Escaping Ryan (Genoa Mafia Series Book 2)

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Escaping Ryan (Genoa Mafia Series Book 2) Page 4

by Ginger Ring

  “Men,” Valentina said under her breath, and entered Madison’s place of business.

  “Hey, Val,” her sister-in-law greeted. “To what do I owe this surprise?”

  “Just seeing if you wanted to do lunch or something.” She took a seat in a nearby chair.

  “I will go for the ‘or something’. I need something to wear tonight. If you give me a minute, I can close up for lunch.”


  Maddy grabbed her purse, put the out to lunch sign up, and locked the door.

  “What’s the occasion?” Val barely had time to warm up before she was ushered back out the door.

  “It’s kind of a Sadie Hawkins slash western dance. I need cowboy boots, hat, and a sexy dress.”

  “Is Roman going? I’ve got to see him decked out in jeans.” Just the thought of her brother dressed as a cowboy brought on the giggles. He was always impeccably dressed, like he just stepped off the cover of Gentlemen’s Quarterly. Did the man even own anything besides designer suits?

  “The Sadie Hawkins part means he can’t back out, and believe me, he will be well rewarded for going along.”

  “TMI. TMI.” She loved Roman and Madison, but sometimes they were just too much. “Where is it? Can anyone go?”

  “Of course. And I heard from a reliable source that a certain knight in shining armor will be there also.” Maddy wiggled her eyebrows.

  “Who? Officer Ryan?” What was the use of wishing for something that would never happen? Not to mention she was still pissed at him for not returning her message.

  “What? I thought I noticed some heat between the two of you.”

  “Well, if there was, it was all on my side.” She pulled on the ends of her scarf. “I sent him a text that night to thank him and he never even bothered to respond.”

  “I think he’s had his hands full this week. There might have been a murder.” There was a frown shadowing her face. “They’re still trying to figure out the cause of death, but Roman seems to think there was foul play.”

  “What? Here?” Bad crimes like that happened in big cities every day, but not in the quiet little town of Genoa.

  “Yes. Don’t you read the paper? Or watch the news?” Madison asked.

  “No, I haven’t had time to hook up the cable. Still, I can’t see Ryan going to a cowboy dance, and he had all week to get back to me.” It was insensitive to be thinking of herself. Someone died and yet her only concern was why Ryan hadn’t texted her back. Her gaze dropped to the sidewalk. “I don’t think he’s interested. Why would he go to something like this anyway?”

  “Supposedly, he got roped into going by some of the other guys on the force.” Madison unlocked her Lexus with the key fob. How Maddy knew this she didn’t want to know. It wouldn’t surprise her a bit if her brother had the police station bugged.

  “Did you just say roped?” This was too much to resist. It might be fun after all. Valentina suddenly had the urge to go boot shopping.

  Chapter Five


  Ryan nursed his beer as he surveyed the crowd. Even off duty he watched for people who didn’t belong or were up to no good. So far, everything appeared normal. The only thing out of place in the bar was him. What the hell was he doing here? He’d agreed to go on a hook-up date with a badge bunny. If that didn’t reek of desperation, he didn’t know what did. A western bar was the last place he wanted to be on his night off. Hell, he should be out looking for Tracy Martin’s killer. They still didn’t have all the tests back from the autopsy but he knew in his gut a young woman like that didn’t just die on her own.

  He should be doing a lot of things, like returning the thank you text Valentina sent him. Ryan rubbed his chin with his hands. The whiskers were proof he hadn’t had time to shave that morning. That dark-haired beauty had been on his mind ever since her accident. The scent of her perfume forever locked away in his brain. They were from two different worlds but every other woman paled next to her; everything had always dimmed next to her brightness.

  “Give me a brandy.” Ryan waved at the bartender. It would take something stronger than beer to wash away the feeling of Valentina in his arms. The moment had been brief when he comforted her after the accident, but the feel of her skin was burned into his for a lifetime. Why did he agree to meet Arianne tonight? The whole thing was just wrong, wrong on so many levels. Sure, there were times he went out of town to find meaningless hook-ups, he had needs just like anyone else, but this was too close to home and people talked.

  The bartender slid the drink his way and Ryan downed it in one sip. Dammit, that was stupid. He needed his wits about him if it was going to break things off gently. Any more to drink and he would be kissing the limit for drunk driving and be stuck here. No sneaking out the back before Arianne spotted him.

  Ryan wasn’t one to stand up a woman, but chances were Arianne wouldn’t miss him. She was probably with someone new right now. Her reputation for being open to anything and anyone was known all over the station. The best thing would be to just stop things before they started. Be honest and admit he wasn’t interested. Cut the cord. Rip the bandage off. Damn, he was in a miserable mood.

  A delicate hand touched his arm. She was here. It was now or never. He touched her hand sympathetically—it was time to face the truth. There was no sense postponing things any longer. It was best to just do it quick and fast.

  “Look, I’m sorry, but I’m just not interested.” He swirled around on the barstool and came face to face with Valentina. The hurt on her face was as clear as the water in Lake Genoa. Val withdrew her hand and stepped back as if burned.

  “Val? Wait.” He jumped to his feet.

  “It’s okay. I just wanted to say thanks again for coming to my aid the other night.” She took another step back. “I’m…” her lower lip quivered, “…sorry.”

  Ryan grabbed her arm. “No. No, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say that. I thought you were someone else.” He patted the stool next to him. “Please sit.”

  Hesitantly, she took a seat. “So, were you being hit on all night or something?”

  He laughed and motioned for the bartender to get her a drink. “Something like that.” After she ordered and had her drink, Ryan noticed her clothes. Instead of the usual man killer attire, Valentina was dressed more like the rest of the crowd. She was wearing very tight fitting white jeans and brown boots. From the lack of scuffs, they appeared brand new. The faded blue denim shirt on her shapely figure was open at the neck to reveal some flashy jewelry. He’d heard people call that bling, but whether hers was real or fake he had no clue. Knowing the Caponelli family, it was a good chance they were legit, and that just reinforced the fact that they were not compatible. His paycheck would never keep her in diamonds or pearls.

  “So, are you going tell me about it or just stare at my chest all night?” Valentina wore a cute smirk on her face.

  “I was just admiring your necklace.” He motioned with the glass in his hand.

  “Were you now? I never pegged you as a jewelry man.” She grinned.

  “I’m not. It just caught my eye.”

  “Madison talked me into shopping and I found this at that little boutique next to the tourism office.”

  He knew that place and relaxed a bit knowing it was more in his budget. Not only were there family differences, but money was an issue was well. He was by no means rich, but then his money was all earned legally. It was like there was a battle going on in his brain. One side was telling him to go for it and the other side said not to bother.

  “You look nice,” he added.

  Her eyes widened and a smile lit up her face. “Thanks.”

  “You always look nice, even when you are avoiding deer on the road.”

  “That’s sweet, and I meant it when I said I appreciated you coming to my aid.”

  He nodded. “I was going to check on you but things got kind of crazy this week.”

  “I heard there was a murder. Any idea what happened

  “I can’t share anything that isn’t already in the news, but I will say we are still waiting for the results of some tests.” Valentina shuddered and he calmed the urge to take her in his arms. “Just to be on the safe side, don’t take any unnecessary risks. I know your family has bodyguards, so use them.” If Tracy had been killed, that meant her killer was still out there.

  “Does that mean you’re worried about me?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “I worry about everyone in this town.” The frown on her face proved he was saying all the wrong things. “But I would miss seeing you the most if anything were to happen to you.” The alcohol had loosened his lips and her frown turned into a smile. What was he thinking admitting that?

  Valentina sat up straighter, her face flushed. Music came out of nowhere as the band that was playing that night started to tune their instruments.

  “So, are you here by yourself? I don’t want to intrude.” She traced a red-tipped finger around the rim of her glass.

  “I, uh…” How did he explain he agreed to a hook-up with someone he barely knew but had no intention of going through with it? He’d sound like a crook standing outside a bank with a mask and gun saying he didn’t intend to rob it. Guilty as hell.

  Valentina bit her lip.

  “There you are. Been waiting long?” Arianne picked the worst possible time to step between them and engulf him in a hug. With him sitting, his head was smashed between her ample breasts. The last place he wanted to be at that moment, or any time for that matter.

  “Uh, Arianne. This is not a good time.” He stood and Valentina muttered a quick goodbye before disappearing into the crowd. “Son of a bitch.”

  “What’s wrong?” His date frowned and crossed her arms over her half-revealed chest. Arianne was an attractive woman but she wasn’t the one he wanted.

  “I know I agreed to this date but…” Ryan was at a loss for words. The alcohol that loosened his lips just moments before didn’t seem to help in this situation.

  “But you’re not interested?” she answered for him, and took a seat. “I knew it was too good to be true that you wanted to go out.”

  “I did. I just…I’m sorry.” He exhaled loudly. Why did everything always have to be so difficult?

  “Buy me a drink and we’ll call it good.”

  He motioned for the bartender while he searched the room for Val.

  “That the one you want? The girl you were talking to?”

  “It’s complicated.” Ryan tossed some bills on the bar.

  “Then you’d best get it figured out before someone beats you to it.” Arianne nodded toward the dance floor. A knot formed in his gut when he spied Valentina dancing with another man. Well, that happened fast.

  “I didn’t expect you to take this so well.” The fact that she hadn’t thrown her drink in his face was a pleasant surprise.

  “I’m from the South.” She motioned the bartender for another beer and Ryan placed more dollars on the counter. “It’s all those charm school manners that my mother drilled into me.”

  “Really? What part of the South?” It was an effort to keep talking but it also kept him from beating the man Val was waltzing across the dance floor with to a pulp.

  “Why, bless your heart. I’m a Georgia peach.” Arianne winked at the young bartender. “Hello, sweet thing.” She smoothed back a blonde strand that had fallen in her face and threw the bartender another glance, promising more than just a cash tip. “My mother was the perfect Southern belle and wife.” She mentioned a few more things about her upbringing but it was lost on him. Arianne moved on to her next quest and Ryan was no longer needed.

  “Again, I’m sorry…” he started, but she waved him off and turned to the man in front of her again.

  At least Val was smiling again as the man she danced with twirled her around. The man was a local he’d stopped for a few misdemeanors. The guy may have been a jerk at times, but he knew his way around the dance floor. Ryan hated dancing, couldn’t dance a step, to tell the truth. Luckily, the song ended and the band went on break. Now, he just had to get her to talk to him.


  “Thanks for the dance.” She was flattered to have the man ask her to two-step after Ryan so rudely shut her down, but now she couldn’t get away fast enough.

  “Well, hey, little lady, the night is still young.” The grip on her hand tightened.

  “Yes, but like I said, thanks. I’d better go meet my friends now.” Madison was supposed to be here somewhere. She searched the crowd but Maddy was nowhere in sight.

  “I’ll be your friend.” He pulled her closer. Her chest pressed up against his.

  “Let me go.” Valentina struggled to get loose.

  “Not before a kiss.” His breath reeked of too much beer and pretzels.

  “I said no.” She stomped on his foot with the heel of her new cowboy boots and he let go in a hurry.

  “Why you little…” The man’s face was bright red and his fists tightened.

  “Hey.” Ryan came out of nowhere and stood between them. “Got a problem here?”

  “Nope, none at all.” The guy narrowed his eyes.

  “Really?” Ryan’s gazed locked on his but he glanced away. “Bud, is that your truck out there with the taillight still knocked out? I thought I told you to get that fixed.”

  “I haven’t had time to do that yet.”

  “Well, why don’t you get home now before it gets too dark. I wouldn’t want to have to change that warning ticket to a violation.” It was already dark but he just wanted the jerk out of there before there was trouble.

  Bud’s ears were bright purple. The man teetered back and forth before finally limping off the dance floor and out the door. Val let out the deep breath she hadn’t realized she was holding.

  “Was he bothering you?” Ryan led her away from all the staring eyes.

  “I could handle him.” She pulled her arm from his. It was the first time Valentina noticed what he was wearing. The black cowboy hat on his head must have been on a chair when she sat with him earlier. His tight blue jeans and cowboy boots had her practically drooling.

  Valentina still didn’t see Madison, so she took a seat at a table by herself. She wasn’t alone for long as Ryan sat in the chair next to her.

  Ryan’s gaze dropped to her footwear. “Nice move with the boots. He won’t be dancing the rest of the night.”

  “Don’t you have a date to get back to?” She crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair.


  “But you were on a date. Shouldn’t you be with her?”

  “I was, but it didn’t turn out well.”

  “Then you are having as good a night as I am.” She crossed her ankles. “I was supposed to meet Madison, but so far she’s a no-show. Damn newlyweds.”

  That comment brought a smile to Ryan’s lips. A bright, breathtaking smile that despite her better judgement made her toes curl.

  “I got your message.” He spoke louder as someone had just started the jukebox. “Like I said, I was wondering how you were doing.”

  “Obviously not enough to call back.”

  Chapter Six

  The statement was bitchy but it had hurt. Maybe Roman was right. She’d been secretly chasing after a man for far too long. A man who didn’t know she wanted him and obviously didn’t care. Maybe it was time to give someone else a chance. “It’s okay. I know you were just doing your job.” It was her mistake to assume more.

  Ryan shifted in his seat and ran his fingers through his hair. “It’s not that…”

  “I know. It’s my family. You’re the law. We’ve known each other since we were kids, yet you’ve had all week to get back to me. I was just being”—what was the word she searched for…needy, desperate, overly emotional?—“thankful for your help.”

  “There’s no need to be. I was—”

  She held up her hand. “Just stop. I know you were just doing your job.”

�s not all.”

  She cut him off again. Her father often stated that was why she’d make such a great lawyer—she never gave anyone else a chance to talk. “I’ve had a bad week. It was stupid of me to come here tonight.” The night had held such promise. A chance to step out of her designer shoes and into the arms of a handsome man. But that was not to be. Maybe it was never meant to be for her. She would grow old alone unless her father decided to arrange a marriage for her. Which was better? She’d take the spinster route.

  Goosebumps rose on her arms and she shivered just thinking about a loveless union to some friend of her father’s he thought would be a good match. Heck, when she got home, Valentina would go online and order her crazy cat lady starter kit right away.

  “Are you cold?” Ryan placed his hand on her forearm. An instant flash of heat shot up her arm and she pulled away. He was probably just doing his job again, making sure she was safe. Well, it was time to grow up. She rose to her feet. It was time to stop mooning after someone she idolized in high school. The man had been on a date tonight. Valentina Caponelli was no one’s sloppy seconds. Her jaw tightened. She’d spent the last few years working and studying day and night to pass her exams and did a damn fine job of it too. A man who didn’t appreciate her didn’t deserve her.

  Her legs wobbled a bit as she stood. Apparently, the one drink she’d indulged in had affected her more than she thought. She’d always been a lightweight as far as booze was concerned.

  “Let me see you home.”

  “See me home? No, thanks.” Valentina looped her new fringe purse over her shoulder.

  “Val, what the hell is wrong with you? That guy could still be out there. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go out alone.” He trailed her to the door.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “But I do.”

  Yeah, right.


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