Weapons of Mass Seduction

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Weapons of Mass Seduction Page 11

by Lori Bryant-Woolridge

  “I’ll have them bring over the bar menu,” he said, raising his hand to signal the waitress.

  “Wait. I have a better idea,” Pia said, reaching for his hand and lowering it into his lap. She gazed deep into Grand’s sweet brown eyes, making it clear that food was actually nowhere on her mind. “Room service.”

  For the first time all evening, Pia saw some of Grand’s studly cool melt. A flash of disbelief and uncertainty crossed his face. It didn’t last long, but it was enough to leave Pia feeling uncharacteristically bold.

  Close enough to see the gold glint in his brown eyes, Pia reached up and caressed his lips with her fingertips. “Do you know how many times I’ve fantasized about your lips?” she asked him. “All that talk in Aruba and I can’t believe we never kissed.”

  “Well, it’s not too late,” Grand declared, allowing her finger to penetrate his mouth.

  They both closed their eyes as he began to suck seductively. Pia tipped her head back, enjoying the rush of sexual currents spreading to every nerve ending in her body.

  Pia felt drunk by both alcohol and desire. She replaced her finger with her lips and pressed her body closer to his. Grand’s kiss became more urgent as his lips hungrily brushed her eyes, nose, ears, and neck before meeting hers. He passionately acquainted his tongue with the sweet recesses of her mouth. He ran his hands down her bare legs, momentarily stopping to tickle the sensitive area behind her knee.

  “Do you know how many times I have fantasized about making love to you since Aruba?” he asked. “If your actions are half as convincing as your words, I might not be able to handle it.”

  Pia pulled away to look at Grand’s eyes. Judging by their soft, dewy state, she was close to accomplishing the first half of her mission—getting him into bed. That realization spun her into a major good news, bad news scenario. The good news was that she really wanted to get him there. Beyond getting pregnant, the passion she had kept bottled up inside her for these past few years was about to blow, and her physical attraction to Grand was very real. The bad news was, she was having major second thoughts about not letting him in on her plans. Was it really fair?

  “Well, it’s not too late to find out,” she said, echoing his sentiments and setting her future in motion.

  “If you’re serious, I can get a room,” he told her.

  Pia leaned in to deliver a deep, passionate kiss. And in case he had any doubt, she ran her hand across his thigh, bringing it to rest on the bulge in his pants.

  “You are serious.”

  “A little bit,” she said, smiling enticingly.

  “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  “Wait,” she called out, stopping Grand’s departure. He turned to look at Pia, his eyes pleading with her not to change her mind.

  “It’s just…well…bringing this up is such a mood killer, but…well, the whole safe sex thing,” Pia said in an embarrassing jumble of words.

  “Don’t worry—I’ve had my shots and have a clean test record,” Grand assured her.

  “In that case, why are you still standing there?”

  While she waited, Pia scanned her body, getting in touch with sensations she hadn’t fully experienced in years. Yearning that came from lack rather than the thrill that came from a desirable partner was a monster of a totally different DNA. Tonight Pia’s body was reminding her that there was no substitute for true passion.

  Grand returned with key in hand and sweet expectation on his face. “Room fourteen-eleven awaits.”

  “Let me have that,” Pia said, reaching for the key card. “You have another drink and then meet me upstairs in fifteen minutes.” She leaned in and gave him a to-be-continued kiss before heading toward the elevator.

  Once out of Grand’s view, Pia set off like the wildwoman she was channeling to prepare for the games to come. Pia stepped into the elevator, willing it not to stop until it reached the fourteenth floor. Breathless after racing down the hallway, she threw open the door and began the task of readying not just the atmosphere but her attitude.

  First, she threw the Royalton Hotel mix CD into the stereo. It was an eclectic collection of songs ranging from sexy Brazilian beats to smoky jazz and neo soul, perfect for a sensual evening of uncommitted lovemaking.

  This was followed by a quick washup and gargle, and a spritz of her exotic signature scent. She took off her dress, leaving on her panties and bra, and pulled on the white terry robe hanging behind the bathroom door. Pia then turned off all the lights except the desk lamp. She dimmed it to its lowest setting and supplemented its glow by opening the drapes to reveal the twinkle of city lights. On such short notice, she had made the room look and smell beautiful.

  Finally she sat down on the bed to catch her breath. Not a good move, as just a few seconds of inactivity was time enough to begin the second-guessing. After five years of membership in the Celibate Sistah Brigade, this is what it had come down to: sex with a familiar stranger whose earlier sexual experience with her had been all talk and no action. The mere thought sobered her. Pia was ready and willing, but was she still able?

  What the hell am I thinking? Do you even remember what to do with a dick that isn’t hot pink plastic and doesn’t buzz?

  Chapter Fourteen

  Grand was seven minutes late, and Pia began to panic. She reached into the minibar and cracked open a bottle of Skyy vodka and chugged it, chasing it with one more for good measure. As she sat on the bed, enjoying the soothing effect of the alcohol, the neon light of the clock caught her eye. He was now ten minutes late. Had he changed his mind?

  Time for reinforcement. Pia reached for her cell phone and called the one person she knew would talk her through this.

  “Dee, where the hell are you?” she shrieked when her secretary’s voice mail picked up. “Okay, I think I’m about to do it, but I think maybe I got stood up…He’s late…Shit, I’m drunk and scared, but hell of horny. I don’t know what we were thinking except he would make a fine baby…Can I really do this? Can I really fuck him and chuck him? Oh, that sounds harsh…but you’d be proud, ’cause I was flirting my ass off tonight and not once did the b-word come up…But now I think I should tell him, don’t you think so? Anyway, we got a room and I’m here and I thought he was coming but he’s late…I said that…Okay, I know I’m rambling but I just drank two mini vodkas to calm me down on top of the champagne and…actually I do have a lovely buzz. Oh, shit…someone’s knocking…Okay, he’s here, he came…We’re going to make a baby! Should I tell him? I should tell him…Shit! I don’t know. Okay, I’ll call you later.”

  She heard the soft knocking again and took a deep breath before opening the door and releasing a double-flanked assault—the Brazilian Girls assailed his ears with a highly suggestive samba while Pia attacked his lips with an even more suggestive kiss.

  “Damn, Pia, you look—” he said in a low voice that thrilled her ears and all areas south.

  “Shhh,” she demanded, holding her finger to his lips. Grand immediately stopped talking. His willing obedience swept away her anxiety and reconstituted her courage. It also sent a surge of POP, as Darlene would put it, power of the punani, running through her.

  Pia, you can do this. Just close your eyes and go with the flow. Island Boy here is fulfilling his fantasy of being with you in Aruba. So let’s give him a little of the WMS shock and awe.

  Pia’s breath became short as she clung to Grand with her arms and mouth. It had been so very long since she’d been kissed with such passion, and the act released her mothballed naughty girl. And though she’d dressed the set for seduction and lazy lovemaking, risqué lust and too many years of self-denial had overwhelmingly conquered any sense of decorum.

  Pia pulled away and, resisting the temptation to simply rip the clothes from his back, swiftly began to unbutton his shirt. Grand, eager to assist, finished the job, and standing naked in one of the finest chocolate brown bodies she’d ever witnessed, quickly untied her robe to reveal her sleek torso adorned in Ma
dame Cosette’s sheer black baby-making demi bra and matching panties.

  “Nice tattoo,” he commented, eyeing the small dragon near her hip bone as he peeled away her panties and watched them drop to the floor. “And what’s this one?” he asked referring to the WMS tattooed on her lower back.

  “If you are a very, very good boy, I’ll tell you later,” she promised.

  Pia smiled contentedly as he resumed his delicious ravishing. With unbridled enthusiasm, Grand directed his hot mouth down her neck and across her shoulders, bringing it to rest on one of her protruding nipples. He nibbled with surprising expertise until Pia heard a grateful moan escape her lips. Encouraged by her reaction, Grand lingered, causing a string of moans and oh, shits to fall from Pia’s mouth. She could feel a delicious nagging sensation in her groin, causing her hips and pelvis to instinctively search for his rigid hardness and abandon all plans of being the do-er. Suddenly Pia was all for lying back and getting done.

  With the bed on the other side of the room, and much too far away, the two crumpled to the floor, where Grand’s mouth covered her body with a string of lingering kisses until his tongue expertly found the spot she was sure had atrophied after years without a man’s touch.

  Pia took a deep, satisfying breath. In the past she’d more often felt used than amused by the hurry-up-rip-my-clothes-off-and-do-me-NOW kind of sex. But this time, instead of being put off, she was totally turned on. At this moment, Pia didn’t care about anything other than having a lusty spontaneous romp with this sumptuous black brother.

  Grand slid his two fingers between her legs, lightly massaging her clitoris with his thumb. He fingered her urgently, following the rhythm of Pia’s grinding motions. Her body moved with his hand, enjoying the sweet pleasure the friction was creating.

  “I want you now,” Pia demanded.

  Grand gladly followed the first words spoken in the last twenty minutes by climbing on top of her and guided his rigid penis into her waiting body. He entered her with a slow glide toward full penetration. Pia, too willing and ready for full-on skin-on-skin contact, gripped his buttocks with her legs and pushed him deep into her fiending body.

  “Yes, baby, oh, yes,” Grand moaned.

  Baby! The word stopped Pia cold in midthrust. A typical term of endearment spoken in any lovemaking session, it hit Pia’s ears as an uncomfortable reminder that she was putting out for a purpose. Pia felt a slight tinge of guilt radiate through her belly. Was it right that Grand be tricked into impregnating her? No, she couldn’t do it this way.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” Grand asked, confused by her mental lapse.

  “A condom. We need to use a condom.”

  “My bad. I just got so excited.” Grand found his pants and fumbled through the pockets, searching for a condom. Nothing. “I’m afraid I wasn’t prepared for this,” he sheepishly admitted.

  “Not to worry. This is a full-service hotel,” Pia said as she got up and headed to the minibar. There in the fully stocked drawer she found a choice of rubbers—Trojans for him, Elexa for her. Girl power, she thought, returning to Grand and handing him the condom made specifically for a woman’s enjoyment. He quickly sheathed himself in latex and hungrily rejoined his body with Pia’s.

  Eyes closed and mouth open wide, Pia reveled in the almost forgotten joys of a man’s touch. In between attempts to catch her fleeting breath, she moaned loudly, filling the hotel room with the undeniable sounds of approaching orgasm. Her body exploded, encouraging Grand to respond in a fury of syncopated thrusts. Together they bucked back and forth in a wild, passionate coupling as Grand felt himself swell and tighten before bursting inside her.

  “Sorry, I couldn’t hold it anymore,” he panted, sliding off her body and onto the floor beside her.

  “Not a problem,” she assured him. The two lay together, enjoying the euphoria of their erotic union. Pia sighed with satisfaction. The drought was officially over. Oh, how she had missed sex! How had she let a series of unfortunate relationships with unfortunate men separate her from this amazing side of herself? She’d enjoyed feeling girly and flirty and alive again. She loved that she excelled in the art of seduction and was thrilled that she could still affect a man’s mind as well as his member. But as glorious as tonight’s sex had been, Pia’s heart and soul were still hungry for some real lovemaking.

  She allowed Grand to nap for a few minutes longer as she went to the bathroom and cleaned up. She was so grateful for and appreciative of Grand’s role in her sexual rebirth. He had given her back the part of her soul and body she’d left languishing in layaway for much too long, and now she had one more life-changing favor to ask of him.

  “Hey, sexy,” Grand said, awakening from his brief nap. “You were everything I imagined and more.”

  “You too.”

  “Then why do you look so serious?”

  “Because I have something serious to ask you. I need you to listen and hear me out, and then we’ll talk about it. Okay?”


  Pia took a deep breath and began her story. She told him everything, from her childhood days of playing mommy to her favorite doll, Minerva, to her disappointing record with men to her years of celibacy and pressing medical concerns. She even showed him the pendant around her neck and revealed its meaning. By the time she got around to asking the question, it was clear that this was no trivial decision on her part.

  “I know you’re a confirmed bachelor and are not interested in ever getting married. I’m not looking for that from you. I am financially independent. You don’t have to be involved at all.”

  In a move Pia saw as promising, Grand, rather than turning her down outright, asked several questions, most of them queries she’d already heard before: Why not adopt or go to a sperm bank? Why me? She answered as honestly and thoroughly as possible and assured him that she would be the best, most loving mother to his child as was humanly possible.

  “And I chose you because I genuinely like you. I like your looks, your intelligence and creativity, your sense of adventure. You’re friendly and kind and I love the way you laugh. All attributes I’d like my child to have.

  “Well?” she probed, hopeful that her case had been made successfully. “I’ll understand if you need more time.”

  “One more question: Did you come here tonight with an agenda?”

  “Yes, I am ovulating,” she replied honestly, “but I decided that it wasn’t fair to you and that’s why I stopped and asked you to put on a condom.”

  Grand smiled. “That’s the kind of honesty I’d expect from my child’s mother. Look, Pia, I’m not interested in marriage, you know that, but like you I’m not sure if I want to leave this world without ever having a child of my own. At the same time, I’m not sure that I want to take on the responsibility of fatherhood. So I’ll be honest with you. I’m willing to father your child if you’re willing to leave the door open to any decision I make in the future as to being in his life or not.”

  “Absolutely,” Pia said as a beaming smile crossed her face. “Thank so much, Grand,” she said, hugging him tight.

  “So shall we do it again and this time make a baby?”

  “I’d love to,” Pia said, melting into his arms.

  “And let’s do it right,” Grand suggested. “We may not be in love with each other, but let’s conceive this child in sweetness and light.”

  “I’m remarkable,” Pia said, smiling wide. “I picked the perfect father for my child. You are kind and generous, and this baby will always know that about you.”

  “One last question. As the father of your child, I think I deserve to know: The tattoo…WMS…what’s it mean? Some dude’s initials?”

  “No. It stands for weapon of mass seduction.”

  “Oh, yes, baby, your shit is definitely ballistic.” Grand laughed as he scooped Pia up and carried her to the bed.

  For the rest of the night, Pia and Grand had delicious sex, and with each orgasm they stopped and prayed that a baby had been m
ade. By three A.M. they were both exhausted and fell asleep in each other’s arms. At morning’s first light they made love one last time before Grand had to leave in order to get home and catch a flight to Singapore. They parted friends and potential parents, agreeing that there would be no more contact between them until the child’s first birthday. If Grand didn’t hear from Pia he would assume that she had not gotten pregnant and they would both take it as a sign that their shared parenthood was not meant to be.

  Pia saw Grand off and climbed back into bed, ready to sleep for a few more hours after such a long and ultimately satisfying night. Just as she was about to drift off, her cell rang.

  “So, chica, please tell me you finally got laid and the Grand plan worked.”

  “I finally got laid and the Grand plan is a definite go. I guess we’ll know in a few weeks if it actually worked.”

  “A Dios gracias! And you and your dusty chocha enjoyed it?”

  “Thoroughly. Grand is an amazing lover, and, frankly, I still got it.”

  “I’m impressed. So what did you say?”

  “I used the classic line: ‘Hi, I’ve got the F, the C, and the K, now all I need is U.”

  “Listen to you—you finally get some and now you got jokes. So I guess this means you’re not still mad that I tricked you into going to that seminar.”

  “I guess not. Funny enough, Dee, I kind of feel like a weapon of mass seduction now. It’s great. I just wish there was something I could do to make this feeling last.”

  “Oh, shit. You’re just like the damn government.”

  “What the hell are you talking about, Dee?”

  “Give the bush a little power and it’s ready to fuck the world. Just promise, chica, to use your power for good, not evil.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Damn, just what kind of Mandingo man is this Grand Nelson?” Dee asked as she sat in Pia’s office, staring her boss down in disbelief. “Besides fine, he’s obviously virile as hell. So how far along are you?”


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