Redemption, Book III of the Arotas Trilogy

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Redemption, Book III of the Arotas Trilogy Page 11

by Miles, Amy

  “I am when I’m forced to babysit a toddler.”

  His sharp retort makes her nostrils flare with anger. Nicolae watches as she grits her teeth. “I am not a”

  Stomping on her foot, Nicolae wraps his arm around her shoulder and steers her away. “People are watching,” he hisses in her ear.

  He marches straight toward a door on the opposite side of the arrival lounge, which is really nothing more than a few benches and a questionable looking burger stand. He shoves open the door and pushes Sadie through it. “I think you need to cool off.”

  “I can do that outside, not in a smelly bathroom.”

  He glares at her until she turns and slams the door in his face. Suppressing an irritated sigh, he turns and heads back over toward Fane.

  “Thanks for backing me up.”

  “I didn’t do it for you,” Nicolae mutters, sinking into a seat beside William. It’s a tight squeeze with all of William’s extra layers. “You act like she should know how to be a perfect immortal, but it’s only been a couple of days. Cut her some slack.”

  Fane leans over to speak into his ear. “The Senthe won’t be as kind as I am. She is a liability they will not stand for. She has to learn now.”

  “Then stop egging her on,” William says as his head pokes out of his oversized coat. His hair is shaggy, tangled and matted with newly melted snow. “Sadie has always loved to make waves. She’s like a bull. The more you ride her, the harder she is going to buck you.”

  “So what do you suggest I do?” Fane places his weight on one side, jutting out his hip. Nicolae can tell that he’s struggling to keep his cool around the humans. Even he has to admit that Sadie has been working overtime on Fane’s nerves since they left Romania.

  “Just ignore her.” William turns away to examine the reddened tips of his fingers. “That’s what I do.”

  Fane glances at Nicolae, who only offers a shrug in response. “It might work. Or you could just let me work with her.”

  “Not going to happen. Not yet at least.”

  “Why not?”

  Fane leans in close. “Because you’re a hunter. I’m going to have a hard enough time keeping the Senthe from killing you at first sight!”


  It is eerily disconcerting for Gabriel to realize that he doesn’t actually need to breathe as he swims deeper into the lake. The water is much warmer than he would have liked. It is almost like dipping into a sauna instead of a cool pool. The salt water stings his eyes, making it hard to see through the murky water.

  So far, nothing has crossed his path, but he is on alert for a lake monster. Seneh swims beside him, his great sword locked tightly in his teeth. Although separated by nearly ten feet, Gabriel is comforted by his guardian’s presence.

  Water plugs his ears, making it impossible to detect any sounds. Night has fallen above so he can barely see his hand in front of his face now.

  A tap on his shoulder startles him. He flails, trying to escape but fingers grasp tightly around his arm. Seneh waves his other hand in front of Gabriel’s face, trying to gain his attention.

  Gabriel releases the hold on his lungs and water floods in. He chokes on the brackish taste. Seneh’s grasp on Gabriel’s arm tightens as he pushes with his powerful legs, propelling them closer to the bottom.

  Within minutes of letting Seneh take over, Gabriel begins to sense a difference in the water. The temperature has risen and a faint light glows from below.

  Gabriel grunts, tapping Seneh’s hand excitedly but the angel is already nodding. That is their destination. Excited at the prospect of being free of the water, Gabriel surges forward.

  He points his toes and pumps his legs, ignoring the screaming muscles in his calves and arms. The multi-colored light grows brighter as he draws near. It almost looks like it’s pulsating or alive.

  Doubts begin to filter through his mind as he maneuvers toward the opening. What is on the other side? Will he be the first person to step foot in the Garden of Eden since Eve’s time?

  Seneh’s hands clasp his feet, propelling him through the narrow tunnel. It tapers sharply, making Gabriel wince as his back scrapes against the top of the narrow passage. He wiggles and worms his way forward, his finger clawing deep into the sediment to pull himself through.

  Just as Gabriel begins to fear he will never be free, the shaft takes a sharp turn upward and he emerges into a pool of clear, ruby red water. He splashes to the surface, gulping in great breathes as he claws his way up onto the sandy shore.

  The sand is pristine white and warm to the touch, as if it has been under the sun all day. The walls of the cave are made of glistening rock and the ceiling twinkles like the night sky, appearing to be in constant motion.

  Seneh rises up from the depths behind him, his long braid plastered to his chest as he thrashes about. Gabriel laughs and holds out his hand, helping the large angel ashore. “You could have warned me it was so narrow.”

  The towering black angel grunts, ruffling his feathers to release water from them. Gabriel notices that many of the feathers have been yanked free or bent. Blood dots his back. “I guess you didn’t know, huh?”

  Seneh shakes his head. “This is my first time here, young one.”

  Gabriel rises and brushes the damp sand from his clothes. It clings to his skin, chafing in places he’d rather not think of. “Do you know which way to go?”

  Each way he looks, a long dark tunnel stretches out before them. Both are equal in size and apparent distance, with no light at the end of either of the passageways.

  “Elias said to follow you.”

  “Oh brother,” Gabriel mutters as he pauses to peer into the right tunnel. Cold air escapes from within, scattering goosebumps along his arms. He steps toward the left and feels a shift. It is subtle, but infinitely more appealing.

  “I think we should go this way.”

  “You are sure?” Seneh asks. He clutches a bunch of broken feathers and yanks them free. He winces in pain as he lets the handful float away. Gabriel notices there is a slight current in the water, leading away from them toward the back of the cavern.

  “No, but it’s a fifty-fifty guess, right?”

  Seneh shrugs but instantly clutches his shoulder. “Lead on.”

  Gabriel turns and walks into the pitch black with his hands stretched out before him. The air is slightly warmer here, a perfect temperature to dry his skin and clothes but not too warm to feel smothering. His steps are slow and hesitant at first, but the tunnel continues on for what feels like miles.

  “Maybe we took the wrong path,” he suggests, starting to doubt his instincts.

  “No,” Seneh whispers just over his shoulder. “Look ahead.”

  Gabriel squints into the darkness, staring so hard he makes himself see a pinprick of light. No, not just one pinprick but hundreds. “What is that?”

  Seneh doesn’t respond verbally, but the pressure on Gabriel’s shoulder increases as his guardian urges him forward. Gabriel’s wet shoes slap loudly against the floor, picking up speed as he breaks into a jog.

  The light grows brighter and more defined as they draw near. He soon realizes that it isn’t a hundred single lights but the flickering of millions. A swarm of creatures hang before them like a curtain of lightning bugs but entirely different at the same time.

  Their wings are florescent, glowing in brilliant blues, oranges, purples and yellows. They have two arms and legs, a broad torso and tiny neck. Their heads seem oddly large for the size of their bodies. Their eyes are wide and colorless.

  Gabriel spins beneath the blanket of light, in awe of this strange beauty. “What are they?”

  “They are Faer. I believe humans would call them faeries.” Gabriel lifts his hand to touch one, but Seneh pulls him back, shaking his head. “It is not wise to touch anything here.”


  “Because we are walking on sacred ground.”

  He steps past Gabriel, taking the lead as they move beyond the hanging cloud o
f Faer. Gabriel wishes he could linger and study these unusual creatures, but he doesn’t want to risk being separated from Seneh.

  “How many other mythical creatures are real?”

  “What is mythical to you now was once fact to many people. Just because certain creatures have not been seen in the present day does not mean they do not still exist.”

  “Sort of like the creatures of the deep? Those giant squids you see on the Discovery Channel?”

  Seneh turns to look at Gabriel, his brow deeply furrowed. “I am not sure of what you speak.”

  Gabriel laughs, shaking his head. “Sorry. I forget that you don’t watch TV.”

  He follows Seneh further into the dark, leaving the cloud of light behind. After several minutes he begins to hear a strange sound. “Is that…wings?”

  Seneh nods, his grip on his sword tightening. “Stay behind me.”

  Apprehension seizes Gabriel as he shifts to walk in the footsteps of his guardian. What could possibly be making that sound? Another creature lost to history books?

  The sound of rushing wind is countered by the plodding of heavy feet. Gabriel tries to peer around Seneh, but the angel blocks his attempts. “What you are about to approach has not been seen by a human in thousands of years.”

  “But I’m not human.”

  Seneh glances back over his shoulder. “That is merely a technicality.”

  When he steps aside, Gabriel’s mouth drops open. He’s not sure if it is awe or terror that glues his tongue to the roof of his mouth, but he would guess it’s a bit of both.

  There, standing on either side of a gleaming archway, are two of the most unique creatures he has ever seen. Their heads and facial features appear to be human, but that is where the resemblance ends. They possess the fierce, powerful body of a lion with two wings on either side.

  They stand nearly taller than Seneh, double the height of Gabriel. He gapes up at the beasts, his eyes shifting from their imposing figures to the sword that turns between them, blocking the path beyond. The blade is tall, silver and straight. Blue and orange flames lick across the surface, weaving an intricate pattern across the blade.

  Just beyond, Gabriel spies an endless forest, rich with wildlife and vegetation. Sunlight appears to filter down through the leaves, casting a warm glow on the woodland. A calm falls over Gabriel as he stares at the garden. It feels so tranquil and perfect.

  “Be mindful, young one,” Seneh warns as he lowers his sword before him. “The Cherubim will not give up their sword easily.”

  “Seriously? You want me to take that sword from them?” He can’t even fathom how he could survive such a confrontation.

  “No.” Seneh shakes his head. “You will have to prove your worth. Then, perhaps if we are lucky, they will give it to you.”

  “And if not?” Gabriel questions, peering uncertainly up at the creatures.

  Seneh’s eyes darken as he raises his sword. “I would rather not find out.”


  The whisper of silk and the rapid clack of heels from down the hall alerts Malachi to Ainsley’s presence. He glances at the clock, surprised by her early return. He assumed she would be gone the entire day, happily spending his money shopping on Oxford Street.

  He takes a deep breath and pushes aside the book he’s been pretending to read for the last hour. Although it has always been a favorite, it has not been able to capture his attention today. Not after meeting with Lucien and seeing the changes he’s undergone.

  His stomach knots painfully at the thought of Roseline becoming a thing. He can’t let it happen, that much is clear, but sneaking her out of here, especially in her current state, will be nearly impossible. Malachi is no coward, but going against Lucien Enescue is sure suicide.

  Taking a long sip from his chilled cup, he contemplates several options. The cool blood slides down his throat, easing the nagging discomfort he has felt since exiting Lucien’s room. Normally blood is not an attraction for him, but today he is making an exception. As the sedative slowly takes effect, he exhales and waits for the door to open.

  The staccato of heels pauses just outside his study door. The doorknob turns and the door sweeps silently inward.

  “Well, isn’t this cozy.” The sultry tone of Ainsley’s voice used to send shivers of desires racing down his spine. He once would have done anything for that woman, but no longer. Now she puts him on edge, always wary.

  They used to be quite the pair back in the day: bloodlettings at Stonehenge, parties at the Hell Fire club, dancing around the fires and plagues that tore through London. Those were good times.

  But those times are long gone. Malachi isn’t the same guy any more.

  “Back so soon? Did you max out my credit limit already?”

  Her lower lip puckers into a pout as she closes the door behind her. “Don’t be like that. You know you like treating me to little gifts.”

  She slinks around the edge of his desk. Her skintight black dress rides high on her thigh as she uses the heel of her knee-high leather boot to push his chair back from the desk. She sinks down onto his lap, tugging at the collar of his shirt. “I’m surprised you even noticed I was gone. You’ve been so busy the past few weeks and I’ve been lonely.”

  Her pout used to make his toes curls, but now he stares back dispassionately. “You know I’ve been working.”

  “Working?” she snorts, batting eyelashes that shimmer with silver. Her lavender eyes open wide, defined by dark eyeliner and smoky eye shadow. “With musty old books? Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten how to have fun?”

  “Fun,” he mutters, pushing her back as she slowly begins unbuttoning his shirt. “I’m not in the mood for fun.”

  He lifts her easily from his lap and places her on his desk. He averts his eyes as she slides down onto the glossed wood while trying to entangle him with her legs. Skirting past her, he takes great care in replacing his book to its rightful place on the shelf.

  “You care more about those books than you do me.”

  His shoulders rise and fall with a deep sigh. “I don’t have time for this, Ainsley.”

  He moves to walk around her, but her leg flashes out, blocking his path. She rises up onto her elbows, staring him down. Her smile is gone and her gaze is sharp as a razor. “You always were a terrible liar.”

  His expression darkens. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  She pushes off his desk, placing herself in his path. “I know where you’ve been going. What you’ve been doing. The walls have ears, Malachi, and they like to sing.”

  He keeps his face void of emotion as he leans forward. “I have nothing to hide.”

  With a hard shove, he removes her from his path and walks by. She stumbles two steps, her hip connecting painfully with the edge of his desk before righting herself. As he stretches out his hand to open the door, a heel slams into the back of his head with enough force to crack a human skull.

  Malachi bounces off the door and turns slowly, his nostrils flaring in anger. Ainsley defiantly stares him down. “What do you think Lucien will say when he finds out that you are the reason the girl hasn’t changed? How many hours of torture do you think you will have to endure while he peels your skin off, like you did to that old monk?”

  His fingers press into the flesh of her throat before she even has a chance to blink. “You will say nothing, is that understood? If I so much as suspect that you’ve tried to snitch, I swear I will tie you to a mooring ball and toss you in the ocean, where you can spend eternity praying for death.”

  Her eyes flash with anger. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  “Wouldn’t I?” He slams her back into his bookshelf, smashing through the wood and cracking the stone beyond. His precious books tumble to the floor, but he doesn’t stoop to reclaim them. Instead, he turns on his heel and slams the door shut behind him.


  Roseline holds her ear, praying that the crying will stop. The wailing started up not long after the candle burned ou
t. It must be the voices taunting her again.

  “Please, just stop,” she moans, rocking. Her tailbone is bruised and bleeding, but she can’t seem to stop. She fears if she does, the voices will catch up to her.

  “Shut up. Shut up. Shut up!” She doesn’t know how much more she can take.

  The pain in her fingers and toes pulsates, reminding her of her pitiful attempt to rescue Enael. She slams her forehead against the stone, trying to erase the memories. “I am nothing. I am nothing. I am nothing,” she chants.

  “That’s not true,” a raspy whisper comes from the dark.

  “Shut up!” She screams, slamming her head against the wall again, so hard her forehead splits open and blood trickles down her nose. “It’s talking to me again. It won’t leave me alone. It just calls and calls and calls.”

  “I’m not a voice. I’m Enael, remember?”

  “No. Mustn’t speak to it. It’s bad. Bad voice,” she croons, plunging her hands into her hair. “Enael is dead. Gone. In pieces.”

  “I know where he’s gone,” the voice whispers again.

  “He?” Roseline pauses. “He who? I’m not a he.”

  “Gabriel. I know where he’s going.”

  She blinks, brushing back the nest of sweaty hair from about her face. “Gabriel? You know him? I miss him.”

  “I know you do. If you can get me down, I can tell you where to find him.”

  Her rocking resumes. “Can’t. Not allowed to jump. Toes don’t like it.”

  “Please,” Enael calls from above. “They’re going to kill me!”

  “Not dead. Can’t die. Just a voice in the dark.”

  “Do I smell dead to you?”

  She cocks her head to the side and takes a deep breath. Her pupils dilate as she cranes her head back. “You smell good.”

  “That’s it,” he calls down. “See. I am real.”

  Rising slowly, Roseline begins to sway back and forth. Her tongue flicks rapidly out between her lips, tasting the air. “I smell blood. Smells yummy.”

  “Uh…” She can hear his chains shifting above as she circles below him, like a vulture stalking its prey. “Roseline? You do know that I’m not for eating, right?”


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