Something MORE for Santa

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Something MORE for Santa Page 15

by AKM Miles

  “I will go back down to my office and check around, very carefully, don’t worry, and see if they’re still in there. I bet they are. They think they’re so smart that no one is onto them except Derek and he doesn’t remember all of it.”

  “I don’t want you taking any chances, Roxie. You’re too important to me. It would be good to find out if they’re there without them knowing we’re onto them, though. Just be careful, please.”

  They stood and Roxie gave them each a hug and headed for the door where the same security guard was waiting to take here back down to the main floor from which she would then return to her office. She turned at the door and put her hand up to her cheek with thumb and little finger extended in the “I’ll call you” sign. She was enjoying this so much, Derek could tell. He thought that was great. Let her get a little of her own back. He hated bullies.

  Within the hour the officers were there with them and Roxie had called Max to tell him that she’d walked by Jack’s office and heard them talking inside, so they were, indeed, still there.

  “I told you they weren’t smart enough to get the hell out of Dodge. They think they’re invincible. So, when are you doing this?”

  She was talking very quietly and as per the officers instructions she was to stay in her office while it went down. Once the officers had them handcuffed she could step out of her office and watch them being marched out.

  Officer Purcell called for backup and then said, “I don’t want to take any chances that anyone might be armed. I’m not crazy about the idea of both of you coming down there.” He looked at Derek, “You stay back and watch, but Max needs to go in with us and get them to confess. Maybe you could stay in Ms. Rule’s office.”

  “No sir, I’m going in with Max. When they see both of us, it might make them mad enough to say something incriminating. I’m going. We didn’t have to call you. We could have just gone down and confronted them and then called you, but I’m going.”

  Just then there was a knock at the door and Max let Cindy in to stay with Michael. Derek had gone in to check on him and found Michael asleep on the bed with the kittens. Cindy went in with him, telling them not to worry about them.

  The Accounting Department was two floors down. Four police officers, Max, and Derek stepped on the elevator, grim faced. Max took Derek’s hand and squeezed it. That was all he needed. He took strength from that touch and was ready to get this over.

  They got off the elevator and Roxie stuck her head out of her office, a smile on her face as she pointed to the closed door two down from hers. She stepped back in her office, but she didn’t close her door. Derek didn’t blame her.

  Max didn’t bother to knock on Jack’s door; he just grabbed the knob, turned it, and stepped in, flanked by Derek and the four uniformed officers.

  As soon as Derek saw them he was hit by memories. He recognized Jack Gilbert immediately and looked over to Ed Richmond, the one who must have hit him from behind that night. It flashed through his mind like a mini-movie in the seconds before Jack jumped up, pushing his chair back. His hand reached for a drawer.

  Officer Purcell drew his gun and said, “Put both hands in the air. Don’t be stupid, you are greatly outnumbered.”

  “It was him. It was all him!” Ed Richmond said.

  “I don’t think so,” Derek said. “You’re the one who hit me in the back of the head. I heard him tell you what a good job you did right before he kicked me in the face. I remember it all, Max. These are the two who beat me up and Jack, there, is the man in the hospital who tried to kill me. What do you think of the ‘faggy boy’ now?” Derek couldn’t let that one pass. He felt empowered saying it to him and watching him turn white. A thought struck him suddenly. “Oh, my God, Max! Where’s my phone?”

  “What? Now, Derek?” Max looked totally confused, probably at the timing of the question.

  “I taped it all on my phone. I didn’t remember it until just now. I took pictures of them after they beat me up, when I called you. I even recorded them talking in the cafe. As soon as I heard our names I started listening and when it got so ugly about us being gay I thought you’d want to know about it. He,” Derek pointed to Jack Gilbert, “even mentioned Michael. So when they started talking about skimming from the company, I had it all on the phone. They didn’t know that. They knew I took a picture of them when they were running away, though. I’m surprised they didn’t come after the phone.” Derek couldn’t believe he had forgotten something so big that could have solved all this for them earlier.

  “I guess it’s in with the things that came back from the hospital with you. I have to admit I haven’t been thinking about anything except your safety.”

  “I know. I can’t believe I forgot something so important. Well, why not, I forgot everything else,” Derek said, disgustedly, looking at Officer Purcell, who simply nodded, and Derek knew he’d be turning over that important piece of evidence as soon as this was finished.

  Max spoke to Jack through tight lips. “You are going to make this easy for me. I want every record you have for the thefts for the last five years. I want account numbers for where you’ve stashed it, information on how you did it, and if there are any discrepancies now that I know what I’m looking for, you’ll be looking at more time. Anything to say, Jack?”

  “I’m not saying anything, filthy faggot.”

  “Aw, you think that hurts me? Really?” Max stepped over to Derek and put his arm around his shoulders. “You hurt the man I love, twice. I will see you in court, have no doubt of that, and I will make sure that you don’t see the light of day until you are too old to care. Besides the theft, you’re looking at attempted murder, hate crimes, and anything else we can come up with. Officer Purcell, if you look in that drawer and he has a gun in it, you’d call his attempt to get to it resisting arrest, right?”

  “Absolutely, along with threatening an officer of the law.” Purcell had been very good about letting them talk. “Step away from the desk, Mr. Gilbert. Day,” he nodded his head to his partner, “check that drawer.”

  There was a gun in the drawer and Derek sighed as he thought about the idiocy of having a weapon in an accounting office.

  “Have you always had that or did you get it just for me?” he asked.

  “He just bought it yesterday,” Eddy said, little canary that he was.

  “Shut up, Eddy. You’re an idiot.”

  “There’s a lot of that going around,” Max said.

  Derek stepped out from under Max’s arm and faced the men. “Officers, these are the two men I heard talking in the cafe about stealing from the company for almost five years. They met me at the elevator and Eddy left when Jack threatened me. I got a couple of kicks in after throwing the food bag at him. I called Max and told him to come down and then Eddy here came around behind me and hit me in the head. I recognize Jack’s voice and words from the hospital. Do you need anything else?”

  “No, sir. Cuff them,” he told the other two officers, “and we’ll take them down to the station. If you two,” he said, indicating Max and Derek, “could come down and make an official statement, you can get back to your lives. Oh, and bring that phone with you.”

  “We’ll be there. I just need to get someone to gather the information about their stealing,” Max said.

  “I’ll be more than happy to help with that,” Roxie said. “I’ve got great computer skills and I can trace all the accounts. Just to make it easy, what’s your password, Jack?” Oh, Derek thought, she was just enjoying this so much.

  “Big Butt Bitch, you’ll never figure it out,” Jack spat at her.

  Max started for him, only to be stopped by Roxie’s hand. She smiled sweetly at Jack and said, “I’d say you’re the one who’s going to have to worry about his butt pretty soon.”

  It was all Derek could do not to laugh.

  Eddy, the chicken, came through again. There was no doubt his sentence wouldn’t be as big as Jack’s. “It’s his birthday. I told him it was stupid to mak
e it so easy. It’s all under a file called Retirement Funding. It’s all in there, I’ve seen it.”

  “You’re a dead man, Ed Richmond, you hear me? Dead.” Jack was spitting at him now, furious.

  “Whatever, Jack. How do you think you’re going to control things in prison, huh? I’m actually glad this is all over. I don’t like you very much, you know?” Eddy turned his back on Jack after that.

  “You little punk. I’ll see you dead, you hear me?”

  “We all hear you, Mr. Gilbert. Let’s keep them separate, men, and get them out of here. We’ve got what we need and I think Mr. Martin has what he needs, too.”

  “Wait,” Derek said, looking at Ed Richmond, “What did you hit me with?”

  Ed ducked his head and muttered, “There was a box around the corner in that hallway from the sports department, I guess. There was a bat in it. I’m sorry. Really, I am.”

  “One more thing,” Derek said. “Did you all do something to the guy that waited on you that day?”

  Ed looked up at him, frowning, “Who?”

  Derek figured that answered that question. He waved them on.

  As they stepped out of the office there were people standing at all the doors and as Jack and Eddy walked by, handcuffed, heads down, they all began to clap loudly. A cheer went up and was soon followed by more. It seemed like these men weren’t liked by anyone at the office. Derek couldn’t help the smile on his face. He bet Max was feeling bad that he’d had someone that horrible working for him. He bet there’d be some meetings about reporting any kind of bullying in the workplace.

  Derek was feeling tired and tense after all the commotion, though. He was holding his breath and trying not to let on how bad he felt.

  “We need to get you some medicine and see Michael. We’ll make sure he knows it’s all over. I would like to go down today and get the statements over with. I’m anxious to see what’s on your phone, too. You’re so smart. If you hadn’t been cracked on the head you’d have shown it to me and none of this would have happen. I’m sure it’s in the bag with all your other stuff from that day. We’ve not even looked at it or thought anything about it. Damn! I think I put it in the laundry room. I’m going to put Roxie on the accounts and we can get back to normal. Frankly, I feel pretty stupid to have been unaware of this for so long. I’m anxious to find out how they did it.”

  That Eddy just couldn’t stop his mouth. “It was small amounts across several accounts. After five years, it’s added up to a million five.”

  Jack lunged for Eddy, but the officers had a good hold on him.

  “Thank you,” Max said to Eddy. Derek knew he would make it known that Eddy had helped them, not that Derek was ready to forgive him for the concussion.

  § § §

  Michael met them at the door, crying out, “Daddy! I woke up and you was both gone. I was afraid the bad mans had got you both.” He jumped up into Max’s open arms.

  Cindy said, “I told him you all were fine and that you had a lot of policemen with you, but he was worried. Is everything all right now?”

  “Absolutely. We got both the bad guys. They’re going to prison. We are going to go down and make statements after Derek takes some medicine. Can you stay until we get back? We’ll bring back whatever Michael wants for supper tonight. I might invite Roxie to join us. She deserves a treat. What would you like, Michael?”

  “Chinese! I like that General Soldier stuff. It’s good,” he said, kicking his legs to be let down. He took Derek’s hand and said, “Come on, Derek. I know you need some medicine ’cause you’re frowning. I’ll get you a banana to eat with it, okay?”

  “Great. Thanks, Michael. Hey, will you and Cindy make those cookies while we’re gone? That would be good for dessert after supper. Surprise me with what kind you make, okay? I’ve been looking forward to them.”

  “You’re just trying to keep me busy so I won’t worry about you, aren’t you, Daddy Derek?” Michael asked.

  “You are so right, but I do want those cookies.” Smart young man.

  Michael looked between Max and Derek and then crooked his finger at Max, who leaned down to him. Derek heard him trying to whisper.

  “Daddy, this time I don’t care if they miss Christmas. They hurt Daddy Derek and I don’t want them to ever come back. Can you make sure they don’t?”

  “You bet I can, son. They’re both going away for a long time, I promise.”

  § § §

  Later, the phone had been found and Max was amazed and horrified at everything that Derek had recorded. Their statements had been made, dinner had been ordered and picked up, and Cindy had gone home. It seemed that Roxie had gotten there before them and had helped make the cookies and they were works of art. Michael was beaming as he brought the platter of them in to the couch where they’d retired to after the meal.

  “Wow, Michael. Those are gorgeous. Why,” Derek said, pointing, “that’s Betsy and Sara. These are so pretty. Look at the two hearts on this one, Max.”

  “There are two of those,” Michael said, “one for both my daddies.”

  Max looked at Roxie and smiled, saying, “Is there anything you’re not good at, Roxie? You must have had training in decorating. These are great. Right now, I think there’s a new position in your future, one with more responsibility and a raise.”

  “Well, I won’t say no to either. I’ve made some headway on the accounts. I’ll be further along soon. I’m working with the police and together we’ll have a report for you tomorrow with concrete evidence that you can use when the time comes for a trial or whatever. You’ll have your proof and your money back. I call this a win.”

  “That sounds like a great idea,” Max said, taking a bite of his hearts cookie. “Mmm, Michael, these taste as good as they look. I think you’ve made a new friend, huh?”

  “Yeah, I like Miss Roxie. She’s fun and she knows lots of stuff and she can sing all the songs on the radio, too.”

  Max looked at her, shaking his head when she blushed.

  “Want to give us a concert?”

  “Not in this lifetime. That’s just for Michael. If he invited me back, and we’ve already talked about cupcakes, mind you, then he and I will sing together, but it’s just a Michael thing.”

  “Good enough.”

  § § §

  Within weeks the money had been recovered and Roxie was enjoying her new position. Her efforts, along with the police’s help, was conclusive and they used it when they testified. Jack, as Derek had figured, got a much larger sentence than Ed Richmond did, though he would not be out for quite a while.

  Meanwhile, Max had done some restructuring of the Accounting Department as well as a general message to every employee about proper behavior in the workplace. He’d been appalled at the way these men had abused their positions and was making sure it never happened again. He even started an incentive program for reporting both good work and acts of kindness. Everyone seemed to be happier and liked the new ideas. Max felt bad that there had ever been a bad work environment within his company. He would pay more attention.

  Roxie had become a good friend to all of them and Michael loved her. Their cupcake adventure was very successful. Max and Derek had stood in the hall and listened to them singing in the kitchen. Hearing Michael belt out “All About That Bass” nearly had them laughing hard enough to be heard. They had to sneak back to Max’s office and close the door.

  “That was priceless. I wish I’d thought to record it on my phone,” Derek said.

  “Oh, you’re trouble,” Max teased. “Come here, Trouble.”

  Derek went to him and was embraced with fervor and strength. He’d healed very well from the two incidents and he and Max were both happy to be able to hold each other tightly again. Their nights were filled with passion and love.

  Derek’s lips opened immediately when Max’s tongue touched them. He loved Max’s kisses beyond all else. They spent quite a lot of time engaged in the activity. Their lovemaking was perfect as far as
Derek was concerned and he knew there was no one else who could make him feel like Max did. He trembled just thinking about the way Max took him, strong and loving. It was such a great mix. The desire they felt for each other couldn’t be contained once they were in the safety of their bedroom.

  Michael had no more nightmares and the monitor was silent as they spent night after night proving their love in sensual and varied ways. So often, Derek went to sleep completely satiated and pleasantly worn out. Lying with his head on Max’s chest where he could hear that strong heartbeat was his favorite way to go to sleep.

  Max and Derek began making plans for their cruise during Michael’s spring break. The little boy was beyond excited. They’d arranged for Roxie to take the kittens while they were gone. Derek, with his many lists, made sure that they had everything they needed, well packed and ready. They flew to Florida and made it to the cruise ship in good time.

  Michael was thrilled with how huge the ship was and his eyes never stopped moving from one thing to another. Max dealt with the boarding procedure. Everyone who boarded had to have a picture taken and when the three of them stood together for the photo there were a few “awws” from the people in line. They did make a nice picture.

  They boarded and Michael held tightly to both their hands, almost skipping between them.

  “This is gonna be so fun, Daddy. You gave Daddy Derek a good Christmas present. I’m going to try to find a shell for you like the one I gave you. Wouldn’t that be cool? I wonder what I can get for Betsy and Sara? Do I get to meet the captain? I would like that, but I bet he’s busy ’cause this is a big ship. I didn’t think it would be this big, did you? I hope we don’t get lost. We won’t get lost, will we? You have to keep holdin’ my hand, so I don’t get lost from you. I wouldn’t like that. We’re a family so we got to stay together. No getting lost from each other. Derek, do you think they have good cookies? I bet they do. Wonder where we eat? Do we have to eat in our room? Do you know where our room is? Is that a pool? Why would they have a pool when we’re gonna be in the big ocean? That’s just silly. Will we see whales? What about dolphins? I’d love to see dolphins. Come on, what are you all waitin’ for? Wait, where did all our stuff go? How do we get our stuff? This is confusin’.”


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