Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder Page 14

by Amanda Clover

  You plunge down a stone ramp and roll to a stop within a few paces of a crackling fire. Its red light illuminates the cave-like chamber you are in and its pleasant warmth caresses your face.

  The huge figure seated on a stone by the fire rises to his feet with a grunt. His flesh is pale blue colored almost purple in the firelight and his tattooed body is oddly fat and bulging with muscles at the same time. He stands nearly twice as tall as you and perhaps four times as wide. His shoulders are hunched around his bald head and his thick-lipped mouth hangs open. His teeth are jumbled and jagged. He smiles and slurps up drool that had collected at his lips.

  He wears a fur loincloth around his broad waist, like a beard beneath his bulging belly. He picks up the blackened handle of a gnarled club as long as your leg. Most inhuman of all are his eyes, solid black and reflecting the firelight, like the black eyes of some sort of insect.

  You have seen many drawings of these hateful beasts. None has ever captured the true horror you feel as you look up at the ogre.

  "Give up," it grunts and takes a step towards you. "I not break you head."

  You quickly look around the room. The only way out appears to be a rope ladder up to a ledge behind the ogre. It is not going to be easy to get to that ladder without coming into his reach. Maybe if you waited and let him come closer...

  What do you do?






  Epilogue - Deal with the Demoness

  "...I needed your help," you say to Ashara.

  She seems to process your answer before giving you a slight nod.

  "Very well, princess. You saved me from a return to the abyss. I will aid you however you ask until you dismiss me. But... I will need my sustenance."

  "You cannot just eat?"

  "Not food," says the demoness, taking a step closer and stroking your hip. "I can take without killing, but I will need to feed regularly."

  The thought of offering yourself as sustenance to the demoness gives you a strange thrill. You do not know exactly how much she will take from you or if such a deal is even sustainable, but you offer Ashara your hand.

  "I need your help, now, so I accept."

  You shake the warm softness of her hand and she seals the deal with the lightest brush of a kiss against your lips. Your mouth opens to her instinctively, but she has already withdrawn her lips. She sees your lust and smiles.

  "Time for that later, princess," she coos. "Let us find your sisters and leave this place."

  As if to underline the urgency of escaping, the cathedral shakes around you and a crack appears in the massive statue that serves as the altar. You turn to exit through the door and find Oriodamus emerging with your sisters in tow. Heidi bursts into tears and Jacinda and Camilla hug you and look in surprise at the nude demoness beside you.

  "This is Ashara," you say to Heidi. "She won't hurt you. I won't let her."

  "I hope you have that power," grumbles Oriodamus.

  "I might hurt him," says Ashara, pointing a finger at your former instructor. "I think he'd like that."

  "Damnable beast, I should--"

  "Enough!" You press between the two of them. "We need to get to the surface. This cathedral seems as if it might come down with Madreg dead."

  Oriodamus leads you past several dead orcs and into a wide tunnel. He instructs you to form a circle holding hands, reluctantly including Ashara, and uses his magic to teleport you to a safe location on the surface. You recognize the azure waters of Lingonsee, one of the more remote lakes of the Lakelands, surrounded by pine forest and glacier-carved mountains. The scenery is reflected magnificently in the placid lake. A large hunter's retreat perches atop a nearby mountain. It looks abandoned, but it will give you shelter.

  The retreat becomes your base of operations as you help your sisters recover from the madness of their ordeal in Madreg's dungeon. The clean air and quiet mountains hasten the return to normalcy. You forage and fish with them. You help Heidi scavenge food from the retreat's pantry and she makes a spiced rum cake from dried apples and raisins. You celebrate with the rest of the cask of spiced rum.

  Oriodamus and Ashara remain at odds, with the wizard suggesting a long time spent in recuperation while Ashara wants to seize control of Madreg's dissolving army and use it for good. Your sisters are in a bad way, so you side with Oriodamus. Ashara takes it in stride and, thankfully, takes to hiding her demonic nature. She assumes the guise of a comely blonde and wears one of the dirndl dresses that your sister Camilla discovered hanging in a closet. You still find yourself attracted to her, and she knows it by the way she flutters her lashes at you, but you keep your lust under control.

  At least until she tells you her time has come to feed.

  She approaches you while you are in the retreat's large kitchen bundling herbs that your sisters have picked in the surrounding woods. Sunset is filtering in through the shuttered windows, painting everything, including Ashara, in red and gold light. Her dirndl hardly contains the mounds of her breasts. Her plump nipples strain beneath the fabric.

  "You need to feed right now?" you ask. "My sisters are just in the other room."

  "It won't take long," says Ashara, coming close enough that her body's perfume overwhelms the herbal smell. "A kiss is all I require."

  Her lips move closer to yours. You want her to taste you. To feel the life essence that thrums inside you with desire for her. Her lips brush against you and there is a soft electricity to them.

  "Just a kiss?" you whisper. "Nothing more?"

  "Unless... you want... more..." Her breath is warm on your face. Her tongue teasing against her lip.

  You do want more. Ashara feeds from your life's essence with a kiss and then moves lower on your body, kissing and fondling your breasts, nuzzling against them as her fingers open your golden thatch. Her tongue soon finds your clit and samples the nectar of your quim.

  "Take more," you moan, thrusting yourself against her tongue and craving the addicting suction of her feeding. She consumes more of you, sucking at your essence from your orgasmic contractions, licking your juices and siphoning away bits of your soul. The most exhilarating part is how close you come to begging her to take you all. Imagining what it might be like to have your soul sucked out by a succubus. It makes you jealous of Madreg's fate.

  Oriodamus's importance to you recedes as Ashara takes on new meaning. She begins to share your bed, even though your old tutor warns you of the dangers of consorting with a demoness. Your sisters, initially terrified of Ashara, begin to warm to her. She is kind and funny, extremely charming, but more than anything your sisters see how Ashara puts you at ease and how you rely on the succubus for wisdom and strength.

  When the time comes to move on from the retreat, Oriodamus offers to send you far away to find a new life. Ashara offers to help you reclaim your kingdom. She wins by a unanimous vote from you and your sisters. Oriodamus, chastened, departs for his hermitage. He leaves offering to help if you call upon him, but you both seem to know that you will never see the old spell sage again.

  Tarol is in ruins and there are still remnants of Madreg's army plaguing the land. You, Ashara, and your sisters, fight to bring order to this chaos. Some bandits oppose you and so you send Ashara to deal with them. You don't ask how. When goblins, kobolds, or orcs cause trouble, you rely on her. Sometimes she even returns with a new ally. An orc or a kobold band that has seen the light and decided to pledge fealty to you and your family.

  Restoring order is one task, but rebuilding your castle is much more difficult. All of the skilled engineers and workmen in Tarol are gone. Once again, Ashara finds a way by teaching you a spell to summon imps. The demonic beasts can be summoned at night to work on the castle and banished before dawn, so none of the villagers ever see that you are using demons to repair your family's once-great castle.

  You and your sisters are not without suitors. You permit Ashara to handle such th
ings as arranging visitations. She chooses a powdered prince from the far eastern kingdom of Jurini for your youngest sister, Heidi. The man is small and handsome and very proper. He speaks carefully to compensate for his thick accent. You like him and so does Heidi, so after a few visits a wedding is planned in Jurini.

  Camilla finds love with a logger from the Lakelands. You disapprove, but Ashara convinces you that your sister marrying into a hardworking family will do wonders for the peasantry's view of your family. You reach a compromise by knighting the man shortly after his marriage to your sister.

  Parts of the castle are finished and you and Jacinda, along with Ashara and various guards and servants, move into these habitable wings. You are surprised to discover, after more than a year, that Ashara has been unfaithful to you. She has been spending evenings with your sisters, Jacinda. You are hurt and confront them both, catching them in the act.

  "I could not sustain myself on you alone," says Ashara. "I did not want to hurt you by feeding too often."

  "It's only a bit of fun," says Jacinda. "It's something I have craved since being in that awful dungeon. Ashara... she knows what it was like. She knows why it hurts."

  "Does she?" You glare into Ashara's violet eyes and hope she can see the hurt in your own.

  Catching them together inspires your need to find a suitor for yourself. You are becoming a proper queen and a queen needs a king to create a family so that her dynasty might continue. You tell Ashara your plan to marry and she promises to find you a suitable husband.

  "I owe that much to you," she whispers.

  When word spreads throughout the land, a number of suitors approach. Three pass Ashara's tests and also manage to garner your interest.

  King Scin'rik is a cold-blooded reptilian. A former general of Madreg's army, his war band of lizardmen settled to the warmer south, along the border with Shaddobar, and his clan has managed to survive in relative peace with its human neighbors. That King Scin'rik would offer to bring his people north and marry you and share Tarol with you is incredibly audacious. And also desperate. Human rulers must be sick of a lizardman king in their midst.

  Marrying with a human would secure his people another chance at equality. A marriage between a lizardman and a human has certainly never been attempted before. King Scin'rik, like most of his species, appears as a humanoid reptile, with an earless head, tiny reddish eyes, a long, muscular tail, and rusty brown scales covering his body. You do not even know if interbreeding is possible with a lizard man.

  Princess Iouna Lethi is the daughter of a queen of the deep elves. She comes from a completely matriarchal society where women intermarry and men are kept around for labor, warriors, and to provide seed for breeding. They are more like well-trained animals than men.

  Marrying Princess Iouna would be controversial not just because she is a woman, but because deep elves are hated and feared. Though the deep elves rarely attack human settlements, they are blamed for disappearances and their subterranean cities are considered evil. The newly ascendant Lakelands are particularly ruthless and eager to exterminate the deep elves and destroy their underground city of Sulldark. The queen's emissary has brought you a portrait of the princess. She is incredibly pale-skinned with huge dark eyes and blond-white hair that she wears in complex braids. She is slender and very beautiful in a ghostly way.

  Marshall Turik Ven Izzem is the final suitor who has passed through all of Ashara's tests. When the Lakelands fell to Madreg's army, most of the royalty perished. Marshall Turik has united the remnants of the human military in the Lakelands and over the past two years he has forged a new and powerful military dictatorship.

  Of all of the suitors, Ven Izzem would be the most powerful, but with this power comes an unequal marriage. You would be his queen and he would absorb Tarol into his burgeoning empire. Ven Izzem is a hard, practical man, much your senior, who knows you well enough to make promises of a dowry to your people, not your family. He pledges to rebuild Tarol completely and to install civic structures such as a granary, a library, and even rebuild the docks which were completely destroyed. If you can accept becoming the lesser half of a relationship, you could secure the legacy of your family.

  "You must decide," urges Ashara. "We have kept them waiting for as long as we dare."

  Who will you marry?

  Marshall Turik Ven Izzem of the Lakelands

  King Scin'rik of the lizardmen

  Princess Iouna Lethi of the deep elves of Sulldark

  Encounter Thirteen - Refuse Ashara

  "I... I cannot," you moan, thrusting your hips and grinding your pussy against her stroking fingers. "I must protect my... ohhhh... chastity."

  The succubus says nothing. She teases you with her fingers until you are on the very brink of climax, your hips working and your slick pussy aching for release. She withdraws her fingers and looks at you, irritation visible on her face.

  "Why... why have you stopped?" you ask, your breasts heaving with your breathless lust.

  "Call it pique." Ashara licks her glistening fingers. "You've refused my attention, so I torment you with the refusal of my own."

  "Awwwwwww," you pout your lip. "That's cruel."

  "I am a demoness." She offers you her cleaned hand. "Come along now. If we're not going to have any more fun, then let us get to the matter of my plan. I assume you have not had a change of heart."

  You grasp her hand.

  "No, of course not," you say, still a bit breathless with lust. "Let's... let us proceed."

  She pulls you to the edge of her bed and exits through the crimson curtain. Her voice is musical as she calls to you, "I have a ring for you, princess, and it will ensure that I can protect you and be there in your moment of need."

  You part the curtain to join her.


  Special Encounter - Climb On Olaf's Lap

  You resume your dance for Olaf and Yalak, stroking your hands slowly over your firelit body, turning around and around so they can take you in from every angle. You pluck at your nipples and moan with desire. You run your fingers over the inner warmth of your sex.

  "You're driving us wild," laughs Olaf.

  "Show me," you say.

  It takes little encouragement to convince them to take out their cocks. Yalak's is slightly longer and narrower and Olaf's is thicker, leaking copious precum, and more like a human's. They begin to stroke themselves as you dance closer.

  You climb onto Olaf's lap, feeling that hot cockflesh brush against your thigh as you swing your legs over him. You look into his eyes as you lower yourself just enough so your furry, hot groove presses down onto his cock. He groans with pleasure and you let out a gasp, riding your hips forward and dragging your folds across his cock as your weight presses it down.

  "I can't put you inside me, like I really want," you whisper, working your hips, "but we can have a little fun, right?"

  "F-fun?" He stammers. "Yeah, uh, f-f-fun."

  You giggle and take hold of his rough little hands. You reach them around your hips and slap them onto your cheeks. He gets the message and squeezes your ample assflesh. You glance over at Yalak and see the goblin is watching intently and wanking his cock.

  Riding Olaf's cock like a rail for your virgin quim, your wetness slicks his shaft, mingling with his juices, and your delicate folds spread around him as you work your hips. With each thrust, you ride over his cock, dragging your clit against the bulge of his glans and sending hot spikes of pleasure through your body. Olaf is smart enough to let you do all the moving, but he squeezes your ass tightly and encourages you by pulling you towards him.

  You have to lean your head down awkwardly to give him a kiss on his lips, his beard tickling your face, but your height difference means your breasts are at the level of his face. Your tits heave up and down as you ride against him. Lean forward just a little and your soft breasts are in his face.

  "Kiss them," you moan and feel his lips smacking against your breasts. He finds the sensitive bu
d of a nipple and you gasp, "Suck it!"

  His hot mouth engulfs your nipple and he sucks. You ride against him more roughly, the suction of his mouth hold your breast against his face. Your orgasm rises within you, volcanic, throbbing through your depths. You throw back your head and wail in wordless pleasure, your voice echoing through the cave as your orgasm shudders through your body.

  In the throes of your ecstasy, you feel a moan vibrate against your breast and hot liquid begins to spurt between your thighs and slick Olaf's belly. The lubrication of your riding becomes obscene, cum smearing your mound and saturating your hair. Olaf's seed covers you both and each movement of your hips spreads it between you.

  "Gods," you laugh, leaning back to admire the sticky white on your loins. "We're a mess."

  "Get messier!" Shouts Yalak, hopping up on the bench next to you and furiously wanking his little goblin cock.

  You turn just in time to see the fist stream of goblin spunk launch from his swollen tip. It fires almost at your face and, as you flinch away, it hits your neck and wraps a gooey necklace around your throat. You squeal with amused surprise as Yalak proceeds to paint your breasts with his seed, covering your nipples and even spattering poor Olaf with gooey shrapnel. By the time Yalak has finished and sagged back onto the bench, your breasts are as well-glazed as a honey pastry. Jiggling white strands drip from your breasts down your belly.

  "Well, now that I'm so filthy, I may as well drink some more," you say, grabbing for the brandy bottle and taking a swig.

  You dismount from Olaf and sit between him and Yalak on the bench. Taking a second and third gulp of the burning brandy, you finally pass it to Yalak. You look at their deflated cocks. You'll have to work to get them back at full attention, but that's fine. You're just getting started with these two.


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