Trusted by You

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Trusted by You Page 6

by Amy Muscat

  “It's true! You did act like a dick, but you’ve explained why, well to an extent anyway, and I decided to give you another chance. Then you went and turned me on. Then you fucked the life outta me,” I chuckle as I see male satisfaction shine in his eyes.

  “Why thank you,” it’s said with a smug grin. “But on a serious note, thank you for taking that chance on me. I'm not ready to tell you what actually happened to make me so distrustful, but I will tell you eventually.”

  “Okay,” I whisper to him.

  I could guess what had happened to him, but I might be wrong, and I didn’t want to bring it up if he didn’t want to talk about it.

  “Okay, thanks.” He murmurs back to me.

  “Now, enough of this, let’s go for round two,” his face, that had momentarily turned dark, instantly brightened– his grin turned salacious and he rolled over on top of me, looking like the cat that got the canary. “You ready, Beauty?” He asks me with a raised eyebrow.

  “Oh, baby, I was ready for this the second you came. I wanted to go again, but I thought I'd let you get your breath and stamina bac–” I was cut off by him slamming his lips down on mine.

  I start giggling like a schoolgirl.

  Within a minute, he had rolled another condom on himself and he was slamming into me again, effectively shutting my laughter up.

  THE FOLLOWING DAY, I walked into work with a ginormous grin on my face.

  I felt like there was an extra skip in my step.

  Hayley notices. “Hey,” she said passing me over my coffee. “Why do you have a grin from ear-to-ear?”

  “What? Oh, nothing…” My voice trailed off as I start thinking about Blake and last night, and this morning. His hands… His mouth… His tongue… His cock!

  “Lottie!” A hand waving in front of my face takes me away from my daydream of Blake and his cock.

  “Sorry, I'm a little spacey today.” I smile apologetically at her.

  She dismissed my apology away and said she was glad I seemed happy.

  I say bye to her, go into my office and walk over to the mirror that was hanging on the wall.

  As I stared at my reflection, I silently question myself.

  Did I look any different?

  No, not really– well there was a glow to my face and a shine in my eyes that wasn’t there before, but that might just be the amount of orgasms I had experienced in the last twelve hours. I didn’t really want to think too much about it. Begrudgingly, I admitted to myself that I liked Blake– I weren’t in love with the bloke, but I did like him. Have done for a while now.

  My ringing phone pulls me from my thoughts of Blake.

  Opening my bag, I dig through the shit– necessary shit – to find my phone. Finally after fighting with the charger and my keys, I finally grab a hold it and see the name ‘Peyton’ flashing up, along with a picture of the both of us on the screen. I swiped my finger across the screen.

  “Heidi-ho!” I greet her.

  “Hey Lott's, you wanna meet for lunch today?” My best friend didn’t sound her normal perky self; I didn’t like that.

  What was the matter with her?

  “Yeah, sure, babe. Are you okay? You sound… down.” I tell her. It takes me a second to think of the right word to describe how she sounded to me.

  “Yeah, I'm okay. I just need to get out of this fucking house.” She sounds frustrated.

  “Oh no. Babe, you sure you're alright?” I wanted to know what had Peyton all upset. “I could come ‘round now if you want?”

  “No, it’s fine. I'll tell you at lunch.”

  “Okay Pey, 12:30 at Sarabeth’s?” I loved that restaurant.

  “Yeah, that’s good. I'll see ya then, hon.”

  “Okay love, see you then,” I end the call after saying our good-byes.

  As I sit down at my desk, I start worrying my bottom lip. This had been a bad habit for me for as long as I remember.

  I wanted to know what was troubling the woman I thought of as my sister.

  Shaking thoughts of Peyton from my head, I try to get some work done; I had to write-up a report on Layla Wright’s book.

  I WAS SITTING AT a table in Sarabeth’s waiting for Peyton to turn up.

  I was sorting through my personal emails when my phone beeped with a text from Blake.

  I had butterflies in my stomach already and I hadn’t even bloody read the damn message.

  Hey Beauty,

  How’s your day going?

  I've had a great day so far!

  I woke up to a hot blond draped over me,

  and wanting my cock!

  She’s hot… you’d like her! ;) X

  That cheeky bastard!

  I started grinning like a fool at his text, and with a devious smile I reply back to him.

  Hey handsome,

  My day has been a good one actually,

  Woke up with a hunky bloke wrapped around ME.

  Then his face was between my legs 5 mins later!

  I bet I would– she sounds great! ;) X

  I laughed at the text– lying prick. I wasn’t draped over him– he was all over me when I woke up this morning. He was absolutely gorgeous first thing in the morning; his face all soft, and relaxed. His hair in disarray, his body soft and comfy, but somehow managed to be rock hard at the same time. And when he opened his eyes? They were the most startling blue/green colour I had ever seen. Then he smiled at me, a stunning stop-your-breath smile, and I became hot all over: instantly wanting him. As I had written in my text, five minutes later his face was buried in-between my legs and he was licking, nipping and sucking like a champ. Then, after making me come, he fucked the life out of me.


  Okay, I admit, within a couple of minutes I did bury myself in-between her thighs,

  I couldn’t help myself– her golden pussy was calling out to me :-(

  I think I blushed three shades of red. But before I could reply another text came through.

  What panties are you wearing??

  And another,

  Are you even wearing any?

  And yet another,

  Are you wet from thinking about my cock pounding into you?

  I shifted in my seat, as I felt myself become moist from just the thought of his dick and how well he could pound into me.

  Oh, God…

  No, I wasn’t– but I fucking am now. L x –was my reply to him.

  Might as well be honest with him.

  I'll be around tonight 7 pm!!!! –Was his reply back to me.

  Laughing as I texted him back an ‘Okay I'll be waiting, wet and naked.’ I put my phone back into my bag just as I hear my name being called.


  I look up and see Peyton and her ever-growing pregnant belly walking over to me; dodging other customers, chairs, and waiters and waitresses carrying plates and glasses in their hands.

  “Hi beautiful mumma,” I said to her as she reaches me. “It's good to see you– I feel like I haven’t seen you for months,” I told her giving her a tight hug.

  “Hi sweetie, yeah I know.” She releases me from the hug before she sits down in her chair, which is situated opposite mine. “It's both strange and weird. I miss you so much, Ivy does too.” She smiles sadly at me.

  My lips formed an automatic pout. I missed my little Munchkin!

  “I miss you guys, too. Like a lot, a lot. When can I come around?”

  “What? Lott's, you can come around anytime you want. Anytime.” She stresses. “You know that, hon.”

  “Yeah, well… I do and I don’t. I mean, I know you would never tell me I can’t come around, but I didn’t want to just pop over when you guys are just settling into your new family home.”

  “Lottie, you are my family! I know what you're trying to say, but you come over whenever you want, okay?”

  “Okay,” I grin.

  “Good, now let’s order some food; I'm starving.” She says picking up the menu and gazing at it hungrily.
br />   Skimming my eyes over the menu, I decided to go with the Club Sandwich.

  “I’m gonna get the Club Sandwich, what about you?” I ask her.

  “Hmm… I think I'll get the same, nothing on here is just not calling out to me, so I'll just get that and some fries.” She shrugged and laid the menu back down on the table.

  “Oh, yeah, I think I'll get some chips, too.”

  “Fries, Lott's. They’re called fries.” She shook her head at me in dismay.


  When the waiter came over, we ordered– well Peyton ordered the food, telling me to shut up and keep quiet so I didn’t confuse the poor man.

  Peyton had just taken a sip of her sparkling water when I asked her about the phone call earlier and why she sounded upset.

  “Keller is doing my head in.” She states.

  “How so?” I ask her frowning. Keller absolutely dotted on Peyton, I think if Peyton asked him to try and walk on water he would. It was quite sickening to be honest, but maybe I just felt like that because I had never loved someone or been loved by someone, the way Keller and Peyton loved each other.

  “He is just too much sometimes. Well, lately, it’s all the fucking time. I mean, I can just about go to the toilet without him wanting to escort me there! He’s even saying he is thinking about cutting his hours back at work just so I'm not alone and don’t have to do anything. We had a big fight this morning about it. We were shouting– okay, I was shouting at him, – and then I told him that I wasn’t an incompetent idiot and that I had done this once before; all on my own. He got really angry and upset saying that it wasn’t his fault that he didn’t know. Then I told him to just fuck off and leave me alone. And he did.” She blows out a huge breath when she finishes and drinks some of her water.

  “Wow.” It was the first thing I thought of and the first thing that would come out of my mouth.

  “Yeah. But, now I feel terrible that I shouted at him.” She picked up the napkin and dabbed underneath her eyes.

  “Aww hunny, don’t cry,” I tell her, leaning over and grabbing her hand; giving it a reassuring squeeze.

  “I'm sorry. It's these pregnancy hormones. They make me cry at anything lately; like I got them when I was pregnant with Ivy, but the ob-gyn told me that with twins, I'm to expect more hormones than usual.” She said, squeezing my hand back and wiping the last of her tears away with her free hand.

  “Don’t apologise, girl. I understand– okay, I don’t understand, understand. But, I can sympathise with you. If you wanna cry, fucking cry. If you wanna eat lots of food; eat the bloody food!”

  She chuckled/snorted.

  “As for the Keller thing? Babe, I don’t really know what to say to you… Say to him that you're not incompetent of doing the things you are used to doing, but in a way that will not hurt his feelings. Keller’s scared. He’s doing this for the first time– not being a dad– but the whole pregnancy thing. He’s anxious, excited, nervous, happy, but also scared.” I take her hand in mine again and tell her very seriously, “Peyton, I know Keller can be this alpha male, where he wants to look after and do everything, but just explain things to him. Tell him how you're feeling about the whole thing and ask him how he’s feeling about it all.”

  “Yeah, I think I'll do that. I don’t like arguing with him, and I know he doesn’t like it either, but I'm just all over the place lately. Thank you for listening to my drama.” She grins at me.

  Waving her off I tell her not to worry about it.

  The waiter brought us our food and we dug in. “Ahh, this is lovely,” she moaned, practically shoving the food in her mouth.

  I laughed at her enthusiasm for her food.

  After we eat our lunch, she asks me how I was and how work was.

  “Works well. There's an author who is new to the whole scene, she passed her book over to me and I had a read of it the other day, and fuck me Pey, I loved it. I went through all the emotions. All I've gotta do is write a report on it, and let my dad know that I really want the company to publish this book– it’s so fucking good, Peyton!”

  “Ohhh… sounds good.” She tells how she didn’t think she should read it while she was pregnant– she didn’t think she could handle her emotions. “But tell me what’s happening with the whole Blake situation. Did you ever speak to him?” She enquires, raising a thin eyebrow at me questionably.

  “Oh, erm, yeah we spoke and sorted it out.” The way she stares at me makes me blush guiltily like I have done something wrong.

  Seeing my blush, she gasps.

  “Ohmygod! You’ve slept with him haven’t you!” She didn’t make it a question– it was a statement. She knew.

  “Yes, I have,” I grin at her.

  “Ohhh! Tell me what happened. Tell me.” She insisted, bouncing in her seat; her enhanced boobs jiggling with her.

  So I tell her how our mums had set us up on a date. About how my parents thought I was lonely without her and Ivy to keep me company, and they thought I might become secluded or something.

  I tell her how Blake had called me at work and was begging/ harassing Hayley so he could speak to me, and how I just said yes to his date because I wanted to find out why he had left the last two times we had become intimate.

  “Well… did he tell you?”

  “Yes. He said that something had happened in the past, and it made him have trust issues.”

  Her brow buckled as she thought of what could have made him have those issues.

  “I think I sort of know what happened, but, I didn’t wanna bring it up– not when he wouldn’t go into it, you know?”

  She nods and tells me she understood what I meant. “You remember at Ivy’s birthday party when you were ranting about him and Sarah said something about him having demons of his own, and that once you break past his barriers; you’ll get to know the real him. Maybe, you know… if you give this a shot, you might get to know the real Blake.” She tells me with compassion.

  I heave a breath. I didn’t know what to do. I repeated my thoughts to Peyton, hoping she could help me.

  “Lott's, I can’t tell you to go for it if you don’t want to. But, I will encourage you. I love Blake, his Keller's best friend and he’s done a lot for us. He’s a great man. I also think he’d be good for you. But, it’s up to you, hon.”

  “The thing is: I do really like him, have done for a while now. I just didn’t want to admit it– you know, ‘cause he's a player and all. But, with what he told me, I'm feeling to give him a chance. I just don’t want to get hurt, Peyton.” I say with a sad smile.

  “Lottie, sometimes, people have to take a chance. I mean, if I didn’t take a chance with Keller and had just completely dismissed him, I wouldn’t be here now with my babies,” she said placing both her hands on her pregnant belly and giving it a rub. “Shit, I might not even be here if I hadn’t taken a chance on Keller. If Andrew had done what he did and there was no one to rescue me,” she shudders and a flash of horror crosses her face.

  “Hey, don’t think of that psycho,” I tell her sternly. No one liked to remember Andrew and his creepiness. He had almost taken my best friend away from me, because of his obsession with Peyton. I didn’t like to think of that time all those months ago, so I didn’t know how Peyton felt thinking about it. But I could guess. “Come on. Don’t think about him, you’ll distress my future niece and nephew.”

  “Niece and nephew? You think I've got a girl and a boy in here?” She asks pointing and then rubbing her stomach.

  “Yeah, girl. I know you're gonna be having fraternal twins.” I told her with confidence in my voice.

  “Really? I feel like I'm going to have identical twins,” she challenges.

  “Well, I bet you a hundred that you're gonna have fraternal twins, deal?”

  “Deal.” She grins smugly.

  Pfft. Forget mother’s intuition– this was a case of aunty intuition.

  We shake hands and Peyton asks how the sex was, and suddenly I was trans
ported back to March, when Peyton had first slept with Keller, and I'd asked her about it and wanted all the details.

  “Oh my, Pey. That man definitely knows what he is doing with his cock… and his hands. Oh! And his mouth! Jesus H. Christ. He fucking knows what to do. I think I have come about ten times in the last twenty-four hours– and I'm not exaggerating. And his dick is like ginormous. Biggest one I've ever seen and had.”

  Peyton blushed as I went into more detail about Blake and his body and what he could do with said body parts.

  “Okay, I think I've heard enough now, thank you!” She laughs at me, holding her hands up to stop me.

  Chuckling, I tell her okay and ask if she had thought of any names yet.

  “Well… I haven’t really thought of any girl’s names, but I was thinking for a boy–if I have a boy– the name Cameron. You know for Keller's brother.” She smiles over at me.

  “Yeah,” I said nodding. “I like that name; and the meaning behind it. What does Keller think about it?”

  “I haven’t told him yet. I only thought of it the other day, and what with us having that argument and all, I just haven’t gotten time to tell him and ask his opinion.”

  I get an idea. “Well, how about this. I pick Ivy up from school and have her for the night for you, and you and Keller can have a night to yourselves and you can get your shit sorted. How about that? I've missed my Munchkin,” I tell her.

  She grins at me as she says yes. She looked happy about having a night off. I know I wasn’t a parent, but I also knew from first-hand experience that Ivy could be a handful sometimes. She was a great kid, but she could sometimes be trying. She really knew how to test one's patience.


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