Something MORE for Santa

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Something MORE for Santa Page 5

by AKM Miles

  Max placed his items on the pillow beside Derek’s head and leaned down for a kiss. Derek opened his mouth and met Max’s tongue with his own, playing for a moment, then sucking Max’s tongue into his mouth. He opened his eyes and saw Max looking at him. For some reason, that turned him on. He’d never thought about it before, but he usually closed his eyes when he kissed rather than meeting a lover’s gaze. The look in Max’s eyes had him hotter than he’d thought possible.

  Derek groaned and continued to suck on the lithe little muscle inside his mouth, keeping his eyes on Max’s as they darkened and smoldered. Finally Max closed his eyes, as if capitulating in some contest. Derek did the same, focused now on the feeling of Max’s tongue dueling with his own. Only the need for a deep breath made him break the kiss and pull away.

  “Max, I’m pretty much already yours, but make it so, please.” Derek knew he sounded like he was begging, but he didn’t care.

  “Oh, baby, you don’t have to ask me twice. Just for the record, I’m pretty much yours, too. What do you think of that?” Max reached for the lube and condom.

  “I think Christmas came early this year.” Derek heard the huskiness in his own voice. He could see by Max’s expression that he liked his answer.

  Max leaned over and whispered, “Knees or back?”

  “Oh, back. I want to see you. I, uh, I haven’t been with anybody in a while. I’ve been busy and just, go slow, okay?” Derek wanted Max more than he’d ever wanted anything, but he didn’t want to ruin things by getting hurt.

  “It’s been a while for me too, and there haven’t been many at that. I’ll be very careful with you.”

  Max prepared himself, covering his hard cock with a condom and slicking it with lube. Derek met his eyes and took hold of his legs, pulling them up and out to make room for Max between them. Max lubed his fingers, and then reached for the small, tight hole that was displayed before him.

  Derek rocked onto the finger that slid inside him. He sighed and squeezed against the intrusion, loving the feel of Max’s finger invading him, stretching that tight ring of muscle then pushing deeper, turning and twisting. Unable to keep silent, Derek hummed with pleasure as Max inserted another finger, slowly easing them in and out. Derek rocked, meeting each inward stroke.

  “One more, I need one more, Max. You’re a big guy. My big guy, huh?”

  “Yeah, Derek, I’m your big guy, for sure. Here you go. Now you let me know if it hurts.” Max watched him closely as he inserted another finger into Derek’s stretched hole. A flush and then a smile spread over Derek’s face, and Max chuckled. The added finger sent waves of intense sensation radiating outward from the spot where three large fingers moved and twisted inside him.

  “Please, Max.”

  That was all Max needed. He drew his fingers out, wiping them on the top sheet beside him. Derek gazed intently at his lover as Max moved into position and wasted no time in making Derek his. As the flared head of Max’s cock invaded him Derek groaned, and then sighed.

  Max didn’t pause. Once he’d breached the hole between Derek’s taut cheeks, he slid all the way inside until his balls rested against Derek’s ass. He reached to take Derek’s legs and placed them over his shoulders, then braced his hands on the bed on either side of Derek. Only then did he pause, leaning down to kiss Derek’s already open mouth. Derek moaned, exulting in the sensations from his full, aching ass to his equally full, hungry mouth. He thrust his hips up, letting Max know he could move.

  As Max steadily increased the speed and strength of his thrusts, Derek smoothed his hand over as much of Max’s body as he could reach. Despite his body being taken over by the pounding it now received, Derek reveled in the feel of Max’s skin beneath his hands. He squeezed the muscles in Max’s back, going from shoulders to hips, then reaching to clutch Max’s ass cheeks. Caressing and smoothing, he worshipped the body of the man making love to him.

  Derek began moving his lips over Max’s neck and shoulders, dropping kisses then licking a path from the dip at the base of Max’s throat up to his chin and settling on his mouth. Max increased his thrusts, his breathing hard and fast. Derek could tell it was almost over for him, so he squeezed and released around Max’s cock, loving Max’s shudder and deep groan.

  “Derek, God, man, I’m coming. I can’t hold on anymore.” With that warning, Max came hard, jerking into Derek as he pulsed over and over into the condom. Derek felt the heat of it inside him, and that sent him over the edge into his own orgasm. He held onto Max as heat splashed from his cock onto his stomach. Minutes passed before Max pulled out of him, removed the condom, and settled beside him. Max used the corner of the sheet to wipe them clean and then pulled Derek to him.

  Derek was a snuggler and he hoped Max didn’t mind. When Max opened his arms and wrapped him up tight, Derek got his answer. He sighed, his head resting on Max’s shoulder, his hand making designs on Max’s perfect chest, their legs tangled below.

  Max woke Derek the next morning with a kiss. They smiled at each other without awkwardness. After a quick shower Derek left, before Michael woke.

  § § §

  Derek was impressed with his ability to think about the night before while he cuddled with children, asking about their Christmas dreams, and smiling for the photos. Michael participated in several of them. Derek enjoyed spending time with the little boy more than ever, because Michael reminded him so much of his dad.

  A boy Michael’s age came up and Michael recognized him. After the picture was taken, Michael and the little boy, Grayson, stood next to the display talking about when school would start back up and what they were hoping to get this year for Christmas. Derek kept his eye on Michael, but knew that Michael wouldn’t leave his side.

  A young woman with two screaming babies came forward next. Why in the world a parent would want a picture with such unhappy children was beyond him. Derek spoke to the little ones quietly, doing his best to soothe them. The little girl calmed until only her sniffles remained, but her brother continued to fuss. Derek stole a glance to where Michael stood with Grayson and his mother. Another scream drew his attention back to his lap as the little boy wailed his unhappiness. The mother looked close to tears herself.

  “It’s okay,” Derek told her. “This happens sometimes.” The brother’s squalls set off his sister again, and Derek’s arms were full of squirming, crying babies. Trying to hold in a sigh of frustration, Derek turned toward Michael again. Michael wasn’t there.

  Derek peered over his shoulder, trying to see if Michael and Grayson had moved behind his chair. Still seeing no sign of them, he went against policy and stood with the babies in his arms, handing them one at a time back to their astonished mother. She placed them, still crying, in their stroller.

  “I’m sorry, ma’am, but there’s an emergency. If you can come back later, I’ll do your picture and pay for it myself. Right now I’ve got to go.” Derek stepped off the platform and searched all around the display. No Michael.

  “Michael? Michael Martin, where are you?” Derek tried to remain calm. He asked the people standing in line, “Did any of you see where the little elf who was sitting with me earlier went? He was standing right there,” he pointed to the spot, “talking to his little friend.”

  Most people looked irritated that he was leaving the display, but one lady stepped forward. “His mother came to pick him up; I saw her take his arm. She kind of fussed at him and pulled him away from the other little boy. I thought maybe she was mad at him for something. They went that way.” She pointed behind the display.

  Michael’s mother died when he was a baby, Derek thought with rising panic. “What did she look like?” he asked the woman.

  “She was pretty, with blonde hair. And dressed nicely, you know, in a suit with expensive shoes and a big Gucci purse.”

  Derek appealed to parents in the line. “Will you all help me search? That wasn’t the boy’s mother and I need to find him immediately. If you find him, or you see him, please go to
any cashier and tell them where he is.”

  Derek ran in the direction the helpful lady had pointed out to him. He grabbed his cell from his pocket, turned it on, and called Max.

  “Hey, gorgeous. What’s up? Aren’t you…”

  “Michael’s missing.”

  “What! Missing where? What happened, Derek? Where are you?” Max sounded frantic. Derek’s heart pounded and a sick feeling gripped his stomach.

  “I think it was Tawna,” he said into the phone. “A lady said that a pretty blonde took his arm and drew him away, and that she was fussing at him, seemed mad. It has to be her. Just come down here, please. I’m sorry, Max. He was standing right beside the display, talking with a friend from school. I had screaming twins on my lap and I kept looking over at him to make sure he was still there talking to this Grayson. The little boy’s mother was right there with them. Then the next time I looked over, he was gone. He knows better than to leave my side, so Tawna must have said something to get him to go with her. I’m sorry.”

  “That bitch. I’m on my way. Look for him, but stay on that floor. I’ll keep an eye out on my way down. I’m trying not to freak out here.”

  “I’m so sorry, Max.” Derek couldn’t say it enough.

  “Not your fault. She was just waiting for a chance to get back at me for firing her. If she hurts one hair on his head, I’ll make sure her life is hell from now on. Help me find him, Derek.” Max’s voice nearly broke on the last sentence.

  Derek searched the entire floor, telling each cashier he passed to keep an eye out and not to panic. He looked in every nook and cranny. He wished he had the power to lock the doors, but he was afraid she had already taken him out of the building. All she would have to do is walk straight to the escalator, then down and out of the front door. God help him, he couldn’t stand thinking of Michael with her. As Max had said, the bitch!

  He turned a corner and saw Max bearing down on him. He wanted so badly to walk into Max’s arms, but now was not the time.

  “I’ve looked everywhere on this floor,” Derek said. “Do you have any ideas where she would take him?”

  “No, but God help her when I find her. Come on.” Max gestured for Derek to follow him.

  Seeing the woman who had witnessed the abduction, he grabbed Max’s arm and drew him toward her. He introduced Max and asked if she could remember anything else.

  “Not really. She wasn’t very tall. She was really made up and had bright red fingernails. The boy’s eyes went really wide when she grabbed his hand, like he was scared, like something was wrong. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything at the time, but I thought it was his mother.” She grasped her daughter’s hand and moved away.

  Max watched them go. Derek could all but feel him vibrating with anger. His eyes, when he turned back to Derek, were bleak.

  “What’s she doing to him? Why is she doing this? The police, I need to call the police.” Max drew out his phone while Derek stood by, feeling helpless. He wanted to keep searching; but he knew they wouldn’t find Tawna and Michael standing in an aisle somewhere waiting to be found.

  Derek listened as Max gave the 911 operator the information. He agreed to stay on the line until the police showed up.

  Derek asked, “Can I go change? I’m sorry, but I can’t go back and be Santa while Michael is missing. I have to help look for him.”

  “Yeah, go on. I’m going to run up to the office and the penthouse to make sure she didn’t take him there. I’ll meet you back here. We’ve got to find them. Derek, do you think she’ll hurt him?” Max had never sounded so vulnerable. Derek couldn’t help it. He stepped in and put his arms around Max for a quick hug.

  “No, we’re going to find them, and you have to promise you’ll press charges when we do,” he said.

  Max snorted, “Don’t doubt it.”

  Derek hurried to change and soon met Max back by the now empty Santa display. Before long, a couple of officers showed up. Word spread through the store and a crowd had gathered as Max and Derek talked to the policeman and policewoman, Officers Sinclair and Kilgore, respectively.

  Derek described the elf costume that Michael was wearing and told them how he had disappeared. Max explained about firing Tawna last week, and replacing her with Derek. They both described Tawna’s abusive behavior toward Michael.

  “Where’s Michael’s mother?” asked Officer Kilgore, glancing around at the crowd.

  “His mother died when he was a baby. It’s just been him and me for years. He would never leave with Tawna willingly.” Frowning, Max pressed a hand to his forehead. Derek knew what the gesture meant. Max felt a migraine coming on, but there was no way he would succumb to the pain now.

  “What should we do, officers? I’ll close the store down if it’ll help, but there’s no way we can monitor everyone who leaves. Tawna may have already taken him out of the store. I can’t imagine what she hopes to gain. Does she want ransom money? She knows I’d do anything for Michael. Or is she just trying to drive me crazy? God, I don’t know what to do!” Max steadily became more agitated, and Derek knew it was partly due to the pain in his head. Sweat beaded on Max’s brow and tension bunched his shoulders and neck. Any other time, he’d have Max lay on a bed or couch and he’d be massaging him, trying to help ease the pain.

  “Do you have anything you can take for your headache?” Derek asked quietly.

  Officer Sinclair darted a look from Derek to Max. “Are you all right, sir? Do we need to call someone, an ambulance maybe?”

  “It’s just a migraine. I get them. I’ve got medicine in my bathroom.” Max tried to sound strong, but Derek could tell his head was killing him. “Derek, will you go get it for me? I need one of the little white pills. Keep your cell on.”

  Derek ran to the elevator. When the doors opened he saw Michael’s elf hat lying on the floor in the corner.

  He ran back far enough to see Max and the police and shouted, “Max! Officers, over here!” Then he doubled back to make sure no one got near the elevator. When Max came to a breathless halt beside Derek, his eyes widened.

  “That wasn’t there when I came down a while ago.” He bent to reach for it, but Officer Sinclair stopped him.

  Derek’s stomach dropped when the female officer pulled on latex gloves and slipped the hat into an evidence bag, just like in an episode of CSI. He thought his heart would stop. Evidently Max shared the sensation, because he stepped back with a hand pressing his chest.

  “Where does this go?” Officer Kilgore indicated the elevator.

  “It’s a private elevator mostly used by office personnel, and Michael and me. It goes to the offices on the fifth floor and to the penthouse where we live. It doesn’t even stop on the other floors.” Max spoke in a subdued voice. Derek knew he couldn’t raise his voice much above a whisper or his head would pound unmercifully.

  “Would she know that?” Officer Sinclair asked.

  “Sure, she used to use it all the time,” Max replied.

  “Then I’d say after you came down on it, she and Michael got on and went to one of those floors.”

  Derek agreed and felt a burst of hope. They all entered the elevator, the officers saying they would search the office floor and instructing Max and Derek to check the penthouse.

  When they go to the penthouse, Max went straight to the bathroom off his bedroom and took a pill, leaning on the counter for a moment. Derek followed him, and when he laid his head on Max’s chest, Max’s powerful arms went around him. He felt Max shudder and wished he could do or say something to make him feel better.

  “Mr. Martin?” Officer Kilgore called from the door of the penthouse. They hurried to her and saw her holding up a tiny white rectangle.

  “This was on the floor by the elevator door,” she said, holding out her hand to them, “Do you know if it’s his?”

  “Yes!” Derek exclaimed. “It’s the gum I gave him. He works with me on the Santa display, and if you’re going to be that close to people you have to have nice breat
h. He and I both use this gum. We always have two or three in our pockets.” He turned to Max, a smile on his face. “I bet you that smart little boy is leaving us clues, first his hat and now this. Let’s go see if he left any others.” Derek took Max’s hand, leading him out of the door and back to the elevator.

  They got off on the office floor. Max headed for his office and Derek to his. Checking in the bathroom next door, Derek found nothing and came back out, shaking his head. Max did the same. That left another couple of offices and the storage room at the end of the hall. Officer Sinclair met them at the elevator and talked quietly to Officer Kilgore. Derek started down the hall.

  His eyes were trained on a tiny white spot by the storage room door. As he got closer he realized it was another piece of gum, this one smaller. Michael had broken a piece in half and dropped it. He probably had only two left in his pocket. What a bright kid!

  “Max, over here. He’s left us another clue.” Derek waved the others over. The officers hurried to him and Max moved as fast as he could, considering his head probably felt like it was going to burst.

  The officers pulled Derek away from the storage room door.

  “What’s in there?” Officer Kilgore whispered.

  “It’s just a storage room for supplies needed in the offices, boxes of paper, desk supplies. There’s a closet with cleaning supplies for the janitors,” Derek told them.

  “Stand back,” Officer Sinclair said; his hand on his gun. The room wasn’t locked, and the man opened the door and pushed it wide. Nothing moved inside. It appeared empty. Derek’s heart sank.

  He jumped as the officer said loudly, “Michael, are you in here?”

  A noise drew their attention to the closet door. Derek and Max beat the officers to the closet and Derek jerked the door open. He thought his heart would burst when he saw Michael sitting on the floor with duct tape over his mouth, his eyes streaming tears and his arms wrapped around himself as if he were freezing. A set of keys lay on the floor beside him.


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