Klingon Hearts 07 Blaze - Sudden Insight

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Klingon Hearts 07 Blaze - Sudden Insight Page 3

by Tracy Sobieski

  "Come for me, 'Leena," he demanded softly and she did. The climax coursed though her with a frightening intensity....

  She woke with a faint cry, her body still throbbing from the orgasm. Opening her eyes, she met his intense black gaze. He lay on his side, stretched out next to her, one hand supported his head and the other rested lightly on the blanket between them, taking in her flushed skin, parted lips, dilated eyes.

  With slow deliberation his hand traveled over her leg and she couldn't believe she was letting him do it. Her nightgown had hiked up while she slept and soon his hand was running up the inside of her thigh, raising goosebumps on her skin.

  He bent his head and kissed her deeply when he encountered the very wet, very slick junction between her legs. He ran his fingers along the petal soft skin and took in the arousal and moisture from her climax, parting her gently so he could touched her more intimately at the same time he opened her mouth with his tongue.

  The duel sensations of being opened and invaded sent her reeling. With slow, steady pressure a single finger slid deep inside and she cried out softly against his mouth, her back arching toward him in an unconscious move. Lucas stroked her carefully, feeling her clasp around his finger. His lips moved along her jaw, he nipped her slightly and was rewarded with a soft purr.

  "So," he whispered against her ear. "I don't turn you on?"

  Her eyes shot wide with sudden insight and she met his knowing gaze.

  "You son of a bitch!"

  She pushed him away with a growl and came off the bed quickly.

  "Stay out of my head, Lucas Riker!" K'Leena yelled and slammed the bathroom door behind her.

  She could hear him laughing through the door. Damn him! He did that deliberately. Show her for the liar she was. Kahless, she did want him. And he knew it.

  Lucas lay back on her bed and was slightly shocked at the feeling of incredible relief that flooded through him. It had been years since he touched his mind to hers. Somewhere down the line there had been an unconscious decision by both of them to stop speaking telepathically. He didn't even know when it happened, exactly. He just remembered realizing one day that he wasn't tuned into her thoughts when they were together. Up until today, he never tried to reestablish their link, never sure if it was still there and frankly, a little scared to find out.

  Making love to her with his mind was the most erotic thing he'd ever done. Even if he had to put up with this raging hard-on for the whole day, it was worth it.

  Didn't turn her on? Like hell.


  Lucas stepped out of her shower and grabbed a towel. He was chilled to the bone. He may have needed a cold shower but he was pretty sure her using all the hot water was not done with his best interests at heart. Rubbing vigorously, he dried himself off and pulled his jeans on. Walking back into her bedroom he was surprised to hear voices. His jaw clenched when he realized who was talking to K'Leena.

  "Where were you last night? I came by and you weren't home," Steven said and K'Leena gritted her teeth against the possessive note in his voice.

  "I went out with a friend."

  "Well, we can make up the missed time today. We wouldn't even have to leave the apartment, if you didn't want to." Steven brought his fingers to the open v-neck of her robe, touching the skin over her collarbone.

  K'Leena almost jumped back from him. When he touched her she felt uncomfortable. When had this happened? She'd been dating him for months, what was different now?

  "K'Leena, honey, where did you put my...."

  She spun around to see Lucas walk into her living room, wearing only his jeans which he hadn't bothered to fasten, his hair still wet from the shower. She closed her eyes and swallowed hard. It looked, for all the world, like the two of them had just showered together, since she was dressed in nothing more than her bathrobe and her hair hung soaking wet down her back.

  "What the hell is -he- doing here?!"

  Steven never did like Lucas and looking at the menacing expression on Lucas' face, K'Leena realized the feeling was mutual.

  "It's not...," she began only to be cut off.

  "...any of your business," Lucas finished the sentence. Of course, that wasn't what she was going to say, but....

  "You two-timing little tramp," Steven hissed, grabbing her arm painfully. K'Leena pulled out of his grasp and stepped back, shocked at the hatred in his eyes.

  "I think it's time you left," Lucas said quietly, stepping between her and Steven.

  The two men were of like height, but Lucas had a whipcord leanness about him that screamed of a man who could do considerable damage given a reason. And Steven had just given him one.

  "Yeah, I sure as hell don't want to be where I'm not welcome," Steven snarled and left.

  Lucas turned around to find K'Leena glaring at him. He shrugged and walked back into her bedroom to finish dressing. It would probably be a good idea to be fully clothed when she threw him out.

  She stood opened mouthed at his audacity. Who the -hell- did he think he was?!

  When he emerged a few minutes later, completely dressed, she was fit to be tied.

  "You arrogant," K'Leena threw a book at his head, --thud-- "over-bearing," a bronze statue, --thump-- "self-absorbed," glass vase, --shatter-- "jerk!" all of which he managed to duck out of the way of, causing her ire to rise even more.

  "Isn't this some kind of obscure Klingon mating ritual?" he asked with pseudo innocence. Lucas was really was pushing her today.

  K'Leena's eyes blazed with fury, the man was going to die a slow and painful death.

  "You had no -right- to do what you did!"

  "What are you so upset about? He was just like the others. All he wanted was your body. He was just able to hide it from you better."

  "That's not true!" but she knew it was. Steven's behavior on finding Lucas half naked in her apartment proved it. "Besides...that's all you want too," she said quietly.

  "If you really believe that...you don't know me at all," he said angrily and stormed out of the apartment.


  K'Leena thanked the delivery man and struggled to close the door and still hang on to the large box. What on Earth had Lucas sent her?

  She set the box on her coffee table and opened it. Kahless, the man had nerve!

  The damn thing was filled with lingerie. Long satin nightgowns. Silk pajamas. Even a couple of soft cotton T-shirts with matching shorts. None of it was overtly sexual, either. Not a single piece of gaudy red lace to be found. Purples, greens, blues, yellow...all colors she favored and styles she might have chosen herself...and the correct size. She didn't know what bothered her more, the fact the he knew -exactly- what she liked, or the fact that they were all the right size. There were more than a dozen different things in the box along with a card that read:

  I will personally burn that

  god-awful piece of flannel if

  I ever see it on you again.

  K'Leena snorted. Like he was going to be allowed back into her apartment ever again after this morning.

  Then she reached the bottom and found another box. She sat down on the couch to open it. Inside was the most decadent black nightgown she'd ever seen. It was completely backless and almost as frontless. Deep cut, halter style, sheer enough to see through in the right light. Her face flamed red just looking at it. She would -never- wear it, she thought as she opened the card that was with it.

  Yes, you will...for me.

  K'Leena stared at the bold handwriting for ages. Kahless, what were they doing? They'd tried the dating thing, it didn't work for them. But deep down, she knew this wasn't the same. Back then they were too young and wanted different things.

  Lucas was playing for higher stakes this time. The only problem was...she didn't know if she was ready for what he wanted.


  "You Klingon slut!" Steven pushed her into the apartment. "Keeping me at arms length while you were fucking -him-!"

  "Stay the hell away from me, Steve
n!" K'Leena backed up.

  "Not a chance, Ice Princess," he shrugged out of his jacket and tossed it aside.

  K'Leena tried to get past him and out the door. He caught her and threw her against the wall slamming the air from her lungs. She was surprised at his strength. He closed the door and advanced on her as she struggled to take a breath.

  "You want it rough?" he snarled. "I know Klingons like pain. Shall we see just how Klingon you are?"

  Steven reached for her again and she ducked away, running for her bedroom. She tried to slam the door but he got his foot in and they struggled. With a Herculean shove he pushed to door open, sending her flying, her side hitting the post of her bed. She felt a rib give way at the impact. He was on her before she could recover, pulling her to her feet by her hair. K'Leena bit back the cry of pain, she wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Then she struck him across the face with her closed fist. He roared in fury, backhanding her viciously. She fell on the bed, stunned. Steven wiped the blood from his lip with the palm of his hand, venom shot from his eyes, and K'Leena knew fear. She scrambled up but he was too fast. He slammed her to the bed with his body. She couldn't stop the scream, her rib felt like it sliced right though her.

  Her nightgown tore under his grasp, exposing her completely to him. His eyes blazed and she met his gaze defiantly.

  "I will kill you for this," she barred her teeth with a growl.

  The sound was enough to take him off guard for a moment. And that was enough for her to strike back, breaking his nose and sending blood spurting. Ignoring the pain in her side she shoved him off her. She grabbed the lamp off her nightstand and clobbered him with it, knocking him unconscious.

  She stood over him, seething in anger, wanting nothing more than to tear him limb from limb.

  "So much for coming to the rescue," Lucas said dryly from the bedroom doorway, his chest heaving from having run all the way.

  K'Leena spun around. Lucas swore viciously at the torn gown and blood covering her. He grabbed the blanket off the bed and wrapped her up in it.

  "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice shaking slightly. "Did he...."

  "I'm fine," she replied coldly. "He didn't hurt me."

  That was debatable, but he decided not to push the issue right now. There were more pressing matters to take care of.

  "Go and call the authorities," he told her. "I'll keep an eye on him."


  "Pack a bag, you're staying with me tonight," Lucas told her in a tone that brooked no argument. Of course, K'Leena had been arguing with him since they were three years old. Why he thought tonight would be any different, he didn't know.

  "No...I'm fine."

  "Look, we are -not- doing this tonight. I kicked in your door and it's not safe here. I'll carry you back to my place if I have to."

  "Don't even think about it, Riker."

  "K'Leena, get your stuff," he said tiredly. "This conversation is over. You're coming with me."

  "When did you become so damned domineering?" she grumped, grabbing her overnight bag.

  "When your life became more important to me than my own," he said, completely serious.

  Her mouth formed a perfect "O". She hadn't been expecting that.


  He watched as she favored her side again. She was hurt. He'd thought the pain he was sensing from her was emotional, not physical. Damn, he should have insisted on taking her to Medical. He should have known.

  "Take off your shirt," he said grimly.

  K'Leena turned around in surprise. He was standing very close.


  Lucas didn't wait for her to do as he asked. He grabbed the hem of her top and pulled it up and over her head. She hissed in pain and her arms crossed over her bare chest, but Lucas wasn't interested in her charms. He was focused on the dark purple bruise that ran along her side.

  "Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?" he demanded angrily.

  "It's nothing...I'll stop by Medical in the morning before work. I just didn't want to go tonight."

  "It's not 'nothing'!" He probed the bruise with his fingers, feeling the rib move under pressure. She couldn't stop the sharp cry from leaving her lips and he scowled. "You've got at least one broken rib. Sit down, I'll be right back."

  K'Leena sat on the edge of the couch, holding her shirt against her chest, too worn out to argue with him anymore. He returned a moment later with a Starfleet Med-Kit. A very well stocked Med-Kit at that.

  She raised an eyebrow when he pulled out an osteoregenerator. It wasn't exactly standard issue.

  "Just what is it that you do again?" she asked while he healed her ribs, taking a deep breath without pain for the first time in hours.

  "I'm a Tactical Consultant, you know that," came the neutral reply and she knew, with undeniable certainty, that he was lying to her.

  "Uh huh."

  Lucas met her knowing gaze and swore silently. "Don't, K'Leena," he warned her. "Don't go there."


  He'd been waiting for this. For it all to catch up with her. Lucas walked into his bedroom. She was sitting in the middle of his bed, arms wrapped around her legs, head buried against her knees, rocking back and forth. Silent tears, like always, she never wanted anyone to know she was crying. He always knew.

  Lucas sat down next to her, she looked up in shock, her face wet and eyes red and swollen. Then she did something that surprised him. She threw her arms around him and screamed in anger and pain. He pulled her close and held her to him as she sobbed.

  They stayed like that for a long time, before she shifted and drew herself up to look in his eyes. Something unspoken passed between them.

  Then she kissed him, for the first time in years, she kissed him. It wasn't soft or tentative. She was devouring his mouth, drawing him down, bringing him over her. Her hands began pulling at his pajamas, ripping the shirt from him. Feather soft touches moved over his body, sending shock waves through him. He slipped the straps of her nightgown off her shoulders and down her arms until she was bare above the waist, wanting nothing more than to feel her against him. His hand closed over her breast and he felt it swell to his touch. She gasped in sweet pleasure.

  It was heaven...and it was hell, because he knew it couldn't go on.

  Lucas struggled desperately to find some small piece of self control. This couldn't happen tonight, it was wrong, he knew that. She was doing it for all the wrong reasons, but his body didn't care. It raged against him when he met her hands and held them away.

  "No, 'Leena...not like this," he rasped in agony.

  "What's wrong?"

  "I won't do this...not now."

  "I thought you wanted me?" she said accusingly.

  "More than the breath I just took...but not tonight. You're not ready for this."

  "Why don't you let me decide what I'm ready for?" her voice was liquid seduction as she rocked her hips against his, feeling how much he did want her.

  Lucas gave in for a moment, groaning as his mouth found hers again, parting her lips with his tongue, tasting her, treasuring her. He let himself go for a few seconds, let himself feel her completely, then he reined in the passion. Pulling back, he put his weight on his elbows, his hips still nestled between her thighs. She looked up, desire plainly written across her face, and he almost changed his mind. It was what he wanted most in the universe. The thought of making love to her was enough to drive him insane, the actual reality of it was so much more than he expected. He brought his hands to her face, tracing the delicate features.

  "Someday soon, I -will- make love to you, K'Leena," he told her, deadly serious. "But not tonight, not when you're like this. Not when the decision to accept me is being made out of the desire to block him out...not let me in, understand?"

  "I don't want to be alone tonight," she replied in a small voice.

  "I'm not going anywhere."

  Lucas rolled over and brought her with him. She lay along side of him with her head cradled against his chest.
Her small hand rested over his heart. Lucas grabbed the blanket and covered them both.

  It was enlightening to lay with him like this. She realized she liked it...a lot.



  "What's it like to be able to read someone's thoughts while you're making love to them?"

  "I have no idea, I don't use telepathy when I'm making love," he told her honestly.


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