Adaptation of the Chameleon

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Adaptation of the Chameleon Page 9

by Douglas A. Schmitt

  Dana looks at Stuart for a moment before redirecting her attention to Becca and answered, “You can. It was actually a surprise for you guys. Your dad even asked the owner to heat the pool before we arrived, so it should be nice and comfortable. But really, sweetie… you need to eat first and put away your clothing.”

  Becca, filled with childlike wonder, began running to her room at the top of the stairs. She and Anna shared the same space at the end of the hallway, next to Luke’s room and across the way from her parents. Not far behind Becca were Anna and Luke. They split as soon as Anna helped Luke into his own space. She then kissed the top of his hand and walked into her room to help Becca unpack.

  Luke closed the door behind him and immediately aimed for the queen size bed placed under the window. He closed his eyes for a moment and instantly felt relief over being in a place that wasn’t moving on four wheels. He reached for the multi-color quilt at the foot of the bed and covered his still shivering body. He felt his eyelids compelling him to retire his aching body.

  As he began falling into a deep nap, Anna entered his room wearing a two piece swim suit with a towel wrapped around her slender torso. She nudged Luke in an attempt to wake him and said, “Hun, are you feeling any better?”

  Luke forcefully opens his eyes. “Just a little, but I think it’s because we aren’t moving.”

  Anna made a space on the tiny bed and sat next to Luke. With worry in her eyes, she reached for his hand and began massaging his fingers. She brushed the hair off of Luke’s forehead and said, “Well, maybe the pool might make you feel better. You know, the heat might just take that sickness out of you.”

  Luke stretched his arms and placed them on Anna’s shoulders. He pulled her closer to him and kissed her on the nose. He then lifted himself from his comfortable spot and said, “Okay, baby girl. I tell you what. Give me a couple of minutes and I’ll meet you and Becca outside.”

  Anna smiled and kissed Luke’s dry, chapped lips. She jumped from the bed and exited the room.

  Luke maked his way to his luggage and pulls out a blue pair of nylon shorts. He changed into them, feeling every pain in his body as he slides the tight wetsuit over his legs. He left the bedroom, heading for the family room. Becca stepped in front of Luke when he reached for the sliding door and whispered, “I know something that will get rid of that cold. You should let me help with it - I know Anna isn’t. It’s not her style to sleep with a man unless she knows that she’s got them right where she wants them. You just don’t seem to be sold on this whole skit at all. So, knowing that you aren’t sleeping with my sister, it wouldn’t technically be cheating if you and I were to…”

  Luke motioned for her to stop. He cleared his sore throat and quickly responded, leaning in towards the sliding glass door, “I don’t know what your issue is, Becca, but I love your sister and there is no way that I’m going to be doing anything with you. You must not have taken the hint before. I hope that you don’t take offense to that and keep it from allowing us to be friends.”

  With an angry and jealous look on her face, she stepped out of Luke’s way.

  Luke exited to the back area where he was greeted by Stuart. The older man was relaxing on one of the many plastic chairs that wrapped the interior of the screened in area. Stuart looked up at Luke while loading his pipe. He began lighting the tobacco and said, “Well hey there, young man. I hope you are feeling better. There is this stuff that my boss recommended that might work for you. I take it every time I start feeling a sickness developing. I tell you what… I’ll look online to see if there is a place around here that sells it.”

  Luke eased himself into the pool. It was the first time all day he hadn’t felt pain infecting his entire body. Their time in the 14x30 sized pool wasn’t long before they came to they realized the temperature was too hot. Becca was the first to exit the pool and decided to dry off next to her father. She grabbed her towel and cellular phone and pulled one of the chairs to the right of Stuart. Anna and Luke decided to stay in the pool for a few more minutes.

  They discussed what to expect while in Orlando. Anna began informing Luke of the pending plans. Before she could get a word out, Dana interrupted, “I have an announcement for you guys. We aren’t going to Galactic Adventure…” She glanced over at Stuart as he nodded his head while sucking in the thick heavy smoke. Dana then redirected her attention to the eager and confused small crowd. “We are going… to Wonder World!” Anna, Luke and Becca stared, waiting for Dana to admit that she was joking.

  After several moments of observing Dana’s steady facial expression, Anna became the first to scream out loud,

  “Are you serious? Oh my God! We haven’t been there since we lived in Oxford!”

  Becca looked at her twin sister as she shared in the enthusiastic response. “Oh my God! Oh my God!”

  Luke was thinking of his own excitement when he began feeling the sour stomach return. He felt thrilled once he realized that he had never been to Wonder World. The emotions of excitement changed with the environment, but his interior was just as ill.

  Anna continued her rant. “Okay, so we need to start at Future Land tomorrow and then decide on Movie Land, Animal Land, and Magical Land for the other days… but definitely start at Future Land!”

  “Well…’ Dana cut in. “I think we’ll start at ‘Movie Land.”

  “But, Mom, you know me and Becca love Future Land…”

  Dana rolled her eyes while hoisting herself out of the pool. She excuses herself and walks back into the house. Stuart soon followed behind.

  “I’m sorry about that, honey. Mom can be a real bitch sometimes when she doesn’t get what she wants. Either way, it’s going to be fun!”

  Once the group decided to call it a night, Anna escorted Luke to his bedroom.

  That night, while in slumber, Luke experienced a very interesting dream. He dreamed that he was walking down an empty street, when a woman wearing a dark purple hooded sweater walks up to him. Her eyes aimed at the cold lonesome pavement, she began speaking to Luke.

  “I know who you are. I know you are afraid. It happened before. It will happen again.”The stranger looked up and removed her hood, revealing a familiar face of yellowish brown eyes and short blonde hair with dark roots. Her resemblance to a person that Luke once knew was uncanny. Just as Luke begins speaking, he heard Anna’s voice.

  “Wake up honey bunny! It’s time to get ready to go!”

  Luke opened his eyes to Anna’s smiling face. He felt the pain from his mysterious illness take effect once more. He sat up and received a glass of orange juice from Anna. Luke took a small sip and placed it on the nightstand next to his bed. Anna then handed him a napkin and said, “Are you feeling any better baby? I hope you are… we all have been up since six this morning. We thought we would let you sleep another hour. Mom announced that she wasn’t going to go today unless we went to where she wants to go. So, I guess Movie Land, here we come.”

  Luke detected a bit of sarcasm in Anna’s voice. He reached for his juice and consumed the remaining amount.

  Anna began rubbing his shoulders. She took the glass from his hands and kissed him on the nose. She got up to leave, but before she exited the room, she told Luke that her mother wished to leave for the park no later than eight thirty or she wasn’t going.

  The family finally left the rental house at a quarter till eight. After a very short drive, the SUV approached its exit that led to the private property owned by the amusement park. Stuart pulled into a lightly trafficked junction where tollbooths were collecting money. He pulled through and handed the older polite black woman two twenties and collected his change. He placed his parking permit in the precise location that it indicates, and proceeds on.

  They soon found a parking spot and began making their way to the edge of the trolley road. The group went through with Dana’s suggestion of visiting Movie Land first. The trolley pulled up and the family climbed on board. For several minutes, they were embraced by the creative
theme that surrounded them.

  They arrived at the entrance of Movie Land and approached the line where a small crowd of people waited to purchase their tickets. Stuart, realizing that his turn was coming up, looked to Luke and said, “Luke, this is what I think we should do. I’ll buy the tickets for all the theme parks here and when we get home, you can pay me back. Okay?”

  Luke placed his wallet in his back right pocket and responded, “Yes, sir, and thank you.”

  The group headed towards the Rock Star ride first, followed by Haunted Elevator. Finally, they went to a ride that took them through the evolution of movies. This one seized Luke’s attention. The wonder of what movies came from to where they are today was fascinating to him. Anna notices Luke’s curious inner child begin to peak through his ill exterior. She reaches for his hand and gently holds on to it.

  After spending hours at their first park together, they felt it was time to head back to the rental house for the night. Luke was absolutely exhausted. He was finally able to eat something for the first time in almost two days. Throughout most of the day, he was only able to keep down a few bottles of sports drinks. He felt relief once he was able to consume a small amount of his large chicken leg the family had for lunch.

  After arriving back at the rental, Luke enjoyed a nice restful nap. In his slumber, he could still hear and understand Anna and her family talking downstairs. He heard them talk about him and how he was a much better guest than Jason was. He could hear as Anna spoke to Dana.

  “Look, Jason wouldn't have been a good person to take on these trips. All he would do is complain about not doing what he wanted. He was selfish. Remember, Mom, when I went to visit him in Long Beach and it had rained all day, and my car got stuck on his muddy ass country road? That son of a bitch didn’t lift a finger to help me out. He sent his dad down to pull my car out. He was just always bad to me, he was really emotionally abusive.”

  The next morning, Luke woke up feeling much better. Every time he tried to consume something solid, he claimed that it felt like razor blades were going down his throat. He decided, however, to try to eat a grapefruit with Anna at the dining room table. He placed a pinch of sugar on the citrus and took his first bite.

  With his face showing the immense pain, Anna said, “How are you feeling honey? I have to say, you are brave for not letting this illness ruin your trip. I mean, you slept for, like, twelve hours last night. I just hope this doesn’t ruin your trip.”

  It was half past seven in the morning when Dana announced the plan for the day, “Okay, kiddos, I think today, we are heading to… Animal Land!” Anna gave Luke a look of disappointment and took another bite of her fruit. Luke directed his attention back toward Dana as she continued, “We are leaving in thirty minutes, so if you aren’t ready by then, you are not going today… period.”

  The ride was short as the family exited to Wonder Parkway. They pulled into a parking spot, then onto the trolley that would take them to the electric train. They soon unloaded and began their day at Animal Land. Luke was able to experience a different variety of attractions. He was most intrigued by the theme of African cultures that was presented in an area of the park.

  As the day progressed, the Winchcombs introduced Luke to another new experience. They decided to dine at the Amazon Diner. Located near the opening of the park, Stuart felt it was a great treat that was much different than the average inexpensive amusement snacks they have been consuming. They planned to eat a quick dinner before heading to the Magical Land to see the fireworks show.

  The Amazon Diner proved to be a great change of pace from what they had been experiencing. The decorations of animated creatures and simulated mist floating slowly around the rotating floor were the focus inside the large establishment. Luke sat next to Anna as Stuart announced, “You guys get whatever you want. It’s on me.”

  Luke, not wanting to seem too high maintenance, had ordered a hamburger. Anna and her family opted for an interesting blend of green salads topped with a variety of colors. The food arrived and Luke began feeling his stomach growl. He removed the top bun to inspect the trimmings to be sure that they were to his liking. He returned the heavy slice of bread and slowly began consuming his meal, painfully feeling every bite of onion, meat, and lettuce as they made their way past the infected area in his throat.

  Lunch was over and they found themselves back on the park’s electric train. Luke had looked forward to this since Dana made the change in venue. He had always imagined what it would be like to go on the more movie themed rides, being so close to the modern time castle that brought the entire park together.

  It wasn’t long before the sun had set, leaving the sky as dark as the muddy water in the Mississippi River. Luke, Anna and her family found themselves standing near Princess Castle and staring into the blank opening that crowned the top of the monument. Soft music followed by familiar narration introduced the patrons to a now brightly orchestrated firework show.

  The show lasted over thirty minutes before the family found themselves surrounded by the herd of visitors as they were instructed to leave the park. It was as if a person screamed fire in a closed building. It took Luke and the Winchcombs three quarters of an hour to arrive at the electric train that would carry them back to the parking lot where the old SUV sat and waited.

  The next morning, Luke received two changes that made his trip a lot better. Stuart was able to locate the same over the counter antibiotics that he used at home and Luke was exposed to an even more emotionally accepting Dana. He took his first dose of medication and sat on the end of the couch next to Anna and her mother. Dana drank the last of her alcoholic beverage and spoke to Luke and Anna.

  “Now look, you and Anna will need to get married in Oxford. It is Anna’s absolute favorite place to be… it just makes sense!”

  Luke could see Anna bite down hard on her bottom lip. The uncomfortable conversation Dana was discussing was not too heavily influenced by good intentions as it was by cheap tequila. Still, Anna knowing that she has to humor her mother while she rambles, responded, “I know, Mom. Oxford is the greatest place in the world.”

  Anna turned her head towards Luke, eyes wide in wonderment, as Dana removed herself from the couch. She began shaking her head and mouthing the words, “I’m so sorry.”

  For the agenda that day, Anna finally got her wish to visit Future Land. It turned out to be the best day for them. Luke had never seen Anna happier. She had finally gotten what she had wished for. Luke, himself, enjoyed the futuristic theme and global change undertones. It was the effort that the park put forth in creating several different countries within one place, though, that Luke found the most impressive.

  In making their trip around the fictional world, they decided to start at Australia and work their way to the other end. Stuart found it relatively important to take on the task of consuming an authentic beer from each country. Before arriving at the first stop of the tour, Stuart turned to Luke with an excited expression over his face and said, “Hey man, you want to be my buddy today and drink along with me? I don’t think it will affect the medicine. If it did, I wouldn’t be standing here today.”

  Luke, already feeling much better, reached for his wallet and pulled out a twenty dollar bill and his ID card. “You’re on man… the first beer is on me.”

  Stuart smiled, making his hand into a fist and placing it in front of his body, eagerly waiting for Luke to bump it with his fist.

  As the sun descended upon the park, it welcomed a world theme light show. Several robotic devices were delivered to the middle of the pond that lay in the center to the countries. Displaying the wonderful differences in all parts of the world left Luke and the Winchcombs in awe. Luke reached for Anna’s hand and pulled her closer to him. He noticed in the corner of his left eye Becca looking on with slight aggression on her face. She soon realized that Luke could see her; she quickly winked at him, revealing a hidden smile.

  Luke looked away and thought about what Becca had
said to him at the beach and again as they were alone in the house just days ago. A chill rolled down Luke’s back, thinking of the implication of Becca’s suggestions to him. His decision to not include Anna in the situation felt to be the right choice.

  Chapter 7

  It had been over a week since Luke made the incredible adventure to the land of ever-curious wonder with Anna and her family. It was now time to further their quest in this crazy little thing called love. Valentine’s Day was rapidly approaching and Luke wanted to make sure it was one to remember.

  He had planned for a special night with his Anna. Knowing that roses in all colors were her favorite gift, Luke purchased a large vase filled with two dozen roses of every color. He also asked the florist if he could purchase the leftover petals from other arrangements that she had planned to discard.

  He had the music list set up on his computer, while planting the flowers on his nightstand. The mood was set for an evening he would never forget. He was also sure to have his white button down shirt pressed and ready to be seen with the amazing beauty, who was set to be ready for an early dinner.

  The day had gone by slowly. Luke and Anna had different classes and only had the chance to discuss their plans over lunch at the sushi spot on campus. It was unspoken that the two would take the opportunity to make love for the first time that night. They both knew that that night was the perfect time for it.

  They had been through so many things for a couple of only three month’s tenure. Resisting the temptation to follow one another’s genetic instinct to engage in a sexual mystique, each one found it to be a lot easier than they had at first thought. The love and respect that they felt for each other was the key to their relationship, and too easily engaging in simple sexual debacles never stood a chance.

  The time was six in the evening when Luke left his house to pick up Anna. He had arrived in his vehicle and walked to the door. His young beauty opened the dirty white portal wearing a simple, yet sexy, black dress, revealing the perfect amount of cleavage while showing the woman’s toned legs. Luke could feel his own jaw drop as he lightly joked with Anna, “Am I at the right house? I’m sorry, ma’am, but you are just too beautiful to be seen with a scruffy guy like me.”


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