The Gray Ship

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The Gray Ship Page 20

by Russell F. Moran

  “So history will unfold as it has been written,” said Davis, his skepticism starting to wane.

  “More than that, Sir,” said Bradley. “I have studied the Battle of Manassas in great detail. I can advise all of the Generals involved just what the Union maneuvers will be. The Southern victory will become a smashing triumph.”

  Mr. Secretary,” said Davis, “see to it that this man is sworn in as a Confederate naval officer with the rank of Captain.”

  “Yes, Sir,” said Mallory. But can we trust this man? Mallory wondered.

  I hope Chief Ray is being cautious, Bradley thought.

  Chapter 73

  Near Bali, in the Dutch East Indies, Malcolm Holmes, an English wildlife artist, painted his favorite subject, the monarch butterfly. He drew a sketch first, making sure to capture the beautiful coloration of the butterfly’s wings. It was tricky, of course, because the wings were flapping. Holmes noticed a cloud of pollen as the butterfly’s wings disturbed the air. He made a note on his sketch to make sure to put the pollen cloud into the painting.

  On July 9, 1861, off the Northwest coast of Africa, a zone of low atmospheric pressure formed. At the same time a light wind developed in the upper atmosphere. The combination of low pressure near the surface of the ocean and the upper atmospheric wind resulted in a tropical depression, which would soon become a tropical storm.

  The storm began its journey toward the East Coast of the United States.

  * * *

  On the morning of July 12, 1861, Lt. Kathy Cooney, the California’s meteorologist, asked to speak to the Captain. Wind driven rain pelted the windows on the bridge, and the howling of gusts sounded throughout the ship. The sea was turning rough, with white capped waves growing to six feet. Cooney had two observations, neither of which was good. The cloud formations the night before and at sunrise foretold a large weather front heading toward the California from the Southwest. What really concerned her was that both of the ship’s barometers, the instruments that measure atmospheric pressure, were dropping fast. Like rocks.

  “Captain, it’s time to duck for cover,” said Cooney.

  Lt. Wayne Bellamy, the ship’s Navigator, was on the Bridge. “We’re not far from Baltimore Harbor, Captain,” said Bellamy. “ETA one hour if we can maintain 20 knots.”

  “Make for Baltimore, Lieutenant,” said the Captain.

  “Recommend you come to course 098 and maintain a speed of 20 knots,” Bellamy said to the OOD.

  The OOD then called for the boatswain’s mate of the watch to sound his pipe over the PA system. “This is the Officer of the Deck. All hands prepare for heavy weather. Stay off weather decks unless absolutely necessary.”

  Ashley called Nick Wartella, the Engineering Officer. “Nick, we need to do a fast costume change.”

  Wartella called Jeff DeLouker and Nancy Forsyth, the “costume designers. “I’ve put out the call to the Gray Ship Gang,” said DeLouker. “We’ve drilled for this and everyone knows where they have to be. I’m going down now to supervise.”

  “Be careful, Jeff,” said Wartella.

  The Gray Ship Gang heavy weather drill called for each team to report to their assigned places. The California cruised under the name of USS New York that day, and she would soon be the California again. The nameplate USS New York was removed and the two large boards with the ship’s number were to be taken down. The large fore and aft structures that were designed to look like gun turrets were trickier. Forsyth had designed them so that the walls could be folded in on one another like the sides of a box. The long water pipes that were made to look like guns were removed and lashed to the deck. After the gang folded down the walls of the wood structures, they draped heavy chains across each resulting pile of wood and secured it to the deck. During drills, the entire operation could be accomplished in less than 20 minutes. But this was not a drill, and the winds were gale force, with a sustained blow of 40 mph gusting to 60 mph.

  The four man team assigned to take down the wooden number boards was having a difficult time. They had just taken down the starboard number when a gust picked up the board like a paper envelope. One of the sailors fractured three ribs as he tried to hold onto the board and was dragged into a rail. The board sailed past the missile batteries and took a downward trajectory as it approached the stern. Jeff DeLouker was on the stern supervising the nameplate removal. The number board smashed into his back, knocking him overboard. Everyone screamed “man overboard,” and hurled life rings toward DeLouker. He waved his hands, confirming that he was conscious. Nancy Forsyth sprinted to the rail, having just seen her friend hurled into the ocean. “Hang on Jeff,” she screamed.

  The word reached the bridge in less than 15 seconds that someone was in the water. The Quartermaster of the Watch reached for the ship’s horn and sounded six short blasts, the man overboard signal. The Officer of the Deck gave rudder commands to the helmsman, steering into a Williamson, or Life Saving, turn. This maneuver was invented by a navy man during World War II as a way to turn a ship and end up in the same spot facing in the opposite direction. With a bit of luck, the overboard officer would be there. Because of the building seas, the turn was difficult, the bow of the ship rising and crashing back to the water as the ship made its agonizing maneuver. When the turn was completed, a lookout spotted DeLouker 30 yards off the starboard bow. The OOD guided the ship toward DeLouker, bringing her hull against the wind and sea to create a “lee,” an area of calm to make it easier to haul the man aboard. It also created a gut wrenching sensation on the ship as the heavy seas crashed against the hull, causing her to take nauseating rolls.

  After DeLouker was plucked from the sea, the ship turned once again to steam toward Baltimore. They had lost valuable time with the man overboard incident, time that enabled the storm to worsen.

  The entrance to the harbor was deep enough so that running aground wasn’t a major concern. The California entered the harbor at a speed of 10 knots. The wind was still fierce, blowing at 50 knots with gusts over 75, but at least the embrace of land at the harbor entrance made the seas less frightening. The Captain ordered the anchor dropped, and the California was finally safe.

  Damage control reports to the bridge gave Ashley a sense of relief. The ship suffered no major structural problems, just a few bent rails. The weapons, and the platforms they were mounted on, were not damaged.

  It was a fast moving storm and within an hour, the winds had calmed down. It was 1400 hours. Ashley decided to stay the night anchored in the harbor to give the crew a break to nurse bruises and contusions from slamming into bulkheads. The cooks in the mess were most appreciative.

  Nick Wartella and Nancy Forsyth were at DeLouker’s bedside in sick bay. As he was hurled overboard, DeLouker’s ribs made furious contact with the ship’s rail, fracturing four of them. “If you guys are here to cheer me up,” said DeLouker, “please do not fucking make me laugh.”

  The California dodged a bullet, Ashley thought, but she knew there were more storms to come.

  Chapter 74

  On July 11, at 0930 hours, Union Brigadier General Irwin McDowell and his aide, Col. James Burns met with Marine Major Richard Carrubba in CIC to begin preparations for the upcoming Battle of Bull Run. The Captain had ordered Carrubba and Conroy, upon his return, to be the key ground combat contacts since Col. Bingham had been killed. They had a map of the area around Manassas spread out in front of them, as well as earmarked books from the ship’s library that described the battle. The purpose of the meeting was to pick targets for cruise missile strikes.

  The consensus was that the California would concentrate its firepower on the Confederate artillery and ammunition placements. General McDowell was given a radio, and would communicate with the California during the battle. Drone pilots Lt. Bob Nathan and Lt. Andrew Cinque attended the meeting, along with Lt. Russ Colombo, the pilot of the Apache Attack Helicopter.

  McDowell felt chastened that the history books showed that his efforts at Bull Run would result i
n defeat. Did he really need these mystical weapons from another century to win the day? he wondered. But the practical military man in him trumped his thoughts of romantic martial glory. It was his job to defeat the enemy, and to defeat him by whatever means possible.

  “Gentlemen, are you confident that these weapons can turn the tide of battle in our favor?” McDowell asked. Rather than go into lengthy detail, Conroy thought, why not just show this guy what will happen. He asked McDowell and Burns to move to a computer in the corner. He inserted a Navy training video into the CD-ROM drive and hit play. The video was an instructional film all about the Tomahawk Cruise Missile. They watched as the Tomahawks obliterated target after target before their eyes. Conroy then put in a video of drones and the Apache Helicopter firing Hellfire missiles. He looked at McDowell. The General said nothing, he only smiled.

  The Battle of Bull Run was 10 days away.

  Chapter 75

  The SEALs arrived at the outskirts of Richmond on the morning of July 12. Conroy ordered the men to tie up the horses in a wooded area, leaving Tarback behind to tend to them. They would proceed on foot and patrol in three groups. Their orders were to take photographs and to dictate comments, especially about possible missile targets. If stopped, the protocol was to say that they were to deliver a message to the War Department. Each pair of SEALs had one two-way radio. They all had simple code words to report to Conroy.

  Their main target, Phillip Bradley, had suddenly stopped transmitting the beacon signal of his location. Conroy correctly assumed that Bradley had taken his batteries out of his radio to conserve power. Without that beacon, he would be almost impossible to find. Their orders were to call off the search no later than July 13, the next day, if they hadn’t found Bradley.

  Conroy, who patrolled with Petty Officer Jordan, sent out a message to the others. “Need more hay,” meaning, patrol and gather information.

  Two major targets in Richmond were easy to find. Their locations were prominently noted in history books. One was the Executive Office Building, the structure that housed the Confederate administration, including the office of Jefferson Davis. As they walked past the imposing building, a former US Customs House, Conroy planted a laser tracker in a bush near the entrance.

  Less than a half mile away, near the James River, Conroy and Jordan came upon the Richmond Arsenal, also known as the Armory. It was easy to spot because the word “Armory” was prominently carved on its facade. Jordan planted a laser tracker in a grassy spot in front of the building.

  Conroy sent a code to the other SEALs, “Hometown,” indicating that they were to go to their rendezvous spot where the horses were tied up.

  “We didn’t find Bradley,” said Conroy, “but we’ve gathered excellent intelligence. We didn’t accomplish everything, but this mission is a success. Okay, move out.”

  They passed Lee’s Army as they trudged through the woods. Conroy ordered them to stop while he double checked his map so he could pass the information on for drone surveillance. Earlier he had placed a laser tracker at the edge of the encampment.

  The SEALs made it back to the location of their hidden Zodiac without incident. They gave the horses water and set them off on the road, where they would soon be found. They pumped air into the Zodiac with an inflation canister and climbed aboard.

  SEAL Squad Bravo arrived back at the California at 1700 hours on July 14. Conroy reported to the Captain’s office immediately.

  Conroy told Captain Patterson how they lost the signal beacon from Bradley’s radio, and were therefore unable to find their number one target.

  “But I consider the mission a success, Captain. We found Robert E. Lee’s Army.”

  Chapter 76

  Ashley radioed Navy Secretary Wells to tell him about the SEAL’s mission, being cautions not to mention specifics because Bradley still had a radio. Bull Run was six days away, and Ashley recommended a meeting at the Navy Department.

  “We will meet on the California, Captain,” said Wells. “I will be with President Lincoln. He wants to see the Gray Ship with his own eyes.” Ashley felt dizzy and sat down. She had hosted many a distinguished visitor aboard the California, but this was beyond anything she had imagined.

  * * *

  As President Lincoln stepped from the motor launch onto the ladder’s base, the boatswain’s pipe sounded throughout all compartments, “United States of America, arriving.”

  Ashley greeted Lincoln and Wells on the quarterdeck. She, along with all department heads, wore dress whites, uniforms they hadn’t worn in a long time. They all saluted while a recording of “Hail to the Chief” played throughout the ship. Lincoln felt overwhelmed by this respectful ceremony by the people from another century. He pondered that a woman like Ashley Patterson would be lucky to find a job as a maid in his day.

  He walked up to Ashley, who extended her hand. Lincoln cupped it in both of his, looked her in the eyes and said, “So good to see you again, Madam Captain.”

  They were escorted to Ashley’s office, preceded by a tour of the ship. Lincoln shook the hand of every sailor he encountered. Cell phone photographs would provide the crew with memories they would never forget. Along the way Wells pointed out to Lincoln a few of the things he remembered from his tour. Lincoln was especially impressed with the Combat Information Center.

  They arrived in Ashley’s office where coffee, tea, and snacks were waiting. Besides Campbell and Conroy, Ashley invited Father Rick and Lt. Jack, for no other reason that she wanted to share the moment with them.

  Lt. Conroy gave a summary of the SEAL mission from Manassas to Richmond. The highlight of his talk was the discovery of Lee’s Army near Richmond. He handed Lincoln and Wells two copies of photographs of Lee that Conroy had taken. Neither Lincoln nor Wells had ever met Robert E. Lee, but he was immediately recognizable from the numerous photos of him taken with mid-nineteenth-century cameras. He also showed them photos of the artillery park and the weapons depot.

  “Do we know he’s still there?” asked Lincoln.

  Ashley was waiting for this moment. She asked them to look at the wide screen monitor on the wall of her office. Her computer was networked with the drone images in CIC. Lt. Bob Nathan, one of the drone pilots, had been alerted to the timing of this meeting, and he had launched a drone earlier. It circled above Lee’s Army.

  “Gentlemen,” said Ashley, “the Army of Northern Virginia, as we see it this very moment.”

  Both Lincoln and Wells asked how long a drone can patrol overhead. Ashley explained that they can fly overhead for over 30 hours. One would return to the ship, and the other could be overhead in a short while.

  “So,” said Ashley, “if Lee moves his Army we will know when, and we can see where it’s going.”

  Ashley then asked Conroy and Carrubba to review their discussions with Union General McDowell, who would command the lead Army in the Battle of Bull Run.

  Everyone in the room was impressed by how much Lincoln and Wells had studied the California’s armaments. All one needed to do was point to a spot on the map and say “Tomahawk,” and both of these nineteenth-century warriors knew its significance.

  * * *

  As the meeting drew to a close, everyone left the room except for Ashley, Lincoln, Wells, and Campbell.

  “Do you have any other specific thoughts for us Madam Captain?” asked Lincoln.

  “Yes Sir, I do.” said Ashley. “You may be ahead of me on this, and I know I’m speaking way over my pay grade, but here’s what we should do immediately after Bull Run. And I mean immediately. We should attack the artillery park, the ammunition depot and the headquarters at Lee’s Army encampment. We should then attack the Armory in Richmond.”

  Lincoln smiled and nodded his head, as if he just heard a witness give him an answer he wanted.

  “But why the immediacy?” asked Wells. “Won’t the drones give us ample opportunity to gather forces and attack Lee?”

  “Where I come from, Mr. Secretary,” said Ashley, �
��a successful military operation depends on winning the hearts and minds of the enemy, as well as the hearts and minds of the people who support the enemy. Simply stated, within two, maybe three days, I think we will sap the Confederacy’s will to fight. A clear victory at Bull Run, followed immediately by the destruction of Lee’s Army and a missile attack on Richmond, and we should see a peace delegation riding into town.”

  “My friend,” Lincoln said as he looked at Wells, “Captain Patterson, as usual, has shown us her wisdom.”

  How will I do without this woman? Lincoln thought.

  Chapter 77

  “Lieutenant, would you please come up to my office,” said Ashley to Jack Thurber. She referred to him as lieutenant when she called him, and switched to Jack in her office.

  “Jack, I’m nervous, and I admit it. We have so much riding on Bull Run, not only the Union but the crew of this ship. Put your investigator hat on. Have we missed anything with the Bradley conspiracy?”

  “I’ve been thinking about little else, Captain. We know that his major accomplice on the ship was Chief Ray. We also know that Ray’s job was to disarm the major weapons systems. He was caught with a circuit board in his hand. We also know that Bradley’s unaware that Ray has been killed. Bradley is looking forward to Bull Run, so he can prove to the Confederacy that he disabled one of the great Gray Ships. It will win him admiral’s bars.

  Ashley asked Jack to come over to the conference table. It was covered with sheets of notes she had taken from her prior talks with Jack.

  “Is there anything we haven’t thought of?”

  “Let’s connect the dots.” Jack said. “Suppose, just suppose, that Bradley gets cold feet and yells to the rebels to call off Bull Run because he can’t guarantee the California is harmless. We know where the rebel forces are. The Union Generals can force a battle, whether it’s called Bull Run or not, just using our drones and heavy weapons. And, we know where Lee’s Army is. This war will be over soon.”


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