Chronicles of Eden - Act 2

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Chronicles of Eden - Act 2 Page 2

by Alexander Gordon

  With a sigh Triska looked up at the sky, remembering that even though these three monster girls were helping her and Daniel with their quest, they also had taken a liking to Daniel. More than a liking actually, as they had all confessed that they loved the boy just as Triska did. In fact, they all confessed their love at the same time to Daniel, with the only response they got for a while being stunned silence and a bewildered expression on his face. After he had time to think about it Daniel told the girls that although he cared for each of them, he couldn’t return such strong affections to any of them because he didn’t know if he felt that way about any of them right now. Their quest to find and speak to monster races about peace became a bit more complicated, with each girl in the group wanting to be Daniel’s mate while at the same time having to travel and work together with each other.

  “I never thought I’d be competing with other monster girls like this for him. I mean, I never thought I’d have to compete for him in the first place, every other girl in our village thought he was crazy. I was sure I’d have him all to myself, and yet here I am trying to win him over from three monsters,” Triska said to herself, somewhat half-amusingly and half-depressed. She and the other girls were still determined to win the boy’s heart, and at the same time wanted to keep the peace with each other since Daniel didn’t like it when they fought with each other. There was that, and the girls, even though they were rivals for the boy, had even formed friendships with each other during their journey and trials. It was a difficult situation for the girls, and for Daniel, however they all agreed that Daniel’s quest came first. They were out in the world with a purpose, and that couldn’t be lost sight of. Still, the girls all couldn’t deny their feelings for Daniel, so they had brainstormed on a way of resolving their inner conflict, without having to draw blood from one another. After going over many different options, all of which none of them could agree on, they had finally settled on something that would be fair to each of them while allowing each of the girls a chance to have ‘quality time’ with Daniel.

  Slowly a small smile formed on Triska’s face as she brushed her hair back behind her ear.

  “Oh well, at least tonight it’s my turn, I just need to make it count. C’mon, Triska, don’t screw this up, you have to show Daniel that you’re the ideal girl for him,” she reassured herself. She chuckled and formed her hand into a fist with a confident expression.

  “No other girl, monster or human, is going to take him away from Triska Raylight,” she declared boldly.

  “Who’s Triska Raylight?” a girl’s voice asked from above.

  “I’m Triska Raylight, I’m-” Triska started before freezing in place. She blinked then looked up to seeing a familiar butterfly girl sitting on a branch above her in a tree.

  “You are? I never knew that, I thought you were called Triska,” Luna said curiously. Triska jumped and backed up from the tree as she saw the butterfly monster just watching her with a curious expression. She was dressed in her normal revealing outfit of foliage and petals, her brightly colored wings fluttering once behind her as she dangled her legs casually over the side of the branch.

  “How come humans use two names? Isn’t one name enough?” Luna asked scratching her head.

  “Luna? What are you doing here?” Triska asked putting her hands to her hips. She glanced around then looked at the butterfly girl with a dull expression.

  “Where’s your sister? How come she’s not with you?” she asked, even though she was pretty sure she knew the answer already. Luna glanced around then looked up innocently.

  “I don’t know…” she said distantly.

  “I think you do know, actually I think we both know. She’s trying to steal Daniel away right now, isn’t she?” Triska replied dryly.

  “I don’t know…” Luna said looking away while rubbing the back of her neck.

  “Luna, why are you here all alone?” Triska asked walking up to the tree.

  “Because I am…” Luna replied sheepishly. Triska just watched her with a dull expression then rolled her eyes.

  “Come on down from there, you’re not fooling anyone,” she said tiredly.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m just sitting here, I’m not doing anything wrong,” Luna replied with a shrug. Triska watched her for a moment then looked away with a small smirk.

  “I suppose you’re not. Well then, I guess I’ll be going back now, I’m getting pretty hungry. Hmm, I think Alyssa made some cookies this morning now that I think about it, that sounds pretty tasty right now,” she mentioned casually. Luna’s eyes snapped to her instantly with wonder, with Triska looking back up to her with a wink.

  “Chocolate chip too,” Triska added.

  “Alyssa made more cookies?” Luna breathed out in awe.

  “I think she did. Tell you what, if you just tell me what Falla is up to I’ll let you have some,” Triska offered while crossing her arms casually. Luna’s eye twitched a bit before she quickly looked off to the side then back to Triska again.

  “Um… but… I… she…” she stuttered nervously.

  “All you have to do is tell me, that’s it. I promise I won’t tell Falla you said a word,” Triska reassured. Luna licked her lips and looked off into the distance then back to the human while bouncing anxiously on the branch.

  “But… but… but…” she whined. Triska giggled and waved the girl down, with Luna promptly jumping down from the tree and landing next to her. The butterfly girl whimpered and looked back and forth between Triska and off to where the caravan was.

  “Please, Luna? Just tell me, I promise I won’t get angry or try to hurt Falla at all,” Triska assured. Luna looked to her with a whine while hopping around anxiously.

  “But… um… well, you promise you won’t hurt her?” she asked.

  “I promise on my life, Luna, I won’t lay a finger on her,” Triska said kindly. Luna looked back and forth between her two options quickly, her hands fidgeting together in front of her while Triska watched with an amused smile. After a while Luna cried out and hugged Triska while burying her face into the human’s shoulder.

  “Ok! Falla said she was going to wait for Daniel to walk over into the forest to pee and then she would grab him and take him away so she could get his seed! She said he would be defenseless with his pants down!” she sobbed, with Triska just looking over her shoulder with a dull expression while her hands remained at her sides. Luna shook her head and gripped Triska’s shirt tightly while she kept her eyes closed.

  “She was just going to rape him a little bit to get his seed, just a little bit!” she cried out. Triska just stood there motionless while Luna sobbed onto her shoulder, then after a while breathed out and held Luna gently.

  “Hey, there there, it’s ok,” she said softly. Luna leaned back and looked at her with watery eyes, seeing the human smiling at her.

  “It’s ok, you don’t have to cry,” Triska reassured.

  “You’re not mad at me?” Luna asked while wiping her tears away.

  “No, I’m not mad at you; you’re not doing anything to Daniel. In fact, why are you here, why aren’t you with Falla when she rapes him?” Triska asked softly. Luna looked down with a sigh.

  “Falla told me to wait far, far away from the caravan so I don’t screw this up for her,” she said sadly.

  “Tsk tsk tsk, she wasn’t even going to share Daniel’s seed with you was she?” Triska asked, shaking her head with a saddened expression.

  “No, but that’s ok, I don’t want to ruin her chances of getting pregnant. I’ll get a human someday, I hope,” Luna said looking down with closed eyes.

  “Aw, you poor thing. I’m sure you’ll find a man one day too,” Triska replied gently. Luna sniffled then looked to Triska with a jump.

  “Wait, you’re not going to go stop her are you? I didn’t screw up her chances again did I?” she asked fearfully. Triska giggled and shook her head as she took hold of the butterfly girl’s hand.

una, I promised I wouldn’t lay a finger on her, remember? I’m not going to go after her at all,” she reassured.

  “You’re not? Really?” Luna asked with a smile forming.

  “Really. Now, it’s not fair that you have to wait out here all alone while Falla’s raping Daniel, you deserve a treat too. How about you follow me back and we’ll see if Alyssa has any more cookies, sound good?” Triska asked kindly.

  “Cookies?” Luna asked with a squeak.

  “Cookies,” Triska repeated with a warm smile.

  “Cookies?” Luna asked with a bright smile.

  “Cookies,” Triska repeated again with a nod.

  “COOKIES?” Luna screamed with a deranged smile on her face. Triska just stared at her with wide eyes then slowly nodded.

  “Yeah… cook-” she started before Luna pulled her into a big hug while laughing maniacally, the monster having a very twisted smile on her face while her eyes were wide.

  “HAHAHAHAHA! I LOVE COOKIES! THANK YOU!” Luna yelled out while laughing uncontrollably. Triska glanced to her then looked ahead with a nervous smile, hesitating for a moment before carefully holding Luna as the butterfly girl laughed wildly in their embrace.

  “Sure, Luna… sure,” she said shakily. Luna laughed crazily in the girl’s arms for a while then started pulling on her arm as she tried to run towards where the caravan was.

  “YAY, COOKIES!” Luna laughed while Triska slowly walked behind her, watching as Luna kept trying to run forward at full speed with a deranged smile on her face.

  “Um, Luna? There’s no rush, we don’t have to… run,” Triska pointed out with a weak smile. Luna froze in place for a moment then looked back to her with a curious smile.

  “Oh, ok then,” she said happily. Triska just nodded slowly then walked alongside the girl as they made their way back towards the others. As she did she watched as Luna was skipping merrily next to her, holding the human’s hand while looking around at the trees with a curious smile.

  ‘She’s just so oblivious and innocent, and friendly too. I never thought monsters were capable of being like this before.’

  Luna looked around at the trees and bushes while humming a happy tune to herself before turning to Triska with happy smile.

  “So, are you pregnant?” she asked.

  “What?” Triska cried out with a jump, her eyes looking at the butterfly girl with surprise. Luna looked at her curiously and tilted her head slightly in wonder.

  “I asked if you’re pregnant,” she repeated.

  “No, I’m not pregnant, why would think I am?” Triska asked with a stunned expression.

  “But aren’t you traveling with that human boy? I thought he was having sex with all of you,” Luna inquired.

  “What? No, we’re not… he’s not… no, none of us are pregnant,” Triska stammered while shaking her head. Luna showed a worried expression and nodded.

  “Oh, I see, I’m sorry to hear that. What positions did you try with him? Maybe doing it a different way would help you get knocked up. When I get a man I want him to give it to me from behind, I figure if I’m down on my hands and knees he can get deeper inside of me to give me his seed. Maybe you should try that too, just have him give it to you from behind and make sure he thrusts nice and deep into your pussy,” Luna suggested with a smile. Triska just stared at her in stunned silence as words failed her.

  ‘Ok, maybe she’s not so innocent after all.’

  “Um… that’s… uh…” Triska stuttered while looking at the monster like she was crazy. Luna giggled and nodded then looked to Triska’s stomach.

  “Try that with Daniel next time you can, I bet that’ll get you knocked up for sure,” she said happily before looking ahead again with a happy smile. Triska however just continued to stare at Luna with a stunned expression.

  “Uh… thanks for the tip,” Triska hesitantly said before looking ahead while trying to process hearing Luna speaking so casually about such an intimate thing. After a while she shook her head and glanced to Luna who kept skipping along playfully at her side.

  “Say, Luna? Can I ask you a question?” she asked, with Luna looking to her with a curious smile.

  “Sure, what is it?” Luna said with a flutter of her wings.

  “How come you and Falla keep following us?” Triska asked as they stopped, with Luna looking at her curiously now. Triska looked off towards where the caravan was up ahead then back to the monster with a raised eyebrow.

  “Every day we’ve been out here you, or rather Falla, have been trying to get close to Daniel. Aren’t there other humans out there you can bother?” she asked with a shrug.

  “Bother? Am I bothering you?” Luna asked with a hurt expression, pulling her hand back away from Triska who hesitated before showing the girl a weak smile and shaking her head.

  “I’m not trying to be mean to you, it’s just… how come you keep chasing after Daniel?” she asked.

  “Because Falla said that Daniel promised to get her pregnant, and we’re holding him to that,” Luna informed while looking up thoughtfully.

  “Right, except, he didn’t promise her anything like that,” Triska pointed out while raising a finger. Luna looked at her curiously then down in thought.

  “But Falla said he did, and she really seems to want his seed rather than just give up and let him go,” she reasoned.

  “Yeah, we know Falla want’s that, that’s been more than apparent. It’s just, we’re not going to let her get that from him, you know?” Triska explained hopefully, with Luna looking at her curiously again.

  “What do you mean? She’s off raping Daniel right now,” Luna said pointing off towards he caravan’s location. Triska sighed and shook her head as she gently lowered the monster’s hand.

  “No, she’s not,” she pointed out tiredly.

  “What do you mean? I thought you promised you wouldn’t stop her this time,” Luna asked worriedly. Triska looked up for a moment as she considered how to break this to the girl then took her hand and started walking her towards the campsite.

  “Luna, this is the fourth time Falla’s tried to go after Daniel,” Triska explained. Luna counted on her fingers with her free hand then looked to Triska with a smile.

  “I think so, that sounds about right,” she agreed.

  “And each and every time she tries to get Daniel’s pants off she’s failed, remember?” Triska mentioned while glancing to Luna with a raised eyebrow. Luna looked up thoughtfully then at Triska while nodding a few times.

  “Yeah, I remember,” she replied.

  “And the reason why she’s failed each time is because Daniel isn’t ever alone,” Triska pointed out expectedly. Luna showed a puzzled expression, with Triska watching her for a moment before sighing and gesturing around them at the trees and bushes.

  “We’re out in the outerlands, Luna; there are bandits, wild animals, and monsters everywhere. We’re not going to let Daniel out of our sight for anything, he’s never alone out here,” she explained.

  “But…” Luna said, looking down with a confused expression. Triska watched as the butterfly monster kept walking alongside her while seeming to be deep in thought. After a while Luna glanced to Triska with a curious eye.

  “You watch him when he’s peeing?” she asked. Triska shook her head while watching the girl with a disturbed expression.

  “No, we don’t watch him do that, but we do watch the area around him carefully and constantly. If he ever has to take a rest break like that, we’re keeping an eye out for him,” she explained. Luna nodded slowly then looked up with a curious expression, with Triska waiting to see if any of this was sinking in with the girl yet. After a while Luna looked back to Triska with puzzlement.

  “But then how can Falla take Daniel away if he’s not alone?” she asked.

  “She can’t,” Triska flatly replied. Luna nodded a bit then looked ahead with a worried expression.

  “Uh oh,” she said softly, with Triska smiling amusedly and nodding in agreem

  “Yeah, uh oh,” she replied as they walked along together. As they did they started to hear a familiar girl yelling angrily up ahead, with Luna showing a nervous expression while Triska merely shrugged.

  “Sounds like she ran into trouble,” Triska reasoned casually.

  They made their way towards the campsite together before passing through some shrubbery, both then seeing the caravan parked up ahead with a white horse hitched to the front, along with something else that made Luna jump with a nervous squeak and Triska chuckle to herself.

  “Let me down from here this instant!” Falla yelled out in anger, the butterfly girl thrashing around as she was bound and suspended in the air by green vines coming down from a nearby tree. She was wearing her usual revealing outfit similar to her sister’s while her wings were caught in the vines and tied behind her, her body being held securely by the plants as she grunted and thrashed about. The green vines were seen hanging up around a branch and slithering into a tree where they appeared to just grow out of through cracks in the bark, the strong weeds holding the girl up above the ground by a few feet.

  “No, I don’t think we’ll be doing that,” Alyssa commented dryly while standing near the bound monster. She was holding her staff down on the grass, with small circles of light seen shining up through the glades as she used her magic to manipulate the vines into keeping Falla in place. Standing next to her Squeak was watching Falla with a dull expression and a raised eyebrow while beside her Specca was showing an annoyed expression with her arms crossed before her.

  “How dare you sneak up on Daniel while he was doing that, what kind of sick monster are you anyway?” Specca scoffed.

  “Don’t give me that crap, he promised to give me his seed!” Falla barked back.

  “No I didn’t!” Daniel shouted back, the boy standing next to his friends while having a disturbed expression on his face.

  “Whether he promised that or not, trying to take him by force while he was peeing was just disgusting,” Specca argued with a scowl. Alyssa shook her head then glanced over to see Triska and Luna approaching them, with Luna then quickly running over towards her sister with a worried expression.


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