The Accidental Werewolf's Mate: A Monsterly Yours Romance (Monstery Yours Book 3)

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The Accidental Werewolf's Mate: A Monsterly Yours Romance (Monstery Yours Book 3) Page 22

by S. J. Sanders

  My heart stops in my chest.


  “No!” I scream in anguish. A clarity bursts through my mind and I recall the one thing I can do that doesn’t rely on spells. My special gift. With a wild howl, I jump up so that I can wrap both arms around the elf’s massive torso.

  “Give Dephinyar my regards,” I snarl as I allow my power to snap through him, coiling until I find the golden line of his own power. Elvish power is not meant for human bodies. I know that, but there’s a chance... and I’m willing to take that chance to save my mate. I grab ahold of that power and yank it into me.

  Miglinor screams, his body convulsing as he drops Arawl to the ground. I suck it into me greedily. I can feel it fusing into my cells. This isn’t like when I borrowed power before, the energy is merging with my own, saturating every part of me. I couldn’t stop draining him even if I wanted to. Tasting the elvish power, I am ravenous. I will tear apart and gleefully consume every part of my enemy. Now I understand my mate’s bloodlust. I’m barely aware of anything else but the feeling that of delicious power...

  Suddenly I’m torn off of him, my mate’s arms wrapping around me as he forces me away.

  “Enough, Ana. I will not have you destroy yourself and our kit. I need you!”

  Arawl shoves me into Vrox’s arms as he spins around and approaches the elf. To my surprise, the elf has shrunk back to his normal size, his talismans melted into burning puddles on his skin. He gasps for breath, his fingers moving as if trying to hold onto something. Arawl sneers down at Miglinor as he stands over him.

  “Death is too good for you,” he growls. “The only consolation is that you will never be able to harm anyone again.”

  The elf moans, his eyes bulging in terror just as Arawl’s fingers loosen. I watch as Miglinor drops from sight, his scream as he plunges to his death filling my ears. The audible snap of Dephinyar’s jowls makes me wince, but all at once I am flooded with relief. I can still feel the elf’s power surging through me, but little by little it slows until all I feel is a tiny pulse, a whip of power in my womb. Whatever I have done to myself on this day will impact our kit. I rub a hand across my belly, knowing that he or she is still too tiny to feel it, but it makes me feel a little better.

  A feeling of warmth and affection floods me and I still, mouth agape until I laugh, drawing my mate’s attention.

  “Ana?” he says as he comes to my side, his arms wrapping around me as one hand rests gently on my womb. “Are you okay... and the kit?”

  “Yes,” I whisper. “I can feel him... in my mind. He is well. He’s been trying to get my attention. To remind me of what I had forgotten about my abilities. That my raw talent doesn’t rely on spells. All this time, he’s been watching and waiting, and prodding at me, and I never realized. He can’t wait to meet us,” I say, my eyes filling with tears.

  An awestruck expression fills his face and he crouches down to nuzzle my belly. “My son,” he whispers reverently. We will meet soon. I am eager to look upon you with my own eyes.”

  I looked down at him with a watery smile as he meets my eyes. He surges up so suddenly that it takes my breath away, his arms wrapping tightly around me.

  “You scared years off of my life, mate” he growls. “You will never put yourself in such danger again!”

  “Trust me: it’s the last thing I want to do. All I could think of was saving you,” I cry happily as I cling to him. For the first time in a great many days, I feel all the built-up tension inside of me unravel and melt away.

  I feel eyes on me, and startle when I see the betas surrounding us. Arawl looks over at them as well and each of them sinks down into a submissive crouch.

  “We offer our allegiance, Alphas,” Vrox growls. His brothers make a loud rumbling sound as they all bow.

  Arawl closes his eyes. When he looks upon them again, he smiles. “We accept your allegiance, betas. You will be first among all guards for the tribe, ever honored.”

  Etier grins up at me playfully. “Well, not as honored as our alpha-queen. I am certain she will be long remembered for this day. I will be sure to tell many stories of it.”

  His brothers chuckle and Arawl gives him a bemused look.

  I’m not sure who felt the shaking of the tower first, but everyone springs up as the roof gives way and is yanked up with such force that the building sways before settling. My heart leaps into my throat as I stare wide-eyed as a massive dragon, wings beating the air, holds the roof in its claws before it casts it down onto the labyrinth below.

  Only then do I notice a grizzled man with a slightly elvish appearance who leans forward and peers down at us. He breaks into laughter and slaps his leg as he calls down.

  “Here I thought when I saw your band of survivors outside the labyrinth that I was going to save the day. Looks like I was too late. Sorry about that. I’ve been dealing with an infestation of griffins on my mountain that led me here.” He makes a disgruntled face but it doesn’t last long before he’s beaming down at us again. “Don’t worry about the females. I’ll make sure they get home... Except the one that it is latched to the centaur,” he shakes his head as if unable to imagine such a match. “I suppose you’ll be wanting to lead your females home?”

  “Who are you?” I ask. The guy is riding a dragon... Who wouldn’t be fascinated? Jinx is going to be so jealous.

  “I am the wizard of the Wyvern Mountains, my dear,” he responds with a short bow, as much as a bow can be performed on the back of a hovering dragon. “Would you like a lift to the ground?”

  “We would be most grateful!” Arawl shouts, his own smile broad.

  Etier groans as the dragon lowers to settle on the edge of the tower. “You do realize we are going to have to take all of the females through that damned forest?” The males groan but I laugh in excitement. I know something that they don’t!

  “No, we don’t. There’s a portal on the main floor. We can go home that way!”

  Arawl laughs and hugs me before handing me up to the wizard, who leans down, reaching for me. Once we’re all settled on the back of the dragon, the enormous wings spread and he leaps into the air, sailing over the whole of the labyrinth.

  I can see everyone clustered just beyond the terrible hedges and my heart lightens as I settle back into my mate’s warm arms. It’s finally over.

  Chapter 30


  In the early hours of the morning, when the last of the females exit the portal with Fahuri and her mates, I turn to look at the comforting forests of my territory. Breathing deep the good air, ripe with growing things and life, I am content to spend the rest of my life here. Gone is the angry male who resented being chained to his tribe. All I want now is to pass the rest of my days in peace with my mate.

  I look down at Ana and my heart swells, not that other parts of my anatomy aren’t eager for some alone time... after I bathe. My fur is sticky with blood and so matted down that I’ll bathe in the creek and spare our tub. I can’t stand the stench of it on me.

  But first, there is one thing I have to take care of.

  I glance at my companions and smile grimly. “Now is the time.”

  They nod and grin back. Sinai has joined us, her expression eager, lusting for vengeance. It will be hers. As the females wander to their dens, the tribe awakens with sharp cries of happiness as loved ones embrace them and welcome them home. The curious leave their dens, following after us as we make for the center of the village. Baru throws open his door and exits, drawing himself up to his full imposing height as he crosses his arms over his chest. His mate, upon seeing the females behind me, gasps and casts her mate a suspicious glare as she hastens to them.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I can see the elders emerging and gathering by the great rock of our council. The grimness on their faces at the sight of me melts into shock as they see the females. Sinai bares her teeth in a terrible smile which she directs at Baru and Falo. I look upon them and sneer.

  I notice the way that Falo�
��s mate clings to him, her expression spiteful as she glares at us. Oh, yes, she was a part of this. I can see that clearly now. Even now, she glares shamelessly at us and the females as if counting her losses. Let her, she will go into exile with her dear mate. I will see to that.

  When I see Eral draw up nearby, I know it is time to begin.

  “Baru,” I snarl. “I challenge you, brother, for the leadership of this tribe. Your cruelty has been witnessed by many and knows no bounds. That you betrayed your people and sent females to be slaughtered for power offered to you by an elvish sorcerer. I have returned through the portal and each female I have recovered is willing to stand as a witness against you.”

  “I will,” Sinai growls, her hackles rising.

  “I will,” says another, her yellow eyes glittering with her anger. One after another, the females swear their oaths, and the elders watch on, horror turning to anger as they look over at the alphas.

  “What have you to say?” an elder snarls.

  Baru bares his teeth savagely. “I am Alpha! I answer to nothing but the laws of challenge. I do as I see fit to make our tribe strong. Not to be questioned by the likes of any of you. What would you elders know of what is necessary to be an alpha? What Falo and I did was for the better of all of you. We were the ones willing to make the hard sacrifices.”

  “You sacrifice your own!” I return.

  “They are mine to sacrifice,” he bellows. “If you want to challenge me, little brother, I am happy to teach you some manners you will never forget.”

  Once, perhaps that threat would have given me pause, but I’ve faced too much over the weeks that I’ve been gone. He is nothing compared to the horrors of the labyrinth and Mignilor’s evil tower. I feel my mate squeeze my arm and I look down to see her smile up at me.

  “You’ve got this,” she whispers as she withdraws her hand and backs away.

  I face Baru as he advances upon me, the crowd drawing back to give us room. Hatred shines in his eyes but I watch him coolly, my every movement calculated as I circle with him in the oldest dance known to our tribe. The right of challenge.

  “What do you gain by challenging me?” he growls. “You have sought to leave the tribe at one excuse or another, shirking your responsibilities since you reached adulthood. What has changed?”

  “I have. I see what is important and what needs to be guarded against the likes of you. I never wanted to be Alpha, true, or possess any rank of power, but I am happy to do so if it means seeing my people safe.” I choose that moment to lunge forward, my body colliding with his. We are nearly equal in size, but my body has been hardened further, tempered by the trials I have undergone.

  So much of my life I have been afraid of him, but I watch as I grip his arm and yank it around as I throw him to the ground almost effortlessly. He has depended so much on pain and fear that in actual battle with him, I discover that... he is nothing. With my knee buried in his back, holding him in place, I twist his other arm. He struggles but cannot move. I lean forward and sink my teeth brutally into his neck. This is no kind bite of power transference from sire to son; I brutally rip into his skin without preamble and feel the anointment flood into my veins. The moment his blood offers not a drop more of power, I thrust him away from me to lie in the dirt at my feet as I rise.

  My chest expands and I feel power radiating through me, but more, I feel a sense of love as I look over my tribe. The kits watch wide-eyed from around the flanks of their parents, and both females and males watch in silence. I glare down at my brother as he shakily pushes up to his feet.

  “No more will this tribe know pain and tyranny. I will not take your life, brother, though you beyond deserve it. I am exiling both you and Falo. Falo, take your mate with you, and both of you collect the betas loyal to you. They have no place here with us and may provide you with some protection if the gods are merciful.”

  “What of my mate?” Baru whines.

  I glance over at Shava. “I know you are innocent in these crimes, but I will leave the choice to you. Do you wish to be exiled with your mate?”

  Her eyes turn arctic as she glowers at him. “No. I ask only that I be allowed to keep my kits, that he not be permitted to take them, and that we are allowed a peaceful den at the edge of the village where I may grieve in my own solace for what I should have known and prevented.”

  I incline my head. “Granted. You are as a mother to the tribe and will ever be esteemed as such. Take all the time you need to recover.”

  She smiles at me warmly and draws her kits to her as she slips away through the crowd.

  “No!” Baru snarls. “That is my mate and my kits. You can’t take them away from me. Shava!”

  I sneer at him. “Show some dignity with the losses that you have brought upon yourself.” I turn and glare at Falo. “Be glad that you two never bothered to bring forth a kit, else I would have not hesitated to give you an equal measure of the agony your alpha is now receiving.”

  “Who will be your second?” one of the betas calls out. “Eral?”

  I watch with some amusement as my brother tries to duck out of sight.

  “No,” I say at last. “Eral serves our tribe too well. He was first to suspect. We need to remain ever vigilant to protect our territories with our beta guard.”

  A murmur of agreement sweeps over the crowd, but I barely hear it. My eyes fasten on my sister who is leaning contently within the embrace of her mates. Her eyes are half-shut with a peace that I am happy that she can finally receive. She deserves it. She has shown more strength, courage, and honor than my eldest brothers ever did in their rotten lives.

  “Fahuri,” I announce. I grin as my sister jolts up. Several yip in surprise. I know I am going against tradition. Never has a female been directly granted Alpha status. “This is a proud moment for our daughters to remember,” I say loudly so that all may hear me. “When a female of our tribe has shown more worth than any male whom I have known... even more than myself,” I humbly admit, “to be an alpha. It is for this reason I select Fahuri to rise to my side as Second Alpha, should she accept.” I look questioningly at her and she squeals with pleasure before gaining control of herself to meet my eye solemnly. Even still, I can see the happiness spilling out of her.

  “I am honored to accept,” she states clearly before all.

  I spare a glance at the enforcer. “Eral, you will take over the portal guardianship as is proper for your responsibilities. I think our father made a mistake when he split the duties that were originally made for one in order to appease our mother.” I reach behind my neck and unclasp the talisman. My fur sticks to it for a moment before it finally slips free and I can toss it to my brother.

  He catches it in the air and bows. “What are your orders regarding the exiles?”

  “Please, if you will, gather all of them up and personally escort them off our lands with a team of your choosing.”

  He grins widely. “It will be a pleasure, Alpha.”

  He gestures to Vrox, who gives a hard laugh as he and Tas take Baru between them, hauling him out of the village center, while others escort Falo and his mate away with the elders watching on in approval. They bow to me and retreat back to their dens, and I know then that it is finally over. I can see peace in my mind’s eye stretching out before us.

  I look down at my mate and nuzzle her. “It is not too late to change your mind,” I whisper.

  “And give up being the mate of a sexy and totally wonderful alpha? Nah!” She laughs as she draws me close to peck a kiss to the side of my muzzle. “You and our kit are everything I want... well, except for one thing...”

  My ears tip toward her curiously. “Which is?”

  She smiles up at me mischievously. “We have to go back and get my sweet little Jack.”

  I groan, but she and I both know I will do anything to make her happy. “It is the full moon,” I grumble. I guess this is as good of a time as any.

  “Does that mean I get to see you furless and taille
ss again?” She wrinkles her nose as if the thought displeases her and joy surges in my heart.

  “No,” I chuckle. “Once we are mated, we lose that ability since we are not meant to mate with anyone else. You will have to just endure looks of horror and shock walking by my side.”

  “Or envy,” she quips. “A lot of ladies like a big sexy werewolf.”

  “Oh, really? And do you?”

  “I’ve never been happier that I accidentally mated a werewolf,” she agrees playfully.

  “Come, my mate. I think we both deserve a bath and well-deserved rest. Then tonight we will see about Jack.”

  “You sure do know how to entice girl.” She sighs happily.

  “It may be a little while before we truly rest,” I admit.

  “Even better,” she whispers.

  As it happens, we do not fetch Jack until the next night. I spend a luxurious night in the arms of my mate as we rediscover each other with every touch and caress.

  Before sleep settles over us, I hold her in my arms and thank the gods that she of all people was the one meant to be an accidental werewolf’s mate.



  I smile and stroke Jack’s ears as I watch Mentep chase after his father while Vrox watches from nearby. I didn’t realize just how much honor was attached to naming a kit, especially an alpha kit, after a fallen warrior until I suggested it. Not only was Arawl moved by the suggestion, but Vrox and his brothers, who took the position of our personal guards after leaving Eral’s command, bowed before me and gave me gifts for weeks in thanks for honoring their family and brother. I’m still a little floored by it, and I notice just how affectionately they regard little Mentep. Etriel snarls playfully as he lunges for the squealing kit, making him miss his opportunity to grab his father’s tail.

  Arawl straightens and grins at the pair, his tail swishing at his legs cheerfully before trotting to my side. I lay a hand on my large belly—the healer is predicting twins this time—and grin up at him. He leans down to nuzzle my belly.


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