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Indulge Page 39

by Liv Morris

  “It’s Mathis. Please, call me Mathis.” His voice vibrated through me and I can feel his hot breath on my neck. The tight red halter dress clearly was a bad idea for the night.

  “Mathis,” was all I could say as I felt his arm wrap around my waist. I wanted to push him away, but my body just wouldn’t allow me to move, let alone use any kind of force to push free. Damn the alcohol. Damn it all to fucking hell! I am so fucked.

  “Let me give you a ride home, Jennifer. Maybe just a cup of coffee on the way?”

  I never realized that would be the last memory I had of the entire night.


  Thump. Thump. Thump.

  What the fuck is that sound?

  I slowly started to blink my eyes open when I realized the loud thumping in my ears isn’t my asshole neighbor blaring his techno bullshit for once. It was my own damn heartbeat and my head was pounding.

  I looked around the room and panic flooded through my body. The flashy black and white suite was not my bedroom. Where am I? The last thing I can remember is Mr. Verlinden…damn it... Mathis offering to give me a ride home. I was clearly not home.

  “Take the two pills on the nightstand and drink the entire glass of water. You will feel better in about an hour. I’ll draw you a bath in the meantime. Lavender or vanilla for the soak?” His voice was familiar.

  I blinked my eyes open again as the bright sun punched me in the face. It hurts, dammit. This is why I don’t drink! Shit!

  “Where am I? Why am I not home?” I turned my head and finally see the body connected to the silky smooth voice. He was tall, a lot taller than I remember from last night. His dark shaggy hair was damp and messy. His strong jaw freshly shaved. The scent of leather and man invaded my nostrils. He smelled absolutely delicious, even from across the room.

  “Lavender or vanilla, Jennifer?”

  I ignored the question and took the pills. When I finished the glass of water, I finally mumble an answer. The moment I replied, he was up and through the door leading to the bathroom, drawing a bath for me. Is this reality?

  When he returned to the room, he was holding a long plush white robe. “I hope it fits. It is the only one Dean could find so early this morning when I sent him out.”

  I pulled the sheet up to my chin and watched as he crossed the room to lay the robe on the bed. “Don’t worry, Jennifer, I didn’t take advantage of you last night; even though you are naked. Drunk women aren’t my thing. But sexy women who skip bra and panties are right up my alley,” he winked at me.

  “Why am I not home? What am I doing here?”

  “You are home, love. This is my apartment. We will be living here together. I will have Dean arrange for your belongings to be moved.” His voice was so soothing; I hardly noticed what he just said.

  I jumped from the bed, taking the white sheet with me as I wrapped it around my naked body. I began stalking toward the bathroom, lost in my head.

  “I don’t know what kind of game you are playing. But I am taking a bath and going home.” I slammed the bathroom door behind me and turned the running water off. That was when I noticed it. The matching, shiny wedding ring and diamond set on my left ring finger. Before I can even comprehend what happened, I stalk back to the door and throw it open.

  “WHAT IN THE FUCK IS THIS?!?” I threw my left hand up in the air, waving it around like a lunatic. At this point, I was sure any ounce of sanity is completely gone. I lost it somewhere over the course of last night, when I apparently married a god damn stranger. All my years in Vegas I laughed at assholes who did shit like this. Now? I am one of them? How the fuck did this happen?

  “Calm down, love. I promise I will be good to you, Mrs. Verlinden. Go take a bath, then we will talk.” Like that he walked out of the bedroom and that is when I realize the sheet is gone. I am standing in the middle of a stranger’s bedroom, yelling like a fucking fool…butt ass naked.

  Could this day get any worse?

  Chapter 4

  My wife


  The look on Jennifer’s face was priceless after she noticed the ring on her left hand. I was wondering how long it would take for her to realize that we were married when she didn’t seem to listen to a word I had said. Which mind you, was frustrating as hell.

  I had to hold back a chuckle as I shut her in the bedroom. A string of curses sounded behind the closed door.

  A grin spread on my face as I listened to my wife spouting words that would make a trucker proud. My wife. Never in my life did I think that I would be getting married. In Vegas. To a woman I just met. But, I knew I had to have her. Maybe it was taking advantage of her on my part. Okay, it was taking advantage of her, but by the end of last night when she practically fell into my lap, I had to think quickly. I didn’t know anything about the woman but I didn’t want to lose her. Call me selfish, but I had to make sure that she was mine.

  A moment later, Dean strolled into my bedroom, sporting a small smile. Which was about as much emotion as Dean would ever give off.

  I nodded. “How’s her friend…Nora is it?”

  Dean grinned. “Nora is fucking perfect.”

  I chuckled and shook my head.

  “How’s the wife?” Dean nodded, indicating the closed the door.

  “Furious but she won’t be for—”

  “I won’t be what?”

  The door opened behind me and I turned around, breathing in the scent of vanilla. Jennifer’s gorgeous thick red hair was piled on her head, ringlets falling down to frame her face. My body stirred. What I wouldn’t give to have my hands wrapped tightly in her hair, tugging and pulling as I fucked her hard.

  I smirked and waited.

  Her gaze met mine, flashing with a hint of lust but was quickly replaced by a scowl.

  Ah, she was fighting me. She wouldn’t be. For long.

  “How was the bath?” I asked, stepping out of her way. I motioned to Dean and he took the hint, leaving us alone to work out our…issues.

  “How do you think it was? I have a hangover from fucking hell and I woke up married to some rich asshole,” she fumed, holding the bathrobe tightly closed around her.

  “I don’t see what the problem is besides waking up with a hangover,” I said and sat in the black leather chair in the corner of my bedroom.

  “What did you do to me last night? Did you rape me? Force me to get married?”

  I frowned, my jaw clenching and sat forward. “I don’t know what you’ve heard about me and I may be a dick, but I’m not a fucking rapist. Besides,” I sat back and steepled my fingers under my chin. “getting married was your idea.”

  Her eyes widened, her mouth opening and closing as she slowly sat on the edge of my bed.

  My gaze travelled down her body that was covered by the white robe. Seeing her naked moments before did things to me that no woman was ever able to do. One look from her and my cock instantly hardened. This woman knew her way around a man but she was in for a surprise if she thought I would let her know that. There was no fucking way that she would have that kind of control over me. That’s why I agreed to marry her. Of course, a little birdy could have put the idea in her head but she didn’t need to know that either.

  “Well there’s only one way to fix this.”

  I knew what she was going to say before she even said it.

  “Give me a divorce.”

  Yup, there it was. “No.”

  Watching the handful of emotions flash over her face was a moment I’d never forget.

  Shock turned to rage which then in turn morphed into awe. She was impressed. I’m sure she had men eating out of the palm of her hand and I bet all of my money that she wasn’t used to them calling the shots.

  “What do you want with me? Sex? My money? Cause clearly you don’t need it. You don’t need sex from me either since you probably have women throwing themselves at you,” she said, rolling her eyes, as her arms flailed in the air.

  I smiled. She was jealous and didn’t that jus
t make me fucking hard. “No, I don’t need your money but I will be fucking you…in time.”

  Her cheeks flushed a deep red, and she shook herself.

  There was no way that this woman was shy. Ever. But the way she reacted to my words let me know that I was getting to her. This would be very interesting.

  I rose from the chair and closed the distance between us.

  A small gasp escaped her full lips as she strained her neck to look up at me.

  I reached between us and grabbed her wrists, pinning them to her side and watched her eyes dilate.

  Her pink tongue peaked out and licked over her bottom lip as her breathing picked up. She wanted my lips on her as much as mine craved the feel of hers once again. The small vein at the side of her neck pulsed as her heart beat quickened.

  Leaning down, I grazed my nose lightly up the side of her neck, inhaling deep before nipping the soft skin just under her ear.

  God, she fucking smelled good. I could feel the heat coming off of her small body and as much as I wanted to dive between her legs and bury my cock deep in her pussy, that would have to wait. She needed to know who was in control.

  “Mathis,” she breathed.

  My hold on her wrists tightened, not giving a shit if I left marks. I trailed my mouth along her jaw, alternating between bites and kisses.

  Her knees spread, inviting me to step between them and when I didn’t, a soft groan of frustration left her lips.

  I smiled and nipped her jaw. “As much as I want to rip open your robe and bury my cock in your hot cunt…” I let go of her wrist and grabbed her jaw, squeezing lightly.

  Her eyes widened, darkening with anger and desire.

  I licked over her bottom lip before sucking it into my mouth. It was pure and utter torture teasing her. “You will beg me, Jennifer.”

  Her eyes narrowed, hardening with an icy cold glare but also filling with lust. For me.

  “I can smell how much you want me,” I said, inhaling her sweet skin. My cock twitched to the point of breaking. Fuck me, this was going to be harder than I thought.

  “I don’t beg men for anything. They beg me,” she said with a false bravado, trying to keep her voice firm and calm but the shaky undertone proved she was losing control and fast.

  God, I fucking loved a woman that submitted to me. “I will break you, Jennifer.”

  “Promises promises,” she said, glaring.

  Letting go of her completely, I headed to the bedroom door. “Get dressed.” I turned back to her. “And then come out and have breakfast with me.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  Yes she was, just not for food. “It wasn’t a request,” I snapped and shut the door behind me.

  I swallowed a laugh when something heavy hit the door. She was feisty and I loved it. She wasn’t like the normal women I went for. Fawning over me. Throwing themselves at my feet begging me to fuck them. I rolled my eyes. No, this woman, Jennifer, she was it. The one. She wanted a divorce? There was no fucking way. She was stuck with me, whether she liked it or not.


  I sat at the large cherry oak table, waiting.

  Jennifer came out a half an hour later, dressed in a red summer dress. It hugged her voluptuous curves in all the right spots and I found myself wondering if she wore any panties.

  When I saw earlier that her pussy was completely bare, it was like she was meant for me and it took everything in me not to dive between her legs and have her screaming my name, begging for more.

  “Sit,” I said, indicating the chair beside me.

  She stomped up to the table and sat in the chair furthest away from me and huffed, crossing her arms under her full chest.

  “Will you please explain last night to me?”

  Crossing an ankle over my knee, I took a sip of my coffee before meeting her furious gaze. “What do you want to know?”

  She shook her head. “How the fuck did we end up getting married?”

  “Well there was a minister, he said some words and voila, you are now my wife.”

  Jennifer slapped her hands on the table. “Listen, asshole--”

  “No. You fucking listen to me,” I snapped.

  She flinched but stood her ground.

  I loved a woman that didn’t back down. “You are my wife.”

  “But I clearly was not fucking coherent to know what was going on. Is that the only way you can get a woman these days, Mathis?” She pouted. “Are we losing our touch?”

  My body vibrated. I think I just fell in love with this bitch.

  Chapter 5

  Run, Just Run.


  This whole thing was fucked. I loved him and hated him all at once. I wanted to submit to him and have him please me in ways I knew he could. All night long. But, in the next breath I wanted to run back to the safety of my modest apartment and close the door tight. Or run him over with my SUV.

  As I sat at this obnoxiously large table, I thought of ways I could push him away.

  “There is something you should know about me, Mathis.” I thought it was time we played a round of twenty questions. “My job...” I trailed off trying to tell my new found husband about the fact that I was a high priced call girl. That I would be fucking other men, not him. I am sure that would go over wonderfully with a man like him.

  Hold on a second. When did my life become this? When did it become this fucking confusing? Damn it! That Lifetime movie I have been avoiding all these years, really is finally coming true.

  “Dr. Jeffery’s. I know all about the office already.”

  I rolled my eyes and thought about kicking him in the shin for interrupting me. This man made me see red like no one before. If I was a violent person, I probably would have punched him in the face already.

  “No, Mathis. Listen to me.” I paused and lifted my head to make eye contact with him across the table. I felt weak and my demeanor changed. For some reason I felt as though I was about to hurt him, even though it was an absolutely foolish thought. “I’m a call girl. I have sex with men like you, for large sums of money four days a week.” When I exhaled, I sat and waited, watching a number of emotions run across his face. Mathis wore his heart on his sleeve. He may play the part of a badass but when we are alone, here in his home, I could see that it was all a facade.

  “You what?” his voice was quiet. He sat the cup of coffee onto the table, uncrosses his leg and stood.

  I should fear the altercation that was coming, because honestly I hate fighting. But for some fucked up reason I loved fighting with him.

  His strides were quick and before I knew it, he was pulling me up from my chair into his arms. He held me tight against his body without saying a word and we just stood there for what felt like an eternity in this simple embrace. I didn’t know how much time passed until he finally spoke.


  I nodded and let out a little grunt to acknowledge him.

  “That is over now. Money is not an issue, I will do anything and everything to take care of you. You don’t need to have sex for money anymore.”

  His words are like a slap to the face, but then again why should I expect him to understand my life. No one would.

  “It isn’t about the money, Mathis. It never was.” I pulled away and start walking toward the bedroom. If I get there quickly enough I can lock myself in the bathroom and plot my getaway.

  “Then tell me, Jennifer. Please.” He stopped as I continued to walk away.

  Do I answer him? Do I give him the satisfaction of knowing how much of an absolute whore I am? Do I really let him know how much I love sex, even though I don’t plan on having it with him? Ever.

  “Mathis. It is about the sex. But, you wouldn’t understand.”


  I didn’t know how long I spent in the bathroom, but when I come out, the bedroom was empty. I thought for sure Mathis would be waiting for me. I was sad and relieved that he was nowhere to be found. Maybe I can finally make a break fo
r it?

  I gathered my belongings and made my way through the penthouse. Stopping at the front door, I looked around at my husband’s home and reach for the doorknob.

  “Going somewhere?” I turned to see Dean standing in the corner of the room. Shouldn’t he be body guarding Mathis or something?

  “Yes, I am going home.” I pushed the door open and made my way for the elevator.

  “Mr. Verlinden insists you stay until he returns,” Dean said in the distance, but I still didn’t stop my retreat.

  “I don’t care what Mr. Verlinden insists. I am not a slave or prisoner. I am going home, Dean!” Just in time, the elevator door opened up and I jump in. Pressing the buttons frantically, hoping it would close before the scary man pulled me out and back into the waiting penthouse. Because apparently, my new name is Rapunzel.

  The doors closed and I breathed a sigh of relief. The ride down was long. He must live on the freakin’ top floor, but should I have expected anything different?

  The car came to a stop on the ground floor and the doors opened up. I took a step out and walked toward the lobby quickly. I was almost out the doors when a strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled my small body against his. My heart started beating rapidly.

  I turned to slap the large man only to realize the violator is actually a man I called my husband. Damn it! “Mathis! Don’t fucking do that to me!” I gasped and worked to catch my breath. “I almost punched you!”

  “Oh love, I would have enjoyed that.” He hovered his mouth to my ear, his breath hot on my neck and slowly began to speak again. “I love it when you are feisty. I can’t wait to see how fuckin’ feisty you are once I finally get you naked in my bed.”

  I wanted to be disgusted. But I wasn’t. I was turned on like I had never been turned on before. Maybe it was the fact that I hadn’t been fucked since Jude railed me good on Friday night. Damn it, now I am thinking about Jude and this European hottie. My life! His words heated my body. My pussy was soaking wet and begging for him to lick it.


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