Falling For A Monster

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Falling For A Monster Page 20

by Delilah Hunt

  She drew back, gaping at him. “I don’t understand.”

  “He’s inside.”

  Larke took another step backward, her eyes rounding with fear. Chase quickly reached for her. “No. Don’t do that. Don’t ever be scared when I’m with you. McNair and I aren’t best friends but he’s not a huge ass like he was before. His girl, Abigail is Jewish. They’re looking for a place together and dropped by. They’re leaving soon. I promise.”


  “Yeah. Truly.” He stretched out his hand and thumbed her chin. “You look so good, angel.”

  “I’ve gained weight.”

  “I changed my truck. What’s your point?”

  She stared at him for a long pause then softened her gaze after realizing he couldn’t care less about a fucking weight gain that he hadn’t even noticed.

  “Did you really mean what you said about only being friends with that guy?”


  “You two never—”

  “Never!” She shook her head hard. “No kiss. Nothing. You’re the only man I ever want to touch or be touched by.”

  He nodded, feeling his chest swell with pride. Larke was his alone in every single way.

  “Have you been with anyone else?” she asked quietly. It looked as if she was holding her breath. Afraid of his answer?

  “No. I haven’t. Don’t think it’d ever feel right sleeping with anyone unless it’s you.”

  She flattened her hand to his chest. “Then why did you tell me to leave you alone? Even after I let you know how I felt?”

  “Because I felt like an idiot,” he said truthfully. “I went most of my life believing and thinking some god-awful shit, when I should’ve known better. Then I found out about all the sick things my family did. Hurting lots of innocent people. Because I had a horrible secret that had been eating away at me since before I met you as a kid.” When her eyes widened at that, he added, “I’ll tell you about it, Larke. I promise. Just not right now.”

  She nodded. “Yes. Please do. But I don’t understand why you stayed away from me because of that. I missed you so much, Chase.”

  “I wasn’t thinking straight. Felt broken, actually. Guess, I didn’t want you to waste your life with someone like me.” He let out a loud breath. “I’ve got dirty blood running through my veins, Larke. Real dirty, fucked up blood. I figured if you ever found out the things my family did, you’d regret ever knowing me, letting me touch you.”

  She gazed up at him, her eyes shiny again. “I would’ve tried my best to help you through it. I felt awful for making you leave. I wanted to be there for you. I tried to tell you before you hung up on me, that I loved you so much and wanted to help you find a way to leave the group.”

  His chest swelled with pride, seeing the honesty reflected in her eyes. Chase held her close and gazed down at her. “I love you, Larke. I never stopped. Not even for a second.”

  “I love you too,” she whispered. “I love you so much.” She took his hand, bringing it to her face. In mid-action she stopped, frowning as she noticed the redness. Chase tried to draw his arm back. Larke held firm, wouldn’t allow it.

  “What happened?” Her vision flickered between his face and the mild swelling of his skin, where the Celtic cross was, though not as bright in color as before.

  “Second bout of laser treatment.”

  “Because you really want them gone?”

  He nodded. “The dermatologist said they might not completely fade. We’re just going one at time. Planning to get them light enough so I can put new ink over them.” He looked at her then. “No guarantee the laser will even work on all of them, but it’s worth a try, right?”

  “Yes. It is.” Larke raised his hand and kissed the spot. “I hope they fade, for your sake. But it won’t matter to me. I know you Chase, what’s inside your heart. Everything else is unimportant.”

  His cheeks burned under her tender stare. He gave her a thin smile. “Thanks, angel.” Clearing his throat, he glanced at the house. “Are you coming inside with me?”

  She nodded, her smile bright and wide. The kind he’d missed seeing on her face. “Yes. I’ve been waiting for you to ask.”

  Chase grinned as she tucked her hand beneath his. “So if I ask you to stay here with me, you won’t turn me down?”


  He laughed. Now she sounded like him. “On what?”

  She gazed at him, her eyes glinting with desire. “If we get to make love again.”

  He stopped in his tracks. His cock already hard, swelled, threatening to burst his pants at the seams. “Larke, it’s been over two months. As soon as I get rid of McNair and his girl, I’m gonna be between your legs, licking your pussy to see if you stayed as sweet or got sweeter from missing me so much.”

  Her eyes fluttered close on a sigh. He stroked her cheek. “Then afterward, I’ll take you from behind. Won’t be nothing gentle about it, either. But you’ll take it, won’t you, angel?”

  “I will,” she said breathlessly. “Everything you give me.”

  His nostrils flared. “You’re soaking wet, aren’t you?”

  She gave a single nod. “Will I have to wait long?”

  God Almighty. Larke sounded as desperate as he felt, his entire body on the edge, cock straining at his pants to get to her.

  “Let’s go in.” Chase gritted his teeth. Once he stepped through the door with Larke, McNair and his chick had better take a hint and get the fuck out.


  Larke smiled inwardly as Chase dragged her behind him and through the door. Inside, she saw the “reformed psycho” McNair and the brown-haired girl standing together at a window. Both turned at the click of the door closing behind Chase.

  McNair blushed with apparent embarrassment. As he should, after his disgusting behavior. Larke wasn’t sure what to say with both pair of eyes on her. Chase took the task off her hands. She watched as he pinned his gaze on McNair and said in a measured tone, “You remember Larke, don’t you?”

  The man’s face turned beet red this time. His girlfriend frowned, her eyes questioning. McNair ignored the girl’s look. “Hi, Larke. Sorry about what happened in the hunting store and all.”

  Larke shrugged, realizing a lukewarm apology was as best as it would get. “Old news,” she murmured, not accepting or declining the apology. Abigail introduced herself and she seemed nice enough. Larke figured the girl was around her age also.

  “I’m glad I got a chance to meet you,” Abigail said to Larke when the two women were briefly left alone. “Jesse never talked much about the group. When he suggested stopping by, I was sort of apprehensive. He mentioned that Chase wasn’t like the others, but I wasn’t sure. I met him today and he was polite but seeing you at the door... It was surprising and I read the look on your face when you saw me. You thought I was with Chase didn’t you?”

  “I did.”

  Abigail gave her a sympathetic smiled. “I’m really sorry about that. But I can tell you this. The Chase that I met an hour ago is different than the one who came back inside with you.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “He looked miserable, angry. With you he doesn’t. It’s dumb of me to point out since I don’t really know either of you, but it was such a big difference I had to mention it.” Abigail giggled then. “Kind of magical. Anyway. You guys are just really cute together and I wanted to wish you happiness.”

  “Thank you, Abigail,” Larke said, meaning it from the bottom of her heart, because she did feel magical.

  When she was finally alone with Chase as McNair’s car rolled out of the driveway, Larke thought about her very first encounter with him. Perhaps they’d always been destined for each other. Her panicking on the bus and getting off at Lee’s Fortress of all places then coming upon Chase only to land in a sinkhole with him. Were they forced together? Did some higher power know the only way she could’ve found her way inside his hardened prejudiced heart was for him to have a memory of kindness
that had been untainted?

  Larke chose to believe so. Her and Chase were perfect together. She sighed as she followed him into the bedroom. Her stomach tangled into knots when his voice, deep and rich hit her ears, making her dizzy.

  “Come to me.” Chase stood beside the bed, his gaze intense and pinned on her.

  Larke reached him, raising her head for his kiss. I’m drunk with lust. Her knees went weak and her head spun as he squeezed her waist, holding her tight to his erection.

  Breaking free of the kiss, Larke traced a path with her lips from his jaw to his neck. With a ragged breath, Chase gently pushed her away then grated, “Take off your clothes,” while jerking the shirt over his head.

  Fumbling to remove her clothes, Larke bit back a moan, watching Chase remove his pants and boxers. Oh God. She released a cry at the sight of his penis, big and hard stretching toward her. The crown was red, engorged and glistening with juices. She stepped out of her underwear and dropped to the floor in front of him, unable to think.

  Just want to lick. Taste him. Suck. Larke looked up at Chase, then down at his cock, feeling wetness seeping from her mouth. She licked her lips and pushed her head forward, closing her mouth around the slickened crown. Salty pre-cum hit her tongue like a decadent treat, causing her to moan in the back of her throat. Oh my God. How she had missed this! Larke suckled hard, drawing on the slit, pulling, pulling and…

  She heard a hoarse yell, felt her head being jerked backward. His penis slipped from between her lips. Her mouth was empty. “No,” she whimpered, tossing her head from his grasp. He’d tasted so good.

  “Larke!” Chase was peering down at her. His hand stroked the tip of his cock and his massive chest rose and fell with effort. She stared at him in confusion. “Why did you make me stop?”

  Groaning, he took her hand, helping her off the floor. “I told you I wanted to lick your pussy. I’m going crazy here. I gotta taste you now. It’s been too long. Get on the bed and you can keep sucking my dick. We can do both.”

  Her body shivered. Of course. They’d done so before. Nodding, Larke climbed on the bed, lying sideways with her head facing the edge. When Chase joined her, she threw her leg over his shoulder, felt his hand dig into her flesh as his tongue lashed between her labia. Her mouth opened on a cry then lowered, closing around his thick shaft. Over and over she suckled, lapping at the tip and laving her tongue up and down his length. Her hips bucked and her body shivered from the feel of his mouth on her pussy.

  In response, Larke brought his penis to the back of her throat and held him there. She moaned inside her head as jets of semen arced from his cock, wetting the passage of her throat. Swallowing quickly, Larke felt her entire body tremble from the tongue working her pussy, bringing her to orgasm.

  The sound of her own erratic breathing thrummed in her eardrum. Larke raised her head. She stared at Chase while bringing her legs together. He rolled to his back and crooked his finger. She was beside him in an instant, resting her head on his shoulder.

  “Same as always?”

  His lips slanted into a grin. “Better. Sweeter. Think I tasted candy this time.” He turned and grabbed her around the waist. “Is that what you’ve been eating all this time, cookies, cakes and everything sweet?”

  Larke grinned, knowing he was playing. “I had to find a replacement for you,” she murmured, biting her lip as he cupped her ass and squeezed.

  “How did that work out?” He shifted his attention to her breast, lowering his head to capture a nipple and suck.

  “N-not so good. No replacement for you.”

  “Hmm.” He kept sucking at her nipple, stroking her belly. Releasing a sigh, Larke closed her eyes and raked her fingers through his hair, reveling in the feel of his mouth on her breast.

  After several minutes, Chase lifted his head. Larke immediately recognized the glint in his eyes. Felt the hardness of his cock prodding against her thigh. “Remember what I said to you outside?” he asked huskily.

  She nodded, swallowing hard while casting her gaze downward. Chase was more than ready to make good on his promise.

  When he spoke next, it was a terse order. “Hold on to the edge of the bed and open up for me.”

  Larke did just that. Hands gripping the bed, she heard the sound of her own cry, something between a whimper of pain and a moan of utter bliss as Chase rammed the length of his cock into her from behind. Craning her neck, she stared at the man pumping deep inside her, his tall, muscular frame, taut with every stroke, pounding at her walls. Her body cried, strung out on pleasure and her heart thumped, beating with love. So much love for Chase and gratitude to whatever power played a role into turning the mayhem of their first encounter into what she knew would be a lifetime of love.


  Five Years Later

  Chase glanced down at his four-year-old daughter, Alicia. The little girl was sitting on the floor of his workroom, which also doubled as an office. Although he’d been lucky enough to add two more ships to his cargo shipping business, and was focused on making the business even more of a success than it already was, he still found time here and there to work on his hobby. Carving, it seemed was also a hobby his little girl enjoyed as much as he did. Maybe a bit too much, Chase thought as he looked down again from his chair to see her digging, or rather, try to dig the dull knife he’d given her, into a piece of wood. He shook his head, taking note of her face scrunching up as she pushed away a curl that had loosened from her hair clip.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, knowing she would continue on like this until he said something.

  She immediately dropped the knife and let out a dramatic sigh. Chase bit back his smile. This was serious matter if she was sighing like that. Alicia burst into a long, drawn-out tale about a boy in her pre-school class, who was being mean to her and some other kids.

  “Did you ask him to play with you?”

  She fingered Larke’s old necklace, which she insisted on wearing every single day. “Yes. He kicked the game and laughed.” She folded her arms and pursed her lips. “I hate him.”

  “You don’t hate anyone,” Chase told her. He lifted her in his arms and seated her across his lap. “How about this––next time this kid is mean to you, just try to be nice. Give it a couple of tries.”

  She stared at him as if he was crazy. “No.”

  Chase groaned inside his head. The kid was way too stubborn for her own good. He let out a breath. “All right, why not?”

  “He’s dumb. Won’t be my friend.”

  “Alicia, you don’t know that. Plus, I’m the adult so I know more than you about these things.”

  She narrowed her brown eyes at him. “You do?”

  He nodded and gave her a squeeze. God, the little thing looked so much like Larke. “Yeah I do,” he answered. His throat suddenly felt tight as he spoke. “When I was a kid, I wasn’t very nice to mommy when she wanted to be my friend.”

  Alicia’s eyes widened. She scrunched up her face again, frowning. “B-but, you’re so nice, daddy.” She rubbed her cheek against his then kissed him. “You’re the nicest daddy in the world.”

  Chase chuckled. “Thanks, baby. Anyway, my point is, all you gotta do is try and be nice. Might not work, but at least you gave it a shot.”

  She pushed her lips to the side, concentrating hard. Finally, her little face relaxed as she nodded. “Mommy would do that too.”

  “She would.” And Larke had. Treating him with kindness and love. Being his everything. Chase lifted his daughter off his lap and set her on her feet. “Now hurry up and go put on your jacket and boots.”

  Reminded of their planned walk through the park, Alicia hurried out of the room without hesitation. It was late May in Juneau, the city he and Larke had moved to months after they’d gotten back together and he’d sold the lake house. When he’d asked Larke to marry him one night as they’d lain in bed together, she’d shouted yes and thrown herself into his arms so hard, causing both of them to roll right off t
he bed, landing on the floor in a tangled heap. And when he’d told her of his wish for the two of them to live away from the hustle and bustle, she hadn’t hesitated when he’d suggested a mountainous area of Alaska. Had even exclaimed that such a place might provide all the inspiration she needed for her ever-growing list of published books.

  He stepped out of his office and saw Larke heading his way. Behind her was their two-year-old son Ronan, running toward the living room. Chase ruffled the boy’s hair as he whizzed by. It was obvious he needed to beat his sister as the first to the door.

  “Those two are insane,” Larke said, shaking her head as Alicia came racing down the hallway, shouting that Ronan had tricked her into losing.

  “You mean like you,” Chase said, wrapping his arm around his wife’s waist. Larke swatted his arm, half-heartedly squirming out of his hold.

  “Stop moving around,” he whispered, clasping her tighter to him. She looked up, lowered her lashes then grinned, real smug. Larke knew the power she had over him. Knew it and used it to her advantage, which he didn’t really mind because it always ended in both of them being satisfied and pleasured out of their minds.

  Larke raised her face and pressed her lips to his. “It’s a good thing we’re going out in the cold then.”

  Chase raised his brows. “It is?”

  “Yes. Because when we come back in after such a long walk, the children will be tired and…”

  He swallowed hard, gazing down at her. “I can warm you up.”

  She smiled. “Yes. We can warm each other.”

  Chase nodded while blocking out the sound of the kids calling to them. He loved his children to death, but nothing was going to stop him from taking the time he wanted to simply stare at his wife, awing over the fact she was his. Larke was his best friend, the one person who knew him inside out and accepted him exactly as he was.

  When some of the tattoos hadn’t faded as much as he would’ve liked, she’d comforted him, reminding him of how far they’d come and that in the big scheme of things, the symbols no longer had meaning. They’d both decided when the children asked, they’d tell the entire story of Chase’s past and use it as a teaching lesson to make sure their children always remained open-minded, not just about other people but life in general.


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