Bite Me

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Bite Me Page 6

by Donaya Haymond

  My mother’s careworn attitude faded away for just a moment. “Actually, I kind of like it.”

  “I’d best be off. Goodbye. Don’t go chewing on the furniture, Dianne. I must say, Ferdin, you’re a lot cuter when you’re like that.” With those elegant parting words, he bowed, put on his jacket, and went out the door into the darkness.

  Once he was gone Mom shut her eyes a moment to clear her mind. “How about we have some dinner, Di? If your father lets go of my hand, that is.” Dad immediately went and clung to the dining room curtains instead. She smiled slightly, then looked tired and sick again. “I think we’ve all had a hard day.”

  I nodded, walking to the kitchen. Suddenly I stopped in my tracks and groaned.

  “What is it? Is there something else wrong?”

  “It’s just. . . argh! Even with everything that’s gone on this evening, I just remembered that I still have to do my geometry homework!”

  Chapter Eight

  Cry With Me

  “Are you sure that that’s the girl you were talking about?”

  “Yeah, that’s the one. The teachers didn’t believe it, but I saw it. Her

  hand changed into something else! It wasn’t normal. She grew claws or


  “Sorry if I don’t really buy it. That just can’t be. And she looks sad.” My head whipped around, and the two girls did their best innocent

  looks. I considered telling them to get a life, but ended up sighing

  instead. My current class, World Civics, was one that I had without Matt

  and therefore one I spent alone. Sometimes I wondered why the teachers

  didn’t seem to notice the silence, the head on the desk, the doodles in the

  margins. Hello, human misery over here!

  I stared at the assignment I was supposed to be filling in. Use an

  analogy to compare/contrast an oligarchy, a monarchy, and a democracy. Let

  me see. . . imagine that werewolves had all the political power. That

  would be an oligarchy. If they elected a king, would that be both

  democracy and monarchy? Constitutional monarchy? Might be nice if

  werewolves ruled. Lycanthropy wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t have to be

  hidden, and shape-shifting would be more like being a superhero than

  having a disease. Oh no, my mind was wandering. No supernatural! No


  “AIDS,” said a voice.

  The acronym made me panic for a second. Had someone figured it


  The teacher repeated his question, unconscious of my discomfort.

  “Anyone? Anyone? Gayle? Can you explain to me why governments can

  be so reluctant to admit that they have a problem with AIDS in their


  Matt’s advice to me a week ago to continue breathing proved useful,

  especially I spent most of my time now jumping at small noises and

  startling other people. The results of Mom’s and my blood tests hadn’t

  come back yet, so every time the phone rang, my heart would stop for at

  least a minute.

  Gayle, an African-American girl sitting three desks to my left, was

  responding. “Well, it’s sort of an embarrassing disease for a person to get

  if you think about it. Most of the time, it’s spread by people doing things

  that can be avoided: not using protection, letting people stick

  unsterilized needles into you. . .”

  A dangerous feeling constricted my throat and stung my eyes. I

  raised my hand without the teacher noticing. To get his attention, I

  flailed my arm around. He seemed surprised, since I hadn’t volunteered

  an answer ever since the Tammy incident. “Do you have something to

  add, Dianne?”

  “Please,” I quavered, “please, can I go to the restroom? Now?” “Can this wait for a moment?”


  “Quickly, then.” At least five pairs of eyes followed me while I


  Fortunately, the nearest restroom was only a few classes away. After

  seeing myself in the mirror I was doubly glad that I had left—I’d been

  worried that my eyes would be getting red, but instead they had turned

  yellow and wild. My subconscious self must be getting pretty smart in

  meeting its desires. Wolf eyes can’t cry. I bared my teeth, frustrated, and

  had to take some deep breaths to keep from transforming completely.

  Some tears would have been such a relief, but no, the wolf inside me

  refused to show weakness outside of my own territory. It remembered

  that enemies will sense fear and strike.

  Yet there was the sound of sobbing from one of the stalls, a fairly

  common sound in a high school girls’ room, distracting me from my own

  meltdown. When the gasps and whimpers whoever in there had been

  trying so hard to restrain had died away, the girl began to speak in

  broken phrases. The voice sounded an awful lot like Taylor. “I know it could be worse. . . I know. . . I’m lucky. . . it’s good in the end. What? The things you’re telling me are horrible! Does it make you feel better to say them, to share? I can’t. I mean, there’s. . . no. It’s been the end of the world before.” She giggled, which was somehow more depressing than her crying. “I guess it’s true. Every time something hurts us, we pull it in; hold it inside. We’re afraid of being judged, or worse, of adding to their own burden. Yet when we bring ourselves just to admit that we’re hurting, a little of the emptiness inside fills up. And every time someone shares a little to us back again, it actually isn’t so bad, because knowing that taking some his or her pain onto us makes it

  better. . . it’s better overall. Nobody can heal all by themselves.” “Um. . .”

  Taylor (if it was Taylor) didn’t hear me. “So maybe it would be best if

  we all trusted at least one other person enough to talk to them. We could

  hand our bleeding hearts over for someone else to fix. Every time we

  shared it would get slightly lighter. Lighter. . . lighter. . . that’s a nice

  word. I better go back to study hall now.”

  In Taylor’s defence, she recovered quickly after running into me.

  Telltale blotches covered her face, but her voice was steady, and her

  mouth immediately stretched into a smile. “Hi! Imagine meeting you

  here. I didn’t know you had a class so nearby.” She was silently pleading

  me to not ask.

  “Practicing lines for a play?” I suggested, giving her an excuse. I

  didn’t want my friend to suffer any more embarrassment.

  “Yes. . . no, I can’t. That would be a really good reason, wouldn’t it?

  Better than you thinking I was schizophrenically jabbering to people

  who weren’t there.”

  I really did want to know but she had a right to her privacy,

  especially if she noticed that my eyes had changed color. I smiled in an

  effort to reassure her. “I get it. Good Mormon girls don’t lie.” She laughed self-deprecatingly and ran her fingers through her dark

  brown hair. “Thanks. I will tell you sometime, Dianne. Can you wait?” “No problem. I came in here for some moping myself. But what you

  said makes sense. I—I–I guess I can hold on a little longer.” I looked into

  the mirror again and saw that I was back to normal.

  As Taylor washed her face another girl came in, a gangly dirty blonde

  with glasses, face drawn with concern. “Taylor? Are you okay?” Looking from one to the other, I decided it was best if I left them to

  their hug and weep fest. “See you on the bus tomorrow,” I said, and

  returned to Civi

  Every day of late crawled on as though time had decided there was

  really no point in passing. I had track and field after school that day but I

  didn’t have the heart. Both Taylor and Matt had something after school,

  so to go early I had to go alone. I decided to go find Mom and see if I

  could ride home with her.

  When I tapped the door of her office there was no answer.

  Frightened, I knocked harder, and even banged it loud enough to make

  the janitor give me a look. When I finally burst in, my mom appeared to

  have collapsed onto the desk.

  “Mom? Mom!” I shook her shoulders and wondered if I should call

  for help.

  In what felt like hours later, she moved and sat up. Her makeup had

  smeared. “I said I’m a counselor, not a psychiatrist. . . hm? Dianne? What

  time is it?”

  “Mom, y-you fainted. Please tell me that it was staying up too late or

  giving Dad a snack. Do you need a glass of water?”

  She looked confused, then sat back in her chair. “Don’t worry, Di

  dear. I was just tired. Very tired. I didn’t sleep much last night. Is it

  three-thirty already?”

  “Yes. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  The woman before my eyes didn’t seem like my mother. Her gray

  eyes were large and hollow, her frame had shrunk, and her expression

  was unnaturally bright. “No worries. I’ll drive you home.”

  She was like that the entire journey back, chattering on about how

  proud of me she was for my performance in the most recent track meet,

  asking me how my day was, reminding me about Dad’s newly

  completed manuscript and oh this time she thought he might have a real

  success, and other small talk. “. . . So the ninth grader kept insisting that

  she was a reincarnation of a laurel tree in the state park, and I said I’m a

  counselor, not a psychiatrist. I recommended her to one I know;

  hopefully it’ll be sorted out. I always thought high school was full of

  weirdos, and I used to wonder what it would be like on the other side.”

  We were in our neighborhood by the time she said this, and I was

  growing agitated. She wouldn’t let me get a word in. It was as though

  she was afraid I would ask something.

  By the time we pulled into the front of our house, I couldn’t stand it

  any more. I stood on the doorstep with my arms folded, blocking her

  way. “Mom, you’re scaring me. Please tell me what’s going on.” “What are you talking about?”

  “Did Nat call?”

  She snapped out of it, the bubbly facade melting away. In a much

  steadier tone she said, “Yes. I’ll tell you when we’re inside.” I dropped my backpack onto the floor and myself onto the sofa,

  feeling as though I might throw up if I had to wait any longer. Mom took

  off her high heels and then joined me, hugging one of the lumpy pillows. “There’s good news.”

  “Really?” I didn’t dare believe it.

  “Yes. You’re completely clean.”

  My eyes widened. “Really?” I said again, incoherent with relief. But

  then—”What about you?”

  Mom pursed her lips and looked at the carpet, rubbing her hands like

  she was cold in our heated living room. “I’m not going to get any


  “Oh! That’s the best! I was so incredibly worried for days and days

  and I couldn’t sleep but now it’s worth it because it’s all going to be


  “I—I’m not finished. For at least four or five months.”

  My joy, my mind, and my world came to a screeching halt. “What?” “It’s still just coming out of the incubation period. If we’re lucky, it

  might be almost a year before the effects of. . . I mean before I start to

  really deteriorate. Our insurance will cover the drugs, but my

  lycanthropy means staying at a hospital is pretty much out—Nat

  admitted I’m not going to do as well as a normal patient if I’m restricted

  to home care.” Her optimism broke down, and her voice began to

  quaver. “I am so sorry.”

  “No! It’s not true! NO!” I couldn’t see or think. “We need a second

  opinion. How do we know Dr. Silver’s that qualified?”

  “He sent the sample to the general hospital for double checking.” She

  hugged me tightly. “Don’t you dare change again.”

  I didn’t change this time, since the thing I wanted least was to worry

  my parents further. But I did cry. Most people have cried or have seen

  someone crying like that at least once. It’s the terrible gulping, shrieking,

  uncontrollable wail that feels like it will never end. It’s the grief that

  makes all but the most empathetic people back away. It’s the pain that

  makes the throat hoarse and the eyes burn. It also happens to be the only

  sound I’ve ever come across that can wake a tired vampire sleeping


  My father ran down to the living room, assuming the worst, and took in the scene. Mom had loosened her hair, which is the same color and texture as mine but much longer, and wrapped it around my shoulders like a security blanket the way she used to when I was small. She was crying too, but less vocally. Wisely she said nothing trite or moral, she just held me until I stopped screaming. It wasn’t hard for Dad to figure it out. Through the curtain of tears I glimpsed him sitting on the stairs, his

  face buried in his hands.

  Presently I calmed down enough to push Mom gently away and grab

  a box of tissues so that I could breathe. Mom took one, blew her nose,

  and went over to Dad.

  “It’s not as bad as it looks,” she said to him, clasping his hand.

  “Dianne will be okay.”

  Dad whispered something to her, got up, and got one of the logs we

  had stacked by the fireplace to light for Thanksgiving. He wordlessly

  picked it up—it was the thickest one in the pile—and snapped it in half.

  A shower of splinters fell onto the carpet. He snapped it again and again.

  When it was nothing but a pile of matchsticks he shoved the pieces into

  the fireplace, then began with another log. I watched him demolish the

  woodpile with the distant sense that I should be amazed, too busy

  feeling angry and sad and tired of it all for it to impress me any more

  than that.

  Strangely, Mom, usually the most easily upset one in the family, was

  the calmest right now. Her words were even and reasonable. “Be careful,

  Andy, don’t stake yourself with one of those shards by accident.” “Why? Why, Mom? It isn’t fair.” I thought about all the

  Thanksgivings my mother would miss from now on; then started a fresh

  bout of sobbing.

  Unlike the other moments of fear or sadness we had experienced,

  there was no transforming. We were not a vampire, a werewolf, and a

  shape-shifter. This was human sorrow, and we were grieving as humans.

  Forget monsters. Life is what really bites.

  Chapter Nine

  Drink With Me

  I couldn’t sleep. The shadows crossing the walls were gingerly touching the Olympic posters and the photographs of novas and nebulas taken by the Hubble satellite. The shelf filled to overflowing with science fiction and fantasy books loomed over me. My small hoard of track and field trophies on the windowsill gleamed with borrowed, false glory. Dad sometimes affectionately claimed that the reflected light blinded him when h
e walked by. Dad. . .

  I was getting really tired of looking at the stuff in my room. In genetic and upbringing terms it was interesting that two very liberal-artsy individuals could produce a daughter who could sing “The Elements”, which lists the entire periodic table to the tune of “A Modern Major General” by Gilbert and Sullivan, ever since she was ten. I’d decided one day that there are five main types of interests that define personalities, at least when it comes to school. There are the academics, the artists, the athletes, the accessorizers, and the (forgive me) assholes. Most people I knew were two of these, with one dominating. I was an athletic academic, my parents were artistic academics, while Matt seemed to be an athletic artist. Matt. . .

  I felt the need to hug something, and reached out from under the blankets to grab Ozzie, a worn black toy dog with floppy limbs. It was my favorite stuffed animal. Mom gave it to me when I was five, after I lost my first tooth. Mom. . .

  No matter how I tried, the same thoughts always returned. Whether I began with life, science, philosophy, counting sheep, or deciding what to wear tomorrow, it always ended with DadMattMom. Round and round in circles. DadMattMom. DadMattMom. My mind kept ducking something it couldn’t bear to contemplate, but landed straight in another painful subject.

  DadMattMom. DadMattMom.


  After the three of us had stopped going into hysterics, Dad had asked Mom if she wanted to let her family and the school staff know. Her reply whispered and sighed in my ears. “I think. . . not yet. I can’t. I need to get used to it first and not have a dozen people watching my every move. I don’t want sympathetic unhelpfuls being the theme of every conversation. Worse, people will realize that you must have it too. And they will talk. Who had it first? What did they do to bring it upon themselves? . . . Not now. It will have to come, but I want it to be as far away as it can be.”

  I once again experienced the sense of being full of liquid sloshing around inside. When this happened I was sure that in a moment I would dissolve completely and flow in all different directions. But my eyes were made of bone, too worn to let out the water that threatened to drown me.

  I finally pushed off the covers and left.

  The closest thing I had to a plan was the vague idea that I might like some hot chocolate, already-brushed teeth be damned. I tiptoed downstairs, hoping not to disturb my mother, who needed all the rest she could get. Our house has three ‘real’ floors and the loft, which is kind of half a floor within my parents’ room that we use as a library and as Dad’s office. The basement has two rooms; one with our television and DVDs, the other with all the machines, pipes, and things that run a slightly-lower-end-middle-class life of a suburban family. Though the last time I checked, the neighbors didn’t have any large steel cages in their basements.


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