Winning the Billionaire

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Winning the Billionaire Page 10

by Ginny Sterling

  “You sure?”


  “Great! I will see how much they have in stock and get it delivered to the house.”

  Before he could say a word, Rachel was making a beeline for the counter. She was talking animatedly and pointing at another board full of delicate, white, octagon shaped penny tiles as well as the board with slate covering it. He marveled at the confidence she demonstrated when he wasn’t looking, which made the shy parts that she revealed to him even more enchanting. She turned and smiled at him, practically dancing as she walked towards him.

  “They have it all in stock and it will be delivered tomorrow,” she announced happily. “Let’s get coffee and celebrate. We can grab a hot chocolate for your mother too. Clara told me that her mother used to put sugar sprinkles on the whipped cream. Maybe they can do that for us?”

  “Really? She never mentioned that,” he said surprised. “But she always put it on mine when I was a boy. I guess I never realized where it came from.”

  “Us women have to stick together and keep our trade secrets,” she teased.

  “I guess so,” he said tenderly and rested his hand at the small of her back, leading her out towards the truck. He liked the way his hand felt touching her; it wasn’t possessive, but more of that he felt privileged. She was confident, smart and amazing… and it was humbling to him. She didn’t need him, he needed her.

  Driving back to the hospital, Rachel suddenly stopped and grimaced. “What’s wrong?”

  “Actually, I need you to drop me off at home. My car wouldn’t start yesterday and got towed to the dealership – and I drove your truck home the other night, so it was easy to get to work because I had it and you were at the hospital…we’ve been alternating shifts at the hospital, so I didn’t think anything of it.”

  “No problem. Do you need a ride to work tomorrow?”

  “I can take an Uber or something. It’s okay.”

  “You aren’t taking an Uber,” he said quietly. “I’ll pick you up.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to,” he countered. “Maybe I like spending whatever time I can with you just so I can see that gorgeous smile, and you’ve been a little busy lately at the house.”

  “Miss me?”

  “More than I ever thought possible,” he admitted. They were interrupted by the crackling speaker of the Starbucks drive-thru. Smiling, he pointed at Rachel and gestured that she should order. She quickly unbuckled and leaned over onto his side in order to yell out the window.

  “I need to get two grande coffees with cream and a grande hot cocoa with whipped topping and sugar sprinkles,” she said loudly and Tyler harrumphed when they repeated back the order, including the sprinkles. Rachel giggled and then caught her breath as she suddenly looked into his eyes.

  It was tight quarters in the truck and she’d climbed up onto the seat, leaning over him. Her face was mere inches from his and he couldn’t resist. Tyler leaned forward and softly kissed her, savoring the sweet way her lips molded to his and the way she responded to the slightest touch from him. His hand curled around her head, cupping her to him for the briefest moment until the car behind them honked, breaking the moment. She darted back across the truck and hurriedly buckled back up.

  “Sorry about that, sometimes they can’t hear me and I just- just- I” she stammered nervously.

  “I liked it,” he countered. “Don’t apologize, because I wouldn’t have changed a thing other than that jerk behind us honking. I could have kept kissing you for hours on end but I guess they need their caffeine fix worse than us, huh?” he teased, trying to make her feel more relaxed with him.

  “You could always kiss me goodnight when you drop me off this evening after our date, since it will be a real date this time,” She smiled shyly and glanced at him.

  “Fraternizing with clients?”

  “Never mind then.”

  “You are soooo fired,” he teased.

  “I know it’s awful and I probably should be, but you know how I feel about that.”

  “I do – and I hope you understand what it means to me to know that you are breaking that rule to spend time with me. I’m thinking you might have a crush on me, Miss Thorpe.”


  Rachel had goosebumps thinking of actually going out on a date with Tyler – a real date. He’d said to dress nicely and she knew he meant to show her what being his girlfriend could be like. The man had been completely honest – he made no secret of his desire for her. It seemed every chance he got, he was either holding her hand, talking with her, or trying to kiss her.

  She loved it.

  The attention he paid her made her feel like she was special, even if she felt like any other girl in the crowd. Tonight, she wanted to shine. She wanted to knock his socks off like he did hers. She felt like she was always watching him or panting after him; it was time to put the shoe on the other foot. She was out to conquer his world. When he’d kissed her at the drive-thru at Starbucks, it had been so easy, so magnetizing a sensation that she knew in that moment she wanted more than his trust with the house… she wanted his heart.

  When he’d dropped her off at home, she’d raced upstairs to immediately begin to get ready. He said he’d pick her up at 7PM, which gave her a few hours to prepare. A perfumed bubble bath followed by her favorite scented lotion and a sleek dress that fit her long torso beautifully. It wasn’t elegant, but decidedly feminine and that was the look she wanted. She painted her toenails and fingernails to match, taking the utmost care with applying her makeup.

  Immediately at 7 PM, there was a knock at her door. Opening it, she saw Tyler standing there in a black suit and dress shirt. His hand had a single red rose. The heated look in his eyes when he looked her up and down made her foot slip right off the high heel causing a sharp pain in her ankle. Tyler reached out and caught her elbow to keep her from falling, only to take a deep breath and exhale.

  “You smell divine,” he breathed, his dark hazel eyes flaring.

  “Thank you.”

  “I think we better go because you smell so sweet I’d be tempted to sample dessert first,” he teased. Flattered and a bit embarrassed by the heated attention, she quickly grabbed her clutch and walked out the door with him. Locking her deadbolt, she shivered as he lifted a lock of hair off her shoulder to kiss the exposed skin.

  “I’ve never seen you with your hair loose. Normally you have it up in a bun or in a ponytail. It’s beautiful and I can’t get over how lucky I feel right now.”

  Turning slowly, she looked up into his eyes. “We should go.”

  “I know,” he said with a rueful smile. “I can’t help it if you are distracting me.”

  “Maybe I should drive then if you are distracted?”

  “Maybe you should,” he agreed and handed her the keys. She had to restrain the sigh of happiness that wanted to escape from her as his hand came to rest on her hip before walking down the covered stairwell of her apartment entryway. The possessive feel of his hot hand made her practically purr in satisfaction, stopping abruptly midway down the stairs. Rachel turned around and stared at Tyler’s dancing eyes as he tried to keep a straight face.

  “You didn’t,” she breathed.

  “I might have,” he quipped. “Happy birthday Rachel.”

  “How did you know it was my birthday?” she whispered, stunned as the bright green Mustang sat at the bottom of the stairs, obnoxiously angled in the parking lot. He’d parked it like a twerp, taking three spots so she had a full-on side view of the car to make it glaringly obvious.

  “My mother apparently was faking sleep the other day when you were on the phone with your mother in the hospital room. I know you want to go visit her and when you mentioned having car problems, I knew this was perfect for you.”

  “It’s too much. I can’t accept this,” she balked, trying to shove the keys back in his hands. Tyler would push them back into the palm of her hands, firmly.

  “I can’t tak
e it back – so who should get Fern?” he finally asked her, closing her fingers over the single car key.

  “Your mother?”

  “She doesn’t drive, but she did suggest that you two getting matching scarves to put over your hair. She really likes you- a lot.”

  “I’m glad. She seems to be a sweetheart…but Tyler, I really can’t take this,” Rachel repeated feeling extremely torn. The beautiful car glistened and called to her. It was an amazing gift, an extravagant gift – and who else would ever give her a car again for her birthday?

  “Would you accept the car if it was from someone else?” Tyler asked suddenly, stiffening up, his face expressionless. Rachel was shocked that he’d even uttered the question or thought that might be the case.

  “No! Why would you ask that?”

  “To make sure it’s not because the car was from me,” he said softly, revealing so much. He was insecure when it came to her! He always seemed so cocky and sure of himself, but perhaps it was a shell to protect his emotions.

  “Tyler,” she said softly, grabbing his hand and pulling him further down the stairs towards the car, “It’s because I care for you that I feel odd accepting such an extravagant gift. I don’t ever want you to think that I am using you. I don’t want there ever to be a doubt or something come between our friendship…or possibly a relationship.”

  “I knew you wanted to go out with me,” he teased confidently, but she saw his throat work several times as relief smoothed his brow. He was truly concerned and it touched her. “Look, I can’t take it back so let’s at least enjoy driving it tonight. If you don’t want it, I will find someone to give it to or donate it to charity.”

  “You’d give the car away instead of getting a refund?” she gaped.

  “It means nothing to me if it doesn’t make you smile,” he said softly. “I really want this to work out between us. Forget the employer/employee thing. Let’s just be a simple country guy with his beautiful girl tonight, okay?”

  Such sweet words moved Rachel’s soul deeply. Nodding, she reached up and curled her hand around his neck, bringing his head down to her for a kiss. She felt incredibly bold doing this, but he seemed to crave honesty between them – and she wanted to show her appreciation. She needed to kiss him as an affirmation of her feelings she had bubbling inside of her and her utter thanks and gratefulness she didn’t know how to express.

  She knew quickly on that she was not going to give up the Mustang the moment the key turned in the ignition and the car roared to life. She put the black fabric top down and as she watched it move, folding gently over itself into the shelf of the car, she caught him staring at her with a wide, knowing grin.

  He knew she was keeping it too.

  “Don’t you say a word,” she said sticking out her tongue.

  “No ma’am, just trying to keep my girl happy,” he quipped, putting his hands up mockingly. “If she wants me to hush, I’ll keep my trap closed.”

  “Where to?” she asked, with a wry smile.

  “Bowling alley,” Tyler said calmly and began laughing as her mouth dropped open in surprise. They were both dressed extremely nice, way too fancy to go bowling. “I’m teasing, Rachel. I made us reservations at the steak house off I-45. Thought I would wine and dine my lovely lady. Oh, before I forget!” he said suddenly, snapping his fingers and opened the glovebox to the car. Inside was a small box with a bow on it. “From my mama,” he explained handing her the box.

  Pulling off the ribbon, she smiled and felt tears come to her eyes. That was so like his mother- inside the box was a beautiful set of green driving gloves. Delicate, ladylike and so very sweet. It was thoughtful and showed that the two of them were in cahoots together regarding the car.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Rachel whispered, touched to the core of her very being. She didn’t understand how she’d been so blessed to garner the attention of this fantastic man and was humbled that he was so interested in her.

  “Tell me you are happy,” he said gruffly, watching her to gauge her reaction.

  “I feel like I’m dreaming,” she admitted in a low breath, smiling at him shyly.

  “As long as you are dreaming of me,” he winked, “Now, are we going or are we just gonna let Fern sit here and idle? Your man is famished and wasting away.” Tyler mockingly put the back of his hand against his forehead and pretended to be faint.

  Laughing at the abrupt change in him, Rachel finished tugging on the green driving gloves and put the car into drive, squealing the tires. The new Mustang had a lot more torque and power than her old car – the difference was instantaneous. At a stoplight, she grabbed a claw hairclip out of her purse and quickly wound her hair into a messy bun to keep it from being horrifically knotted as they got on the highway a few miles down the road. The car leapt forward and was a true joy to drive, the wind whipped their faces. Tyler was enjoying the ride as much as she was.

  When they finally arrived, she pulled into the parking lot and put the top up on the car. Laughing, she got out and brushed her hair quickly to get any snarls out of it. She couldn’t help how ecstatic she felt and completely spoiled right now. Throwing her hairbrush into her purse, she walked over to where he stood waiting, finger combing his own windblown hair and immediately threw her arms around his waist- grasping him in a tight hug.

  “What’s this for?” he said with a laugh, “You can’t keep your hands off of me?”

  “No, you goose – I’m trying to thank you.”

  “Thank me like this darling,” he said, upturning her face towards him. He gently kissed her and caressed her cheek. He took a step back from her and extended his arm. “My lady, shall we?”

  Curling her fingers onto his arm, she felt exquisitely cherished as he practically strutted into the restaurant. Once inside, she saw that the waiters were lined up at the front door, each holding a rose. Curious, she looked around and saw that the large dining room was empty except for a single table illuminated with a candelabra. A large vase of roses sat beside the candles, glowing deep red in the candlelight.

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s the way I want to date my girl,” Tyler whispered tenderly in her ear as he leaned down towards her. “Happy birthday.”

  A chorus of ‘happy birthdays’ was quickly repeated by the staff and each one handed her a flower, greeting her. She felt like a princess and it was all because of Tyler. She was led into the dim dining room and Tyler quickly held her chair for her while she took her seat. He leaned down and kissed her cheek before taking his own chair. The waiter brought out two glasses of water, returning with a wine list and handing it to Tyler before walking away to give them a moment to decide.

  “How did you do all of this on short notice?”

  Tyler shrugged nonchalantly and smiled. “Magic. Do you want a glass of wine?”

  “Not really,” she said ruefully. “I don’t drink but please, go ahead if you like.”

  “Actually,” he admitted. “I think I’m just gonna have a sweet tea with lemon.”

  “Let’s make that two then when he comes back.”

  Rachel perused over the menu for several moments. This was a really nice place and fancier than anything she’d been to in a long time. The last time she felt so pampered was at a convention she’d been invited to. She’d adored the linen cloths, fancy plates and stemware – all making her feel like she’d been dropped in the middle of Oz. The farm-girl was playing with the big boys – or that’s how she’d felt at the time. Now, sitting here with Tyler – she felt a sort of kinship with him and as he tugged at the collar of his jacket, she smiled softly.

  “This is simply beautiful and I’m heartily impressed…but do me a favor?” Rachel started only to see his expression fall, “if you’d please take off that tie and unbutton the top of your shirt, I’d feel more relaxed.”

  “You trying to get me out of my clothes, darlin’?”

  Rachel threw back her head, laughing happily at the way he wagged his eyebrows a
t her. Wiping her eyes, she grinned at his wounded expression.

  “I don’t think that was that funny.”

  “You look uncomfortable and it makes me realize that I had just as much fun picking out tile, roasting marshmallows or going hunting with you – I don’t have to have fancy dinners.”

  “Just me?”

  “Maybe it’s just you,” she agreed tenderly, laying her hand on top of his on the table. They ordered their meal and spent quite a while simply talking, holding hands or looking at each other. She was fascinated with the way he watched at her tonight; his heart was in his eyes.

  When their dinner arrived, she teased him about his steak and how pink it was – while Tyler taunted her about the ‘carcass on her plate’ and how ‘it was a shame and the angels were weeping at the chargrilled puck she’d been served’ – when her own filet arrived well done as she requested. That was what she liked about Tyler, she felt like she could be herself and he adored it. There was no putting on a show or façade with him – he preferred getting to know the real woman she was.

  Finally, when they finished the waiters all arrived at the table with a massive slice of chocolate cake complete with a candle.

  “For my birthday girl,” he whispered softly, his eyes alive in the candlelight.

  “This has been the best birthday ever,” she admitted. “Thank you.”

  “It’s my pleasure.”

  “I’m so full, can we take the cake to go?” she told him ruefully, looking longingly at the cake. She was so full that she felt like her underwear pop a seam at any moment.

  “Of course, we can do whatever you want.”

  “I think I’d like to spend some time alone – just you and me. Maybe we could sit under the stars and talk for a while. I’m not ready for our date to be finished.”

  “That sounds perfect,” he concurred and arranged for the cake to be boxed up as well as paid the bill. Walking out to the Mustang, Rachel wrapped her arm around his waist and he did the same. It felt so wonderful to simply hold him, knowing that they had this moment of perfection. He was a perfect gentleman, carrying the large vase of roses that he buckled in the back seat of the car in order to prevent it from falling over.


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