Love's Second Chance (Second Chances Series)

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Love's Second Chance (Second Chances Series) Page 11

by L. P. Dover

  Packing the picture away, I moved on to other things. There was one tiny box I saw off to the side and I recalled the day I put it there very well. I buried Carson with his wedding band on, but mine … mine was in that little black box. I removed it the day I left to move to my parent’s house because I cried every time I looked at my hand, and I knew I couldn’t handle it anymore. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes while opening the box.

  “What are you going to do with your ring?” Jenna asked.

  Finally looking down at the beautiful ring, I shrugged. “I don’t know. Maybe I’ll find something to do with it one day, but for now I’ll store it away for safe keeping.”

  “I think that would be great,” she claimed.

  “Yeah,” I murmured to myself, placing the little black box in with the other things.

  “I’m going to start loading these boxes into the car,” Jenna said. She looked toward the bed and pointed. “What do you want to do with your bed?”

  The thought of having to get rid of the bed broke my heart. “I don’t want to let it go, but I also don’t want to keep it. It would be great if you or my parent’s needed it.”

  “Actually,” Jenna drawled out. “I could use it in the extra bedroom at home. We finally moved out all of our junk from that room and put it in storage. Now all we have is an empty room to fill.”

  “Oh, Twink, that would be perfect. I can have it delivered to your house next week.”

  “That sounds great,” she huffed while picking up two heavy boxes and heading out the door. I felt better knowing I wasn’t getting rid of it. Once the bedroom furniture was gone, the house would be completely empty and ready to be put on the market. I was happy in my little condo so there was no reason to stay in this huge house all by myself. Now all I needed to do was help pack up the closet. Walking into it wasn’t as hard as I expected. Jenna had packed up most of the stuff already and I was really grateful for that. All that was left now was loading the boxes into the car.

  Once they were loaded, I realized that this was my final goodbye to the house. Jenna stood silently beside me as I gazed at what used to be a happy and loving home for me. “Are you ready to go home?” Jenna suggested.

  I looked over at her and smiled. “Meet me there? I have one more good-bye to make first.”

  Nodding in understanding, she squeezed my arm. “Take your time. I’ll get these unloaded at your condo.” I smiled once more at her before we went our separate ways. The next good-bye was going to be the last thing I needed to do before moving on completely; to finding my way back to Galen.

  My throat tightened up as I drove slowly through the winding path. The granite angel monument sitting atop the small hill was the place of my destination. I wanted it to signify Carson’s guardian angel, taking his soul away to heaven, because I knew that was where he was. One day I hoped to see him again. Next to me in the car sat a single purple rose that I brought to put on his grave. Carson would always buy me multi-colored roses on special occasions because he knew I could never choose on one color; so he would make sure I had them all.

  My heart pounding like crazy, I took a deep breath and opened the car door, making my way to the top of the hill. I haven’t had the courage to visit Carson until now, and I was scared to death. My eyes began to burn the closer I got, but it didn’t stop me from taking those last steps to my husband’s resting place. Kneeling down on the soft, green grass, I placed the rose on the ledge of the tombstone. The wind blew hard, bringing in the scent of fresh flowers and a rain that was about to come. Birds chirped as they took their flight while the breeze made the leaves rustle and the branches sway. It was strange that a place of sadness and death could be so peaceful and beautiful.

  Carson was buried directly underneath where I was kneeling, and even though he wasn’t actually there I could still feel him in my soul. I took a deep, calming breath before speaking. “Hey Carson,” I said softly, and paused to look around. Why I waited for a reply that would obviously never come I didn’t know. Secretly, a part of me was hoping I would hear his voice talking back to me. “I’m sorry I didn’t come before, but you had to know how hard it was for me. You always told me I was a strong-willed person, but when you died I was anything but that. I ran away to forget, but I think it actually made it harder for me,” I cried. Letting the tears fall, I rubbed my hands across the deeply engraved letters of Carson’s name in the tombstone. “I miss you so much, Carson. I miss the way you laughed, the way your eyes would crinkle when you smiled, and the way you would hold me in your arms. I know the list could go on forever, but I wanted you to know that I would give anything to hear your voice again, just once.”

  Closing my eyes, I let the cool breeze embrace me as the wind picked up. The spring time had come and a new life began, a new season and a time for change. “I will always love you, Carson. We may not have had all the time in the world, but it meant the world to me. Your love is inside me and I’ll hold onto it until the day I die; until the day we can see each other again.” I wiped the tears from my eyes and placed a kiss across the cold surface of Carson’s tombstone.

  “Good-bye Carson,” I whispered. The wind blew again, and in my heart I believed it was Carson’s love embracing me with his final good-bye. I looked at his grave one more time before slowly walking away down the hill. I’d done what I needed to do to give my heart closure, and now it was time to find that new path; the path to new beginnings.

  Driving to the office had me nervous and excited all at once. The moment Galen had been waiting patiently for had come, and I felt terrible for leaving him to guess when I’d make my way back. All I wanted to do was run into his arms and never let him go. My second chance had been here the whole time, and now I was strong enough to take it. The huge building of M&M Architectural Design was only a few blocks away and looming high into the heavens, or so it seemed when you were directly in front of it. My guardian angel was in there and I could only hope that he would receive me with open arms. He said he would wait for me, he promised to. Now that I was ready to face my fears and move on, it felt like I couldn’t get to him fast enough.

  Since I worked in the large building I had a parking pass that I could use for the employee level and gain quick access to the elevators. Parking in the closest space I could find, I hurtled out of the car and ran to the elevators. My heart was thumping wildly and I felt as if my body was going to explode with the adrenaline coursing haphazardly through my veins.

  “Come on!” I hollered impatiently inside the elevator, demanding it to move faster. Of course it didn’t. I was glad I was alone, because I knew I looked like an impatient child with my arms crossed while tapping my foot angrily. Only three more floors to go … then two … then one. I finally made it! The door opened and Rebecca’s eyes went wide at the sight of me running toward the office.

  “Hey, Rebecca!” I said hastily while passing her desk.

  “Korinne, wait!” Rebecca called out. I didn’t stop but continued on to open the office door anyway. I glanced around frantically, expecting to see Galen, but then my heart fell when I saw that he was nowhere in sight.

  Rebecca was behind me when I turned around. “Where is he?” I gasped with panic coursing through my veins. I wasn’t a patient person and now that I was determined to find him I couldn’t stop until I did. Grabbing for my cell phone, I decided to call him, but Rebecca’s next words stopped me.

  “He won’t answer,” she claimed. Stopping in mid-dial I jerked my head up to look at her. Standing frozen in place, I stared at her in horror and confusion. Rebecca’s eyes went wide and then out of nowhere she burst out laughing, shaking her head. What the hell was going on? “Korinne, honey, relax. He’s not ignoring you on purpose,” she stated, laughing. “I didn’t mean to scare you, although it was priceless seeing your reaction.”

  I released the breath I knew I had been holding and thankfully the dizziness subsided. Relief washed through me, and if I wasn’t in a hurry I would have flopped down i
nto one of the lobby chairs, but I had to know where to find him. “Becky, that wasn’t funny,” I said, with a hint of irritation. “Where is he that he won’t answer my call?”

  “He’s at the airport, Korinne. He has to go to Denver to meet a prospective client.”

  “When does his flight leave?” I asked impatiently, already heading for the elevator.

  “His flight leaves in an hour!” Rebecca hollered out as the door to the elevator closed. Please let me make it on time. If the damn elevator didn’t move any faster I would miss my chance to make it right before he left.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The business deal in Denver couldn’t have come at a worse time. I respected Korinne’s decision, and had given her as much time and space as she needed. Two nights ago at the reception she said she would come back to me soon. I contemplated calling her to tell her I was leaving the state to meet up with a new client, but decided against it. The deal would mean a great amount of business for my firm. The trip was only scheduled for a week, but the past few days had been an endless pool of agony.

  Airports were not my favorite places to be. Although I loved flying, I couldn’t stand the rude people. I had to bite my tongue on numerous occasions to keep from bitching at a few people. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t look good for my company if word got out that I supposedly harassed someone at the airport. Being in the public eye sure had its downfalls. My flight was scheduled to leave within the next hour, and I hesitated when I pulled out my phone to send Korinne a text. I typed in that I’d be out of town, but when I was about to press ‘send’ the sweetest voice I’d been dying to hear called out my name.

  “Galen!” I jerked my head around and followed the sound of her voice. Rebecca must have been the one to inform her of my leaving because no one else knew. Searching through the crowd, I finally spotted her. She was looking around frantically, desperate yet excited, but then she finally met my gaze. Tears flowed down her cheeks like rivers as she stood there frozen, her eyes never swaying from mine. I was about to go to her, but she didn’t give me the chance. In just a matter of seconds she hurled into my arms and cried against my chest. I held onto her tightly and let her body meld with mine, breathing her in deeply just to assure myself that it was actually her there with me. I rubbed my hands up and down her back to soothe her while hot tears soaked through my shirt.

  “Korinne,” I whispered, kissing the top of her head.

  She pulled back to look at me, her eyes red and moist with tears. “I thought I was going to be late,” she gasped, catching her breath. “I had to make sure I got here in time to tell you …”

  Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, I slowly trailed my hand down her cheek. “Tell me what, love?” She then paused and those stormy gray eyes of hers took me away, the same gray eyes that had possessed me many years ago.

  Korinne took a deep breath and stepped up to kiss me gently on the lips. They were soft and warm, and tasted like sweet honeysuckles on a hot summer day. It was intoxicating and had always made me crave more. I had missed the taste of her body the past few weeks, and was sure my hard cock pressing against her stomach let her know that. Moving in closer, she pressed her luscious breasts against my chest and whispered across my lips, “I came to tell you that I love you. I’m so sorry for putting you through all that I have, but I’m here now and I’m never letting you go. You’re mine.” The possessiveness in her voice was sexy as hell and definitely sounded like the feisty Korinne I knew and loved. Her words were what I’d been waiting to hear.

  “And you’re mine, Korinne. I hope you know what you’ve gotten yourself into. From this moment on, if you have problems you’re going to work them out with me. You can’t run away again, I won’t let you.”

  “I’m not going to run … I promise. You’re stuck with me,” she teased.

  Not able to wait any longer, I claimed her mouth with a desperate kiss, tasting her like I’d been dying to taste her for weeks. I’d been deprived of her and now I was going to claim her as my own. Everyone and everything didn’t matter anymore except the woman in my arms, the woman I happened to be in love with. I groaned as Korinne broke away from the kiss, her lips all red and swollen, demanding to be kissed again. My cock ached to be inside of her, to feel her tight, wet sheath surrounding me and clenching me tight. How could I go another week without her touch? It was going to be absolutely impossible.

  “Are you sure you have to leave?” Korinne taunted me playfully. She stayed pressed up against me to hide my bulging cock from prying eyes.

  “Yes, I have to go, love. The firm just landed a new account, so I’ll be in Denver for the week,” I answered regretfully.

  She nodded in understanding, but her eyes looked sad. “I see. I’m sorry it took so long to come back to you. Can you forgive me?”

  I placed my fingers to her lips and said, “There’s nothing to forgive. You’re here now, that’s all that matters.” I looked down in between our bodies at my rigid cock, bulging under my pants, and then back up to her and smiled. “Although, I do believe he’s had his objections.”

  Korinne peered up at me with a devilish smile. “I think we can remedy that.” Raising my brow in question, she smirked at me in response with a gleam in her eye. “Follow me,” she whispered huskily.

  In a matter of seconds we barged into the restrooms and locked ourselves in a stall. Her passionate and needy gaze did me in, and in that moment I was happy to do whatever she wanted. “I need you, Galen,” Korinne said softly, and those words were all it took. I groaned as she ran her tongue along my neck and up to my jaw, and then over to my earlobe where she nipped it with her teeth. I couldn’t wait any longer. Her pants were gone in the next instant, and I hastily undid mine, letting them fall to the floor. Claiming her lips with my own, I entangled my tongue with the sweet taste of hers. All I wanted was to taste more, more of that sweet essence, but I knew the time wouldn’t allow it. There was going to be plenty of moments to make up for the lost time. I lifted her feverishly, gripping my hands onto the soft mounds of her bare ass, and pressing her firmly against the wall. My cock was hard and aching with the need to consume her then and there, and as hard as I could.

  “This won’t take long, baby. I’ve wanted you for way too long,” I pointed out gruffly.

  Her voice was sultry and seductive when she replied, “I won’t last long either, Galen.”

  Guiding her down on my cock, I entered her hard and swift. We both cried out in ecstasy. Her wet sheath was indication enough of how ready she was for me. She moved her hips along with my thrusts as her back moved up and down the wall. I pulled her shirt above her breasts and grabbed one firmly while taking the other one’s plump nipple into my mouth and teasing it with my tongue. Her nails dug into my back when I pumped harder and harder into her tight folds. I didn’t think there would ever come a time when I couldn’t get enough of her. Her body clenched tighter around my cock the harder I went, milking me to an end I knew was very near.

  “Galen,” Korinne moaned. “I’m so close.”

  “I … know …” I stammered out. Thrusting harder, she gripped her legs tighter around my waist, keeping me locked in place. My release came swiftly inside her tight body while she contracted from her orgasm. I held her in my arms, still wrapped around my body; with me still deep inside of her, we enjoyed the aftershocks of our orgasms. “I love you,” I said while gazing into her eyes. “I’ve always loved you.” I kissed her gently on the lips before lifting her off of my still hard cock. As much as I wished I could make love to her again, I knew I couldn’t. We both washed up as best we could, smiling and gazing at each other in the bathroom mirror the whole time, and headed back out to the departure gate. Thankfully, we were the only ones in the bathroom during that session, but it was a risk I was willing to take. We made it just in time for the attendant at the gate to make the announcement of my departure over the intercom.

  “First class passengers now boarding for flight 1284 for Denver.”
  “That’s me.” I sighed sadly. Korinne had a glow about her, and I couldn’t seem to take my eyes away from her. “You’re so beautiful,” I murmured in her ear as I held her tight. “When I come back we need to make up for lost time.”

  Korinne smiled. “I look forward to it. Will you call me when you land? That way I’ll know you’re safe.”

  I nodded. “I will, and I’ll call you every day so I can hear the sweet sound of your voice.”

  Her face beamed brighter and she grinned. “That sounds like a plan. I know I have a lot of making up to do.”

  “Yes, you do,” I teased. “And I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.” The sound of the attendant making the final announcement for boarding came over the intercom.

  “You have to go,” she murmured softly.

  I kissed her lips lightly and cupped her face in my hands. “I’ll be back shortly, I promise. I love you, Kori.”

  “And I love you.” She smiled and let me go. Turning to walk away, I looked back once to see her trying desperately to hold onto her sweet smile. That smile was the last thing I saw before turning the corner, and it would be the one thing I thought about the whole time I was gone.

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Are you ready for Mr. Matthews to come home?” Rebecca asked in a sing-song voice. Laughing, I turned from my desk to see her with a huge grin on her face.

  “Yes, I’m excited! I don’t see how this week could’ve gone any slower.”

  “I know, honey, but all you have is one more appointment and then it should be time for him to come home.” I smiled thinking about that night and knowing that I’d be with Galen, no restrictions or reservations, just me and him. What I consented to at the airport was something I had never done or thought I would ever do in my life. Galen brought out the spontaneity in me, along with an insatiable drive to make love to him. I loved how exhilarating it felt.


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