Out of Chills Aphrodite - A Between the Chronicles Novella (The Goddess Chronicles Book 4)

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Out of Chills Aphrodite - A Between the Chronicles Novella (The Goddess Chronicles Book 4) Page 5

by S. E. Babin

  He didn’t even deign to glance at me. So, of course, I tried harder. “Have you ever heard of The Chippendales?”


  “They’re this group with all of these hot pieces of tail and they sell out to crowds of thousands of women who pay to watch them gyrate on the stage.”

  Bright green, surprisingly intelligent eyes met mine. “I. Don’t. Gyrate.”

  I waggled my eyebrows at him. “You should. I’d totes pay to see that.”

  His massive upper body moved as the chuckle burst from his chest like an earthquake.

  “You are in an extraordinarily good mood, Huntress. Please enter.”

  I grinned at the guy even as I reminded myself to tone down the smart ass remarks. Artemis was not nearly on the same level as I was with sarcasm. “Chippendales, good sir. Look into it.”

  He stepped to the side and let me pass, but before I could turn around and be on my way, he winked, put his arms behind my head and hip thrust at me three times. Laughter bubbled from my throat. I fanned myself and pretended to swoon. “You could make millions, darling. Sleep on it.”

  “Farewell, young lady.”

  The grin didn’t leave me for several minutes. I needed to find out who that guy was because I was pretty sure I liked him.

  I wandered into the party, careful to keep my face stoic just like Artie would. She had a great sense of humor, but she wasn’t one to be overly social or even show up at these parties. Unless she was with me.

  Hmm. Maybe I should have thought this through more. That really seemed to be the theme of my life right now.

  I steeled my shoulders and stopped abruptly at the sight of the main hall. A wide, happy grin stole over my face at the site. Zeus or Hera, but it had to be Zeus because Hera had a terrible sense of humor, had transformed the normally sedate hall into the Great Hall at Hogwarts. Hermes must have allowed his father in to the palace because both of them were currently banished. Or…someone else had done it. I craned my neck up and around looking everywhere at once.

  “Amazing, isn’t it?” A voice next to me murmured.

  “Incredible.” I didn’t recognize the voice, but right now I was too involved in staring at the wonder above me. Floating candles danced slowly in the air, giving the room an otherworldly dimly lit look. Starlight winked in the air made by the wings of tiny fairies hovering above us. Normally we didn’t see too many fairies around here so whoever hired them paid handsomely. Of that, I had no doubt.

  “I’m surprised to see you here, Artemis.”

  A slight frown touched my brow until I remembered where I was and who I was supposed to be with.

  “I felt like being social tonight,” I said cautiously and turned to see who stood so close to me. I didn’t recognize him but I wasn’t surprised to find him breathtakingly handsome. Most of the immortals were. Upon his wheat-colored hair sat a small crown beset with jewels of amber. It was strange enough to see someone wearing a crown, especially in Zeus’ palace, but what was even stranger was no one had stopped him or called him out for the insult. His face screamed aristocracy, but his lips curved with good humor. He wore a one-shouldered garment which hit the tops of his thighs and while he should have looked ridiculous, his powerful tanned legs looked yummy. I really needed to come back to Olympus more often so I could desensitize myself to the sight of men in chitons. The men on Earth rarely wore anything this skimpy so every time I came here and saw one I was like a teenage girl sandwiched in the middle of the football squad.

  This person was someone of obvious importance. Someone my friend knew and someone I had never seen before.

  Life - 1. Abby - 0.

  I pasted a cautious, friendly smile on my face while inwardly my panic was rising. How well did she know him? Was she sleeping with him? Was he just a coffee date friend? Oh gods. What if I had to make out with a total stranger in order to keep this ruse going?

  He made a noncommittal noise, but I saw the slight twinge of curiosity and suspicion that touched his face for a moment.

  “Do you know who created this?” I asked in order to make the silence less awkward.

  He shrugged. “If I had to assume, I’d say it was my mother. I’m surprised you didn’t draw the same conclusion.”

  Shit. Balls. This was supposed to be a brilliant idea! My friend was a hermit. She rarely got out. Now the first person I speak to seems to know Artie on an intimate basis and I have to pretend to know his mother? Who would have done such a thing? Who would be in tune enough with human culture to do this sort of thing? I racked my brain in the few seconds that followed and decided to take a stab in the dark. Or, in this case, the starlight some unknown goddess created in order to stump me and possibly ruin my life.

  “I should have known. Very few people understand the magic of Harry Potter. Gaia is an incredible woman.” I gathered magic as subtly as I could, hoping against all hope I was correct.

  Relief touched his expression and I saw him relax.

  Thank the gods. Our family trees were screwed up enough, but one thing I knew about him was that he was important. He was ballsy. And no one around here was bothering him or even that concerned about the crown he was sporting.

  This guy had to be Typhon’s brother. I just wasn’t sure what his name was or who his father had been.

  “She and Zeus are on better terms right now. I’m not sure how long it will last, but for right now we can all breathe a little bit easier.”

  Curious. Those two went at it like cats and dogs. I knew why. Zeus was still in love with her, but he was married to Hera. I had my moments with Hera and while about 80 percent of the time I thought she was a monster, the other twenty I saw flashes of true humanity and emotion in her. I still didn’t like her, though.

  Gaia was a different story. I couldn’t say we were exactly BFF’s, but she had shared a piece of her magic with me in order to help squash some of the uprisings around here. Without that temporary power, I’d probably be dead. True dead with no capability of rising from the dead. But it was gone now, banished by Hecate’s magic.

  “That’s good news,” I said quietly. I had to figure out a way to get away from him before he figured out I wasn’t Artemis. It was a lucky guess with Gaia, but if he started talking about anything too personal, I was toast. I’d have to rib Artie later about not telling me about this delicious hunk of Titan.

  “I hope you forgive my forwardness, Huntress, but I must speak to you about the Goddess of Love.”

  I kept my eyebrows from shooting to my forehead, but just barely. “What has she done now?”

  He chuckled a deep and rich throaty chuckle that made me smile. If Artie wasn’t into him, she was crazy.

  “I admire the friendship you two share; although I am more admiring of the remarkable patience you’ve shown for her various exploits.”

  The blush threatened to creep up and it took all of my resolves to quash it. “She’s a trouble magnet, isn’t she?”

  “Indeed. Though her trials have brought some peace to us and have tamed Zeus’ temper down a bit.”

  Interesting. “I don’t know that anyone can truly tame Zeus.”

  “I agree, but since she has been around, things have been a little bit calmer.” He clasped his hands together and an earnest expression stole over his face. “Which, I must admit, is a perfect segway into my request.”

  A Dryad passed by holding a tray of sparkling liquid. I stopped her and snagged a crystal flute from the tray. “What is this?” I asked her quietly.

  A sparkle shone in her eye. She, too, had been to Dionysus’ parties before. We were at Zeus’ now, but one couldn’t be too safe.

  She bobbed her head and leaned in. “Straight champagne, Miss,” she whispered.

  I smiled gratefully and took a sip. She offered my mysterious friend a drink, but he declined.

  Artie was good at being imperious and kind of a know it all so I went for that. “And your request would be?”

  A dimple appeared in the corner o
f his mouth. “And there you are. You were acting quite different tonight.”

  I snorted. He had no idea. “It’s been a rough week.”

  “I am here under the direction of Demeter, mother to Persephone and mother-in-law to Hades.”

  My heart dropped down to my toes and I fought to keep my face neutral. Calm. Cool. Collected. Do not lose your shit, Abs. Keep it together.

  He continued. “We ask that you do everything in your power to ensure the Goddess of Love returns Persephone to her rightful place as Queen of the Underworld.”

  Well...that didn’t sound difficult and that was my plan anyway. So why was he here being so official about it?

  I stared at him in curiosity for a moment before I spoke. His expression remained somber. There was something I was missing. Who was this guy?

  “I believe that’s her plan,” I said finally.

  He cringed. “Forgive my step into uncharted waters, but what we do know about Aphrodite is that her best-laid plans often go sideways.”

  I choked on my laughter. This guy. “No offense taken. I’m sure my friend is well aware her penchant for shenanigans often ends in unexpected results.”

  His chest rumbled in amusement. “The stories of her setting up the paintball game in the Asheville woods have become legend in my temple.”

  I snorted in amusement. “Just one of the many ways things have gone sideways.” I lifted up my flute. “However, in the end, she prevails.”

  A smile still touched his full lips. “Yes, Demeter must insist on her prevailing. Persephone, in spite of her wayward tendencies, must resume her role as Queen of the Underworld. The sooner the better.”

  That sounded ominous. I probed for more information. “That sounds a touch dramatic, don’t you think?”

  He shrugged one powerful shoulder. “It is not my place to speculate, Huntress.”

  “But you have,” I guessed. “If you wish me to relay a message to Aphrodite, then you must provide me details.” I paused as I thought about what to say next. “She has...issues with authority and will not hesitate to go the opposite way if she thinks you are trying to fulfill an agenda.”

  “I have heard that about her. I cannot go into specifics, Artemis. I will tell you that Demeter has a vested interest in seeing her daughter returned safe and sound.”

  Annoyance overrode my good judgment. “To be honest, I do not understand why Abby is the one playing fetch her. Why is nobody going after her? You have two monstrously powerful beings both searching for Persephone. Why Abby?”

  His face shuttered for a moment and he sighed. “I always forget what it’s like to talk to you. You are so much more than a beautiful face, Huntress.”

  One long finger tilted my chin up. I stared into amused gray eyes. Swallowing hard, I tried to smile, but I was feeling super awkward here and I didn’t want to betray Artie.

  I blinked.

  He chuckled and released my chin. “There is something between those two that neither will speak of. Some power Hades holds over Demeter or vice versa, I cannot say. What I do know is Persephone has to be convinced to return. She cannot be coerced. Both of them appear to be intelligent enough to realize this and no one wants to tip their hand.”

  Realization struck me. “Abby is a pawn. Again.”

  “She had to know this.”

  Humiliation filled me. Of course, I knew this. Subconsciously at least. “Well, I’m sure she’ll be pleased to know that once again Olympus has screwed her over.” I couldn’t quite mask the bitterness in my tone.

  Realizing the shift in mood, the stranger took my free hand and kissed the back of it. “Forgive my intrusion, Huntress. I must be on my way. I hope to see you again under circumstances that do not require me to ask for your assistance.”

  I pulled my hand away politely even though the back of it tingled from the press of his lips. “Until we see each other again.”

  He disappeared in the sea of bodies surrounding us and I was again struck by the strangeness of it all. I needed to find out who the guy was and fast.

  But right now, more than that, I had to find Cupid and time was running out. I pressed through the immortals milling around me, exchanging polite nods with those who acknowledged me. I was struck again at how many folks appeared to defer to Artie. She wasn’t just my introverted, nerdy friend. She was one of the Twelve Olympians and I needed to remember that. I’d seen her in action before, but most of the time she was in her pajamas sprawled out upon my couch catching up with her latest novel.

  Although...that hadn’t been the case lately. She was moving on and away from me and I knew it. She’d gotten a house not too far away and was working on getting her new business off the ground. She was more like me than she liked to admit, I knew, but so different from me in other ways as well.

  Thanks to Artie’s height, I could see over most of the people around me. Two long tables, Hogwarts style, stretched in front of me, forcing me to walk between them. Most people were in the middle, but some hung out on the other side, which would make it a very long walk for me if I happened to spot Cupid. No one had thought to cut the table in sections so people could walk through it. It made it more genuine, but also a pain in the butt. I wasn’t rude enough to try to climb over the table and using magic in Zeus’ home was an insult.

  I needed to play my cards just right here because I needed the element of surprise. It was possible I’d have to use my magic especially if squirrelly Cupid tried to get away from me. The crowd was a good thing tonight. I’d need it to mask my movements.


  I spotted an oh so familiar head of bright blond curly hair bobbing through the crowd several feet away. With all of the immortals in here right now it would be difficult to sense a power signature, but I didn’t want to take any chances, especially if he recognized me as Artie. It could make things weird if he had me tied up in a dungeon at his home and then suddenly I was here acting like things were hunky dory. I slipped my fingers into the small pocket of my snug leather pants and pulled out another of the tiny herbal pills the Fate had given me. As much as I didn’t want to keep taking them, Clotho assured me her herbal skills were beyond the pale. Considering I’d never seen her doing anything with herbs that involved putting them into pill form, I was a tad skeptical. Nonetheless, she’d never steered me wrong and I liked to think we’d gotten over the hump with our recent cookie making bonding experience.

  I discreetly slipped the pill into my mouth and cringed as soon as the sour, grassy taste hit my mouth. This had better work, I thought to myself as I slowly stalked toward him. Zeus was going to kill me when he found out what I’d done, but he had to know he’d given me too much leeway when he told me to find Artemis. If he didn’t know me that well by now, then that was his fault.

  I stopped a few people behind Cupid and listened as he chatted up a vacuous nymph. Although I garnered a few curious stares from the people around me, perhaps because I was missing my unique power signature, no one cared enough to confront me. It was, after all, Halloween, the perfect time for weird things to happen.

  He had no idea I was there.

  Cupid was dressed up like Al Capone, complete with white blood spattered suit and fake machine gun. Or...at least I hoped it was fake. Bullets wouldn’t kill us but they’d put us in a pretty bad mood. I couldn’t imagine the hunk at the door letting him bring something like that in if it were real.

  He flashed bejeweled fingers around as he spoke animatedly to the uninterested blonde. “So I says to him, you know you could have any girl you wanted. Why’d you choose her?”

  I cringed as I had a feeling I knew where this was going.

  With hand motions, Cupid mimed an enormous pair of breasts around his chest area. Even the ditzy nymph seemed offended. She made a noise of disgust in the back of her throat and shimmied away as fast as she could teeter in the three-inch heels she was wearing.

  “Gosh. And here I mistook you for a gentleman.”

  The crystal flute in his
hand crashed to the ground as he spun around. Shock widened his eyes and he gaped like a fish out of water.

  “How’d - how’d you -?”

  I gave him a shark’s smile and reached over to grasp his bicep tightly. “I didn’t, you creepy little worm.”

  We flashed out of Zeus’ party and into the living room of his bachelor pad.

  The smell hit me first. Old pizza. Spilled beer. Body odor and the gods knew what else lay around this hovel. Dirty clothes lay discarded over the back of a couch that had seen much better days. What might have once been beige or tan carpet was now spotted intermittently with gray and other discolored stains.

  Worst of all, there was no sign of my friend. I sat Cupid down on the disgusting couch, doing my best not to touch anything. We couldn’t catch disease, but it didn’t mean I wanted bacteria crawling all over my skin. I shuddered in distaste. “Where is she?”

  Fear was quickly replaced with gloating. “I knew you’d show up eventually. You were always weak when it came to the little guy.”

  As I was towering over him, I wanted to laugh. Artie was no little guy.

  “What do you want?”

  He studied one dirty, blood encrusted fingernail and, now that I’d seen his living space, I had to wonder if maybe that dirt was the real deal. The blood...well, we didn’t bleed in the traditional sense, so I knew it wasn’t Artie’s. It did make me wonder who else he was keeping, though, and if they were a mortal.

  “I want a lot of things,” he said, a smirk on his too young face.

  I wanted to smack that look off of him, but I also couldn’t help a stab of sympathy. The issues were strong with this dude. “You are screwing with two of the most powerful Olympian’s in Zeus’ circle. You are aware of that?”

  If anything the smirk grew even more gloating. The first signs of misgiving started low in my stomach. Why was he smirking?


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