The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century

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The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century Page 81

by Alex Ross

  Clurman, Harold

  “cluster chord,”

  Cocteau, Jean The Cock and the Harlequin and jazz Les Mariés de la Tour Eiffel, Oedipus adaptation by Parade (with Satie)

  Cogan, Robert

  Cohn, Roy

  Cold War Babbitt and, Britten and Copland and,

  Coleman, Ornette: Free Jazz

  Colored People’s Day

  Coltrane, John

  A Love Supreme

  Columbia-Princeton Electronic Music Center,

  Columbia University

  Comden, Betty

  Communists, Communism: in America in Berlin fear of in Russia

  Composers’ Collective

  Composers’ Forum-Laboratory

  Composers’ Union, see Union of Soviet Composers

  computer music concentration camps, music in

  Congress for Cultural Freedom

  Congress of American-Soviet Friendship

  Conquest, Robert

  Conrad, Tony

  Conried, Heinrich

  Constanten, Tom

  Cook, Will Marion, as bandleader Clorindy; or, The Origin of the Cakewalk In Dahomey musical education of “On Emancipation Day,” Uncle Tom’s Cabin as violinist

  Cooper, Paula

  Copland, Aaron Appalachian Spring background of, on Barber, on Bernstein, Billy the Kid as Boulanger’s pupil, The City on Cold War Connotations, Cortège macabre, The, Cummington Story decline of Duo for Flute and Piano El Salón México, Fanfare for the Common Man Hear Ye! Hear Ye! in Hollywood In Evening Air Inscape leftist politics of Lincoln Portrait, on Messiaen Midday Thoughts Music for Radio: Saga of the Prairie Music for the Theatre Of Mice and Men “open prairie,” Organ Symphony, Piano Concerto Piano Fantasy Piano Quartet Piano Variations postwar political ordeal of, The Red Pony Rodeo on Schoenberg The Second Hurricane, Statements Symphonic Ode The Tender Land Third Symphony, twelve-tone music of Waldorf-Astoria conference and

  Coppola, Francis Ford

  Corigliano, John

  Corner, Philip: Piano Activities

  Cotten, Joseph

  Couperin, François

  Cowell, Henry Adventures in Harmony The Anaemic Rag New Musical Resources Quartet Euphometric Quartet Romantic

  Cox, Harvey: The Secular City

  Crabbe, George: “Peter Grimes,”

  Craft, Robert

  Crane, Hart: The Bridge

  Crawford, Ruth, see Seeger, Ruth Crawford Creole Band

  Crist, Elizabeth

  Crosby, Bing

  Crozier, Eric

  Crumb, George

  Cultural and Scientific Conference for World Peace (1949)

  Cummington Story, The (Grayson and Madison),

  Cunningham, Merce

  Cunning Little Vixen, The ( Janácček)

  Curran, Alvin

  Curtis Institute of Music


  Dafora, Asadata

  Daily Worker

  Daily Worker (Britain)

  Dalí, Salvador

  Dallapiccola, Luigi Canti di prigionia,

  Damrosch, Walter

  Daniels, Jimmy

  Darmstadt, Germany Summer Courses for New Music

  Darrell, R. D.

  Dartington Summer School

  Davidenko, Alexander

  Davies, Peter Maxwell Eight Songs for a Mad King Revelation and Fall

  Davis, Bette

  Davis, George

  Davis, Miles Kind of Blue, Porgy and Bess (album) “So What,”

  Dawson, William

  Death in Venice (Britten)

  Debussy, Claude background of Children’s Corner En blanc et en noir “En Sourdine,” Estampes Études for piano final years of Images influences on La Mer Nocturnes Pelléas et Mélisande pentatonic scales used by Preludes, Book I Prelude to “The Afternoon of a Faun” The Prodigal Son sonatas for diverse instruments String Quartet whole-tone scale used by,

  Decsey, Ernst

  de Falla, Manuel Harpsichord Concerto on Ravel

  Dehmel, Richard

  de Kooning, Willem

  de Lancie, John

  Delbos, Claire

  Del Tredici, David

  DeMille, Cecil B.

  Dempsey, Jack

  Denke, Karl

  Denning, Michael

  Desyatnikov, Leonid: Rosenthal’s Children

  Dewey, Ken: The Gift

  Diaghilev, Serge and Firebird and Parade and Rite of Spring and Stravinsky and Le Train bleu

  Diamond, David

  Diddley, Bo

  Dies, Martin

  Dingle, Christopher

  Disney, Walt

  Dix, Otto

  Dixon, Dean

  Döblin, Alfred

  Doctor Faustus (Mann), fictional music in Schoenberg and

  Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920 film)

  Dodes’ka-den (Kurosawa)

  Dolin, Anton

  Dolphy, Eric

  Domaine Musical

  Domarus, Max

  Donaueschingen Festival

  Donne, John: “Death Be Not Proud,”

  Dostoevsky, Fyodor The Demons The Gambler

  Douglass, Frederick

  Downes, Louise Corson

  Downes, Olin

  “downtown” composers

  Doyle, Arthur Conan

  Dreyfus, Alfred

  Drieu La Rochelle, Pierre

  Druzhinin, Fyodor

  Duberman, Martin

  Du Bois, W. E. B. The Souls of Black Folk

  Duchamp, Marcel

  Duckworth, William: Southern Harmony

  Dufourt, Hugues

  Dukas, Paul Ariane and Bluebeard

  Duke, Vernon

  Du Mingxin

  Dunbar, Paul Laurence

  Duncan, Isadora

  Dunkel, Alexander

  Durbin, Deanna

  Durey, Louis

  Dutilleux, Henri: First Symphony

  Dvorčák, Antonín African-American music and Humoresque Symphony No. 9 (New World)

  Dylan, Bob “A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall,” “Subterranean Homesick Blues,”

  Dzerzhinsky, Ivan: The Quiet Don

  Eddy, Mary Baker

  Eddy, Nelson

  Edison Bell cylinder

  Egk, Werner Peer Gynt

  Eimert, Herbert

  Einstein, Albert

  Einstein on the Beach (Glass)

  Einstürzende Neubauten

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Eisenstein, Sergei Alexander Nevsky Ivan the Terrible on Shostakovich

  Eisler, Hanns as critic “Der heimliche Aufmarsch,” Hollywood Elegies Die Massnahme (The Measures Taken) Pete Roleum and His Cousins and Schoenberg

  electronic music Stockhausen and

  Elgar, Edward Cello Concerto The Dream of Gerontius Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1 Sea Pictures

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England

  Ellington, Duke Anatomy of a Murder Boola Black, Brown, and Beige “Come Sunday,” Creole Rhapsody “East St. Louis Toodle-oo,” and Gershwin Harlem Renaissance and Ko-Ko, Such Sweet Thunder

  Elliott, Missy

  Ellison, Ralph: Invisible Man

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo

  Eno, Brian

  Eternal Jew, The (Hippler)

  Europe, James Reese

  Evarts, John

  Exploding Plastic Inevitable

  Fackel, Die

  Fadeyev, Alexander

  Fairclough, Pauline

  Falla, Manuel de Harpsichord Concerto on Ravel

  Fantasia (Disney)

  Fauré, Gabriel: Requiem Faust (Goethe)

  Fay, Laurel E.

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

  Federal Music Project (FMP)

  Federal Theatre Project

  Feldman, Morton on American composers’ prospects background of on Boulez and Cage Extensions For Philip Guston and graphic notation, Intermissions The King of Denmark on politics of art Rothko Chapel and Sibelius String Quartet (II)

, Brian

  Third String Quartet,

  Feuchtwanger, Lion

  Feuchtwanger, Marta

  Fine, Irving

  Fine, Verna

  Fink, Robert


  Fischer, Jens Malte

  Fisk University

  Five Days

  Five Nights (Arnshtam)

  Flagstad, Kirsten

  Flanagan, Hallie

  Fleischmann, Julius

  Fleishman, Veniamin


  Flynn, Errol

  Flynt, Henry

  FMP, see Federal Music Project

  Fokine, Michel Les Sylphides

  folk songs, folk themes American music and Bartók and

  folk songs, folk themes (cont.) Janácček and Ligeti and, Stravinsky and

  Ford, James

  Forster, E. M.

  Foss, Lukas: Baroque Variations

  Foster, Stephen “Massa’s in de Cold Ground,” “Old Folks at Home,”

  Foster, William

  Foucault, Michel

  Four Saints in Three Acts (Thomson)

  Franco, Francisco

  Frank, Anne

  Frank, Bruno

  Frank, Hans

  Frankenstein, Alfred

  Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria

  Freeman, Harry Lawrence

  Freud, Sigmund

  Frigyesi, Judit

  Fritzsche, Hans

  Fuchs, Klaus

  Fuchs-Robettin, Hanna

  Funk, Walther

  Fürstner, Adolph

  Furtwängler, Wilhelm


  Gallen-Kallela, Akseli

  gamelan music

  Gann, Kyle

  Garafola, Lynn

  García Lorca, Federico

  Garden, Mary

  Garfield, John

  Gatti-Casazza, Giulio

  Gauguin, Paul

  Gauthier, Eva

  Gay, John: The Beggar’s Opera

  Gay, Peter

  Gebrauchsmusik see “music for use”

  Gehry, Frank

  George, Stefan Book of Hanging Gardens “Maximim” cycle Year of the Soul Gergiev, Valery Gerhard, Roberto Gerigk, Herbert Gershwin, George An American in Paris background of and Bergand Copland Blue Monday Blues, and Ellington “Fascinating Rhythm,” “I Got Rhythm,” “The Man I Love,” musical background of Porgy and Bess

  response to Porgy and Bess Rhapsody in Blue “Someone to Watch Over Me,” “Summertime,” “Swanee,” “’S Wonderful,” tennis with Schoenberg

  Gershwin, Ira

  Gerstl, Richard

  Gesang der Jünglinge (Stockhausen)

  Gestus (musical gesture)

  Geyer, Stefi

  Gide, André

  Gillespie, Dizzy

  Gilliam, Bryan

  Gilman, Lawrence

  Gilmore, Bob

  Ginsberg, Allen

  Glass, Philip Chappaqua (film score) Einstein on the Beach Koyaanisqatsi, Low Symphony Music in Contrary Motion Music in Fifths Music in Similar Motion Music in Twelve Parts Music with Changing Parts Philip Glass Ensemble String Quartet No. 1 Two Pages for Steve Reich

  Glazunov, Alexander

  Glikman, Isaak

  Glinka, Mikhail

  Gobineau, Arthur de

  Godowsky, Leopold

  Goebbels, Joseph berates Strauss quotes Wagner

  Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von

  Goeyvaerts, Karel

  Gogol, Nikolai

  Goldbeck, Eva

  Goldmark, Rubin

  Goléa, Antoine

  Golijov, Osvaldo: Ayre St. Mark Passion

  Goodman, Alice

  Goodman, Benny

  Goossens, Eugene

  Gordon, Michael

  Górecki, Henryk

  Gorky, Maxim

  Goss, Glenda Dawn

  Gould, Morton

  Gounod, Charles

  Gozzi, Carlo

  Grab, Emanuel von

  Graham, Bill

  Graham, Martha: Appalachian Spring

  Grainger, Percy

  Shallow Brown

  Granados, Enrique

  graphic notation

  Grateful Dead

  Graz, Austria

  Great Depression

  Green, Adolph

  Greenaway, Peter

  Greenberg, Clement

  Gregor, Joseph

  Grieg, Edvard

  Griffiths, Paul

  Grisey, Gérard Les Espaces acoustiques

  Gropius, Manon

  Gropius, Walter

  Grossmann, Georg Karl

  Grosz, George

  Group for Contemporary Music

  Group Theatre

  Grünewald, Matthias

  Gubaidulina, Sofia Concerto for Bassoon and Low Strings Offertorium

  Guo Wenjing

  Gushee, Lawrence

  Gymnopédies (Satie)

  Haarmann, Fritz

  Haas, Georg Friedrich: in vain

  Haas, Pavel: Study for Strings

  Hahn, Reynaldo

  Haldane, Richard

  Hall, Michael

  Hall, Patricia

  Hallgarten, Ricki

  Hamann, Brigitte

  Hambitzer, Charles

  Hambraeus, Bengt: Constellations II Interferences

  Hamm, Daniel

  Hammerstein, Oscar

  Hammerstein, Oscar, II

  Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, later Hampton University

  Handy, W. C.

  Hansen, Al

  Hanson, Howard

  Hardy, Thomas: Winter Words

  Harlem Renaissance

  Harmonielehre (Theory of Harmony) (Schoenberg),


  Harris, Roy Third Symphony

  Harrison, Lou

  Harte, Bret

  Hartlaub, Gustav

  Hartmann, Karl Amadeus

  Harvard University

  Harvey, Jonathan: Ashes Dance Back

  Hauptmann, Elisabeth

  Hauptmann, Gerhart

  Haydn, Franz Joseph

  Hayes, Alfred

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Hegel, G. W. F.

  Heifetz, Jascha

  Heiss, Hermann

  Hellman, Lillian

  Helm, Everett

  Helmholtz, Hermann von

  He Luting

  Hemmings, David

  Henckell, Karl

  Henderson, Fletcher

  Henry, Pierre Symphony for a Solitary Man,

  Henze, Hans Werner König Hirsch, Nocturnes and Arias in World War II,

  Hepokoski, James

  Herbier, L’, Marcel

  Herder, Johann Gottfried von

  Herman, Woody

  Herrmann, Bernard

  Herzl, Theodor

  Hess, Carol

  Heydrich, Reinhard

  Heyward, DuBose: Porgy

  Higgins, Dick

  High Fidelity

  Hill, Peter

  Himmler, Heinrich

  Hindemith, Paul background of The Baden-Baden Learning Play About Acquiescence and Brecht The Flying Dutchman Overture as Sight-Read by a Bad Spa Orchestra by the Village Well at Seven in the Morning Gebrauchsmusik (“music for use”) in Hitler’s Germany, Kammermusik No. 1 Ludus tonalis Mathis der Maler News of the Day phonograph concert Sonata No. 2 for Solo Viola Suite 1922

  Hinton, Stephen


  Hirschfeld, Robert

  Hitchcock, Alfred

  Hitler, Adolf Anschluss of 1938 and classical music and Mahler Mein Kampf obsession with Wagner and Salome and Strauss

  Hobsbawm, Eric

  Hochschule für Musik, Berlin

  Hodges, Johnny

  Hoffmann, Heinrich

  Hofmannsthal, Hugo von

  Holiday, Billie

  Holland, Bernard

  Hollywood, composers in:


  Holst, Gustav The Planets

  Homer, Lo

  homosexuality, classical music and

  Honegger, Arthur King David Pacific Rugby Skating- Rink

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Hope, Bob

  Hopkins, Harry

  Horowitz, Joseph

  “Horst Wessel” song

  Horthy, Miklós

  House Un-American Activities Committee,

  Houston Grand Opera

  Hovhaness, Alan

  Hughes, Langston

  Hughes, Robert

  Hugo, Victor

  Huneker, James

  Hurston, Zora Neale

  Huxley, Aldous

  I Ching (Book of Changes)

  Ichiyanagi, Toshi

  Imbrie, Andrew

  Institute for the Research and Coordination of Acoustics and Music (IRCAM)

  International Composers’ Guild

  International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union,

  International Music Bureau

  International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM)

  International Summer Courses for New Music, see Darmstadt

  IRCAM, see Institute for the Research and Coordination of Acoustics and Music Isaac, Heinrich

  ISCM, see International Society for Contemporary Music

  Isherwood, Christopher

  Issue Project Room

  Ivan the Terrible (Eisenstein)

  Ives, Charles American music quoted by as businessman The Celestial Country Concord Sonata (No. 2) Essays Before a Sonata From the Steeples and the Mountains Holidays Symphony Memos musical background of, Quartet No. 2, Symphony No. 1, Symphony No. 2, Symphony No. 3, Symphony No. 4, Three Places in New England The Unanswered Question

  Ives, George

  Ives, George White

  Ives, Sarah Hotchkiss Wilcox

  Jackson, Mahalia

  Jackson, Timothy

  Jalowetz, Heinrich

  James, Frank

  James, Henry “Owen Wingrave,” “The Turn of the Screw,”

  James, Jesse

  James, Skip

  James, William: The Varieties of Religious Experience

  Jamet, Pierre

  Janácček, Leos?, Amarus, background of, and, Bartók, The Cunning Little Vixen,, The Diary of One Who Disappeared, as folk-music collector, From the House of the Dead, Glagolitic Mass, Jenfa, Katya Kabanova, The Makropoulos Affair, Sinfonietta

  Janik, Allan

  jazz, Ellington’s influence on, German composers influenced by, Krenek’s use of, Milhaud influenced by, and minimalism, in 1920s Paris, Stravinsky influenced by

  Jefferson Airplane

  Jenkins, Newell

  Jennings, Terry

  Jenfa ( Janácček)

  Jiang Qing

  Joachim, Joseph

  John XXIII, Pope

  Johns, Erik

  Johnson, Dennis

  Johnson, James P.

  Johnson, James Weldon

  Johnson, J. Rosamond

  Johnson, Robert Sherlaw

  Johnston, Ben

  Jolson, Al


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