all weekend.”

  They made dinner. Her stomach tight with nerves, Kate was barely able to eat. She wondered when he’d make a move. As if he knew her thoughts he started touching her. He traced her cheek with his fingers and softly caressed her arms. Kate simply wasn’t used to a man who didn’t grab—a man who could wait. By the time dinner was done and the kitchen cleaned, Kate was sopping wet and completely aroused.

  “Why don’t you take off your underpants,” Michael suggested.

  Kate starred at him. “Why don’t I take off everything?”

  “Patience. It’s more erotic this way.”

  Kate went to the bathroom and obliged him. Feeling wanton in a way she’d never known, she entered the living room and went to sit next to him on the sofa.

  He reached over and pulled up her skirt then guided her to the sofa. “Sit naked.”

  The warm leather caressed her bottom. She squirmed trying to protect the leather from the moisture dripping from her cunt.

  Michael placed a hand on her thigh. “Don’t worry about it.” He flicked open a control panel on the end table, pushed a button and the lights dimmed. He touched another switch and the wall-mounted large-screen television started.

  Kate gasped as two naked people filled the screen.

  “I hope you don’t mind,” he said. “This is one of my favorite movies. But if you’d rather not watch, we won’t.”

  Kate shrugged and said, “I’ve never watched something like this before.”

  “Let’s try it then,” he said. “Remember, you can always stop watching at any time.”

  Michael pulled her close and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. His scent enveloped Kate as she tried to relax into his muscular grip. After all, she wanted sex with him so she shouldn’t be embarrassed to be held close or by the fact she was naked under her skirt.

  He talked through the whole movie, asking her about the acts they watched. Did she like to give oral sex? Did she like to receive oral sex? Had she ever been in the doggy position?

  By the time the movie ended, Kate had soaked his couch and she didn’t care. Once again she was struck by the fact of her inexperience. Just talking had left her feeling desperate. At no point had he touched her breasts or her clit or explored her cunt, yet Kate was desperate by the time the movie was done.

  She knew he was aroused too. She could see the bulge in his pants and he looked big, but the one time she tried to touch him, he intercepted her hand and said, “Not yet.”


  He grinned. “Did you like the movie?”

  “There wasn’t much of a plot.”

  His dimples deepened. “But did you like it?”


  “Your arousal surprises you, doesn’t it?”

  Kate nodded, not sure her voice was steady enough to speak.

  “Let’s watch one more,” he whispered in her ear. “This one is a little different.”

  The next movie started in a darkened cave. A woman was chained to a wall. Her arms high above her head, her legs spread by a bar. She looked vulnerable, yet the expression on her face was one of expectation and arousal. Kate tensed.

  “Wait.” Michael held her still. “Don’t judge, just watch,” he said as he moved his hand to caress her breasts.

  Finally, Kate thought, washed away in a wave of longing, forgetting all about the movie.

  “Are you willing to give the movie a try?” he murmured against her ear after caressing her senseless.

  “Only if you keep touching me,” Kate countered. While she watched the woman’s subjugation, her sexual heat climbed. Michael worked magic. Every time the woman on the screen felt pain, Kate felt pleasure. Not once did he let her watch the woman endure pain with her mind clear. Instead, when the woman screamed from the agony of a whip, Kate moaned with pleasure. Yet despite the bliss he dispensed, Kate still hadn’t had an orgasm. By the end of the movie, she begged, “Please, Michael, I need to come.”

  “What will you do to earn an orgasm?” His whisper tickled Kate’s ear. “Pick something from one of the movies and I’ll ensure your satisfaction.”

  Kate hesitated. Desperate for an orgasm she struggled to remember the movies. The first one had faded and only the last one was vivid. The most innocuous part had been when the woman had been freed from the chains and tied to a bed. “I don’t—”

  “Pick something, Kate,” said Michael. He pulled her down onto his chest and gave her a hard kiss. “Be brave. Pick something.”

  “Tie me up.” Kate writhed against his hard cock.

  Michael held her face in his hands. “Are you sure?”

  Kate knew she was too aroused to make a rational decision but by this point she simply didn’t care. “Yes.”

  Michael smiled. “Good,” he said. He kissed her softly then led her to the bedroom.

  Kate remembered the large four-poster bed that commanded the room. She shuddered when Michael said, “Leave your clothes on and lie down on the bed.”

  She obliged with only a little hesitation. She remembered how helpless and angry she’d been the first time she’d lain on this bed. She hadn’t realized the room would hold memories of her first captivity. What was she doing? Why had she asked Michael to tie her up?

  As if sensing her doubts, Michael lay down on top of Kate, his chest pressed hard against her breasts. He caressed her face. Michael kissed her—a possessive kiss—his tongue deep within her mouth. She sank into the pleasure and forgot about withdrawing her permission. When he finished the kiss, Kate tried to move and found she couldn’t. He’d bound her hands while she’d lost herself in pleasure.

  He smiled at Kate as awareness entered her eyes. “You’re mine now.” He moved to the bottom of the bed and spread Kate’s legs. He tied her ankles to the posts. He moved back up her body. Then he pulled out a knife.

  “How do you feel?” he asked as he slowly began cutting off Kate’s clothes.

  She looked at him, shocked by his actions. He looked up and said, “I won’t use the knife on you. How do you feel?”

  “Helpless,” she said as she tested the ropes.

  “Aroused?” He slipped the knife through her bra and freed her breasts.


  “Why are you frightened?”

  “You have a knife and I can’t move.”

  “I already told you I won’t cut you and do you really want to move?”

  Ignoring his question, Kate said, “I need an orgasm.”

  He laughed. “Yes, I suppose you do. I definitely want to reward you for your brave decision to be tied up.” He finished removing her clothes. Then he stood and looked at Kate.

  The fact she was naked and helpless, wide open before him, seemed to accentuate her needs rather than dampen them.

  He smiled as he trailed a finger down her cheek and around her mouth. Kate’s tongue tried to catch him but he stayed just out of reach. “You need to learn patience.”


  He placed his finger over Kate’s lips, silencing her. “Quiet. Don’t beg or I’ll torment you even longer. Just sink into your body and feel what I’m doing to you. If you don’t think you can be quiet, I’ll be happy to gag you. Is that what you want?”

  Kate shook her head, her stomach tight with the realization that he could do anything he wanted and she was helpless to stop him. The thought should have terrified her.

  “Good girl. Now let’s turn your mind off so you can enjoy the pleasure I’m going to give you.”

  Just like before, being restrained seemed to accentuate every one of Michael’s actions. She felt his hot, wet tongue lick across the tip of one nipple before moving to the other peak. She arched her back to increase the contact but his talented tongue
was already tracing a line down her belly. He paused a moment to swirl deep into her navel before continuing his journey. He parted her labia with his fingers and circled her clit with his tongue. He never quite touched it, driving her crazy with need. Arching her hips was no help because he was already gone, down her thigh to the back of her knee. It was like being tormented by a feather. His movements were deliberate but so soft that Kate had to focus to feel and when she did, she moaned with desperation. She wanted him to really touch her—hard. Ignoring his earlier warning, she begged for satisfaction. Nothing she said or did changed his actions.

  He took his time. Kate knew that much. She didn’t know how long because she quickly sank into his caresses and bit her lip to stop herself from begging for more. She knew by now that begging wouldn’t help.

  Despite her arousal, her orgasm surprised her. Her abdomen rippled with tension and she found herself helpless before its onslaught. She’d never dreamed an orgasm could be powerful enough to cause her to faint.

  She woke still tied to the bed. Michael stretched out on the bed by her side. His head on his hand, his eyes roved her body and one finger traced her hipbone.

  “Untie me,” she said.

  “Kate, we’re just getting started.” He gently massaged her breasts and kissed her abdomen.

  Kate struggled to free her hands but the silk was a rigid master. Hours later, he still hadn’t entered her. He hadn’t come and she wondered how long he could go without satisfaction so during one brief respite, she finally asked.

  He smiled, dimples deepening, eyes alive with pleasure and said, “Seeing you like this, helpless before my onslaught, is very satisfying. Far more satisfying than one quick release.” Then he paused and looked at her, cocking his head, he asked, “Do you like what I’m doing to you?”

  Kate struggled to think. How could she answer him? She settled for a partial truth. “I liked the orgasm.”

  “Do you think the orgasms would be as intense if you weren’t tied up?”

  “I don’t know, let’s try.”


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