Macbeth #killingit

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Macbeth #killingit Page 3

by William Shakespeare

  Ross: Do you guys wanna reschedule? It seems Macbeth is a little under the weather …or something…. #Kingsgiving

  Lady Macbeth: Oh, don’t mind him. He gets like that sometimes. Please start eating and he’ll be back to his old self in no . #Kingsgiving

  Banquo’s ghost has checked out of “Macbeth’s First Annual #Kingsgiving!”

  Lady Macbeth

  What’s WRONG with you!? Pull it together!


  Didn’t you see that post in the #Kingsgiving feed from Banquo??? ICYMI he’s taunting me!

  Lady Macbeth

  What are you talking about!? There was no post from Banquo! It was just Lennox, Ross, and all the other lords. You’re acting like a !


  Yeah, Macbeth. You’re just hallucinating. None of this is real.


  It’s still happening! Even now! Can’t you see it?

  Lady Macbeth

  No idea what ur talking abt. Restore ur to factory settings. AND ACT NORMAL!


  Yeah. Just act normal, Macbeth. Lol.


  STOP! Why are u doing this, Banquo?!

  Lady Macbeth

  Stop it! Macbeth, ur acting crazy. And I look like an @$$ 4 texting in the middle of dinner!


  He’s come 4 me, 2 avenge his death. I’m sure of it. That’s how these things go. I should have known.

  Lady Macbeth

  Look. We still have guests here. Take a minute, pull urself 2gether, and come back to the dining room.

  #Kingsgiving (Cont.)

  Macbeth: Sry 4 being a creepy weirdo. I’m all good now. Just get a little from time to time. #Kingsgiving

  Banquo’s ghost has checked into “Macbeth’s First Annual #Kingsgiving!”

  Macbeth: STOP IT! LEAVE ME ALONE! #Kingsgiving

  Lady Macbeth: Oh, lol. Here we go again! Someone cut him off! #Kingsgiving

  Macbeth: If you were a or or , then maybe u could scare me. But you’re . You’re just a ! #Kingsgiving

  Banquo’s ghost has checked out of “Macbeth’s First Annual #Kingsgiving!”

  Ross: Wuts wrong, Macbeth? #Kingsgiving

  Lady Macbeth: U know what, I think Ross’s idea is probably 4 the best. Why don’t u all grab a & take it w/ u? #Kingsgiving #2Go

  Lennox: Sure thing. Feel better, M! #Kingsgiving #WhatJustHappened


  “Macbeth’s First Annual #Kingsgiving!” has been canceled.


  Lady Macbeth

  Well, I hope ur .


  Blood will have blood. That’s what they say, isn’t it? Hey, whatever happened to Macduff?

  Lady Macbeth

  Did he RSVP?


  No, but I he was coming 2 town. I have spies all over the kingdom now, just in .

  I g2g see the & figure out a of action. There’s no turning back now. #InIt2WinIt

  [Scene 5]

  Group text: Hecate, The Three Witches


  Well, I hope u witches r proud of urselves. Giving Macbeth s w/o asking me 1st.

  Witch #1

  Boss, you seem .


  You think?! From now on, u all need 2 do as I . Meet with Macbeth again, but this do it rite. Got it?

  Witch #1

  Witch #2

  Witch #3

  [Scene 6]


  Just chillin’ with my new BFF, king of England.


  King of England:



  Lennox likes this.

  [Scene 1]

  The Three Witches have created a new Kingterest board.

  Group Text: The Three Witches

  Witch #1

  U witches ready?

  Witch #2

  2x, 2x, toil & .

  Witch #3

  TrOUble, not trEble.

  Witch #2

  Same diff.

  Witch #1

  It’s fine. Keep going.

  Witch #3

  burn & bubble.

  Witch #2

  That’s green tea!

  Witch #3

  There’s no cauldron emoji.

  Witch #1

  U guys, we r never going 2 get thru this. Hurry up & this.

  Witch #2

  I just pinned the .

  Witch #3

  Don’t 4get the .

  Witch #1

  Awesome, thx, .

  Macbeth has saved “Spell for Macbeth” board to favorites.

  Group text: The Three Witches

  Witch #2

  Ugh. out. Something this way comes. #Macbeth

  Witch #1

  Txt him b4 he starts uploading selfies & ruins the whole board!!

  Group text: The Three Witches, Macbeth

  Witch #3

  What do u want, Macbeth?


  What up, witches?

  Witch #1

  Wouldn’t u like 2 know.


  I HAVE 2 KNOW MORE ABOUT MY FUTURE! I don’t care if the whole comes crashing down.

  Witch #1

  Wow. Ur gonna make a great , u know that? Check ur .


  It’s a gif of a head in a helmet saying “BEWARE MACDUFF. Beware the thane of Fife” over and over.

  Witch #2

  Check again.


  Ew! Now it’s an image of a bloody saying “No1 born of a shall harm Macbeth.”

  Is this some kind of sick meme?

  Witch #3

  There’s more.


  K now I see a child wearing a and carrying a branch! I don’t get it. It says “Macbeth shall not lose power ’til Great Birnam Wood comes 2 Dunsinane.”

  Witch #3

  We know, Macbeth. We sent them 2 u.


  So what’s the catch? A can’t move, right? So…I will be 4ever!

  Witch #1

  U said it, not me.


  This is v helpful, but I have 1 last . Y will Banquo’s s be but mine won’t?

  Witch #1

  No spoilers!


  I’ll curse u if u don’t tell me.

  Witch #1

  Fine, but don’t say we didn’t warn u.…


  Banquo FTW.


  Starting 2 think there’s more 2 this than u guys are letting on.…

  Not Delivered


  Not Delivered

  Macbeth has added 5 new selfies to “Spell for Macbeth” board.


  Macbeth, FYI Macduff has gone to .


  WTF. He must b out 2 get me! The only reasonable thing 2 do now is Macduff’s whole .


  That feels…extreme. Is your on too tight?

  [Scene 2]

  Lady Macduff

  If any1 needs me, I’ll just b here, alone, w/o my husband, who didn’t say where he was going or why. Can some1 send me a link 2 a good divorce attorney?


  Ross: Don’t assume the worst! I’m sure wutever he’s doing, he is doing it 4 #TheRightReasons.

  Macduff’s Son: yah, mom. ur overreacting. dad’ll be back. you’ll c.

  Macduff’s Son: Do you hear ?

  Ross: Maybe you shouldn’t advertise that ur alone.…

  Lady Macduff: Why not?! I can post whatever I want! But I guess u can’t b 2 careful. Esp. bc I have lots of little kids & everythi

  Ross: Hello?

  Macbeth Reminders

  3 items


  Don’t have kids w/ Lady Macbeth

  Delete incriminating texts

  Hire ppl 2 kill Macduff’s wife & kids

  [Scene 3]

has added Trust Issues for Dummies to cart.

  To-Do List:

  1. Get on Malcolm’s good side.

  2. Convince him to attack Macbeth.

  3. Hire repairman to fix broken on front .

  4. Check in with wife and kids.


  Macduff, aren’t u worried abt leaving ur wife & kids alone 2 fend 4 themselves?


  Instead of answering that perfectly good , I’m just gonna say I would NEVER do what Macbeth has done. Not for all the in the .


  ICYMI is sending 10,000 troops 2 fight Macbeth. Since I’m supposed 2 b , now wud prob b a good 2 mention that I’m not xactly the most upstanding person, ya know? Next to me, Macbeth looks pure as .


  WTF? Macbeth is worse than the himself.


  Yeah, but I kinda got a thing 4 the ladies. If I was , I’d just all the time. And not in a cute bf/gf way. Know what I mean?

  Is there a bed emoji? That could help get my point across.


  No, I’m good. Listen, ur Duncan’s heir! U can’t be worse than Macbeth!!! Just keep it in ur in public, & on ur own .


  K, well, there is sumthing else.


  *facepalm* Go on…


  I’d probably steal all the and in the kingdom. #AllTheThings


  Look, Malcolm. We can get u plenty of and when ur . NBD.


  Yeah, & that’d prob b enough if I wasn’t THE WORST HUMAN BEING THAT EVER LIVED.


  I give up. Ur unfit 2 be .


  Wait wait wait! That was all a trick 2 c if u could be trusted. U passed the test! I am the exact OPPOSITE of all those things!


  My head hurts. Now I don’t know what 2 think.

  Group text: Ross, Macduff, Malcolm


  Malcolm! Macduff! Please come back 2 Scotland. So much has gone down. IDK where 2 start.


  That sux. We’ll get back asap. How’s my family?


  Oh, u know.


  No, I don’t know. That’s why I’m asking.


  They r fine…



  What does that mean? TELL ME


  They’re all dead.






  Yeah, if u knew how bad it was u’d probably drop from shock. Sorry 2 b the er of bad .


  Why did I leave them alone?! *facepalm* FML


  This has Macbeth written all over it. We need 2 take that guy out NOW.


  Macbeth doesn’t have any children. So I can never get even. But I’ll do what I can 2 get revenge.


  Good timing. The from should be ready by now. Let’s go kick a$$!

  [Scene 1]

  KingMD / Symptom Checker




  Rubs hands

  Carries candle

  Result: Diagnosis Unknown


  Doctor, we desperately need ur help! Lady Macbeth is walking, talking, carrying around a candle, and rubbing her hands together like a madwoman.


  I see. And what kinds of things is she saying?


  Things like “Out, damned spot!” & “Who would have thought the had so much blood in him?” & “The thane of Fife had a ,” etc.


  It to me like she needs an more than a ! Keep your on her, and make sure she doesn’t get her on anything dangerous.


  K, but I was kinda hoping for medical advice!!


  IDK what to tell you.

  Try bloodletting?

  [Scene 2]

  Lennox, Angus, Menteith, and Caithness have checked into Great Birnam Wood.

  Macduff, Malcolm, and Siward like this.


  Macduff, Malcolm, & the 10,000 s are almost here!


  Angus: Woo Hoo!

  Lennox: Whatever it takes 2 overthrow Macbeth & get the rightful on2 the throne.

  [Scene 3]


  Man, I’d b rly nervous right now if it wasn’t 4 those prophecies!


  Servant: Sir, u might wanna look out ur window.

  Macbeth: Oh yeah? Well u might want 2 STFU!!!

  Seyton: No, srsly, r coming 2 kill u.

  Macbeth: Anyone else want 2 give me bad news?

  Doctor: Your wife has gone crazy.

  Doctor: Also I just sent you my bill.

  Macbeth: There it is.

  [Scene 4]


  Every1 break off s from s in Great Birnam Wood. We’ll hide behind them 2 disguise ourselves. #DunsinaneOrBust


  Siward: Ur is , Macbeth, or I’m not the commander of the s.

  Malcolm: And he’s totally the commander of the s, soooo ur is !

  Siward: Thx for that totally unnecessary post, Malcolm.

  [Scene 5]


  Are we ready? Are all the soldiers in place? (The ones that haven’t deserted.)


  IDK how 2 tell u this, but I have bad . The queen is dead.


  FML. I guess she would have eventually. Every turns in2 the next and there is nothing we can do 2 stop . Poof! Like a short-lived candle . Life is just a walking shadow , like onstage, reciting memorized lines that sound important @ the time, but ultimately have meaning.




  Life sux & then u die.




  I know this sounds , but it looks like Great Birnam Wood is marching 2ward the !


  WHAAAAT! OMG NO!!!!! It can’t b true!!!


  See 4 urself!


  Great Birnam Wood has checked into Dunsinane.

  The Three Witches like this.


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