The Witch, the Wolf and the Snowstorm: (Book 6, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

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The Witch, the Wolf and the Snowstorm: (Book 6, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas) Page 6

by Price, E A

  Agatha sipped her tea. “Do you think the wolf is Don?”

  Kayleigh nodded. “I think so, I’ve been living in this town for almost a year now, I’ve met just about the whole wolf pack. He’s the only one I’ve... had this kind of reaction to.”

  Agatha tapped her gnarled fingers on the kitchen table. She spoke slowly and deliberately. “Have you considered that you might be his true mate?”

  As much as she would like that to be true... “Wouldn’t Don have realised I was his true mate? I heard that shifters can tell just by scent. But Don didn’t show any sign that I was his mate and I heard a rumour that he already had a mate before.”

  Agatha harrumphed. “I wouldn’t listen to rumour if I were you. Rumour has it that I poisoned my fourth husband, when actually it was my second.”

  Kayleigh snorted. It took a while to get used to Agatha’s sense of humour, at least she hoped it was humour.

  “And for all you know he could be a complete and utter idiot, you could easily be his mate and he’s just too dumb to realise it. In my experience all men are dumb, especially when it comes to women, and when you marry them they just get fatter, lazier and dumber.”

  Agatha sat back in her chair a knowing look on her face.

  Kayleigh stared at her amazed. “Well aren’t you a thrilling endorsement for finding a husband, remind me again how many times have you been married?”

  Agatha grinned. “I lost count after five.”

  Kayleigh inspected her red painted nails. “What do you think I should do?” She asked quietly not looking at the older witch.

  “If I were you I’d follow my visions... but them I’m a crazy old coot who’s been married more than five times. What do I know?”

  Chapter Seven

  Kayleigh flipped through the TV channels. She’d been thinking about what Agatha said all day. Maybe she should follow her visions, and they led directly to Don.

  But she didn’t know if Don was even interested in her. Her feelings could be completely one sided for all she knew. If she went to him and laid her heart on the line he might just reject her or worse laugh at her for being such a foolish little girl.

  It just didn’t seem fair to Greg to stay with him whilst harbouring feelings for another man. If Don didn’t want her, she still couldn’t marry Greg. He deserved better than that.

  Yes, she was certain of what she had to do. Whatever her feelings were for Don, whether they were just a passing crush or not, the fact that she was having them told her she shouldn’t be with Greg. And she had to tell him right that second.

  She briefly heard a weather warning about incoming snow but she was too fired up to care. She needed to talk to Greg before she lost her courage. He’d texted to say he was working late again, she would go straight to the garage.

  Gathering her coat and purse she marched out of the apartment determined to end things with Greg, gently of course. She just prayed she was doing the right thing. Visions don’t fail me now.


  Kayleigh shivered as the first few flakes of snow fell to the ground. She loved snow. That is she loved it when she was at home curled up on her couch with a mug of cocoa and a good book. But she didn’t love walking around in it in high heels and a cotton dress. Maybe she should have listened to that weather warning.

  She quickened her pace when ‘Rose Auto Repairs’ came into view. Huh, there were no lights on inside. It looked deserted.

  She tried the door, it was unlocked so someone had to be there. The garage floor was dark and empty, if he was working late shouldn’t there be a car here for him to work on? She heard a sound coming from the back. Maybe Greg was in the office.

  She began to march back there but slowed as she heard some strange sounds. An impending sense of dread overtook her. The sounds of a woman’s moans and a man’s grunts floated toward her. Not just any man, it was her fiancée Greg! Oh god she had a really bad feeling about this!

  The lewd sounds of sex assaulted her. Every instinct told her to turn around and run, this was not something she wanted to see. But she had to know.

  Reluctantly she pushed the office door open. Even though she expected it she was still shocked. Sharron was lying on her back on the desk, Greg was hunched over, pounding into her. They were both obviously enjoying themselves very much.

  Kayleigh gasped loudly. Greg looked up, horror on his face. “Kayleigh!”

  Kayleigh screamed in anger before slamming the door and storming out. Greg called after her to stop, and Sharron told him to let her go.

  Ugh! Those two deserved each other. To think of how sorry she felt for him, knowing his girlfriend had cheated on him. And here he was doing the same thing to her! Those assholes were made for each other!

  A little bit of shame nagged her. Alright so she was actually coming over to end things with Greg, but at least she had the decency to wait until they’d broken up! Unlike Sharron she had class. She was only dreaming of cheating on Greg, she wasn’t actually doing it! Okay, that didn’t sound great...

  Screw it! Shouldn’t she be relieved about what happened? She did want to break up after all, and now as far as she was concerned they were. There was no way she would ever be with a man who had cheated on her. No way, no how!

  She was free to do and be with whoever she wanted. The image of Don flashed before her, sending tingles through her.

  It’s just... she was still kind of pissed at how Greg had treated her. He had so little respect for her that he couldn’t actually just dump her and tell her he wanted to be with Sharron! Butthead! Asshat! Fucker! Well screw him! She was big and sassy, he could kiss her assy!

  Bar Luna came into sight. That’s it. She was going to have a drink or two and enjoy herself.


  Don and Hans pushed their way into Bar Luna. It was practically empty. Most people had heeded the weather warning and stayed home, which is where the two of them were headed after a beer.

  Other than the two of them there were a couple of puma shifters on their way out and a group of young male wolves hovering around. Too stupid to care about a potential snowstorm. Don was the same when he was their age, he was arrogant and thought himself indestructible. He certainly didn’t miss being that young and dumb.

  Hans ordered from Andy the bear shifter bartender.

  “You got twenty minutes then I’m closing for the night.” Rumbled Andy handing them the beers.

  Hans grunted in response. They had been in Darlington, helping their friend Cain train for an upcoming fight. Given the severe weather forecast most likely it would be cancelled. After getting punched in the head by Cain a few dozen times they had decided that they deserved a cold beer before hunkering down for the storm.

  As usual they sat in silence. Neither of them were big on chatting which is why they liked each other’s company. They often got together to not talk.

  Hans groaned inwardly thinking about Melanie. Before he had left that day she had wheedled him into mentioning Kayleigh to Don. Melanie had gotten it into her head that Kayleigh had a thing for Don. Melanie hated Kayleigh’s fiancée, she caught him looking at other women all the time. She thought he was slimy and creepy and not good enough for her best friend.

  Hans had to agree. He didn’t like a lot of people, actually that was kind of an understatement, but he liked Kayleigh because she made Melanie happy. Kayleigh was golden in his opinion. He just didn’t know how much good it would do for her to start chasing after Don.

  Don had been single ever since he joined the pack. He’d never shown any interest in finding or taking a mate. He couldn’t really see that changing.

  But Melanie had cajoled him, alternately kissing and nagging him until he gave in and agreed to do what she wanted. So now he just had to find a way to talk Kayleigh up.

  Don scented the bar. The fragrant smell of honeysuckle filled his senses. Mmmmm Kayleigh. Maybe she had been there earlier to get a drink.

  His wolf yipped at him. He’d spent two hours hanging around o
utside the library eager to catch a glimpse of her, only to find out that she wasn’t working that day. It had sent him into an angry funk, but just catching the hint of her scent was enough to alleviate his bad mood. His beast was practically purring like a kitten.

  Maybe he should swing by her apartment. Just to check she was okay of course, what with the storm warning and everything...

  Hans cleared his throat. “So uh...” He began awkwardly. “Melanie told me her friend Kayleigh’s getting married.”

  Don stilled. Why was he talking about Kayleigh?

  “She’s uh, she’s a nice girl is Kayleigh.” Hans stared fixedly at his beer, god this was hard!

  Panic raced through Don. Hans knew. He knew that Don had been having dirty dreams about the sweet young woman, he knew Don had virtually been stalking her over the past two days. Not very successfully but still! He thought Don was a dirty old wolf and was going to tell him to leave her alone.

  The wolf roared. Well tough shit because Don wasn’t going to!

  Hans cleared his throat again. If Don didn’t know any better he’d say Hans was nervous. “I like Kayleigh, there’s only about seven people I can stand to be around in the world, and she’s one of them.”

  Don chuckled at that. “Seven huh? When we first started drinkin’ together it was only two, and I wasn’t one of them.”

  Hans curled his lips. “Yeah well, what can I say? Now that I’m mated I’m a fucking social butterfly.”

  “Well obviously.”

  “Look, I’m just saying Kayleigh’s a great girl. Any man or wolf would be lucky to have her.”

  Don regarded him steadily, unsure where the sudden need to tout Kayleigh had come from. Maybe Hans sensed Don’s growing attraction to her, he didn’t see how though...

  “Alright.” Murmured Don. He couldn’t disagree with that sentiment. His wolf wanted her and damnit he would feel lucky to have her.


  Kayleigh held onto the bathroom counter for a few seconds whilst she waited for the room to stop moving. Starting with whiskey had not been a good idea.

  She’d told herself to go easy, but her mouth kept ordering whiskey and damn did it taste good. She was feeling very merry, although the room didn’t seem to want to stay still.

  She hadn’t even had to buy her own drinks. When she arrived she was immediately surrounded by three hot wolf shifters, more than happy to buy her drinks and listen to her rants about Greg. They ‘oohed’ and ‘aahed’ and expressed how much they wanted to rip Greg apart, and her glass never stayed empty for long.

  Okay so they were just telling her what she wanted to hear, in the hopes of getting into her pants, but it was nice to have attention. They were cute. Not out and out lusciously smoking hot like Don, but they were okay.

  Mmmmm Don. Maybe she should ask him out on a date.

  Her phone beeped interrupting her reverie. It was another text message from Greg. He’d tried to call her twenty times and sent her thirty texts. I’m sorry. We need to talk. Where are you? Please come home. Forgive me. Blah, blah, blah.

  Tutting she switched her phone off and dropped it back into her purse. Screw you Greg.

  Kayleigh squinted at her reflection, she was looking a little flushed from all the alcohol, but didn’t think she could trust her hand-eye co-ordination to apply any more make up. Bah, she’ll do.

  She walked back out into the bar hips swaying, or rather just swaying altogether. Her three young wolves immediately crowded round her like puppy dogs. She smiled dazedly.

  “We got you another drink.” Said Jimmy keenly.

  “Awww you guys!”

  Vaguely she was aware of a small alarm sounding in her head, telling her she ought to stop drinking and go home, away from these horny wolves. Not that she really thought that they would hurt her or anything, she just didn’t want to be a tease. Sadly her brain wasn’t connected to her mouth.

  She looked at them with sad round eyes. “If I was your girlfriend you wouldn’t cheat on me would you?”

  “No way!” Said Hunter immediately.

  “Of course not.” Agreed Casey.

  “Right - of course not! Not to toot my own trumpet but I’m fun, I’m hot and I have a nice personality. Who wouldn’t want me? I’m a package... I mean I’m a total package.” She was starting to slur slightly and for some reason Casey had two heads.

  “The whole package.” Supplied Jimmy smiling indulgently.

  She clicked her fingers at him. “Right, I’m the total whole package.”

  She was suddenly aware of a heavenly warmth spreading through her body. It was like drinking a glass of whiskey whilst eating an ice cream sundae with warm fudge sauce, deliciously decadent and satisfying. Where could she get ice cream at that time of night?

  The three wolves around her sobered, an almost nervous expression on each of their faces.

  Her sex quivered at the next voice she heard, pure Texas velvet. “I think it’s about time you all called it a night don’t you.”

  “But we just...” Started Casey, the most daring or perhaps the stupidest of the three.

  “I said you should call it a night.” His voice took on a steely glint. “You’ve all had more than enough to drink, and there’s a storm warning in effect. Go home.”

  Hunter started hurrying the other two along. “What about Kayleigh?”

  A big strong hand was placed on her shoulder and she almost groaned in pleasure at feeling his skin on hers. “I’ll take Kayleigh home. You boys go on now, I’ll bet your families are waitin’ for you.”

  Hans watched them leave through narrowed slits, the boys took the furthest route round the bar possible to avoid getting within reach of him. Hans didn’t like them, at one point each of them had either hit on one of his sister Noa or his mate Melanie. Hans didn’t forget things like that... plus he was kind of nuts!

  Kayleigh wobbled a little and Don automatically put his hands on her waist. She slithered in his arms so she was facing him and put her arms round his shoulders, leaning her head on him.

  “Mmmmmm this is nice.” She hiccupped.

  Don could have sworn he heard laughter behind him, but edging round to look both Hans and Andy had stony expressions.

  Hans’ phone started chirruping. He looked at it and smirked. “Melanie wants to know where the hell I am and when the hell I’m coming home, except she didn’t say it quite that nicely.”

  Andy chuckled. “Yeah I got a few of those from my mate too.”

  Don awkwardly shoved Kayleigh into her coat and slung her purse round her neck. He swung her round, lifting her up. She giggled, in between hiccups.

  Wriggling happily in his arms she said, “ooooohhhh, it’s just like that Richard Gere film!” With that Kayleigh started singing a very loud and tuneless version of ‘Up Where We Belong.”

  Having sensitive hearing the three shifters cringed. Don’s wolf however was in heaven. He was howling along with her, much to Don’s annoyance.

  “I better get her home.” He muttered striding through the bar.

  “Yeah good luck with that.” Snickered Hans.

  “Rather you than me brother.” Laughed Andy.

  They both quickly subdued when Don roared at them, but after he stepped out into the cold night air he could hear them bellowing with laughter.

  Snow was already starting to settle, soon everything would be covered by a white blanket. He hoped to be safely tucked away in his tiny cabin by then.

  He stowed Kayleigh into the front seat of his truck and swiftly jumped into the driver’s side rubbing his hands together. Kayleigh had quieted and was leaning her head against the seat, eyes closed and a serene expression on her face.

  Her cheeks were pink, a stray golden strand of hair wandered over her face. Without thinking he reached over and brushed it away, his fingers tracing her skin. She moaned and brought her hand up to cover his.

  She opened her eyes and stared at him adoringly. His wolf whimpered at how lovely she was. To have her l
ook at him this way it was indescribable, it made him feel so powerful and yet so needy at the same time.

  “Let’s get you home.” He said grudgingly after a few moments.

  “No!” She cried. “I can’t go home.”

  “You have to go home, your fiancée will be worried.” He almost spat that last part.

  She snorted. “Yeah right she seemed real worried when I caught him boinking his ex-girlfriend earlier.”

  He dropped his hand from her cheek. She knew. His beast was elated. She knew and he didn’t have to tell her and be the guy bringing her bad news. Win-win. Except for the part where she was upset about her fiancée cheating and all that...

  He hesitated. “I’m sorry.” He was sorry, sorry that she had been hurt. “You sure you don’t want to go home and try to work things out with him?”

  He ignored the irritated bellows of his animal. What was he doing trying to get her to go to another man?

  “Nuh uh, no way. It’s over. Those two cheating lying asses deserve each other. Can we get out of here? I’m freezing.”

  She shivered exaggeratedly. He mentally kicked himself. Shifters ran pretty hot and he was already cold, he could only imagine how she must be feeling.

  He agonised over what to do. “You sure you don’t want to go home? Kayleigh?”

  He watched as her eyes fluttered shut and immediately she fell asleep.

  Shit. He couldn’t take her home now anyway. What was he supposed to do? Carry her up to the front door and drop her into that bastard’s arms? No, she’d probably never forgive him for that.

  Where else could he take her? He knew she was friends with Melanie and Carly. But how would Kayleigh feel knowing that he was dumped her onto the first person who would take her.

  No, there was only one thing for it. The wolf was delighted with the idea. The man... not so much.

  Chapter Eight

  4th December

  Kayleigh groaned and rolled over onto her back. Holy hell her head was hurting! She pulled the covers around her tightly and snuggled into the pillow. Mmmmm her bed smelled good this morning, spicy and masculine.


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