The Salem Shifters: Complete Series Books 1-3

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The Salem Shifters: Complete Series Books 1-3 Page 12

by Meredith Clarke

  Hey- I'm sorry about the bar. Can we talk?- Nick

  After not hearing from him in almost a year Nick was texting me? Why now? What had changed? Maybe the fact that it's out in the open that I have magical powers, I thought to myself. I stared at the screen for five long minutes before deciding to text him back. Perhaps he decided that his little cronies weren't really who they said they were. Maybe he was ready to come back, away from the dark side. I had to give him a chance.

  You’re texting me? NOW? After everything that’s happened- really?- P

  I held the phone tightly in my hand as I stared at the screen, praying that he would text me back. Luckily, I didn't have to wait very long.

  I know, I can’t believe this happened to us. I'm sorry for everything -Nick

  I want answers Nick. Like now.- P

  I know, and you deserve them- let's meet up, I’ll tell you everything- Nick

  I couldn't believe he wanted to meet me after all this time. A piece of me thought that him seeing me, giving him the chance to talk to me, was making a change in him. Or at least I hoped so. There was a part of me that thought that this was all a trick. But I was prepared now, I rubbed my pentagram necklace between my fingers and I felt stronger than ever. But I still wasn't dumb enough to meet him in the middle of the night.


  Sounds good, coffee at 11?- Nick

  Fine- P

  There being only one coffee shop in town I knew where to meet him. I turned my phone off and placed it under my pillow. Tomorrow was going to be an interesting day.

  I had the day off because it was a Saturday and Joy was manning the store on her own. I promised to stop by later to help her out with some new pieces that were coming in, but I had the morning entirely to myself. It took a while to get dressed, making sure that my hair lay in perfect beautiful dark curls instead of frizzy waves. I took time determining my outfit and decided on a short ballerina skirt with a tank top. When I looked in the mirror, I realized that I wasn’t trying to impress him anymore. He wasn’t who I was interested in anymore, I wanted to be with Ultan. I couldn’t figure out why, but I wanted him. All of him, every second.

  I looked at my phone once before leaving. My mom had called and left several messages. I felt bad, but I couldn’t talk to her. Not yet.

  I walked to the coffee shop and noticed the dark figure sitting with his back to me. I took deep breaths trying not to allow my emotions to overtake me. I'd come to hear what he had to say, I couldn't cut and run now. I rubbed my pentagram again, hoping that I had enough control over my powers that if something should go wrong they could help me out. I knew I certainly couldn't control them well but I thought I could control them enough. It took one more deep breath for me to allow my ballet flats to help me get to the table where Nick was sitting.

  When I approached, he stood up awkwardly in dark jean shorts and a button up. He looked more like himself than he had the past two times I had seen him. It was refreshing to see him looking like he had when we are together. Young and vibrant were always the two ways you could describe Nick before he had been abducted. I almost hugged him but I felt as though I'd be uncomfortable between his arms. Instead I just smiled and gave a little wave as I sat down across from him. He sat back down, looking slightly discouraged, and called the waiter over to order me a drink.

  “What can I get for you?” A young kid with spiky red hair asked us. He pulled a pen from his pocket and was ready to take notes on a small piece of paper.

  Nick ordered a black coffee and then I followed up with a strawberry banana smoothie. It was too beautiful of a day to order something so warm.

  “Are you cold?” I asked him, as he'd never liked warm drinks before. I could recall him making fun of my hot chocolate habit but today the tables were turned.

  He shrugged. “Nah, I just like dark coffee.”

  “Oh, I didn’t know that,” I said. “I guess some things have changed.”

  He nodded. “A lot has changed Paige.”

  After more than a minute of silence had passed, I decided that I was uncomfortable being here. He kept looking at me strangely like he wasn't quite sure who I was, but somewhere deep down he remembered me. “Look Nick, maybe this was a bad idea, I think I should go.” I stood up to grab my purse but felt his strong grasp on my wrist pulling me back down to my seat.

  “No, I'm sorry. I'm the one who's being so weird. Please stay.”

  I nodded. “Alright I'll stay. But I'm not staying forever, so if you have something to say then you should just say it.”

  He sighed deeply. “Paige I’m really sorry about leaving you like I did. It wasn't really my choice.”

  I jumped in immediately so pleased he had realized that he'd been taken against his will. Even if we weren’t together anymore I still cared about his safety. “I knew you didn't want to go with them! Are you leaving them? The Invidia?”

  His eyes grew wide. “You know about them?”

  “Of course I do! My Gran told me all about them, they’re really dangerous Nick. I'm so glad you've decided to leave.”

  His eyes narrowed and with every breath he took I could feel his rage growing. “Did she also tell you about that girl that died? They took her arm you know. To study, they said they could test the blood for her powers.”

  “How do you know anything about that Nick? I mean I didn’t even know that and I was the one who found her.”

  He smiled, it was sick and twisted, nothing like the Nick I used to know. “So you're the one who uncovered our little secret to the police. You really want to put your ex-boyfriend in jail Paige?”

  My eyes widened in fear, I couldn't believe what he was saying. The Nick I knew would never kill someone. I could remember a time when he wouldn't even let me smush a spider with my shoe. And now he went around slicing girls’ throats and removing their arms? My blood pumped through my veins at an alarming rate as fear settled under my skin.

  I lowered my voice to a whisper and said, “Nick, are you telling me you killed that girl? You can never leave now, you know.”

  For a moment he looked at me almost sad, like his old self was trapped inside of a new body. Conflicting emotions crossed his face before he settled on anger. “I'm not leaving! Those people are my family. They love me more than my parents ever did. I meant that it wasn't my choice to not bring you with me. That was the goal. We were supposed to go together. They really need you Paige. They just want to help you learn, like they’ve helped me.”

  I stood up, startled by this twist in events. Why had I expected Nick to change his mind and come home with me? And now he was a killer? I shook my head at him and perhaps myself and said, “They're not what they say they are Nick.” I lowered my voice to a whisper, “You killed a girl! What do you mean they’re studying her arm? Her powers?”

  He squinted at me. “Blood magic is the strongest. It’s the easiest way to determine gifts. Someone else will benefit from her passing I’m sure.” He smiled again.

  I couldn’t take it anymore, he was not the person I once knew. Not at all. “Nick, we’re done! I never want to see you again. You’re sick, you know that?” I stood up to leave but Nick once again grabbed my wrist, this time too tight for me to shake out of. “Nick you're hurting me! Let go of my arm.”

  People around us were starting to watch what they assumed was a young couple quarrelling. One man had stood from his seat eyeing us closely, determining whether or not he would have to step in to help me.

  “I can't let you go. Natalia will leave me if I make her upset. I can't let Natalia leave me. I love her.”

  I tried to fight back the tears as I looked into his sad eyes knowing that Nick would never care about me again. I could feel my pentagram pulsing against my chest and I focused all of the energy through my arms and into my hands.

  My hands and fingers tingled as the power surged through them. I focused specifically on my right hand and watched as Nick's face contorted in fear and rage as his hand started to bu
rn. It appeared I couldn't fully control my powers because everything that was touching me started to burn including the ballerina skirt and my tight fitting tank top. As he released me, I ran from the patio, hoping that no one had seen my smoking ballerina skirt as I fled the scene. I heard Nick yell in outrage as I sprinted as fast as I could toward the gallery. It was the closest safe haven I had and I knew Joy would be there.

  I continued to look over my shoulder as I raced down the sidewalk into the cobblestone streets of Salem thinking about only one thing. Witch hunt. I was now the target of a full-blown witch hunt by a cult who was out to kill me. Nick said that Natalia wanted me, that they wanted to take me with him when he disappeared. But what did they want with me?

  I stopped to catch my breath only a few paces in front of the gallery hoping that I hadn’t alarmed any tourists during my escape. But as I looked around Maple Street, I didn't notice anything out of place. People were going about their regular everyday business. They didn’t realize the war between the light and the dark from so long ago still continued today. I realized that less than a year ago I had been a member of that ignorance and I now grieved for the right to have happiness once again. I didn't choose this life and it didn't seem fair to me that I had to live it. I didn't want to be in a constant state of fear of things that I didn't understand, so I made the conscious decision to take hold of my powers and learn how to use them. I would protect myself and people around me from harm, but I couldn't do that until I found Gran and right now I only had Joy and I hoped that would be enough.

  I stumbled through the metal door and heard the chime ring as I took in deep breaths, trying to force my body to relax after such a straining run. Luckily there was no one in the gallery and Joy rushed to my side.

  “What happened to you? Are you alright?”

  I nodded as I put my hand on my chest and continued to take wheezing breaths. I had never been a runner, my theory had always been to only run when I was being chased. I never thought that theory would actually come to fruition.

  “I'm alright.”

  Joy's eyes filled with concern and her eyebrows came together as she studied me closely.

  “Paige, you have to tell me what happened. Why were you running?”

  She said the words slowly as if I didn't fully understand. “I went to see Nick.” I had meant to say more but her gasp interrupted my speech.

  “Why did you go see him Paige? Nick is dangerous, you know that! He can't be trusted anymore.”

  “I know. I know, but he texted me last night. I guess I still had the hope that somewhere deep down he was still the Nick that I knew. But I was so wrong Joy! He's not in there at all. It's his body, but it's like a skeleton. His soul is gone.” Tears began streaming down my face. He was gone, really gone, in a way worse than all the deaths I had imagined.

  Joy nodded knowingly. “People change Paige, happens all the time.”

  “Not like this.”

  She helped me stand up and offered me some water from the cooler we had over in the corner. “Here drink up. I'm going to take you home and you're going to tell Gran what happened. She needs to know about this.”

  I nodded taking slow sips, I didn't exactly want to explain my encounter to Gran, but I knew I couldn't lie to her. Plus I felt she needed to know what Nick told me. Natalia wanted me desperately and she was ready to do anything to acquire me.


  “You went to see him? What were you thinking?”

  I'd heard those two phrases over and over again since I had arrived home. Gran had been so disappointed in me that she had called Ultan over to do damage control. She asked him to try to infiltrate the Invidia, to see if they have any new information on me. He shook his head so many times I thought it might fall off. He told her that he had no more connections with them and couldn't find out any new information.

  “What about that girl? Ashley? The one from here? Weren't you still in communication with her for a while?”

  Ultan continued to shake his head. “For a while. She was so scared of Natalia that it wasn't fair to her anymore. We ended it months ago, Aine.”

  I jumped in. “Wait, is that the girl that Joy told me about? The one they never found.”

  Gran looked at me confused. “She was a local, yes. She can feel emotions. They take people who they feel have gifts. When they transform them, they become part of the Invidia. Ultan was connected to her for a while, but stopped when… hmmm about the time you found out about Paige?” She allowed her gaze to settle upon him.

  He shot her death glare. “Ya know that's not what it was about. Ya told me to protect her and so far I've been the only reason she hasn't gotten herself killed.” Then he turned to look at me. I'd been appreciating the moment of not having the focus and shame on me. “But if you're not honest with me then I can't protect ya. What would make ya want to go see him again? Didn't I make it clear that Natalia and Nick are dangerous?”

  I was shaking and trying my best to suck down shallow breaths in order not to cry. “Yes but...”

  “But nothing Paige!” Jealousy was flowing through his veins. “Why can’t ya see he’s trouble? He’ll get ya!”

  I stood up to him, annoyed by his interruption. “But I loved him once! We were together for a long time Ultan, when my life was normal. I thought that maybe Nick had come to a turning point, that he had realized what he was doing was wrong. There used to be so much good in him, I had to hope that there was just a little bit left. But, God, you two! He killed that girl!”

  Gran stepped between us and separated us with her hands before turning to me. “What?”

  “He killed her!” My breathing became heavy as I thought back to the body. Her missing arm. “Nick said they took her arm for studies. Something about blood magic.”

  Ultan’s eyes became wide. “They want to transform Electi? But why would they do that?”

  Gran shook her head. “I don’t know. This is more serious than we thought. We need to get to the coven. They need to accept her so she’s protected. We also need to keep our other young under lock and key.”

  Ultan looked at me. “So how did ya get rid of him?”

  “I got really upset. And my pentagram started to, I don't know, give off some light? And then I felt something in my skin, almost like when your foot falls asleep. But it was moving and fast so then I tried to focus on where he had me.” I looked back down to my wrist but there were no marks of his betrayal. “Then everything started to burn. His hands, my clothes and so I ran for it.”

  Gran's eyes narrowed. “You burned him?”

  “Yeah,” I laughed for only a moment. “Burned myself too.” I lifted my skirt slightly to display the burn marks underneath. I watched Ultan’s eyes take in the view. He seemed impressed.

  Ultan smirked at me. “Good one.”

  But Gran just shook her head from side to side. “Your gifts are too strong for someone who has not been taught. The necklace advances them of course, but I've never heard of anyone else feeling them like you do.”

  “No one else experiences this?” I inquired.

  “No. Well, only one other person I know of.”

  “Who, Gran?”



  “You? You feel them like this?” I put my hands out to the side and wiggled my fingers, thinking that perhaps I could use my powers on demand. But sadly nothing happened.

  “Yes dear, I've always been able to feel it. Even as a child. It was how they knew I would be the leader of the coven.”

  “Does that mean I'm going to be the leader?” I had just jumped on board with the idea that I had magical powers, I certainly wasn't ready to lead any group of people. Especially ones I had never even met. I had only recently stopped judging them for their beliefs, it wasn't my place to be in any sort of power.

  Ultan crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow at my grandmother. He looked as though he didn't know the answer to the question any better than I did.

  My grandmo
ther paced for a moment before stopping and looking at me and said, “That's something that the coven will have to decide, once I pass.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. “Well good, at least I have some time to figure all this out.”

  She nodded, “I agree you need time to hone your skills. We haven't even started talking about potions yet. We need to go to the coven with this new information. And they need to accept you. It's the only way to reach the full potential of your abilities.”

  Ultan put his hands by his side and looked at me expectantly. To be honest I wasn't quite sure what to say. I took a moment to center myself and found myself reaching for my necklace to rub it between my fingers.

  “Okay, let's do this.”

  I changed into jeans and sandals and discarded my burned shirt. Ultan came upstairs as I was finishing up. “Knock knock.”

  I quickly pulled my jeans up, but he walked in as I was zipping them. I turned around quickly to shield my underwear.

  “Are ya stallin?”

  “Stalling, no it’s just…”

  “Ummm I mean like going? Are ya going or not?”

  “I’m coming, just give me a minute.”

  He looked at his shoes for a moment. “I’m sorry I yelled at ya down there. It’s just I don’t like ya seeing him, and I guess it’s not just about him being Invidia.”

  I turned back to face him. “Then what it’s about?”


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