Everything She Wanted

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Everything She Wanted Page 23

by Jennifer Ryan

  “Let’s hope we can make a deal.”

  “We will. We have to. I’ve had enough cruelty and ­people taking things from me my whole life. I won’t let them. We have to stop them.”

  Ben hugged her tight. She’d been so strong, but the cracks in her armor showed. She let them show to him, because she trusted him to help her make this right. To see her quest through to the end and keep her and Alex safe while he did it.

  “Let’s take that bastard down.”

  Chapter Twenty-One

  KATE AND BEN met Cameron and his associate Bill Pratt outside the Faraday Electronics offices. They’d spent all day Sunday studying the company papers she dug out in Donald’s office, the company literature, and everything they could find on the internet. Kate had no idea how to run a company the size and scope of Donald’s. She didn’t have the technical or engineering expertise. She didn’t have the business acumen to pull it off well, at least not without a huge learning curve. So she took Ben’s suggestion and made the call to his cousin, Cameron, herself. They spoke for an hour on the phone Saturday night. Cameron made some calls to colleagues within Merrick and Knight Industries, which he held a huge stake in, and found the perfect candidate to take the job at Faraday.

  “Ben, so good to see you.” The dark haired man with the gorgeous blue eyes held his hand out to Ben. They shook and Ben pulled the man in for a quick back-­smacking guy hug. “Is this your girlfriend?”

  “Kate, meet Cameron Shaw, my cousin.”

  Kate shook his hand. “Nice to meet you in person. I really appreciate you doing this on such short notice.”

  “My pleasure. Anything for family. Besides, Bill owes me a favor, but I seem to be doing him one.”

  “Yes, you are.” Bill stepped forward and shook her hand too. “Thank you for trusting me with this job. I won’t let you down. I’ll look out for Alex’s interests.”

  She liked Bill right away, but when he said those words, she liked him even more. Still, that part of her that remained guarded warned her to beware. If protecting Alex’s interests became second to Bill’s interests, she’d fire his ass. She’d give him the benefit of the doubt because she needed someone on the inside at the company, but she’d watch him.

  Cameron and Bill headed for the double doors leading into the building’s lobby.

  Ben squeezed her hand, leaned down, and whispered in her ear. “Stop glaring at him. He’ll do a good job. He won’t steal you blind. Cameron and I will be overseeing everything too.”

  Yes, they would. She took a breath, told that suspicious voice in her head to relax, and walked beside Ben into the building. They stopped short when they saw Christina and Evan Faraday talking to three gentlemen across the large open space.

  “What are they doing here?” she asked Ben.

  “Someone from the company must have contacted them about this meeting.”

  “But they don’t have a say in what I do. Donald’s will left everything to Alex.”

  “We’re still waiting for a judge to rule on the prenup and divorce that Donald filed for before his death. Kate, they may get to keep a large stake in the company and gain most of Donald’s assets if a judge rules in Christina’s favor. That’s why it’s important to get Bill situated in the company now, so that Christina and Evan don’t undermine what Donald built.”

  “Do you think she’d do that?”

  “What I don’t want her to do is sell the company out from under Alex. I don’t want her to decide that she doesn’t give a shit about the ­people who work here, the customers, and she just shuts this place down.”

  “She can’t be that stupid. This place makes a ton of money. They made over a twenty percent profit last year alone. That was in a bad economy.”

  “And because Donald knew how to run a business. Christina and Evan have no idea what to do with this place. Unless they appoint someone like you’re doing to oversee the operations, they’ll drive this place into the ground. A company needs leadership and vision. Donald had both. Bill can fill that slot. He’ll work with the executive team to keep things moving in a positive direction.”

  “Let’s go see what they want.” Kate scowled openly at the Faradays.

  “You know, it really pisses me off to see that asshole still walking around and not locked behind bars after everything he’s done.” The fierce look in Ben’s eyes surprised her. He always seemed so in control of his emotions. The attack on her and the fire at Haven House upset him, but the look in his eyes said a lot more. He feared that if Evan wasn’t locked up soon, they might not be so lucky the next time Evan came after her and Alex.

  The hairs on the back of her neck stood up and tingled. She shivered and shook off the eerie sensation.

  “If you think you can take over my husband’s life work, you’re wrong. This is my company now. You can’t call meetings and put someone in my husband’s place,” Christina spat out.

  “No matter what happens with the estate split, Alex has a stake in this company. Bill will take over where Donald left off. He will ensure the company is run well and Donald’s legacy continues and thrives for both his sons.”

  “I say what happens to this company and the estate. I’m Donald’s wife.”

  “The only reason he stayed was for Evan’s sake. He didn’t love you, but he loved his children.”

  That something strange that came into Christina’s eyes in the police station flashed in their depths again. Kate didn’t understand it, but wished she knew what Christina feared, or was hiding behind that look.

  “Yes, he did, which is why I am looking out for my son.”

  “As you should. As will I. So if you want to attend this meeting, let’s get it started.” Kate looked to the gentlemen standing by watching the whole sordid exchange.

  One of the men swept his arm out toward the elevator. “This way, please. We’ll use the conference room on the third floor.”

  Kate followed behind everyone. Bill and Cameron walked in front of her, blocking her from Christina and Evan. She wondered if Ben put them up to that with some silent signal to protect her. The three executives from Faraday Electronics, Christina, and Evan all stepped into the elevator. Bill, Cameron, and Ben held back, blocking her from entering.

  “We’ll take the elevator up next and meet you there.” Ben’s words came out casual, but his posture sure wasn’t; he looked ready to strike down any threat that came her way.

  The second the elevator doors closed, she grasped Ben’s shoulder and turned him toward her. “What was that all about?”

  “You think I’m going to give that guy another shot at killing you?”

  “What’s he going to do here, in front of so many witnesses?”

  “He shot his own father, tried to kidnap a baby, and burned down Haven House, hoping to kill you. I wouldn’t put anything past that murderous asshole. They won’t quit, Kate. Never turn your back on them. Never give them an opening to hurt you.”

  Kate wanted to dismiss the warnings, but couldn’t. Still, something about Evan’s behavior today, holding his mother back, tweaked something in her mind. She couldn’t put her finger on it, but it circled her mind with other thoughts she couldn’t quite grasp or put together with their odd behavior.

  “When will the DNA tests come back on Christina and the knife?”

  “The lab is backed up. Detective Raynott is hoping to have them soon.”

  “Something doesn’t add up.”

  The elevator doors opened. They rode up to the third floor in silence. As usual, Kate’s thoughts were a jumbled mess with her grief taking center stage. She wanted to avenge her sister, but so far all she’d done was hide and hire a business executive. She needed to come up with a way to prove Evan committed the crimes. She needed to figure how big a role Christina played in all the events.

  “Kate, we’re here.” Ben stood with his arm out,
hand on the door, blocking it from closing on them.

  “Sorry. Lost in thought.” She walked out ahead of him.

  “Ways to kill Evan and get away with it?” he asked.

  “Something like that,” she whispered back as they approached the conference room.

  Everyone took their seats. The Faraday executives sat at one end of the table facing them. Christina and Evan sat on either side of the execs. Ben, Cameron, and Bill sat at the other end, facing the other side. Just to piss off Christina, she sat right next to her, but turned her chair to square off with everyone on that side of the table.

  “Miss Morrison,” the man at the head of the table began.

  “It’s just Kate.”

  “I’m Pete. I’ve worked at Donald’s side for the last fifteen years. I knew him better than most.”

  “Did you ever meet my sister?”

  Pete glanced at Christina, then met Kate’s gaze again. “Yes. I met her several times. Donald seemed very happy with her.”

  “Seemed happy?” Kate pushed.

  Pete eyed Christina again, sighed, and answered, increasing the tension in the room. “He was happier than I’d ever seen him.”

  “This is ridiculous. We’re here to discuss business.” Christina glared at her.

  “She’s right, Pete, so here is the deal. Donald left everything to Alex. Now, because of a legal muddle between Alex, Christina, and Evan the company may be split. I want Alex’s interests protected and the company is lacking a president. So, I’ve hired Bill to fill that slot.”

  Pete frowned. “Kate, it’s not necessary to bring someone else in. We can run the company as we’ve been doing. Everything is running smoothly without Donald here. I don’t say that to be callous of his absence. Believe me, it’s felt by everyone here and in every facet of the business.”

  “I’m not inserting someone because I don’t believe you can do the job you’ve done exceptionally well these last years. I’ve read over all of Donald’s papers, including the financials on the company.”

  “Then you understand that we will continue in Donald’s stead and ensure this company remains as successful as it was when Donald ran it.”

  “I believe you, Pete. I have no cause to think otherwise. Bill has experience running a company of this size and scope. While he’s got the business background this company needs, he’s an engineer at heart. He can bring a fresh perspective on both fronts of the business.”

  Kate turned to Bill. She appreciated that the men allowed her to take the lead. After all, Alex owned the business and it was her duty to oversee it. “Bill, if you wouldn’t mind giving these gentlemen a synopsis of your background and what you bring to the table. I’m sure once you start working together, they’ll see what an asset you’ll be to the company.”

  “Of course. Thank you, Kate.” Bill ran through the jobs he’d held over the years and the degrees in business and electrical engineering he’d earned. He spoke of other projects he’d worked on, most of which went straight over her head, but the Faraday execs, including Pete, all perked up at many of the things Bill elaborated on, using technical language she just didn’t get. To be truthful, she didn’t really understand what Donald’s company did, but by the end of the conversation it was clear that Bill got it and had several ideas he’d like to implement. Pete and he went back and forth for twenty minutes talking about a project that had been stalled for weeks.

  Kate took the opportunity to study Evan. While he listened to the conversation, it was clear he didn’t understand all the technical jargon tossed back and forth. He did add a few comments when they discussed sales and revenue. She didn’t give him too much credit. She figured out what they were talking about in that respect as well. Still, Evan didn’t object to Bill working at the company. He didn’t demand to take his father’s place.

  Evan lost focus on the ­people around them and stared back at her. If they were wild animals, they’d be circling each other. Kate didn’t turn away from his intense stare. Instead, she tried to see past the nonchalant facade to the real man beneath.

  His gaze swept down her face to her chest. She’d been checked out before. It didn’t bother her. Much. He did it to piss her off and make her feel like she was just an object. His eyes filled with lust, but she saw past that false and practiced gaze to the calculating man who wanted the money but not the business. Certainly not the work that went with running the company. He wanted his life to remain as carefree and filled with luxury as it had always been. She wouldn’t put it past him to try to make her an ally. He seemed the type to keep his enemies close.

  Ben’s hand settled over hers on the table. A show of possession that Evan didn’t miss. His gaze shot from her hand beneath Ben’s to her eyes. A slow smile spread across his handsome face. If looks could kill, the one Evan sent Ben would see Ben bloody on the floor. She caught Ben’s glare out of the corner of her eye. Yep, he was much better at this silent conversation. While Evan’s glare said he’d like to kill Ben, Ben’s cold eyes said, “Bring it on. You’ll lose.”

  She loved the air of confidence he wore as easily as the shirt on his back. When they’d worked together in the past, she’d thought him cocky and arrogant. Now, she understood he’d earned it. He only wielded it against those who deserved it. The ­people who needed his help got it. Evan deserved Ben’s ire.

  She’d made up her mind recently to set aside her grief and bring Evan to justice. Now, that compulsion to end this grew within her, blocking out everything else.

  She couldn’t sit here any longer. She’d leave the business to those who knew what they were doing. She needed some air.

  “Please excuse me,” she said, interrupting the group.

  Ben held her hand, preventing her from leaving when she stood. She squeezed his hand to let him know she was okay.

  She walked out of the conference room and down the hall, glancing at all the offices along the way. She stopped outside Donald’s closed door and traced her fingers over his name. She stared through the glass window. The office remained dark. Pulled in by some unseen force, she turned the knob and walked into the dim room. Light from the outside windows spilled in and across his desk. Files, a discarded pen, and a half full cup of coffee sat on his desk. No one had touched anything since his death. She walked around to his chair and smiled at the photos of Margo and Alex. She picked up the picture of Margo holding Alex in her arms, a bright smile on her face.

  She didn’t so much see Evan come in as sense him standing by the door.

  “You have no idea what you did when you killed her. She was warm and kind and gentle. She loved your father in a way I’d never seen someone love another. Your father soaked up that love and returned it. I don’t know how you grew up in that house with your parents living their separate lives, hurting each other rather than admitting it was over and going their separate ways.”

  “You have no clue who my father was, or what he wanted.” Evan stepped closer, his hands fisted at his sides.

  “What angers you more? That he found happiness with a woman who wasn’t your mother, that he had another son he adored, or that he meant to cut you off?”

  “I’m his son. He can’t just push me aside and start over with some other kid.”

  “He gave you everything. Spoiled you. Let you get away with your tantrums and fights. Protected you when you hurt others. He didn’t want to start over with Alex, he wanted you to finally grow up and be an adult. He wanted you to take responsibility for your life and your actions. Instead, you lashed out without any thought to the consequences. How did it make you feel to see your father lying on the floor in a pool of blood?”

  “I wasn’t there. The blood on the knife proved that.” The fear and distress that flashed in his eyes told her he lied. She knew he lied, but how to prove it. That bloody knife didn’t make sense.

  “You were there. You pulled the trigger. Y
ou killed them. I won’t let you get away with this. Your mother thinks she can take whatever she wants. Face it, she always has, Donald’s feelings be damned. She certainly doesn’t think of you. I mean, she ordered you to do this, right? She pushed you, used your volatile temper and needled your sense of entitlement until you believed the only way to handle this situation was to kill him.”

  His gaze shot to hers. Bull’s-­eye. She’d gotten it right.

  “You lost sight of who your father really was. Kind. Decent. Always on your side, even when you did the most heinous things. He wanted to teach you a lesson, but he’d have given in if you really needed help. You knew that deep down, but it’s just so much easier to take him out, get rid of him so you could have what you really cared about. The money.”

  “Fuck you. It wasn’t easy.”

  The admission stunned her. She didn’t actually believe he’d admit in not so many words that he’d killed his father.

  “Living with it must be hard. Knowing you’re going to pay for it one way or another, that jail sentence hanging over your head, it must eat away at you.”

  “You don’t know shit, lady. Shut the fuck up, or I’ll make you.”

  “Bring it on, asshole. I’m not someone you want to fuck with. I will put you down and not think twice about it.”

  “You’re some tough chick, is that right?”

  “You already got a taste of it when I put you on the ground. I’m like no woman you’ve ever known. You killed my sister. For that, I’ll make you pay and I won’t stop until you do. So you keep coming. You’re stupid enough to think you’ll get away with it, but you’re impulsive and make mistakes. Everything you do, I will use against you. You don’t have your father to bail you out. With the estate in limbo, you don’t have all that money to hire an attorney to get you out of the hole you just keep digging.”

  “You’ve a real mouth on you. You don’t know when to shut up.” Evan closed the distance and planted his hands on Donald’s desk and leaned forward, trying to intimidate her.


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