Something Forever

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Something Forever Page 2

by M. Clarke

  “Don’t worry. I just got here.” I shrugged it off, pretending I didn’t hear a thing, and I wished I hadn’t. It was bad enough that I had heard my parents when I was in high school, but it was just as bad hearing my younger brother have sex. Grabbing the glass of water, I walked out of the kitchen. Poor Jenna, she must be getting the flu. It was going around in the office.

  Jenna had taken off her coat and tossed it behind the chair. Placing her head down on the dining table, she seemed out of it. With her hair tousled like she didn’t care, even when she was sick, she was still sexy to me. Wearing a black pencil skirt and a red long-sleeved blouse, she looked completely edible. I wanted to do what I enjoyed doing with those buttons on her blouse: rip them off with my teeth. Jenna had to replace some of her other ones, but I knew she didn’t mind. She loved it when I did that.

  “Babe, drink some water.” I helped her take a sip and guided her out of the chair. “Let me take you to bed.”

  “Is Jenna sick?” Matthew asked just as Becky came out of her bedroom.

  “Jenna, Max.” Becky cleared her throat, her cheeks turning slightly pink. She had a long white robe on. “How long were you …” I heard her smother some swear words.

  Before she could turn even a darker shade of pink, I intervened. “We just stepped in. Jenna isn’t feeling well, so I brought her home.”

  “Does she have a fever?” Becky adjusted her robe, took a few steps toward us, and then stopped.

  Becky looked at Jenna strangely, arching her brows with a questioning expression. In reply, Jenna shook her head and shrugged her shoulders. Then Becky gave her another scorning glare. There were no words, but those looks alone told me something wasn’t quite right. I swear, women could talk in secret codes with expressions alone. Then Becky gave her a disapproving look, the way a mother would scold her child.

  I had no clue what they were talking about, and Matthew and I gaped at their silent communication. It was the strangest thing.

  With a final shake of Jenna’s head, she headed toward her bedroom.

  “Everything okay?” I asked Becky.

  “Everything is fine.”

  When she nodded with a smile, I grinned to accept her answer, and headed to Jenna. However, before I did, I twitched my brows and gave Matthew my little smirky grin, indicating I had heard them in the bedroom. He understood my meaning. Instead of looking embarrassed, he plastered a cocky expression on his face. Yup, that was my brother. Though he tried not to show it, he was embarrassed...this was his way of playing it off. I knew him too well.

  I didn’t like how it had seemed that Jenna was backed into a corner with Becky’s questioning look, and my mind reeled with questions as to why they both appeared so intense. By the time I got to Jenna’s room, she had locked herself in the bathroom. The first thought that came to my mind was that she either had the runs or food poisoning.

  I knocked softly. “You okay in there?”

  “I’m fine, Max. I just need to use the restroom.”

  After I heard the toilet flush and the sound of the water from the sink being turned off, Jenna walked out the door. “Max, were you waiting for me by the door the whole time?” She had already changed into my white T-shirt that covered her cute, tight ass. I loved it when she wore it. It reminded me of the time when we were at the New York Fashion Show. I had never seen a woman get so red from drinking alcohol, and I almost took her to the hospital. It was the first time she’d worn my T-shirt to bed; the first time I had ever laid there watching a woman fall asleep. I knew back then that I was in trouble—I was falling fast for her—and here we were.

  I followed behind her. “You know how I am. I don’t like you being sick, and I will be all over you.”

  “You’re too good to me, Max.” Jenna smiled weakly and crawled into bed. With a soft sigh, she closed her eyes. “I’m so tired.” She paused. “I’ll be fine. Go back to work. Becky is home. She’ll check up on me.” Her words mumbled in my ear.

  “Jenna, I don’t think you should go to Las Vegas. You might get worse.”

  She reached for my arm and gripped it lightly. “I just need some sleep. Then I’ll be as good as new.”

  “Maybe I should go with you, only to take care of you. I’ll stay out of the way.”

  Jenna flashed her eyes opened with a soft giggle. “Don’t worry, Max. My heart belongs only to you, forever and ever.” She showed me the engagement ring on her finger. “See, no man will come close to me. It’s so big that no one can miss it. I’ll tell them that I’m taken by the most amazing man.”

  I chuckled a little. “Yes, you tell them that, and tell them if they even lay a finger on you, I’ll hunt them down.” I sounded possessive, but Jenna knew I was kidding...somewhat.

  Jenna smiled, then closed her eyes again. “Oh, Max. I’m the one who should worry about all of those women wanting to get into your pants.”

  Caressing Jenna’s cheek, I murmured, “You never have to fear about that; I promise. I’ll call you later, babe.” After I planted a kiss on her lips, I closed the door behind me.

  Matthew had gone to work and Becky was drinking coffee by the kitchen. “Don’t worry, Max. I love her, too. I’ll check up on her.”

  Becky must have seen me staring at Jenna’s door. I debated whether to cancel the meeting. Knowing Matthew would go to work, I could have him go instead of me, but the design company was expecting me.

  “Thank you. Make sure she gets lots of fluids, and make sure to call me if her condition gets worse...please,” I added. Glancing at my watch, I knew I had to go now. The traffic was going to be a killer.

  Becky took a long sip. “I will. Who do you think looked after her when you weren’t around?” She winked to show she was teasing.

  I chuckled lightly. She was right. “Thanks.”

  Since Becky assured me she would keep her eyes on Jenna, I left knowing she was in good hands. Although I didn’t think it was a good idea for Jenna to go tonight, I understood. Hopefully, this nap would help her.

  Chapter 2


  “You’re driving too slowly,” Becky snarled at Kate.

  “Stop being a backseat driver,” Kate retorted, shifting her eyes to the speedometer. “I’m enjoying the ride.” Her words were smooth and slow. “I can’t help it. This is how I drive when Kristen is in the car with me.”

  “I can’t be the backseat driver when I’m sitting in the front, and Kristen isn’t in the car with us,” Becky snorted.

  Nicole twisted on her side. “Are we almost there yet?” She laughed out loud at her joke. Her laughter was contagious, and we joined in.

  Kate cranked up the volume and bopped to the rhythm. “I can’t believe I’m free,” she belted, then her tone went down a notch. “I mean, I’ll miss Kristen, but this is the first time I’m going away. Just me, myself, and I...and of course with my besties.”

  “You’re lucky you can trust your mother-in-law to watch Kristen,” Becky commented. “I have a friend who would never leave her son with her mother-in-law. I’m glad I don’t have to think about those issues.”

  Becky looked over her shoulder to flash her dorky smile at Nicole and me.

  “Don’t look at me,” Nicole said. “I don’t have to think of those issues. Keith and I are going to wait. If things go well, I might be able to be a stay-at-home mom.”

  “There’s a plus and minus to that,” Kate threw in.

  “True, but like I said, I don’t have to think about it.”

  “You okay?” Becky asked, looking worried.

  I nodded, but I wasn’t feeling well. In fact, the car ride was making me nauseous. Not wanting to ruin the fun, I pretended everything was fine. “That nap was all I needed.”

  Becky wouldn’t stop staring, narrowing her eyes to analyze me. I didn’t think she believed me.

  “Seriously. Stop looking at me.” I waved my hand, as if I could make her turn back around.

  “Just checking, ’cause I have to report to my boss.�

  “What boss?” Kate asked. “You don’t have one. You work for yourself.”

  Becky turned to Kate. “I do when Jenna gets sick. Max will text everyone in the universe to find out if Jenna, his princess, is fine.”

  I had to smile at her remark because I knew it was true. Max was overly protective when I was sick. He even came to my apartment when he was mad at me before we started dating, just to make sure I was fine. Thank goodness he was there, though. Luckily, I had found my prince. He was too good to me and I didn’t know what I’d ever done to deserve someone like him.

  “You’re fortunate Max is the way he is. You got lucky in that department. All men want to be taken care of when they’re sick, but they’re not good when the roles are reversed,” Kate stated. “I have to be honest, Craig sucks at it. When I get sick, he’ll give me medication of course, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t match up to Max’s standards. Max goes beyond the call of duty.”

  “Beyond, beyond,” Becky added. “But there is nothing wrong with that. I think it’s sweet.”

  Our conversation had died down as we continued along the dark highway. There were no stars out tonight, adding to the eerie feeling. Luckily, there were some cars in front and behind us, so it didn’t seem like we were completely alone. Yet, I had to admit, I felt like I was in a tunnel of endless darkness and there was no finish line. It kept on going and going, and the only thing I could see was what the headlights provided in front of us.

  Seeing nothing but darkness reeled me back to thoughts of Crystal. Ethan stepping forward was the best thing that could have happened. I couldn’t believe my eyes when he had come to our last meeting. Because of his confession about his affair with Crystal and how she’d blackmailed him, the lawsuit never made it to court. And of course I apologized for saying his balls were sagging. He’d just laughed it off and told me that he was glad to help. Ethan was a good guy. I was so glad he remained that way and his wife was forgiving. I believed her support was one of the big factors in his coming forward.

  “We’re here,” Nicole said cheerfully.

  Thank God! Trying to keep my mind occupied with other thoughts beside how sick I felt, I concentrated on what was in my line of vision. The colorful bright lights brought on a whole new level of blissful ambiance. I felt like I was somewhere in rainbow city, sucked into the beauty and excitement.

  “I made reservations at the Bellagio,” Becky murmured, staring out the window. I was certain she was enjoying her view since it was the first time she’d been there. “Actually, Matthew made the reservations, but he confirmed it with Max. So it was both of their idea.”

  “What do you mean?” Kate signaled right, and then exited the highway.

  I remembered Max mentioning it, and though I had told him not to go out of his way, he had done it anyway. A part of me didn’t mind because it was for Nicole, but a part of me felt bad. This meant that Max and Matthew were going to pay for the room.

  “That’s not all,” Becky continued.

  Nicole leaned closer, and slightly swung to the right when Kate turned left. “I feel so bad, but what else?”

  “We have our own private limo driver.”

  “Really? Oh my God. Don’t ever break up with the Knight brothers,” Nicole exclaimed, giggling. “I have to thank them.”

  “We’re going to parade around Vegas in style,” Kate sang.

  It had been a while since I’d seen Kate this jovial. I knew she loved Kristen and her husband, but I guessed she just needed her time alone.

  After we valet parked, the gentleman took out our luggage, and the bellboy placed them on the cart for us.

  “I’ll bring them to your room,” he said with a friendly grin.

  “Thanks.” Becky gave him a tip, and we entered the door that was held open for us.

  It had been a while since I had been there, but it didn’t matter. My eyes always went straight to the colorful glass decoration on the ceiling. And how could you miss all of the people snapping pictures of the garden? I loved how they changed the theme by seasons.

  “I’ll check in for us,” Becky said, leaving the three of us standing near the waiting area.

  While we waited for Becky to return, Nicole took out her cell phone. “Let’s take pictures.” She flipped it so that we could see the three of us. Then she took some more of the ceiling and another one of Becky walking toward us.

  “Let’s get this party started.” Becky handed each of us to our key to the suite. “This way.” She led the way, and when we reached our room, we told Nicole to swipe the card. After all, this was for her. Nicole excitedly opened the door, and I had to say I was not prepared for what I saw in front of me. I knew we were staying at a Chairman Suite, but I never imagined how stunning it would look.

  “Hoooly...shit,” Becky murmured under her breath.

  “Wow.” Nicole’s eyes grew wide and I was pretty sure mine were just the same. We stared, mesmerized by every inch of the grand suite.

  “This place is double the size of my house.” Kate started to head toward the window that took up the whole back wall. “We have a fantastic view of the water fountain. We can watch it from here.”

  We all rushed over. What a view! Blinking lights filled the darkness, providing a feeling of exultation. It filled me up so that I couldn’t help but smile and let my worries disappear. It was no wonder people came to Las Vegas to escape; you had no control. Reality disappeared and you were drunk from the atmosphere, the excitement, and the billboards of half-naked women and men flashing every way I looked.

  “This is amazing.” Nicole’s breath created a mist on the window. With her palms and face pressed against the glass, you could tell she was thoroughly enjoying the view...and she wasn’t the only one.

  “Let’s go check out the bedroom,” Kate said suddenly.

  Since Kate and Nicole headed to the first bedroom, Becky and I headed to the other one. In the center was a huge king-sized bed with the finest and most expensive linen and bedding. Nonetheless, the bathroom was my favorite. It was bigger than our living room, with marble trimming and—my personal favorite—a huge whirlpool tub.

  Looking at the pamphlet that was set on the powder room counter, I discovered that not only did we get our own private check-in line, we had twenty-four-hour butler attention, VIP seating to their shows, and this suite was about 4,000 square feet in size.

  “I’m going to have to thank Matthew in a special way,” Becky said, texting...most likely to Matthew. Speaking of which, I had to call Max to let him know that we had arrived safely. “This is too much, not that I’m complaining.”

  “Let’s go eat,” Kate hollered from the living room.

  “Feisty,” Becky chuckled, grabbing her coat as we all did the same.

  “Where to?” Nicole asked, placing her arm around the three of us and pulling everyone into a hug.

  “Anywhere, Nicole. It’s your weekend,” I replied, snuggling into her hold as we walked out the door. However, food was the last thing on my mind. Thinking of it made me feel sicker to my stomach.

  Chapter 3


  After dinner, we gambled on the slot machines; mostly quarter slots. None of us were big gamblers, so we stayed away from the tables. Being that it was already past midnight, we decided to head back to our suite. We were pretty beat from work and the four hour long drive. Having a full day ahead of us tomorrow, we all agreed to call it an early night, even though I wasn’t tired. Jenna was one of the main reasons why I agreed we should go back to the hotel; she looked overly exhausted.

  Scrolling through my texts with Matthew, I couldn’t help but miss him. It had only been a little over twenty-four hours since I last saw him, but this was the first time I’d ever missed someone I was dating this much. Seeing that everybody was already asleep, I sat in the living room in front of the plasma television and flipped through the channels in the dark. When my cell phone rang, I was happily surprised.

  “Becca.” I could see his sexy, naughty grin in my mind as if he were standing in front of me.

  “You’re not sleeping?” I whispered, but I didn’t know why I did. It was not like my friends could hear me, especially since the place was huge and their bedroom doors were closed.

  “I couldn’t sleep. You’re not next to me.” His tone was pouty.

  I laughed at his comment, but I loved that he was thinking of me. “Sorry. I miss you, too. I’ll be home very soon.”

  “I know.” I heard an intake of breath. “I already asked you this question earlier, but do you like your suite?”

  “It cost too much, Matt, but, yes. I would be crazy to say no. I need to find a way to thank you.” My tone came out flirty at the end.

  “I know how you can.” His tone was sultry, luring me in. Oh shit! What was on his dirty mind? “I want you to touch yourself.”

  What? “Matthew,” I laughed softly. “You’re not here.”

  “Just pretend I am. Have you ever had phone sex before?”

  I almost choked on my own saliva. I’d heard of and done many things before, but this was a first. When I didn’t answer, Matthew continued, “I can’t believe I’m going to be your first.” He sounded so proud. “I’m going to make you feel so good.”

  His words alone were turning me on. Holy shit! “You mean I’m going to make myself feel good.”

  He chuckled lightly. “However you want to see it.”

  The preview porn on the television wasn’t helping either. I thought about watching it, but Matthew or Max were going to pay the bill, and no way did I want them finding out that one of us watched one. “This isn’t going to work,” I said. However, my hand was already kneading my breast, but I pretended it was Matthew’s hand instead.

  “I’m stroking my dick, Becca. I’m pretending your tongue is licking it.” Whether or not Matthew was really doing what he said, I didn’t care. It was working for me. “Put your hand on your clit, Becca, and touch it the way I do it. Pretend it’s my finger. Imagine me sucking it hard there, baby. Can you feel me?”


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