Deep Blue

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Deep Blue Page 5

by Yolanda Olson

  “I knew you’d like that,” he breathed softly. With a grunt he began to push a little harder than he had but I could tell he was controlling his urge to annihilate me.

  “Come on, baby girl. Push back,” he commanded in a shallow breath.

  For a moment I considered it. The feeling of Troy inside of me was amazing and I had never been this wet before, but I refused to give him what he wanted. Instead I twisted my fingers slightly and dug my nails into his wrist.

  “Ow! Fuck!” he yelled out as I ripped into his skin. He pulled out of me almost immediately and laughed. “You’re a spunky little thing, aren’t you? You’ll get your way for now. Pull your panties back on.”

  I leaned down and immediately pulled my underwear up to cover myself. I turned to face him angrily and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “I like you. I really do. You’ve got a fire inside of you that I’ve never seen before,” he said with a grin, pushing himself back into his jeans, and zipping his pants. “But I should probably warn you. That’s the only freebie you get. The next time you try to stop me will be the last time.”

  He walked past me and pulled open the stall door, motioning for me to follow him. I did because I didn’t want to be in there anymore, but kept a distance as I followed him out into the fields again.

  “Go inside and get cleaned up. You can sleep in my bed tonight if you want. I’m gonna go out for a while,” he said as we walked toward his home.

  “Where?” I asked.

  Troy smiled and shook his head, “Can’t ask me questions, Posy. Not allowed. But I’ll sleep on the couch when I get home tonight, so don’t worry about me climbing into bed with you.”

  I walked into the house and waited in the living room area as he walked toward his bedroom and disappeared. A few moments later he came out with a fresh light green shirt on and his baseball cap on his head.

  “Aren’t you going to take a shower?” I asked incredulously.

  “Nah. I wanna smell you on me while I’m gone. It’ll give me reason to come home,” he replied with a grin. I watched him grab his truck keys off of the coffee table in the middle of the living room.

  “Be good while I’m gone,” he said, walking past me and leaving me in the house.

  I stood in the open door watching him get into his truck and back out of the spot he had it in. He gave me a grin and blew me a kiss as he put it in drive and roared down the country road.

  Did Troy really trust me enough to leave me alone on the farm or was there something far worse waiting for me in the fields?

  With one last glance at the tall stalks of corn and barley, I turned around and closed the door firmly behind me.

  I had no intention of going to find out.


  After I showered about ten times, I went to bed. It was nine o’clock at night and still no sign of Troy. I should have been relieved, but I found myself wondering where he was and what the hell he could have been doing.

  It took me forever to fall into a restless sleep. All I could see over and over, was Scout obeying his master’s commands to follow him and to lay down, followed by the horror that I couldn’t unsee even in my dreams.

  Suffice it to say, I didn’t get much sleep. I tossed and turned more than I ever had in my life wondering if I’d ever get that horrific scene out of my mind. I rolled over onto my back and glanced at the old clock Troy kept on the wooden dresser next to his bed. It read two oh three in the morning and I still wasn’t sure if he had come home.

  I pushed whatever blankets I hadn’t flailed off of me in my sleep, and pushed myself off of the bed. I let my legs dangle for a moment while I tried to shake away the grogginess.

  Hopping down to the floor I walked to the door and opened it slowly. I tried to get my eyes to adjust to the semi darkness but it wasn’t any good. I used my hands on the walls to guide me down the hall until I saw the open door frame to the living room area.

  I put my hand on the frame and peeked in. There he was, lying on the couch with his baseball cap over his eyes, an arm bent behind his head, and his legs crossed over each other. I walked over as quietly as I could and gently pulled the cap off of his face. His lips instantly curved into a smile.

  “Can’t sleep, baby girl?” he asked in his smoky tone.


  Troy shifted to his side and held a hand out toward me. “Come here.”

  I raised an eyebrow at him even though I knew he couldn’t see it. A low chuckle escaped his throat as he reached forward and pulled me roughly onto the couch with him.

  “I already told you that you’ve used your ‘no’, Posy”, he said, sliding an arm around me. “Get comfortable and you should be asleep in no time.”

  He reeked of beer and sweat. I figured he had been at the Tavern and stumbled home drunk which caused his sweating. I wouldn’t be able to sleep here either, but I was worried that if I tried to get up right now it would piss him off.

  “Um, I think we’d be more comfortable in the bed,” I suggested. At least there, I can roll away from you.

  “You want to sleep with me in the bed?” he asked, running his hands over my leg.

  “Just sleep, if that’s okay. I’m really tired.”

  Troy sighed but gave my leg a gentle pat letting me know it was okay to get up. I quickly rolled off of the couch, landing on my hands and knees, then got to my feet as fast as I could before he got anymore ideas that I wouldn’t be allowed to say no to.

  “Should’ve stayed like that,” he said. “You look so fucking good bent over, Posy.”

  My body tensed when he came behind me and ran his hands down the sides of my arms. I felt his breath on the side of my neck and froze when he parted his lips and gently pressed them against me.

  “Don’t worry,” he whispered into my ear. “I won’t do anything you don’t want. Not yet, anyway.”

  I closed my eyes tightly and waited until he pulled himself away from me. I opened them again when I heard his heavy footsteps retreating down the hallway toward the bedroom.

  “Coming?” he called back to me.

  I let out the breath I didn’t know I had been holding so deeply in my lungs and walked toward the bedroom. Troy was standing with his back to me next to the bed, pulling his shirt off. I watched in the moonlit room as the muscles on his back rippled and glistened in the sweat he was covered in and found myself fighting the urge to go over and put my hands on it. For some reason it looked absolutely majestic, but I knew better. If I touched him in anyway he could mistake as a go ahead signal, then he’d assume that I wanted to fuck him.

  I shook the notion away and walked around him. I climbed onto the side of the bed furthest away from where he stood and kept my eyes trained on the window. Just lying on the couch with him made my raw skin hurt, if he laid his heavy arm across my side for the entire night, I’d probably be climbing the walls in pain by the time the morning sun came up.

  To my surprise though, he stretched out onto his back, mumbled a good night, and fell fast asleep.

  My eyelids grew heavier and heavier with each blink. I reached down and pulled one of the lighter sheets over myself and kept my eyes on the window and the world outside I would probably never be apart of again. Not away form this farm; not away from him.

  But I think the absolute crazy thing was that with Troy lying next to me in the bed, just having his presence there allowed me to fall into a dreamless sleep.



  I woke up the next morning with a splitting fucking headache. It had been a long time since I could say I had an actual hangover, but the way the sunlight danced into the room and made me cringe, I knew that’s what it was.

  Fuck. I gotta stop drinking like that.

  Next to me on the bed I heard a soft moan and felt the bed shift slightly. With my hands covering most of my face, I turned my head slightly to see who I had wrangled into bed this time.

  A smile crossed my lips slowly. Looks like I did pretty
good this time. The girl in the bed next to me had long dark hair and curves that making my morning hard a little fuller. I watched as she rolled over onto her side, wince in pain, and saw her eyes flutter open. She blinked rapidly a few times before I found myself staring into the prettiest blue green eyes I had ever seen.

  “Morning,” I said softly.

  For some reason, the beautiful girl on my bed recoiled like I shot venom at her or some shit.

  “Hi,” she said quietly as she slid off the side of the bed. I watched in confusion as she got to her feet and stared at me uneasily.

  I rolled over onto my side and looked at her. I wasn’t sure how I managed to talk her into coming home with me but I could only hope I had been smart enough to fuck her.

  Clearing my throat, I closed my eyes again and adjusted the pillow under my head. “Mind shutting those curtains? Got a bit of a headache, and I wanna sleep a little longer.”

  I heard her bare footsteps as she walked toward the windows and let out a little sigh of relief when she pulled the curtains together. The room was dark again and my headache was starting to become bearable.

  “Is it okay if I start breakfast?” she asked timidly.

  “As long as you don’t burn the house down,” I joked groggily.

  “Don’t tempt me,” she muttered as she walked around the bed and out of the room. When she slammed the door behind her I grimaced and pulled the sheets up over my head. It was safe to assume I had pissed her off at some point.

  A couple of hours later I woke up headache free and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I was standing over the sink putting toothpaste on my brush when I felt like I was being stared at. Calmly putting the tube back into the medicine cabinet, I closed it and ran the water over my toothbrush for a few seconds before I glanced into the mirror. There over my shoulder was that beautiful girl with the amazing curves staring at me intently.

  I smiled at her as I placed the brush in my mouth and started scrubbing my teeth.

  “Hi,” I said, as I moved the brush in my mouth.

  “Any chance you’ll let me leave today?” she asked quietly.

  I raised an eyebrow at her and kept scrubbing my teeth. I leaned into the sink and spit out the paste, before I kept scrubbing. I wasn’t exactly sure what she meant by that, but I was pretty confident that I wasn’t holding anyone here against their will.

  I held up a finger as I finished brushing my teeth. I spit out the rest of the paste, leaned down and cupped some water into my hand so I could rinse out my mouth, then put my brush back into it’s holder. Turning around, I grabbed a small hand towel and wiped my face before tossing it into the hamper next to the toilet. I leaned back putting my hands on the sink and looked at her curiously.

  “What was that?” I asked.

  She sighed and walked away leaving an empty spot in the doorway where she had just been standing.

  “Hold on there,” I called out following her down the hallway.

  She didn’t stop walking, instead she went into the kitchen and turned on the stove. I watched her pull out a pan and place it on top of one of the burners then lean down into one of the cabinets and pull out cooking oil.

  “Hey,” I said stopping in the open doorway. She didn’t turn around completely; only her face to let me know she was listening. “I was just asking for you to repeat yourself.”

  “It doesn’t matter, Troy. I asked a question I already knew the answer too. I was just hoping that between last night and today you may have grown some ounce of humanity,” she replied angrily as she went to open the freezer.

  Okay, she knows my name. Maybe we did fuck after all, I thought as I scratched my chin.

  She pulled out a cut of steak and slammed it onto the counter before going back to the oil and using the cap to measure how much she put into the pan.

  “Um, you can’t cook that if it’s frozen,” I said as politely as I could.

  She whipped around so quickly that a thick stream of cooking oil flew out of the bottle, splattering across the floor. I wasn’t sure if she was planning on throwing the bottle at me, so I walked over and took it from her.

  “Here,” I said putting the stopper in the sink and filling it with cold water. I dropped the wrapped cut of steak into it and smiled. “It’ll defrost this way then we can cook it.”

  I watched her shrug and walk over to the window. She sighed as she leaned down into the sill and looked out over my farm.

  “So, what’s your name?” I asked conversationally.

  The girl glanced at me over her shoulder with an incredulous look on her face.

  “Are we really doing this again? Got another corral you’re taking me too?” she asked with a mix of anger and slight fear.

  Corral? I haven’t done that in years.

  “I was just trying to be friendly,” I replied.

  “My name is Posy. Wait; do you really not remember?” she asked curiously.

  “Can’t say I do,” I replied with a shrug. “It happens sometimes. Head injury when I was a kid.”

  I saw suspicion cloud her eyes. I tried to smile but it appeared like more of a grimace. She smiled and turned her attention back to the window.

  “What happened? When you were a kid, I mean,” she said out the window.

  “Well, I don’t remember the whole story obviously, but I guess I fell off my dad’s tractor when we were riding down the farm one day. I had too much energy I guess,” I said with a laugh. “Anyway, I wound up knocking my head on the side of it on the way down. Took me a few days to recover from what they told me. They thought I was a goner, but I guess I’ve always been pretty strong. I pulled through and here I am. Twenty three years later and I still have blackouts sometimes.”

  “Then I guess my question wasn’t fair,” she said with a sigh.

  “Which one?” I asked with a laugh.

  “Asking if you’d let me leave today.”

  I cleared my throat and wondered exactly what I forgot this time. She mentioned the corral but I was pretty sure I hadn’t done that in seven years. Even though it could be fun sometimes, it was so monotonous that I stopped going because I didn’t see the point in it anymore.

  I stared at her silently trying to remember when a blips of memories started coming back to me. It was like an open faucet when you test the water, before you open it full force to get the torrent you were looking for. A small smile started to creep across my lips again. I had been to the corral seven years ago; with Posy.

  “I hate to say it pretty girl, but it seems like you’re just not a lucky gal,” I said softly.

  Her body stiffened as her head dropped in defeat. It was obvious to her that I remembered now and it was even more obvious to her that I was going to do my damndest to not forget.

  “Today’s not gonna be an easy day for you, but I’ll do my best not to make it painful,” I said, walking over to her and putting my hands on either side of hers on the sill. “I think you’ll actually enjoy today, Posy. And if you don’t, there’s always tomorrow.”



  The heat of the sun was bearing down on my shoulders like a ton of bricks. I wasn’t sure what the fucking point of this was, but Troy seemed to be enjoying himself. He was riding slowly behind me on his damn green tractor, while I, like a beast of burden, was pulling some kind of seed contraption behind me. It was heavy and my arms were screaming at me to give up, but he told me to be sure to go in a straight line so he wouldn’t have to correct my mistakes.

  At any point that I tried to stop, that the heat was too much or that the weight of the machine was making my arms shake, he’d pull up next to me and remind me that if he had to stop to do the work himself, I’d end up under his stables again.

  So, I grit my teeth and bore the burden as best as I could. All seventeen new rows of miles long plots, worth of burden.

  “Not bad, baby girl,” he said, standing up on his tractor and looking at the newly seeded rows. “Here.”

bsp; I was breathing heavily and didn’t have the energy to look up. Even though I had set the machine down, I was still holding on to it because I was afraid that if I let it go, I’d fall over.

  Troy chuckled and jumped down from his tractor, put an arm around me, and held me against him. I glanced up at him and watched him opening a bottle of water with his teeth. He held it to my lips patiently as I drank the entire bottle in two gulps.

  It wasn’t exactly cold because we had been outside for so long but it was better than tasting the sweat each time I licked my lips for some modicum of hydration.

  “Thanks,” I said breathing heavily.

  He gave me a nod and a smile. “Want more? I have another bottle in there.”


  Troy carefully leaned into the seat of the tractor and then back toward me. Again, he used his teeth to open the water bottle, then held it to my lips. I took my time with this one; four gulps and I was done, not to mention feeling slightly stronger. I pushed myself off of him and climbed into the tractor.

  “Guess I’m driving you back?” he asked with a smirk.

  “I can’t walk back, Troy. I really don’t have the energy right now,” I replied leaning over the steering wheel.

  He nodded and climbed up into the seat shoving me back a little, before he turned the tractor around and drove us back toward his house. In the distance, I saw the irrigation machines starting to turn on like clockwork and welcomed the water splashing against me as we passed the one closest to us.

  “Feel good?” he asked.

  “Yeah. Definitely.”

  “Good. You can take a shower when we get back,” he said like I had won a prize.

  Gee thanks, I thought sarcastically.

  “Wrap your arms around my shoulders, pretty girl. I don’t want you to fall off,” he said when he felt me waivering behind him.


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