Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder Page 37

by Amanda Clover

  A frustrated hiss passes through her lips, but she retreats towards the screen that hides her bedchamber. You follow her, mindful that you do not allow her the opportunity to entangle you in her tail.

  "Here it is," says Mido, gesturing to a small, black door banded with iron. "Go and may whatever lurks on the other side repay you for this."

  You consider killing the lamia, or trying to, but decide it is better to leave as quickly as possible. You motion her away. Once she has retreated back into the main room, you throw open the door. A pleasant warmth emanates from the darkness.

  You manage to take one step through the door before you lose your footing in the pitch black passage. You slide rapidly down a narrow ramp of stone. Behind you, Mido's mocking laughter pursues you down the chute.

  You try to grab onto the sides of the stone walls as they rush past. It's no use, wherever you are falling, you are going to reach your destination.


  Special Encounter - Your hand is all he gets

  You may want this foul old freak's fuckpole buried deep in your fuzzy groove, you may even want his hot spunk milked deep in your womb, but you still have enough sense left to know it will be the end of you if you give in to that madness. You grunt and roughly push his chest with both hands. He rocks back on his knees between your thighs, a looking of surprise on his grizzled face.

  "What's that? Daddy wants to fuck you now. Gimme!"

  He tries to fall on you again and you just manage to get one of your legs bent in time to plant a foot on his chest. You manage to hold him at bay long enough for you to seize his swollen fuckmeat in both of your hands.

  "Now, um, daddy," you say, trying to look coquettish. "Since you're my papa, we can't make a baby. That would be real bad. But I want you to feel good. Can I make you feel good?"

  You squeeze his cock in both hands and begin to tug his stiff length.

  "Ohhhh," he lets out a helpless moan. "Yes. This good. This real good. Do it."

  You work his greasy cock shaft with both hands, feeling the strange smoothness of the scar tissue and then fading wetness from your blowjob. You spit into your hands and milk him over your belly, your tits jiggling between your biceps as you two-hand stroke Vardak's huge cock.

  "Yes, daughter! Like that. Look at the milk drip out from my staff. It fall in big drip, drip, drops onto your belly."

  Cloudy white droplets spill from his cockslit as you milk his dick. They drip into long strands that finally drop free of his cock and splatter onto your belly. You sweep your thumbs through this welling precum and smear it down his shaft to further lubricate his hot member. Your stroking hands make lewd slurping sounds and you pant encouraging things to him.

  "Come on daddy," you moan. "Give me your hot cream. Please daddy. I want to feel it all over me."

  Sweat beads on his forehead. His skin is drawn taut over the bones of his face and his scarred belly seems like that of a corpse in the blue light of Vardak's swinging lantern. His balls tighten against the base of his cock. He is so warm in your hands and so stiff that you can hardly believe his cock isn't literally steaming.

  "Aaaaahhhhh! My love! My wife! Ohhh, my daughter! My seed comes forth!"

  His words echo in the cavernous crypt and his eyes bulge as he stares at his purple cock throbbing in your grasp. It bucks in your hands and you feel the powerful jerk of the root. It jerks twice in your hands and then, on the third orgasmic spasm, a thick stream of off-white semen launches from his flaring cockslit and splatters, hot and creamy, across your tits. You squeal with delight and stick out your tongue to catch the spattering droplets from the next creamy whip of his cockjuice. You milk out several gushes that lash across your tits and belly, before squeezing out every dripping drop of spew from his fuckwand.

  "Aahhhhhhh so good," groans Vardak. "I want many more."

  You drag a fingertip through the cum on your belly and taste his salty seed. You lick it from your fingertip and look up at him as his cock goes flaccid.

  "Maybe it's time you take me to your master."

  First, he watches you massage his cum into your breasts, smearing it into your tits and over your nipples and pink areolas until the slippery balm begins to flake off and feel unpleasantly tight on your skin. You get up and put your loincloth back on, resisting the urge to demand that Vardak fuck you and claim your maidenhead.

  Vardak drops his robe back over his cock and begin the trek down from the pile of moldering bones and into a stony tunnel. You follow behind, your depraved mind racing with new and twisted ideas about what to do with Vardak and his cock.

  Finally, you arrive at your destination, and it is not at all what you expected.


  Special Encounter - The Darkened Library

  You land atop something with a strong smell of mildew. It cushions your fall, but definitely does not spare you bruises. As you struggle to get up in the darkness you feel and hear paper tearing beneath you. With a grunt, you push yourself onto your hands and knees. Your eyes adjust to a faint and distant golden light and you see your are kneeling atop a pile of book s that you have scattered with your arrival.

  It is too dark for you to see the titles or contents of any of these book. You pick one up and it is damp in your hands. You also feel as if books are all around you and when you reach out your hands you do feel the haphazard spines of numerous books scattered on shelves.

  "A library," you murmur.

  Books are an expensive thing and not the sort of object you would expect to find rotting away in a dungeon. What are all these books doing here?

  You feel your way down a long row of bookshelves, slowly approaching the golden light. You strain to read one of the books and you can almost make out the words on the spine.

  There is a soft footstep from behind you. That distant light has held your attention so completely you scarcely glanced in the opposite direction. Now you peer into the deep blue darkness and you seem to make out a shape.

  Whoever is there is tall and lean and possibly human, but crouching so they are actually shorter than you. No, not human. Something is not right about their head, but you can't quite make it out. The eyes of this figure open and they seem to be phosphorescent purple. You stare into these glowing orbs and you sense, rather than see, motion within the light. Something about that movement...calming and beckoning to you...

  It feels as if you can find the answering just by staring into those beautiful eyes. Nothing else seems very important right now.

  What do you do?

  Continue staring into the eyes

  Look away from the eyes

  Encounter Nine - The Lamia's Lair

  Your heart pounds as you open the door marked with the woman-headed snake. You feel as if something, some snake monster, might leap out at you. Instead, you are surprised to see a wallpapered and carpeted hallway lit with mounted lanterns. The golden light is warm and pleasant and shows the way to a red door that is slightly open at the end of the hall. You can hear a woman singing softly from behind that door.

  You step into the hallway and immediately the door closes behind you, a mechanism locking it shot. You are set on your course, whatever that may be. You take a few cautious steps down the hallway. There is a sweet smell of incense in the air. You try to tread quietly, but the floorboards creak beneath your feet and the singing stops in the next room.

  As you reach the red door and strain to listen, you hear an odd dragging sound, soft, but as if something heavy is being pulled over the carpeting.

  "Don't be shy," calls a sultry voice. "Please. Come inside."

  Steeling yourself with a deep breath, you push open the red door and step into the room. It is as well lit as the hallway and the scent of incense is stronger, and yet competes with the sweet smell of cakes and pastries spread out upon a table. A delicate silver tea service is arranged with a steaming pot of tea.

  Your gaze travels from this mouth-watering offering to a shape moving behind a rice paper
screen. A woman's head pokes up from behind the screen. She is beautiful, with wide, curving eyes and a pile of blue-green hair upon her head. Her face is pale and her ruby lips curl into the bow of a smile. What is most striking is that the woman is huge, at least half again bigger than you, and perhaps more. Through the screen, you glimpse her bare breasts in silhouette with their pert shape and jutting nipples. She pulls on a garment to preserve her modesty.

  "Welcome to my quarters," says the woman. "I am Mido."

  She slithers out from behind the screen and you see that Mido is not human at all. Somewhere beneath her loose kimono, her lithe upper body becomes a fat serpent covered in blue-green scales. Her coiling lower half moves her smoothly across the carpet. Stretched out, it must be thirty feet long and twice as wide as your shapely hips.

  "Do not be afraid," she says, a serpent's tongue flicking at her lips. "Please. Enjoy some cake and tea and then we may discuss what vexes you."

  She gestures with a clawed hand and indicates a chair for you to sit.

  What do you do?






  Bad Ending - Impregnated By the Gnome

  Your bliss with Olaf lasts for days. His smiles are tempered by his sad eyes, as if he knows some reason why you should not be in love with him, but that cannot diminish your on joy and at last finding the perfect man of your dreams. To think, all these years you never even thought about marrying a gnome and now that this one has put his child into your belly you realize what a fool you were. He is perfect. He is handsome and strong and wise and a wonderful lover.

  You eagerly submit yourself to his cock. Even when he is toiling in the forge, you risk the showering sparks as you kneel before him and take his musty cock into your mouth. You prepare his meals and ride him to sleep, squeezing his cock in your tight quim, your breasts heaving as you bounce up and down atop him.

  He hides you from the orcs that come with their cart to collect the weapons Olaf has made in the forge. Somehow, they find you out and Olaf has to threaten them with his iron giant to make them leave. The leader of the orcs if familiar to you. He is called Reemek and you feel the urge to thank him for bringing you to your beloved gnome lover Olaf.

  "Madreg will come," warns Olaf. "You have to go, my love."

  "No!" The thought causes you agony. "Please, my love, my master! Please do not make me leave you!"

  He tries to push you out through the huge wooden door that brought the orcs, but you cling to him and sob uncontrollably. When he finally relents, you shower him with kisses and smother him in your breasts. You make love again and again, until you both lie exhausted on the cot in his crude bedchamber.

  You are awakened by a flash of green light and a hiss like steam escaping from Olaf's machine. You both sit up in the bed and see Madreg, the cruel wizard, standing before you.

  "My dear Olaf," begins Madreg, circling the bed as you try to cover yourself. "You have made this mistake before. These girls are not for you. What did you think would happen when you impregnated another of my precious little playthings?"

  "You beast!" Olaf leaps to his feet. He snarls and throws himself at Madreg. The wizard casts your beloved aside with the wave of a hand, pinning Olaf to the wall with magical force.

  "Master!" you cry, trying to save your lover.

  Madreg's cold laughter sends a shiver of fear through you. Invisible hands lift and caress your naked body, shifting your breasts and stroking your thighs. The touch is sensual, only cruel in its strength, but looking at Madreg's ugly face you feel nothing but revulsion. This is not your lover. Your mate. This is a fiend.

  "Let... let me go!" you cry as you feel those invisible fingers stroking your sex.

  "Oh, I will, princess. Once you've given up your child, I will train him to my desires and you will be sent back into the pit. I'm sure my monsters will enjoy seeing you a second time and I will find new ones to introduce you to."

  "Nooooo!" you cry, desperately reaching for Olaf.

  You see his face twisted in pain.

  "I will find you, my love!" you cry.

  "No," laughs Madreg. "Olaf will be sealed into his workshop. No more wandering girls to interrupt his labors."

  Your scream echoes in the room even after Madreg has disappeared with you in his invisible clutches. Your new life will be suffering and servitude, ending in the birth of a child that will be stolen from you. Whatever hope you had of escaping this nightmare is gone and your adventure is at an end.


  Encounter Nine - Wait

  You do not trust this bewitchingly beautiful snake-woman who calls herself Mido. Her invitation to sit and relax is surely a trap meant to lower your defenses. Instead, you draw your sword and bring it up protectively. You take a step back from her and the warmth of her beautifully decorated room, edging towards the red door and the hallway beyond.

  Mido hisses and her smile becomes a frown of disappointment.

  "Now, now," she says. "Do not be leaving so soon."

  Her serpentine bulk shoves aside the lovely tea table and she slithers towards you. The way she moves and her snakelike lower half reveals the pale scales of its underside is almost hypnotic. Her brilliant green eyes stare into your eyes and seem to pin you to the spot. You do not wield your sword to defend yourself. You do nothing but wait for her.

  The fat serpent of her lower half coils around you, binding your arms at your side and picking you up off the ground. The scales are cool and tight around you. The serpent squeezes your body up to just below your breasts, which are lifted by the living corset. Mido's smile returns as she lifts you up so that you are at eye level.

  "My what a lovely one you are," she says and reaches out a hand to caress the hair from your face. "Hair like golden flax and those big beautiful eyes like sapphires."

  Her fingers lightly trail over your breasts before she lowers her touch.

  "Usually the girls that come to me are so pitiful. Although there was another...she did not stay long. She had your eyes."

  "Sis...sister," you gasp.

  "Oh? A sister here as well?" She purses her lips in thought. "Very well, my little lovely. I was going to quiet my hunger, but I will give you a chance. Plead for your life. Plead for me to reconsider."

  "You were going me?"

  "I eat food," she giggles. "Let us just say I was going to decide whether or not you were food. Now, are you going to beg for me?"

  What do you do?

  Plead for your life

  Refuse to plead for your life

  Bad Ending - The Slime's Harem

  Through the drain pipe, you are pulled into a rusty iron cistern lit by the unnatural glow of the slime. The beast deposits you from its body, easing you against the smooth iron. You pant and reach desperately for the slime.

  "More," you moan, craving its continued touch.

  "Ooohhhh," the sound of the voice from beside you stuns you from your trance of lust.

  You see your sister, Jacinda, though you can barely recognize her. She is naked and covered in the same oily residue that now slicks your body. Her hair is matted in her face and her lips hang open, a thin stream of drool spilling from her lower lip and dangling from her chin. She is holding her fat belly with both hands. As you watch, she shudders and her huge breasts tremble atop the jerking roundness of her belly.

  Her thighs spread wide and you can see her gold-furred mound, swollen and slick, as a green foulness begins to wriggle out. The slime's tendril reaches between your sister's thighs and helps coax the gurgling newborn slime from her cunt.

  Almost gently, the tendril lifts the tiny slime to your sister's breast. The translucent green mitt of the slime covers her breast. It squeeze and the nipple seems to flex on its own within the green jelly. You watch as milk spurts out, clouding the slime's body like cream in tea. Your sister moans with pleasure, her eyes rolled back in her head.

  None of this fills you with the least bit of horror. In fact, you reach out and take your sister's hand and lean your arm against her. The slime filling the chamber with you resumes it amorous behavior, groping your body and thrusting its slippery tendrils back into your pussy and ass with ease. You breasts heave with pleasure and you are glad that you can share this wonderful fate with your sister.

  Days later, you are in much the same state as your sister when you arrived in this hidden place. Two slimelings are cloudy with your milk. Your swollen belly is filled with the squirming slimes. Drool spills from your gaping mouth and you are in a constant state of ecstasy. There is a flash of light and the slime recoils from you and your sister.

  A hunched human man with a cruel face looks down at you and your sister. He seems strangely familiar, but you cannot remember much in your constant fever of pleasure. The man uses a pair of glass tongs to pluck the nursing slimes from you and your sister. You gasp as the pressure is released from your tits and thin trickles of milk course down onto your belly.

  "Lovely," he says. "Two princesses breeding slimes for me. They have so many uses and you, Kirsten, and your pretty sister, should last a long time here. Slimes are very caring mates."

  He pats you on your head. "Thank you."

  He disappears in another flash. You feel sad that he took two of your slimelings, your sweet little babies, but you know there will be many more.

  "Who was that?" Wonders Jacinda.

  "I don't know," you moan turning to her and kissing her as you would a lover. You both giggle with happiness as the slime flows back into the cistern and resumes its almost constant attentions.

  Your future with your slime mate may be uncertain, but your adventure is definitely at an end.


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