Sweet on Wilde

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Sweet on Wilde Page 16

by Fabiola Francisco

  “I’ll put on the seat belt now. I just wanted to sit close to you.” I fasten the seat belt for the middle seat and lean my head on his shoulder. Parker leaves his hand on my thigh as he drives through the traffic of other travelers rushing to visit family and friends for the holiday.

  I quietly hum to the song playing on the radio now, my fingers teasing Parker’s arm with featherlike touches. I smile when his arm twitches but continue to move my fingers along his arm. We drive quietly for a while, traffic building more as we cross the Georgia border. People must be heading to Atlanta.

  “So tell me what you guys do on Thanksgiving? Does your family have any traditions besides eating and watching football?”

  Parker thinks for a moment and then says, “When I was younger we used to go play baseball. We’re big on the sport. We haven’t done that for a couple of years though. Especially after I hurt my shoulder. It’s like everyone was afraid I’d lose my sanity or something.”

  “That sounds like fun. I understand their point, though. What did you do after you injured your shoulder?”

  “I went to rehab for a few months to strengthen it again. After sessions of physical therapy, I was okay to move it almost 100 percent, I just couldn’t pitch anymore. At first I was really disappointed. As you know, my ex-girlfriend also left at the same time, so I was at a loss. Everything I knew in life was kinda over, except for my family. They’ve always been there for me. So I won’t lie and say I didn’t feel upset over losing the baseball career I always imagined I’d have, but my family really helped with that.”

  “That’s good. It’s important to have that support system. I can’t imagine how difficult that must have been. If they told me now I could never bake again, I think I’d be beyond depressed.”

  “Yeah. It would have been easy to let myself travel down that road, but they made sure I didn’t. It was actually my sister’s idea to look into coaching. It took a while to go back out on the field and not feel like a failure, but once I got out there I felt like I was home. I started coaching in a high school at first. We made it to the playoffs but lost in the final game. The feeling was amazing, though, and I realized I could still have a part of my dream. I’ve also made it a point to work out my shoulder to prevent any other injuries.”

  “Oh, I can tell you work out your shoulder,” I tease.

  Laughing, Parker continues saying, “I’ve always admired Alabama’s sports teams and figured I’d try for a job there when I heard they were hiring an assistant coach. When they offered me the position, it was a no brainer.”

  “Well, I’m glad you did.” I kiss his shoulder and lean my head back on it.

  Thirty minutes later, Parker pulls off the highway to take a quick break. We stop at a diner for some coffee and disconnect from the road. It isn’t a long drive to Athens but I guess that means we can take some time to relax on the way.

  “I want to show you around the area while we’re here. I was thinking of taking you to Lawrenceville so you could see the stadium where I used to play. Maybe meet some of the guys.”

  “Sounds good,” I hug him and look up into his eyes. “You can take me anywhere you want.”

  “Anywhere?” He arches his eyebrow and a mischievous gleam crosses his eyes.

  “Not in your parents’ house!” I scold.

  “Like they don’t assume we sleep together.”

  I roll my eyes and walk into the diner. “I need more coffee to discuss this. I haven’t met them yet and you’re telling me they know we have sex. So wrong.”

  “Not that they know, but we are in a relationship. We are both adults and committed to each other. It’s only normal.”

  “I know. I’m just still a little nervous.”

  “Want me to help you with that?” His hand roams down the side of my body and cups my behind.

  “I’d love to, but not in public.” I kiss him and sit at a table.

  “Definitely not. I’m not sharing you with anyone. You’re all mine and for my eyes only to devour.” I squirm at his words and take a deep breath. He chuckles, noting my reaction, and sits back in the booth.

  “How far are we from Athens?”

  “About an hour and a half. We’re just outside of Atlanta.”

  “So we drive through Atlanta?”

  “Unfortunately, yes, traffic there is a bitch, but it’s also the quickest route.”

  “It’s okay. We’ll get there. It’s still early.”

  “Yeah, we’ll get there before supper.”

  We finish our coffees and jump back on the road to finish the road trip. The closer we get to Athens the more I notice our surroundings and try to take in every detail of the area, especially once we pull off the highway and begin the final drive to Parker’s parents’ home in the outskirts of the city.

  Parker pulls into a long driveway with beautiful landscaping that makes you stare. The home is a two-story house with gray siding and white trimming. The entrance wall is brick and adds warmth to the exterior. Parker stations the car behind another truck and smiles over at me. He’s so excited it’s adorable, and despite my nerves, I’m happy that he wants me here with him.

  I kiss his temple and move to open the door. “Come on.”

  He laughs and gets out of the truck, grabbing our bags from the back seat.

  “You’re here!” A woman races towards us and hugs Parker. I can’t help but smile at the warmth in the greeting. From the pictures I saw in his apartment, I know that’s his mom, but even without the photograph, it would be impossible to miss their similarities.

  “We are. Hi, mom.” Parker hugs his mom protectively and lovingly, engulfing her in his arms. She moves back and inspects him. I giggle at the maternal instinct to observe your children. Then her eyes meet mine. I bite my lip and shift on my feet. “Mom, this is Savannah.”

  “Hi–” she interrupts me with a hug, disregarding the hand I held out.

  “It’s so nice to meet you! I’ve heard so many wonderful things about you. I told my boy if he didn’t bring you with him, I would slap him across the head.” I hear Parker’s laugh resonate around us and I smile.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Wilde.” Her dirty blonde hair is cut shoulder length and pinned half up in a neat do. Her smile is contagious, brightening her dark blue eyes.

  “Nonsense! Call me Nancy.” I smile and before I can answer, she’s dragging me inside the house. “Come meet everyone.” I look back at Parker and laugh. He’s standing there, dumbfounded but smiling.

  “I guess I’ll carry the bags,” he murmurs.

  “You will be the gentleman I raised you to be,” Nancy calls out and I laugh.

  “If your mother says to follow her, I need to listen. She is the hostess.”

  Nancy’s body shakes with laughter. “I like her already.”

  The inside of the house is warm and inviting with neutral colors in taupe and gray. I’m taking in the home when Parker’s dad approaches us.

  “Savannah, it’s so nice to meet you.” He extends his hand and I shake it. “I’m Andrew, Parker’s dad.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, too.” The same way Parker is the spitting image of his mother, the resemblance with his dad is subtler. Their features are similar, but his dad has brown hair with green eyes. He has the same athletic build as Parker and just an inch shy of Parker’s 6’1” height.

  “Now where’s that son of mine?”

  “I’m right here,” Parker’s voice comes up behind me and I turn to smile. “Hi, dad.” He drops the bags on the floor and hugs his dad, patting him on the back.

  “Good to see you son. We’ve missed you around here, but I see Alabama has been treating you well,” he winks at me and heat fills my cheeks.

  “That is true,” Parker says, pulling me into him.

  “Oh! I’m so happy you’re both here,” Nancy gushes. “Aren’t they adorable, Andrew?” Andrew agrees and they lead us further into the house.

  The décor is traditional with wood fur
niture and leather sofas. Family photographs are placed throughout the house creating a homey feel that makes me nostalgic. Parker leaves the bags in the entrance of the house, walking with us into the open kitchen.

  “Where are Chris and Britney? I saw their cars parked out front.”

  “Your sister is out on the deck with Will and Chris is somewhere around the house. You know how it is. Are you hungry? I saved some lunch for you,” Nancy looks between us. I assume Will is Britney’s husband. Parker had mentioned his siblings’ names, but I can’t remember if he ever mentioned Will’s. I’m nervous about meeting Britney. The big sister is always a scary thought.

  “I want to introduce Savannah to Britney and Chris first. Is that okay?” He looks down on me.

  “Yeah.” I take a deep breath.

  “We’ll be back.” Parker leads us up the stairs and through a family room, opening the French doors that lead to the deck.

  “You’re here!” A young woman, maybe a couple years older than Parker, leaps to her feet and rushes towards him. He releases me to catch her and prevents a fall backwards.

  His body trembles and his laughter roars. “Yeah, we just got here.” The love between them is evident and it is nice to witness their loving relationship right off the bat. After hugging her brother, she looks at me with a wide smile.

  “You must be Savannah. Oh my god, I’m so happy to meet you!” Her enthusiasm is infectious and I relax instantly.

  “It’s really nice to meet you!” Britney looks just like Andrew, same brown hair and warm green eyes.

  “Hey, man,” Will pats Parker on the shoulder and smiles at me. “It’s nice to meet you, Savannah. You’ve been the talk of the week around here.”

  “Oh, great,” I mumble and Britney laughs.

  “In a good way. He’s been such a loner lately, we’re just happy he’s met someone worthy of him,” she tilts her head towards Parker and laughs, but I hear the underlining message. Someone worthy of him, it’s like a subtle jab at his ex-girlfriend.

  Parker laughs nervously and says, “Okay. Leave her alone and let her breathe. We just got here. You’ll have plenty of time to get to know her and embarrass me.”

  “So where’s this babe you told us about?” We all turn around and see Chris. I stifle my laugh but can’t hold it in.

  “Babe, huh?” I tease Parker and he rolls his eyes.

  “I’m pretty sure I didn’t use that exact wording, Chris.” The brothers hug and it’s amazing to see the three siblings standing next to each other, so alike yet their own individuality separating them.

  “So I’m not a babe?” This is too easy to leave alone.

  “Ha! I like her already.” Chris hugs me, surprising me. This family is obviously huggers.

  “Okay, back away from the babe,” Parker mocks. His fingers find mine and Chris laughs.

  “Yeah, yeah, I know. She’s yours. Relax, bro.” Chris is definitely the carefree little brother. I’m sure having two older siblings helped him get away with a lot of things growing up and it’s apparent in the way he carries himself.

  “Damn straight she is,” Parker says, proudly.

  We sit at the table out on the deck and I get to know Parker’s family.

  “What do you do, Savannah?”

  Surprised Parker didn’t tell them every detail about me, I respond, “I own a bakery in Tuscaloosa. I studied hospitality and then became a pastry chef. It’s definitely my dream job.”

  “That’s so cool! I would love a job like that, except I can’t bake or cook.”

  “Ain’t that the truth! Remember when she almost burned down the kitchen?” Chris asks Parker and both men laugh hysterically. Will joins them at this point and the three of them are bent over in laughter.

  “Yes…” Parker gasps for air. “She was trying to heat something up in the oven…” his laugh rocks his body and I soon find myself laughing with them just by their reaction.

  “She put the plastic container in the oven…” Chris finishes the story. “What was it we were going to eat?”

  “I think it was chicken nuggets,” Parker breathes out.

  “Real funny, guys! I was trying to feed the two of you!”

  “We were better off without food,” Parker tries to compose himself. I bite back my laughter and look at Britney apologetically.

  “It’s okay. They bring it up every chance they get,” she responds to my silent apology and laughs along with us.

  After we catch our breaths, Britney asks, “How long have you had the bakery?”

  “I started off taking special orders for cakes and cupcakes from my house while I was finishing up school. It was a pain when people really started making orders and my space was limited. I had always dreamed of having a bakery, so four years ago I went for it. I honestly cannot be more grateful than I am. It’s been a true blessing.”

  “Her cupcakes are delicious. You’d love them, Brit,” Parker chimes in.

  “You should totally make something while you’re here!”

  “I’d love to.”

  “You’re not going to put her to cooking, Brit. She’s here to relax. I had to peel her away from the bakery to get her to come up here.”

  “No way! Baking for me is like someone asking you to play ball or watch a game. It’s not work.”

  “Perfect. I’ll let mom know!”

  We continue talking and Britney shares her latest graphic design projects and how different colors heighten different senses. Will is an accountant, and as per his words, “Nothing exciting happens in the world of numbers,” but from the way he speaks about it, he enjoys his job. You must have to, in order to become an accountant. Chris is a physical therapist at the university. It seems he was always interested, but after Parker’s injury he was more motivated to follow that path.

  “I get to check out the hot coeds going to and from class also. Of course, all over 18.” I laugh at his forwardness and can’t help but notice how different he is from Parker in that sense. I guess Parker was right after all; he missed that playboy gene.

  “I’m so happy to see you all here,” Nancy joins us on the deck with a plate of snacks and some drinks. Southern hospitality at its best!

  She sits with us and jumps into the conversation, asking Parker how the team is doing and an update on his job. It actually feels great to be here with Parker’s family. They’re all kind and open, not at all the nightmare I had imagined, although I know that nightmare was all in my mind. Knowing Parker and from what he had told me about his family, I knew they would be great.

  “Here you all are,” Andrew is the last one missing, and he takes a seat beside Nancy.

  “Yes, we’re all here.” The meaning behind Nancy’s words doesn’t go unnoticed. It’s obvious they miss Parker.

  “Great!” Britney speaks up. “Since we’re all here, I have some news for you.” Will clears his throat next to her. “We have some news. Happy?” She looks over at Will.

  “Much better,” he responds. These two are adorable together and it amazes me that their relationship is still this strong after being together for so long.

  “We’re having a girl!”

  Everyone’s shocked faces reflect the same question, but Chris speaks it out loud, “Since when are you pregnant?”

  “What she means is, we’re having a baby.” Will clarifies her statement.

  “Oh my goodness!” Nancy jumps out of her chair, the news sinking in. “Congratulations!” She hugs her daughter and then her son-in-law. Everyone else erupts into cheers, each one taking turns congratulating the soon-to-be parents. I give them both a brief hug and congratulate them.

  “She’s set on it being a girl. It’s getting ridiculous. When I try to bring up boy names, she waves me off like I’m crazy. Must be the hormones.”

  “Oh, you haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to hormones. Take it from me. After three pregnancies, I finally learned to dodge arguments and let her have her way. It was too late though, we were done having c
hildren by then,” Andrew jokes.

  “I hope it’s a boy! I can teach him to play sports and shit. If it’s a girl, we’re going to have to kick a lot of male ass when she’s older,” Chris gets into overprotective uncle mode and it’s funny to observe when he was just talking about the college girls he checks out.

  “I’m really happy for y’all,” Parker stands and reaches for my hand. “I’m going to show Savannah around and take our bags up. We’ll be back a little later.”

  “Your dad already put the bags in your room. Relax and get some rest if you want.”

  “I’m sure rest is exactly what they’ll be getting,” Chris jokes and I blush.

  “Mature much,” Parker responds and takes me back into the house and into the family room we came in through.



  “What do you think?”

  “It’s a beautiful home,” I tease him.


  “I love the family photos. Great kitchen, too.”

  “How about the people who live here?”

  “Oh, them…” I smile at him. “They’re great, Parker. I knew they would be. I’m just happy, and they’ve all been so warm in their welcome. It’s been fun watching you all interact.”

  “I’m glad. We can be a bit much at times, but they love you. I knew they would.” Parker pulls me in by the waist and kisses the top of my head. “Let’s go to the room and check on our bags. Are you tired? Do you want to take a nap?” He raises his eyebrows suggestively.

  “If by nap you mean, sleep, no I’m not tired, but I wouldn’t mind unwinding a bit and taking a shower…alone.”

  Parker chuckles and opens his bedroom door. “So this is what a baseball star’s childhood room looks like.” There are posters hanging on the wall and trophies on a shelf. A few medals hang underneath the shelf, showcasing all of Parker’s achievements throughout his life. No doubt, a talented person lived here.


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