Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3)

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Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3) Page 3

by Mary Rundle

  “Ian, I run an informal pack and while I appreciate your act of deference, it isn’t necessary. Now, what’s Dylon’s medical condition?”

  “He’s stable and slowly improving. However, his face is probably going to be a mess even with plastic surgery. I don’t think he’ll be able to shift anymore.”

  Shocked faces stared back at Ian—a shifter who couldn’t let his wolf run free was unthinkable. Finally, Jackson spoke, “Are you sure? If I remember correctly, Colton told me your father was badly injured but he could still shift, right?”

  “When my father healed, his bones had knitted together in his leg properly; however, the scarring of the muscle made his leg weak and therefore he could no longer be a fighter. But Dylon’s case is different. Every bone in his face is broken. And he can’t shift right now. They are already knitting together improperly. I’m keeping him sedated until I figure out what’s the best course of treatment.”

  “Well, do you have a plan?” asked Jackson.

  “Yes, Colton will use Raphael’s Power on Dylon. It’s the only way.”

  “But I thought that was for shifters who are near death. You just told me he was stable.”

  “Stable, yes, for now. But not for much longer. There’s only so much sedation I can give wolf shifters because they are designed to shift and heal. Soon Dylon’s wolf will force him awake and Dylon will be in excruciating pain. We will have no choice but to kill Dylon because his wolf will become insane from it.”

  Everyone heard Cody’s sob as he clutched his chest. “No, no, no…Jackson. You can’t let that happen. Please ask my brother to use his power to save my mate.” Cody stood, unsure of what to do. No, he knew what he had to do.

  “Your mate?” Ian cried. “Why didn’t someone tell me?”

  Jackson stood and let his Alpha power swirl around the room’s occupants.

  When he had everyone’s attention, he said, “Cody, your mate will be healed. Ian, please tell Colton he is to use Raphael’s Power to heal Dylon right away. In fact, we will join you. Cody, come on, I promise you Colton will save your mate.”

  After a stop in the great room to check on Daniel, they all made its way downstairs where they were greeted by a distressed Colton.

  “Oh gods, I’m glad you’re here, Ian. Dylon is becoming more agitated as the sedative is wearing off. What do you want to do?”

  Jackson spoke, “Colton, I want you to heal Dylon by using your power and please do it now.”

  Ian piped up. “Dylon is Cody’s Fated Mate.”

  “You’re shitting me!”

  “No, please hurry because as Ian has explained—time is of the essence,” said Jackson.

  Colton glanced at his fellow triplet’s face and saw the truth staring back at him. “Okay, then.”

  “Hold on, Colton, I’m coming with you,” Cody said.

  “You aren’t going in there by yourself, I’m coming with you too,” added Ian.

  “Let’s all go. I want to be there when Dylon wakes up,” Jackson said, “and I know my mate will insist on going with me.” They all followed Cody and Colton into the hospital room and immediately saw Dylon’s restless condition.

  “I’ll give him one more dose of a sedative first and hopefully he will calm down until you are finished,” Ian said to Colton. After administering it, Ian monitored his patient’s vitals. Once they were stable and Dylon had lapsed back into a light coma, he nodded at his mate.

  Colton stepped next to Dylon and extended his arm until his fingers were touching Dylon’s chest. Just as he was about to call on Raphael, he heard Mystia speak.

  “I must remove Cody’s spell before Dylon wakes up.”

  “Now?” Cody asked.

  Oracle nodded and explained. “Dylon will be waking up with strange shifters around him including two Dire Wolves. His wolf will come forth in an attack mode in an effort to protect Dylon. If he scents his mate, his wolf will be calm.”

  Cody pictured the outcome if his mate shifted in front of Jackson—especially with Steel in the room. “Go ahead, Mystia,” Cody said.

  She raised her hands, held them over his chest and chanted. Her lips moved but even with his wolf’s hearing Cody couldn’t make out her words. Mystia stepped back and said, “It is done.”

  Jackson said, “Go ahead Colton.”

  Calling on Raphael to help him, Colton felt the power surge through his body and exit out his fingers into Dylon while a blinding green light filled the room. Everyone heard the buzzing until it faded along with the light. Then Colton removed his fingers—and waited.

  Dylon felt the buzzing and saw the flash of green light in his mind and, at first, worried his tormentors were back to beat him again—that was, until he could feel his bones snap into place and heal. It was amazing as he could see in his mind what was happening to him. He’d never felt anything like this before and wanted it to last for a long time. Finally, his pain was gone and his face felt normal. Then his wolf howled—a mating howl. Dylon was confused. He wasn’t mated so why was his wolf so happy?

  He sniffed and what he smelled made his cock rise—moss, lichen, tundra soil, and blueberries. Sadness washed over him as he realized he was probably dead—killed by those bastards he used to work with, all because he was accused of a crime he didn’t commit. Now, he would never be able to clear his name—that and his concern for his parents had kept him from giving up long after lesser men would. Suddenly, he realized his wolf was prancing interspersed with mating howls. While trying to make sense of all this, he heard a voice so deep and rich it curled around his spine and caressed all of his nerve endings at the same time. My mate! I have a mate! But where am I?

  Cody watched as his mate’s face returned to normal and gasped at how gorgeous he was—rich brown hair with golden highlights, strong forehead, straight nose, high cheekbones, square chin covered in a very short scruff— but his eyes quickly zeroed in to Dylon’s mouth. There, by gods, was a mouth made just for him, wide with a full, plump bottom lip, just begging for his cock. A low groan slipped from Cody’s mouth and his cock grew in length and hardness.

  He kept his eyes on his mate as Dylon returned to his former self and Cody could see why his mate became an enforcer—tall, with broad shoulders and well-defined muscles all over his body. If the Fates wanted to send him someone who would be able to protect him, they couldn’t have made a better choice. But will he want me once he finds out what I am? Cody knew in that instant he’d be heartbroken if his mate rejected him.

  As he stood by the bedside, he realized his ability to complete his mission required Dylon by his side or else he would fail. And if that happened, he would not be able to live with himself, not that he was doing so well right now by staying alive. He was hanging on by a thread which was getting thinner by the day. It was taking everything out of him just to appear normal to his brothers. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could sustain the illusion.

  Dylon kept his eyes closed as he became aware of his surroundings. His wolf scented six wolves and a human, no, not a human but not a shifter either. He mentally took stock of his wolf and found him lying down, tongue lolling while panting and shit, smiling? His wolf was smiling at a room full of unknown wolves, two, no make that three who were humongous. What the fuck? He trusted his wolf implicitly—except the last time he was called into Rudy’s office. No, that time he ignored his agitated wolf and walked into a nice, neat trap. Yeah, well that’s what I get for ignoring my wolf. Should I trust him now?

  “Dylon, can you hear me? I’m Cody.”

  Cody—he’s my mate. Oh wow, Mum and Dad are going to be so happy. I found my mate. Holy fuck! A mate! His voice!

  “Let me,” Ian said to Cody when Dylon’s eyes remained closed. “Dylon, I’m Dr. Wallace. Can you open your eyes?”

  Trust my wolf—trust my mate. Dylon opened his eyes and found himself staring into Cody’s beautiful brown eyes with rings of gold threaded through the irises. Long, lush, brown lashes framed those eyes, filled so completely
with sadness that his wolf growled at their mate being unhappy. I’m right there with you my friend. Why is our mate so sad? Dylon’s eyes searched his mate’s face looking for the source of his melancholy, but found only a beautiful man with short, dark brown hair, well-defined cheekbones, and a clean-shaven face. A clear view of his mouth brought up fantasies of what he wanted to do with his mate’s luscious lips.

  Someone moved, causing the air currents to swirl and bring his mate’s scent to him fresh and strong. His wolf moaned, he moaned, as together they sensed their other half. Dylon opened his mouth to speak, but his mate laid a finger on it, shushing him. He couldn’t resist and his tongue darted out to sneak a quick taste of the man who was making his cock so hard it was almost painful. As his tongue connected with his mate’s finger, he could wait no longer—a long, loud mating howl erupted from his wolf. Dylon wanted his mate now.

  “Cody,” Jackson said, “Ian has to examine him to make sure everything has healed properly.”

  Cody glanced at his brother and nodded, knowing what Jackson wanted him to do. “Dylon, honey, I’m Cody. You have been badly injured and the doc needs to make sure you’re completely healed. Will your wolf allow him to do that? I’ll be right here with you.”

  Dylon gave a short nod as his hand sought to touch his mate’s.

  Cody grasped it and smiled. “I promise, I’ll be right here.”

  Ian quickly checked Dylon’s vitals and then laying his hands on his face, checked the healing of the bones. It was as if Dylon’s face never received the brutal beating. After finishing his examination, he said, “He’s as good as new and won’t suffer any long-term consequences from the beating.”

  Jackson said, “Cody, I know you want to speak to Dylon alone, and you will, but I have some questions first, if you don’t mind.”

  Cody gave a quick look at his brother before turning back to his mate. “Dylon, Jackson is my brother and Alpha of our pack. Are you up to answering some questions?”

  Dylon’s voice cracked from the dryness in his throat, “Okay, but some water please?”

  Colton handed his brother a glass with a straw, “Only a few sips at first, Cody.”

  “Got it.”

  Dylon gratefully drank before his mate pulled the glass away. “Thank you, Cody.”

  That voice, raspy and deep, infiltrated Cody’s body until every nerve was on edge. Holy fuck! What the hell just happened to me? Staring at his mate’s face, Cody was certain he could see Dylon’s wolf who was watching him carefully.

  “Dylon, I’m Jackson, Alpha of the Blackwood Pack. Can you tell me who beat you within an inch of your life?”

  By all that is holy my mate is a fucking member of the pack I was hunting? What kind of fucking game are the Fates playing on me? My mate—a murderer?

  This cannot be. Fated Mate be dammed. I need to get out of here. Will this fucking nightmare never end? Dylon carefully looked around and came to the conclusion this was neither the time nor the place. He would have to wait until an opportunity arose. He knew he couldn’t raise any red flags about his plan to escape.

  “No, I’m sorry, I don’t remember what happened. Where did you find me?”

  Mystia spoke. “My husband found you in a ditch alongside the highway. He brought you here to have Dr. Wallace help you.”

  “I’m sorry, who are you?” Dylon asked.

  “She’s Mystia, my surrogate mother,” Cody replied.

  “Okay, but what are you?”

  “I’m a witch.”

  For some reason, Dylon felt he’d met her before but couldn’t remember when. “Have we met before?”

  “Dylon,” Jackson injected, “Can we go back to your beating. Are you sure you don’t remember anything about it?”

  “I already answered that question.”

  “I know, but my brother just wants to make sure the people who did this to you won’t try again,” Cody said. “If someone tracks you here and tries again, we want to be ready for them.”

  “Sorry, can’t help you.”

  Jackson heard Steel through his mind link tell him Dylon was lying and Jackson agreed but couldn’t figure out why. “Dylon, I’m concerned about who did this to you because of the danger it poses not only to you, Cody and this pack, but I have a newborn pup whose father is very protective of right now. Now I know you don’t know me or my pack, but Cody, who is your Fated Mate, is a pack member and if he is in danger, then I know you will do everything to protect him. Is that right?” Jackson said.

  Fuck! He’s right! Rudy will kill my mate. If he finds out

  I survived, he’ll use my mate as a weapon against me. Shit! I have to protect him. All thoughts of fleeing left his mind as his wolf stood, eyes gleaming while low growls filled Dylon’s head.

  Chapter 4

  Dylon heard his name and looked at a stunningly beautiful woman who appeared young, her body tight, her face unlined. The only indication of her age was long silver hair falling in layers around her face, highlighting sculptured cheekbones and soft lips. Her ice-green eyes were like lasers that could latch onto prey with pinpoint accuracy. He knew who she was as he had met her when she paid a visit to his parents. Oh Fuck! She knows!

  “Hello Oracle,” Dylon said.

  “Wait, you two know each other?” Jackson asked.

  “Yes, I met Dylon when I was visiting his parents. How are they?”

  “They were fine the last time we spoke, ma’am.”

  “I am glad to hear it. Please send them my regards the next time you speak with them.”

  “Will do.”

  “Dylon, would you rather I tell Jackson what happened to you? Would it be easier for you than to have to relive it?”

  “No ma’am, I’ll do it,” Dylon said, glancing at his mate before looking at Jackson. “I was an enforcer with the Silver Point Pack and was accused of betraying the pack. I was locked up and repeatedly beaten in an effort to obtain my confession. The last time, the beating did not stop and I blacked out. After that I have no recollection of anything until I woke up here, apparently like new. My parents will thank you personally for saving and healing me.”

  “Why did they think you betrayed the pack?” asked Jackson.

  “Because of a video they had showing someone who looked like me talking about pack business to an unknown person.”

  “But you are sure it wasn’t you?”

  “Yes, I’d have remembered it if I’d done it which I wouldn’t have in the first place.”

  “Okay, let’s leave that for later. Do you know if the Silver Point Pack wants you dead?”

  “I’d assume so since they beat the crap out of me and left me for dead. Do you know where they dumped me?”

  “In a ditch running alongside a highway near our old pack house.”

  “The one on the mountain near Blackwood Pass?”

  “Yes. Do you think they’ll check to see if you’re dead?”

  “I dunno. Maybe. But I don’t see why they would.”

  Jackson turned to Mystia and said, “Better tell Jimmy to be on the lookout, just in case, when you guys go home, and I think you should take some enforcers with you for a few days.” Then Jackson turned back to Dylon. “You are welcome to stay here. I’ll have a suite prepared for you and Cody as I expect some alone time will be needed. Any questions?”

  Dylon thought and knew he needed to ask the question that might get him killed. “Yeah, why did you kill your family and the rest of your pack?”

  Jackson stared at him, unable to believe what he’d heard. He heard Steel growl and saw Cody move closer to his mate while Colton grabbed Ian, shoving him behind him. A tsunami of pain and grief filled his body as his mind rebooted the memories of the night he was told his parents and younger siblings were murdered as he stood in Las Vegas, unable to breathe, heartbroken and numb—it was as if it happened yesterday.

  “Dylon,” said Oracle, “Do you believe I can only speak the truth?”

  “Yes, you’re an Oracle so you
cannot lie.”

  Oracle inclined her head slightly in acknowledgement of Dylon’s statement before saying, “The people who killed Jackson and your mate’s family were the Silver Point Alpha and his enforcers. You have been lied to by them.”

  “But why? I don’t get it. What a fucking mess. Why don’t you go to the High Council? I can talk to my father. You can’t let them get away with this!” Dylon was angry. He was with Rudy when they found the old pack house. Fuck, I might have killed my mate. Holy Shit! My wolf doesn’t like that thought. “Look Oracle, my father would listen to you and if you tell him that, the High Council would take action against them. Let me call my father so you speak talk to him.”

  “Who the fuck is your father and why would the High Council listen to him?” growled Steel.

  “My father is Franklin Royd and the vice chair of the High Council. Oracle knows him. She can speak to him about Silver Point.”

  “Mother, is this true? You could’ve done this and stopped the threat my mate and my son live under? Why the fuck didn’t you say so?” yelled Steel.

  Jackson rested his hand on Steel’s arm, calming him while he addressed Oracle. “I know there must be a very good reason why you didn’t tell me about this.”

  “I am in possession of a great deal of knowledge but it is under the control of the Fates as to when and where I am allowed to disclose it. I am sorry, but that is the part of being an Oracle that is the hardest.”

  “Bro, please don’t get angry at her,” begged Cody, “because you’d have to be angry with me too. The information I possess is for my use alone. That’s why Mom made sure no one else knew about me. She was afraid I’d be tortured for my knowledge if it was found out.”

  Jackson stared at his brother, the pain evident on Cody’s face. He finally realized the tremendous burden his brother must live with—just as painful for Oracle to know she had the power within her to protect the ones she loved, but couldn’t. “I’m not angry at either you or Oracle, just sad about your burdens.” Turning to Dylon, he asked, “Are you satisfied the Blackwood Pack and, more specifically your mate, weren’t responsible of the massacre of the Fox River Pack?”


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