Releasing Kate

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Releasing Kate Page 12

by Cyna Kade

  Awareness returned slowly. Her legs were lowered to the bed, his fingers still in her cunt. His head rested on her breasts. She longed to stroke his hair and touch his face. As if sensing her gaze, he raised his eyes and smiled.

  “I want to touch you. Untie me.”

  “You told me I could tie you up forever.”

  Kate stared at him. “I was in the throes of arousal, I would have told you anything.”

  “You surrendered when you weren’t aroused. You gave me permission. Do you really want to withdraw that permission, knowing that we’ve barely started your education?” he asked as he slowly withdrew his fingers and moved off her.

  Not waiting for an answer he entered the bathroom and returned with a basin and a washcloth.

  “If you untie me I can wash myself.”

  “But it is so much more fun this way,” he said while gently wiping her body.

  Kate remained silent as he finished.

  Michael met her gaze and smiled. “I promise you’ll enjoy everything I do to you. Are you sure you want to withdraw your agreement? Think about it before you answer,” he said then he turned and left the room.

  Kate stayed angry for a long time. Angry because she knew she could easily lose herself in him. Angry that she already had lost herself in him. And angry that he hadn’t pierced her with his cock.

  Kate watched the sunlight creep around the room. Her throat became sore from screaming for him. She didn’t know where Michael had gone but he didn’t answer.

  Hours later, he came back.

  He took one look at Kate and left the room again. Returning in a moment, he brought her water. He lifted her head so she could drink through the straw. He noticed her hoarseness as she tried to yell at him.

  “I forgot to tell you the room is soundproofed. I hope you didn’t scream too much.”

  Kate glared at him and said, “Untie me. I need to use the bathroom.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t you long to know what it would feel like to stay tied up? To use a bedpan until I decide different? To have me feed you? To have me bathe you? To know you no longer have to make any decisions, that you no longer have to do anything for yourself?”

  “Damn you, let me go! I didn’t agree to this,” Kate hoarsely countered, frightened because she didn’t want to go free.

  “Let me remind you again since you seem to keep forgetting. You surrendered when you weren’t aroused. You agreed to let me tie you up forever. If you really want to rescind that agreement, I’ll let you, provided you can tell me again in ten minutes. You know you aren’t fighting me. You’re fighting yourself and what your head tells you is right or wrong, not what your body says.”

  Kate knew what he could do to her in that amount of time. He was right. She knew her head waged war with her body.

  He lightly caressed her breasts, gently twirling her nipples in his fingers.

  Kate couldn’t help it. She started crying. The game was becoming too real. “Please, let me go.”

  Despite the unease and uncertainty warring within her, Kate found comfort when he crawled next to her and gently held her. Stroking her hair, he murmured, “You’ve already surrendered. Don’t back out now. You know you want an excuse to see how far we can go.”

  Over and over again, he told her she was beautiful. He made her soar, as if her pain were caused by something other than him.

  Kate struggled to make sense of what he’d done in one short weekend. “I need to get to work tomorrow.”

  “No, actually you don’t. I left Eileen a copy of your resignation.” He smiled. “Eileen might be a little suspicious but she won’t do anything.”

  Kate stared at him, horrified by the simplicity of his plan, knowing it would work.

  “Besides,” he said, “there is so much more for you to experience. Aren’t you the least bit curious? Two months ago, you told me you’d never agree to pain, yet you did and you had violent orgasms. It was good, wasn’t it? We can go much further. Aren’t you curious as to how far I can take you?” He licked her ear and she shuddered, knowing part of her wanted to be with him any way and every way possible.

  Before she could agree though, she remembered the book. She remembered some of the women and their positions of subjugation. Then she remembered the necklace and the woman who looked like her. She stiffened her resolve. “You’ve hinted before and now I want to know before we proceed. What do you know about my past?”

  He stared down at her. “You’re clan, though you have no idea of what that means.”

  “Clan? Scottish? And you still haven’t told me about that woman in the book.”

  “Not Scottish.” He smiled. “And she’s your grandmother. She’s very anxious to meet you.”

  “I have a grandmother? Why didn’t she adopt me? Why was I abandoned?”

  “Are you sure you’re ready to hear about your family—your biological family?”

  “You’ve no right to withhold information from me! Tell me!”

  “Very well. Have you ever felt stray desires? Desires that seem to come out of nowhere? And have you noticed that you can take more pain? You have more stamina? You’re stronger than normal women for one reason.”

  “What reason?”

  “So you can handle my desires and needs. So you can endure pain. So you can channel it into pleasure. That’s inherent in you.”

  “That’s crazy!”

  “Then why do you respond so intensely to anything I do to you? I recognized you as clan the first time I met you and you can’t deny the attraction between us. It’s our biology at work.”

  “I know nothing about that! I was an infant. I was found in a wrecked, stolen car. A car that contained no clues to my identity except for the necklace my mother wore, the same one in the book. If I were part of some cult, why was I abandoned?”

  “Your parents left Sanctuary.” He shrugged. “It’s not a prison. They chose to leave. No one knew your mother was pregnant. No one knew about you until now.”

  “I want to see these people.”

  “You will. All in good time.”

  “That’s not your decision.”

  “Yes, actually it is my decision. Your grandmother accepts that and you will too. We need to solidify our relationship before I take you to them.”

  “Why? What’s our relationship got to do with my ancestry?”

  “You need to understand your heritage before meeting other clan men.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “No you don’t. You haven’t grown up with the concept of domination and submission. I’m trying to give you a gentle introduction.”

  “I don’t want your kind of sex!”

  “No? You’ve already agreed to stay with me.”

  “This is crazy. You need to let me go.”

  “Not tonight. You’ve had a busy weekend. Tonight we’ll just sleep.” Michael freed Kate’s bonds and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

  Kate’s mind raced but Michael felt warm and she fell asleep pulled close to his chest with his arms holding her tightly.

  Kate woke to sunlight streaming in the window. She stumbled to the bathroom. Then she dressed and followed the scent of bacon to the kitchen.

  Michael looked over his shoulder. “Sit down. Eat. It’s been a long weekend and we have a lot of work to do.”

  “But…” Kate hesitated.


  “You said you were going to keep me tied up forever.”

  “Yes, I did, and you believed me. Did it add to the sensation of being captive?”

  “You didn’t mean it?”

  “Oh I most certainly meant it when I said it. I would love to keep you tied up forever but how would that work? It just isn’t practical without your cooperation so I’ll have to let you leave. You are not ready.”

  Irrationally, Kate smothered a sigh of disappointment. “Did you really leave my resignation on Eileen’s desk?”

  “Yes, and that means I should get to wor
k early and retrieve it before she sees it.”


  “Yes, Kate?”

  “I want to meet my grandmother.”

  “Not until you’ve accepted your ancestry.”

  Kate frowned.

  Michael sighed. “Kate, you’re making everything too complicated. You are made for me. You like what I did this weekend even if you’re not ready to admit it in the cold light of day. That’s okay. I can wait. I won’t force you. I won’t trick you. You’ve had a sample of what I like and how it affected you. Your ancestry won’t let you hide your needs. Sooner or later you’ll accept them. Now finish eating so we can get to work.”

  Michael dropped her off at her apartment. “Take your time. I’ll cover for you,” he said before he drove off.

  Two hours later, Kate entered the executive suite.

  “How was your weekend?” asked Eileen brightly.

  Kate shuddered, flashing back to the feel of Michael’s hands on her.


  “Oh it was fine. How was yours?” Kate asked, not waiting for a reply as she made her way to her office. She felt out of place. She didn’t belong here. She belonged in Michael’s arms. She sat down and stared at her computer, making no move to start it. Her phone rang, startling her back to awareness. She picked it up and heard, “My office now!”

  Kate’s heart raced as she made her way to Michael’s office. He stood by the window. With his jacket off and broad shoulders backlit by the morning sun, he looked like an ancient warrior. Kate clenched her hands into fists. She ached to run into his arms.

  “Close the door,” said Michael, his voice deep and gruff. “And lock it,” he continued as Kate moved to comply. “Kneel,” he said, pointing to a spot on the carpet. “Now raise your arms and lock your hands behind your head.”

  Kate swallowed hard, feeling faint. But she didn’t protest as she followed his orders.

  Michael circled her.

  Kate tensed, waiting for his next move.

  “Lower your eyes to the floor and tell me how you feel.”

  “I…” Kate’s throat was so dry she had trouble speaking. She tried again. “I feel…”

  “Yes? How do you feel?”

  Kate tried twice before she could get the words out. “Aroused, Michael. I feel wet and achy. I need you.”

  “Kate, I haven’t touched you. Why are you aroused?”

  Kate’s eyes flew to Michael’s face as she realized she’d entered the office and followed every one of his orders without any hesitation or protest. Not only followed but anxiously anticipated what he might do next and that anticipation had effortlessly aroused her.

  “You need what only I can give you, Kate. Are you ready to accept that fact? Are you ready to let me teach you?”

  “Just take me, Michael.”

  “No, honey. You gave yourself to me for a weekend. I want more and I think you do too.”

  Kate struggled to her feet, shaking her head the whole time. “I can’t…”

  “Yes you can,” he whispered. “You’re the strongest woman I’ve ever met.”

  Kate shuddered. She tried to fight. She tried to say no. His gaze pinned her though and she knew she couldn’t simply walk away from him. She needed to know what he could teach. There was no way she could resist him.

  Michael watched Kate struggle. He felt powerful when he saw the desire flash across her face, her eyes deep pools of need. It took all his self-control not to grab her and just fuck her. He’d never had a submissive so defiant and strong yet at the same time so innocent and pliable. The heady combination made him a little dizzy. He ached and briefly wondered how long he could ignore his needs.

  “Let me take care of you.” Michael moved close behind her and circled an arm around her waist. He pulled her back against his chest and said, “Forget societal rules. Grab your happiness. You know you want to be with me.”

  Kate closed her eyes, listening to Michael’s murmuring voice. She did want him. Why was she fighting? The pain hadn’t been that bad, she had wanted it and Michael had been right, he took her somewhere she’d never been before. He promised there was more and he knew her family. So many reasons to say yes and the only reason to say no was her silly idea of what she should and shouldn’t do sexually.

  Kate relaxed into Michael’s broad chest and said, “Yes, Michael. Yes, I want what you’re offering.”

  Michael turned her and his hard lips descended. Kate lost herself in his kiss. It felt so good to surrender to his strength.

  After a few moments, he pulled back a little. “I want you to have lunch with Eileen and tell her you are resigning.”


  “You need to tell Eileen you’re resigning. Tell her about us and make sure you tell her you are with me because you want to be with me. I don’t want to be arrested for kidnapping.”

  Kate frowned, remembering Eileen’s claim that the women Michael seduced were there because they wanted to be. She didn’t like the idea that she was about to become another one. “I don’t want to just be another of your women.”

  “Kate, you’re clan. You’ll never just be just another woman. I used the others because I couldn’t find a clan woman to live outside Sanctuary. You’re different.” He pulled her even closer and stroked her cheek. “You are very different. I’ve no intention of ever letting you go.” He kissed her hard. “Now scoot,” he said as he swatted her rear. “Make a lunch date with Eileen. Today is your last day of work.”

  Kate left the office. She couldn’t believe that she planned to turn her back on everything familiar to follow an unknown path. She felt a twinge of panic but she believed in Michael. Besides, this was her decision and it seemed as though the fact that she was clan would influence all her actions now. If things went wrong, at least she’d always have a place there. She had enough money set aside to live for six months. She’d be okay. She had to accept his challenge. She really had no choice and that’s what she told Eileen later that day.

  “Kate, you can’t be serious. I told you what I heard about how he left other women.”

  “Eileen, you’ve been in a happy marriage for forty years. Would you tell me not to pursue the first man who has seriously interested me in years?”

  “Oh Kate, you know I believe in relationships but this one is different. He’s changing you. I can see it and I’m not sure the decision you’re making is yours or his. He’s not nice to his women. He leaves them broken and alone.”

  “I’m different.”

  “I’m sure they all thought they were different.”

  “He knows my grandmother.”

  “What? You told me you don’t have any family!”

  “I was wrong. He’s going to take me to see her.”

  Eileen shook her head. “Kate—”

  “No! I have to do this Eileen.”

  “Oh child.” Eileen shook her head. “You know where I am if you need help.”

  * * * * *

  Eileen entered Michael’s office. Not worried about her job, she told Michael, “I’ll be watching you. Kate’s a good woman. She doesn’t deserve to be hurt.”

  “I’ll take good care of Kate and you’re wrong, she was born to be hurt by someone like me.”

  Eileen’s eyes widened in horror at Michael’s statement and his cocky grin. This was a side of him she hadn’t seen before. This man was dangerous. What had Kate gotten into?

  Michael watched Eileen’s horrified expression. She couldn’t do anything now. He’d already turned in his resignation, as well as Kate’s. Soon they’d be beyond Eileen’s watching eyes. Kate belonged to him now and he could barely wait to get started. Apparently Kate felt the same. Later that afternoon she entered his office and said, “Can we get out of here?”

  Chapter Eleven

  Michael watched Kate enter his home. He knew she still wasn’t prepared for the full depth of her heritage. He had to move slowly. She needed to build up her stamina and experience first. She’d surren
dered, but simple surrender was not enough for a mating. Before he was done, she’d crave his attentions and beg for pain. She’d ceded one level of control but she had no idea how many other levels existed for someone like her.

  Kate drew in a deep breath and turned to face Michael. “Are you going to fuck me now?”

  He chuckled. “You aren’t ready yet.”

  “I want you. I don’t care if you hurt me. I need your cock deep inside me. Haven’t I waited long enough?”

  “No, actually you haven’t. You’ll receive me when I say, not just because you want me. You haven’t earned it yet,” stated Michael, his voice harsh.

  Kate stared at him.

  “You still don’t quite get it, do you? You’re mine now. You have no say in anything we do.” He wrapped his fist in her blouse and with a quick downward motion, tore it off. Kate tried to back away but he grabbed her arm while he tore off her bra. Then he let her go, naked above the waist.

  “I am going to hurt you. I am going to teach you about every kind of pain. The dull, the sharp, the ache, the empty, the slash, the burn, the throb. Oh there are so many different types of pain. I’m going to teach you all of them.”

  “You’ll kill me!”

  “No, that’s the whole point. You’ll heal very quickly. You’re clan. You can take anything I give you and before I’m done you’ll want everything I give you.”

  Kate backed away. Had Eileen been right? Was she in over her head?

  Michael watched the fear flick across Kate’s face. “Kate, you know you want it. If you fight me, it will excite me too much and I won’t be able to stay in control. Fair warning, this is your last chance to escape. If you don’t leave now then you’re agreeing to anything I chose to do and I’ve already told you what I want.”

  Kate’s cunt clenched. She wanted this man. She couldn’t—wouldn’t—walk away from him. She had to find out where Michael could lead her. “I’m not leaving but I’m frightened.”

  “Of course you are. You’ve shut off a huge part of yourself. It won’t be easy to free you. It’s been buried deeply beneath the layers of the culture of a society that you thought you belonged to. Are you staying?”


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