The Shifter Protector's Virgin

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The Shifter Protector's Virgin Page 80

by Leela Ash

  The same old feeling ignited between them. She hadn't lied when she said she loved him. It wasn't the crazy, teenage, head-over-heels love she felt for her step-brother, though. It was calm, considerate and respectful. She was blessed by Robert letting her into his heart and home.

  Was sex really the worst way to say thank you?

  Was sex really the worst way to say goodbye?


  She undid the buttons of Robert's pajama shirt.

  “You don't have to do this,” he protested.

  “And what if I want to?”

  He closed his eyes and smiled. “I'm in no position to fight you off or deny you anything in my last few moments.”

  She tugged at the tie on his pajama pants. The waist was loose enough for her to tug them under his buttocks. The mossy green color of his skin, she'd seen before. She bore the fruits of making love to such a half-living man.

  His cock was noticeably cooler to the touch. Flaccid in her warm hands, she soon had blood pumping through it. One thing she noticed was no matter how erect she was able to make him, his body remained cool – as cool as a corpse.

  She'd only given birth days earlier. Britney’s vagina was in no condition for sex. The uncomfortable, but not completely unwelcome invasion by Liam on her ass on the night she gave birth was still vivid in her mind, however.

  Britney undid the belt of her robe and let it fall to the ground. One of Robert's last visions would be that of a beautiful, toned young woman. Even just a few days after giving birth, she was still a vision. She stood still, watching his translucent green eyes admiring her figure. She lightly straddled him. Reaching behind, she gripped the pulsating prick and prepared to sit on it. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled and let the thick helmet burst through her asshole. It had been a while since she'd bedded Robert, and she had forgotten the girth of him. Liam's rocket-esque dick was thin enough to slip in easily. Robert's fuller, longer dick was more of a challenge.

  She realized she should have lubed Robert's cock and her asshole before commencing. Robert was kind enough to spit in his hand and wet his shaft. He let his fingers smear saliva around the already stretched asshole. Hands on her hips, Robert watched as she slowly eased herself down his length. Her nostrils were flaring as she let her ass relax around the thick dick.

  She stayed seated and ran her hand gently and lovingly over Robert's chest. She could almost see the skin becoming thinner around his big build. His large bones were prominent. He reached for her breasts and smiled as milk leaked from her nipples.

  Knowing exactly what he would want, Britney obliged Robert without him having to verbalize his wish. Leaning low, as Robert lifted his legs to ensure her ass remained spiked on his erection, she let a fleshy tit dangle by his mouth. He had enough strength to take the nipple and nurse on the milk. His suckling became so intense, she pulled back until her nipple snapped out from between his teeth.

  Bending forward, she let Robert's rod slip from her back passage. She kissed him passionately, her tongue delving into his mouth to taste him. She could taste his life ebbing away. He almost tasted of death. Death and rotting flesh. His breathing was even slowing.

  “Ride me one last time. Ride me into death.”

  “I don't want to leave you in death. If I leave you in death, you'll never be with me. I'll never see anyone again.”

  “Don't let me become one of them. Please don't let me turn. I don't want to end up like Liam.”

  Britney didn’t care if she’d just had a baby a few days before. She settled on his cock. It felt blissful in her cunt, though she knew she had lost the tightness she possessed nine months earlier. Robert didn't seem to mind. He bucked his hips, encouraging her to forget his weary body and think of him as the fit stallion he always believed himself to be.

  Hands on his shoulders, Britney began riding his cock slowly. Her mind was not on the task. Robert didn't know that Liam did appear to be capable of affection and attachment. Killing Robert would deprive her of building that same connection. Maybe being the only member of the household left with life, Britney could raise her and Liam’s child and not miss out on the only two real men she'd ever loved. It was better to let Robert turn so she could train him, teach him, and allow him to exist in the same state that Liam seemed to have some quality of existence in. She knew there was something of Liam left, and she knew there would be something of Robert left, too.

  Satisfied with her decision, even though it went against Robert's dying wishes, she began to build up some enthusiasm for Robert’s last fuck. His last living fuck, that was. Planting her feet on the ground she bobbed herself up and down on the cock. She'd let the head burst through her looser slit and then raise herself so it slipped out. Other times she'd plant herself on the full nine inches so her weight rested fully on his pubic bone. Then she'd raise herself to the point where the helmet of his cock tugged at the entrance of the pussy. She'd repeatedly teased him, taking him in at different depths and releasing him at different times. Reaching behind she could feel his balls, full of cum, tighten as they got ready to unload. Squatting on his cock, she rubbed herself back and forth. Her clit was tantalized by the thick patch of Robert's pubic hair. Bringing herself to climax, she bent forward again so he could nurse from her milky white tits until he turned.

  His hungry mouth attacking her soft breast flesh had Britney wet and horny as she ground harder and felt the familiar tingles of an oncoming orgasm begin to emanate from her clit. As the orgasm threatened to overtake her, she flung her head back, ready to release an ecstatic scream. Just then, Robert opened his teeth in a fierce snarl. Her milky white tits had become more than just two irresistible melons that he had to suck on… Now that wasn’t enough. He had to rip them open and eat them. As she slammed her pussy down on his thick shaft, he brought his teeth down toward her fat, round nipple.

  At the last second, however, he felt a rough stick planted between his teeth. Oh well, he thought. Those tits would have tasted great, but he was still happy. With his last moments of human sentience, he felt nothing but joy and gratitude as his balls finally unleashed their last into Britney in a torrent, as cum erupted from his cock one last time.

  Britney had not outlasted everyone by being stupid. She was just crazy. She had been prepared in case he turned and had gotten the stick ready for just that purpose. As his body lay there, spending the last of its seed, she rode out the last of her orgasm as well. After his eruption, he had quieted and she had secured him to the bed. She would sort out what to do with him later. It seemed she would not be alone at all. She would have her little family to care for after all, she thought happily.


  MC Romance

  What the Outlaw Demands

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Thank you so much for your interest in my work!


  Kristin watched the hands of the clock ticking opposite her. Every second seemed to drag and she bit the edge of her pen as she turned to look out of the office window. After working so hard to get there, now all she wanted to do was run. The thought of spending another week in that place was making her skin crawl.

  Outside, in the corridor, she could see the male partners all patting each other on the back and boosting each other’s egos. She was never invited into their little office chats, ones where she could be a part of the boys club. In the center of it was Pete, grinning from ear to ear, taking the odd glance back to her office because he knew she would be watching.

  Fucking Pete , she thought.

  She knew at home later he would be full of it. He’d swagger in, puffing his chest and try to make her feel inferior. It was how it always went… She got ignored and he made he
r feel like crap about it. She knew she needed to change firms…and boyfriends…but she had wanted to be a partner at Anderson and Coleridge Law so much that she just didn’t think she had it in her to walk away.

  She realized she was holding the pen so tight, it was almost snapping in her hand.

  “Shit,” she breathed out and dropped it on the desk. She was going to have to calm down. She didn’t need to work herself up like this… She was bigger than them and she wasn’t going to rise to it. Instead, she got to her feet, walked over to the door and lowered the blind so the pane of glass allowing her to see the little boys club grooming each other in the hallway was blocked out. She went back to her desk, sat down and closed her eyes.

  She was reaching her limit. She and Pete had been together for almost a year, and while it had started out really well, it had rapidly declined into something rather sinister. Pete was a control freak. He loved making her feel inferior, and even though she was a strong woman who could see right through him, there were times when she was afraid of what he was capable of. She could hear him out in the hallway, laughing and joking with the other male partners. She was the only female partner at the firm and was regularly left out, and although she was used to it, she was still struggling to accept it. Deep down she knew it was time to move on.

  Her phone rang and made her jump. “Hello?” she answered.

  “Hi, Kristin,” her PA Sally said from the other end. “Did you finish with the paperwork for the Green Case?”

  “Just give me five more minutes and I’ll bring it out to you,” she said with a sigh. She hated to admit it, but her work really was starting to suffer. She could never seem to keep her mind on the job.

  She looked down and scanned the explosion of files on the desk in front of her and wanted to scream. She rubbed her eyes and massaged her temples with her fingers.

  “I need to get out of here,” she whispered.

  She got to her feet and looked out across the skyline. It was almost five and the sun looked like it was already on its way down, which was impossible for summer, but she felt it all the same.

  “I guess it’s always night somewhere,” she said to herself.

  Her telephone rang again and she jumped. She turned around and grabbed the receiver. “Just five more minutes, Sally,” she snapped.

  “No,” Sally said quietly, clearly taken aback by her boss’s tone. “It’s a call from the police department. They have someone in custody who wants to talk to you.”

  “What?” she said rubbing her temples again. “Can’t it wait? We have a duty lawyer who could deal with that.”

  “They asked for you specifically,” she said nervously. “The cop said his name was Dan Lockhart.”

  Kristin paused for a moment, her heart rising into her throat at the sound of the name… A name she hadn’t heard for years.

  “Did you say Dan Lockhart?” she repeated as she sat back down at her desk.

  “That’s what the cop told me, yeah,” Sally confirmed.

  “Okay,” Kristin said quietly, “Put him on.”

  The line beeped, and there was a click before Kristin could hear shallow breathing on the other end of the line.

  “Dan?” she whispered, still unsure of whether she believed it.

  “Kristin?” he replied.

  Her skin went cold when she heard his voice, but she instantly found herself smiling.

  “How the heck are you?” he asked, as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  “I’m wonderful,” she smiled. “I take it things aren’t so great for you?”

  “Haha,” he chuckled. “They’re certainly not… I could do with your expertise.”

  “Which station are you at?” she asked as she grabbed a pen.

  “South,” he sounded as if he was smoking. “I would normally deal with this sort of thing myself, but I thought it might be a nice excuse to see you again after all these years.”

  “Just stay put and don’t say anything. You can explain to me when I get there.” She hung up the phone and grabbed her jacket.

  The Green case file would have to wait…


  Dan Lockhart… she hadn’t heard a word from him in over ten years, and here he was calling her as if it were only yesterday. She was a fool for going down there. She should have told him she was busy, or that she didn’t deal with criminal cases anymore… He was probably in hot water, after all. Hell, she should have told him anything. But there was something drawing her to him. Just hearing his voice again after all that time had instantly struck a chord.

  She slid into the driver’s seat of her Mercedes and fastened her seat belt. It was dark in the firm’s underground parking lot, and the summer heat was intense and stuffy. She started the engine and put the AC on full blast before she looked at herself in the review mirror. Her heart was pounding and her pupils were dilated. In a rush of memory she recalled the last time she had seen him… She remembered it all…


  Growing up, Kristin had fallen hard and fast for Dan. He was her next-door neighbor and one of the hottest guys at her high school. He was a few years older than her and she had watched him from afar while she matured. She had seen him go from being the boy next door to something else entirely…something frightening. She had heard the arguments. She had watched him come home tattooed and liquored up, and saw the bruises and the scars. Whatever he was doing, it was bad. And what surprised her even more than the fact that he kept doing it…was the fact that she liked it.

  He never seemed to really realize that she existed until one afternoon when she came home from school when she was about seventeen and he was out on the driveway having a screaming match with his parents. She pulled up in her car and parked it down the street before meekly walking up the path to her front door. He was screaming, spitting hate and anger at them. He had a red raw scar right down his face from the corner of his eye to his chin, and she knew she was gawping but she couldn’t stop.

  “What the fuck are you looking at?” he spat as she tried to reach her front door and pretend like none of it was happening.

  His parents rounded on him, his mother trying to pull him back from the truck that was waiting for him. Inside, a man tipped his hat and smoked a cigarette while laughing and cranking up the heavy rock he was listening to.

  “Please, Dan!” his mother called. “Don’t do this!”

  He stuck his middle finger up at her and strode down to the truck before pulling open the door and jumping inside. The driver pulled out of the driveway with a wheel spin and they shouted something at Kristin that sounded like “Show us your pussy!” and then they were gone.

  Kristin went inside, flushed red and turned on. She had no idea what had just happened, but it had woken something inside of her. From that moment on, Dan Lockhart, the dangerous boy from next door, was all she could think about.

  He came back a week later, black and blue and miserable. She watched him from her bedroom window as he lay in the backyard sunbathing with his shirt off, exposing his rippling abs and tanned chest. His tattoos were fierce and they covered him from neck to waist. Kristin bit her lip as she watched him and wondered what it would feel like to be swept up in his arms. When he caught her looking, she was so embarrassed she didn’t know how she would ever face him. But luckily for her, Dan wasn’t as shy.

  The following evening, she was down in her own backyard and he stuck his head over the fence and dangled a bottle of beer.

  “Care to join?” he asked her.

  Kristin was a mess of nerves and excitement inside, and although she knew she should stay away and go back inside, she just couldn’t. She had to get to know him some more.

  She went to his yard, and they sat on deck chairs and drank straight from the bottle. He barely spoke to her, but he eyed her continuously and kept flashing her a mischievous smile. She knew it was the start of something, but she also knew she couldn’t let it happen. She was a good girl. She was on course for bigger and better
things than her dumb small town, and she couldn’t let a bad boy hold her back… No matter how much she wanted it.

  She went to leave, but he pushed her up against the wall of his garage. “You’re all I’ve thought about since the moment we moved here, did you know that?” he said. His knuckles were skinned raw and the smell of stale smoke clung to him, oozing out of his pores. Instead of turning her off, it made her even hotter for him.

  “I’m going to get you one day,” he grinned. “Little Miss Good Girl… you’re not even going to know what’s hit you.”

  Kristin’s heart pounded as she ran back home and locked herself in her bedroom. She stripped naked and ran a cold shower before jumping in and cooling off. Dan Lockhart was such bad news, the worst kind…

  She didn’t seen him again after that night. Her mother told her that he had been arrested and that he’d got involved with a gang. Kristin left for college a year later and trained to be a lawyer. She heard snippets of information from her family and his about what he was up to, and it was never anything good. Their mothers had become good friends, and they regularly chatted about both Kristin and Dan, but the last she had heard, he was heavily involved with bikers and organized crime. When she got the call from him, she was more surprised it hadn’t happened sooner. She was pretty sure she would be the only lawyer he knew.


  As she pulled up outside of the station, she looked into the mirror again and reapplied her lipstick. It had been over ten years since the night in the yard that summer, but after hearing his voice again, it felt like only ten days. She was excited to see him but also apprehensive. He’d been her first crush and completely forbidden because of his edge and criminal ways. She had no idea what to expect. He could be anyone now. He could be married for all she knew. But there was something deep inside her that had the feeling he was about to make good on his promise.


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