Sweet on Wilde

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Sweet on Wilde Page 19

by Fabiola Francisco

  “Oh my god!!” she squeals and the door swings open. “You’re here! You’re early! I thought you were stopping by tomorrow on your way back.” Emily pulls me in for a hug and I hold her tightly.

  “We wanted to surprise you and come a day early to spend more time with you.”

  “I’m so excited! You’re finally in Atlanta!” She ushers us into her apartment and I spot Wes smiling beside her.

  “Hey, Wes! Thanks for keeping her out of the loop.”

  “Anytime,” he smiles and gives me a quick hug. Parker and him shake hands and start talking about the football game that was on this week.

  “You’re really here! Tell me all about Thanksgiving. How’s Parker’s family?” Emily is on an interrogation rampage and I laugh. She leads me to the kitchen, leaving the guys behind to their guy talk and we settle on the small dining room table.

  “It was awesome! Seriously, Em, they’re an amazing family. At no point did I feel awkward or out of place.” I look around her kitchen. It’s a great size for an apartment, modern and sleek. “I love the place.” The glass dining room table sits adjacent to the kitchen, perfect for entertaining.

  “Thanks! I fell in love when I saw it.”

  “How has it been living with Wes?”

  “Great! Honestly, better than I thought. We’ve adjusted perfectly and most nights he cooks. It’s a win, win.” I laugh and settle back into the chair. “Things with Parker are good then?”

  “Yes. They’re actually great. He told me he loved me yesterday.” I cannot contain my excitement as I speak those words out loud.

  “Really?! That’s awesome. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, even last month when I met him. It was obvious he wasn’t just rolling with it because it was fun.”

  “Yeah. I feel the same about him.”


  “No, there’s no but. I do. I love him. But,” I laugh. “Okay, there is one but. We went to Coolray Field in Lawrenceville where he played and his friend came by to see him. He mentioned that the Braves are looking for a pitching coach. Parker immediately turned him down, saying he wasn’t interested. When I brought it up he told me he loved living in Alabama and the change had been good for him.” I go into details of our conversation and Parker’s honesty behind his words.

  “I really do think he meant what he said. I do think he likes coaching at UA, but what if he misses a great opportunity? What if he thinks he’s happy in Alabama and then realizes he threw away this chance? What if he resents me later for it, or ends up leaving once I’m deeper in love?” So many thoughts are still swimming in my mind in regards to this. I do believe Parker was telling the truth when he said he didn’t want to leave Alabama. I do think he thinks that’s where he wants to be, and it may be…at the moment.

  “I get it. You don’t want him to give up a dream because of you, but I think he was being honest when he told you a job is a job. Considering what he’s been through with his career, it makes total sense that he doesn’t put so much pressure into his career. He knows how easily he could be replaced. I think it’s valuable that he has a balance in life and doesn’t just jump on the opportunity because it sounds ideal. Coaching the Majors is different than university teams, a lot more traveling, too. He would also have to face a reality that he was never able to attain. Did you know he had a contract drawn up when he got injured? The Braves were going to sign him.”

  “I had no idea.” Parker never mentioned that to me. I never realized what coaching for the Braves could do to him emotionally. I hadn’t put thought into that aspect; I just didn’t want him to lose an amazing opportunity to follow a part of his dream. There was still a chance for him to be a part of the Braves, even if it wasn’t as a player.

  “Yeah, Wes told me. He really is a fan of Parker. It’s kinda adorable hearing him talk about him.”

  I giggle and say, “Guys,” shaking my head.

  “What about guys?” Parker and Wes walk into the kitchen.

  “Oh, nothing, just how you drive us crazy,” I wink at Parker.

  After lunch, we take a tour around the city. Atlanta is different than I imagined it to be. Definitely a bigger city, I’m not sure how Emily got used to living here so quickly. I can see how those first two months were a shock. The traffic is terrible, too.

  We go to the Georgia Aquarium, a must see in this city, and I’m impressed by the place. All sorts of fish and sea creatures swim around us as we walk through the different areas. We walk under a big tunnel, feeling like you are one with this underwater world. Jellyfish light up the water in their own tank and sawfish swim peacefully inside theirs.

  We walk into the Ocean Voyager, staring at the massive wall tank where the whale sharks and manta rays swim along with other fish in perfect harmony. We sit on the bleacher type steps across from the tank along with the other families, children and couples. I lean my head on Parker’s shoulder, admiring the ocean life exposed in front of us, while others take photos and look on in awe as well.

  I have never seen a place like this. You name it, they have it. There’s even a petting tank, but my favorite thing was interacting with the dolphins. They are amazing animals! We spend hours exploring, observing the divers that dare to jump in the tanks and interact more closely with the animals, and watching the penguins.

  We take a quick walk through Centennial Olympic Park, one of the landmarks in the city, and read the words engraved in the commemorative bricks laid out throughout the park. We walk by the Olympic rings’ fountain, water spraying upward in a beautiful display. We made it just in time for the show. The spurts of water rise and fall to the beat of the song playing and create a fun and interactive show. The children nearby are itching to run into the fountain, but their parents hold them back. Just a tad too cold to get wet, especially when the sun is setting.

  Once the show is over, we head back to the car. “I thought we could go home, shower and change, and grab some dinner before we go out.”

  “Sounds great, Em,” I smile at her.

  “Have you ever been to Slider, Parker?” Emily asks him.

  “Yeah, that sounds great actually.” No idea where they’re talking about, I’ll trust their judgment on the restaurant. It’s not like I’m picky with my meals.

  Parker and I go to the guest bedroom when we get back to Emily’s apartment and Parker sits on the edge of the bed. “Are you having fun?”

  “Yes,” I smile widely and stand between his legs. I palm his cheeks and look into his eyes. “Thank you,” I say, placing a gentle kiss on his warm lips.

  Parker pulls me down on his lap and smiles. “You’re very welcome. I love being here with you. You looked so cute staring all around you in the aquarium. It made me want to push you up against the wall of the tunnel.”

  “Oh yeah? And do what?”

  “This.” Parker attacks my lips, the scratchiness of his beard adds to my desire, showing me exactly how badly he wants me. Moving our mouths together urgently, our tongues slide against each other, teasing and spiking our lust. My hands move down, feeling his body under his shirt and pause at his heart. I feel the drumming of his heartbeat under my hand and move my lips to that tempo.

  Parker’s groans are captured by my mouth, sending vibrations down my body and straight to my sex. My core reacts, wetness spreading between my legs. I stop the kiss abruptly and look down at Parker. He raises his eyebrows in question. “Come take a shower with me.” I stand and pull him by the hand, leading him into the bathroom connected to the guest bedroom.

  We silently undress each other, each article of clothing falling to the ground, as the steam of the shower sticks to our already hot bodies. Once in the shower, the water on my back is soothing. Lips collide and hands curiously roam over each other’s body, we’re a wet tangle of heat. My back is pushed against the shower wall as Parker’s hardness teasingly rubs against my opening. The sound of the shower covers my moans, but Parker hears them and groans.

  “I want to be inside you.”
His hand reaches down between my legs and he rubs his fingers over my clit. I call out, my legs trembling. “Right here,” his finger thrusts inside my pulsing center and builds me up.

  “I want you in there too, but with another body part,” I gently suck on his earlobe and scrape my teeth over his soft skin.

  “Fuck,” Parker growls against my neck.

  A few seconds later, he looks at me. “Crap. I need to get a condom.” He shifts in the shower and I reach for his arm.

  “No. I want you skin on skin, nothing keeping us apart. I trust you.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” Knowing I’m on the pill, Parker doesn’t object nor question me again. Words a surplus, he lifts my body, my legs instinctively wrapping around him, and he thrusts into me effortlessly. Moving inside of me, the falling water surrounds us, and Parker kisses me with so much love. With his bare skin rubbing against my nerve endings and hitting my most sensitive spot, the feeling is overwhelmingly pleasurable.

  Parker licks the drops of water that run down my breasts and over my nipples. I arch into him, throwing my head back as my body shudders and rocks against his hips. Parker thrusts faster into me and my walls clench around his cock. I feel the familiar tingling rising up my spine and taking over my body before I crash into a whirlwind orgasm that consumes every nerve and inch of me, from my head down to my toes. I wrap my legs tighter around Parker, wanting to feel him even more.

  “I love you,” I whisper in his ear, and he trembles. After a hard thrust and low groan in my ear, he stills and empties himself inside of me.

  We come down from our orgasm and Parker kisses me. “I love you, too.” He eases out of me, and carefully places me on the floor. His hands hold my hips until I’m stable, and then move to cradle my face, his thumbs brushing against my lips before he gives me a quick kiss.

  The music thumping around us intoxicates our bodies, making them move to the beat. Parker’s hands rest on my hips, his body moving behind mine, rubbing and bumping into my back, his lips on my neck. I roll my head back onto his chest and close my eyes. We’ve been dancing for some time now. We came to this bar after a delicious dinner at Slider’s. Emily and Wes are somewhere in the crowd dancing as well.

  Feeling parched, I ask Parker if he wants another drink. He nods and leads us to the bar where we order our drink choices of the night. Parker’s been drinking Crown and I’ve stuck to my Jack and Coke. The cold liquid refreshes me and we head back to our table. We’re talking when I hear someone call out to us. I look and motion to Parker. He stands, smiling widely, and gives a quick hug to the guy who just approached our table. He introduces me to Dave, a tall athletic guy that must be another player, and he joins us, ordering a drink from a waitress.

  Parker and Dave catch up and share important events about their lives since they last saw each other. A short while later, three other guys join us. Parker looks happy to have his friends here with us and they are all really nice. Wes has jumped into the conversation with them and Emily and I are drinking and talking about our own stuff.

  “He looks really happy, huh?” I ask Emily.

  “Yeah, he does, but I think a lot of it has to do with you.”

  “He has his friends here, too.” One of the guys brings up the coaching position again and I tense. I listen to his response and it’s confident.

  “You see, he is being honest. He didn’t even flinch to answer.” Emily observes Parker and my reaction to the question. I just nod and drink my Jack.

  “Let’s go dance,” Parker pulls me to my feet. I take his hand and walk with him to the crowd of bodies moving to the energetic beat. His friends look at us from the table with approving smiles and I smile into his chest, hugging him to me.

  “Your friends are nice,” I say into his ear so he can hear me.

  “Should I be jealous?”

  I tilt my head back in laughter. “No. I only have room for one Georgia boy in my life.”

  “You better have room for just one man in your life, Georgia or otherwise.”

  “You’re all I want.” We get lost in the music, swallowed by the other patrons moving along with us, bumping and pushing us closer together. I welcome it if it means I’ll get to feel more of Parker on me.

  Like he’s reading my mind, he whispers in my ear, “Temptress…I see your mind turning and feel the tension rolling off you.”

  “Can you blame me?” I smile devilishly.

  The rest of the night passes by with lots of fun and laughter, dancing and drinking. Parker’s friends are a riot and they welcomed me kindly. This trip has been very eventful. Not only did I meet Parker’s family, but I got to see a side of his life before me, and meeting his friends, both childhood and adult, added to the experience.

  I turn in Parker’s arms, watching him sleep. I memorize every detail, his peaceful eyes, his ruffled hair, and the scruff that adorns his face and I love to feel on my skin. I sigh happily and my mind wanders to tonight. It’s eating at me that he won’t even consider the job offer for the Braves, and I am not sure if he really doesn’t want it or is scared of going for it and facing the reminder of a life he could have had.

  I kiss his cheek and snuggle closer to him. What would I do if he were to actually consider that job? Lose the love of my life. Stupid subconscious answers before I can even think. No, I won’t lose him. I clutch him harder and his arms tighten around me in his slumber state.

  “Have a safe trip and don’t assume what Parker really wants. He’s a good guy, and if he tells you he loves living in Alabama, then you take that and love him back with all you have.” Emily’s words resonate in my mind as we approach Tuscaloosa. I’ve been quiet on the drive back and Parker notices, but I hold his hand and stroke his arm with my fingers. The immense feelings I have for this man roll off me and into him. I kiss his shoulder and rest my head on him.

  “Do you want to stop and grab something to eat before going home?”


  “Okay.” Parker pulls into the diner we went to after our date to McGregor’s Farm. He turns off the car and faces me. “Stop thinking. Stop assuming. I see what’s going on. I wanted this weekend to bring us closer together not separate us. A few years ago I would probably have loved to work for the Braves, but I’m not the person I was a few years ago. Besides, I really love the team and those guys are counting on me. I want to give them the same chance they’ve given me. I want to work with them so they could win. You’re not holding me back from following my dream. My dream is to have a job I love, wherever that may be, and find the woman of my dreams. You’re that woman, baby, and I’m not letting you go.”

  “I don’t want you to, but I want you to be sure this is what you want. Not for me, but for your career.”

  “It is. Do you know how many people wish they could coach one of the Crimson Tide teams? I’m lucky and I don’t take that for granted, nor do I take for granted meeting you.”

  “You’re just on a roll today,” I tease.

  “I love you. I’m saying what I really feel. Don’t think I’m secretly cursing my fate. I’m thanking it.” I brush my lips against his lovingly. “Let’s go eat.”

  “How was the bakery today?” I look up at Parker from his lap and meet his soft eyes.

  “Good. It was busy.” His hands comb my hair, relaxing me. It’s been a week and a half since Thanksgiving, and the bakery has been busy with pre-holiday buzz and orders for holiday parties. I limit how many special orders I take in, and I’m reaching that limit. Fortunately, Beth helps me and together we fill the orders.

  “That’s good. The team is really improving. One of the players pitched 85 miles per hour today. That’s huge. He’s five away from a fastball. In his level that means recruiting. I’m going to work with him.”

  “That’s awesome!” I shift to get a better view of him. “What do you do to pitch faster? Is it just muscle?”

  “No. Well, muscle helps since force is used to throw, but control and positioning i
s key. The grip on the ball is important. Depending on where you position your fingers, it spins differently. So much goes into pitching beside just winding up and throwing the ball. The batter will be observing, waiting. You can’t let him, or anyone, see what you’re going to pitch. Pitchers keep the ball hidden in their glove until ready to strike.”

  “That sounds like a lot of concentrating.”

  Parker laughs and leans his head down to kiss me. “It is.”

  “Well, I’m sure you’re the perfect person to help him improve.”

  “You say that because you love me. Not sure I’m the perfect person, but I will work my ass off to help him.”

  “Hmmm…” I sigh at the feel of his fingers in my hair and close my eyes.

  “If you keep making those noises, I’m going to have to get you naked and under me.”

  “No objection here.” I reach up for his lips, licking the outline of them before plunging my tongue in his mouth and tasting him. His growl vibrates down my body, sending shockwaves down my spine.

  The phone rings, interrupting us, and Parker curses under his breath before answering.

  “Hello?” I giggle at his annoyance and stand to get some water from his fridge. His voice is soft as he talks to the person on the phone. “I’ll let you know, mom.” I smile learning it is Nancy. She’s been calling about Christmas. I told Parker to go ahead and spend the holidays with his family. “I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye.”

  “She doesn’t quit.” Parker puts his phone on the couch. I smile at him from the entryway in the living room and walk to him.

  “I told you to go for the holidays. You’ll have two weeks off, take advantage.”

  “But you’ll be here. It’s our first Christmas together.”

  “You’re such a sap.”

  “I want to be with you.”

  “We’ll have plenty of other Christmases. I’ll be crazy busy with the bakery those weeks. You’d barely see me.”


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