BUY ME - The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions Book 4)

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BUY ME - The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions Book 4) Page 21

by Alexa Riley

  The drive is silent, and I’m doing everything I can to keep from coming apart. I want to yell and scream and hold her to me to make sure she never leaves again.

  Once we pull up, I keep her door locked until I walk around and pull her out, throwing her over my shoulder again. She starts to kick and hit my back, but we’re in my casino now, and I don’t give a fuck.

  I land three more smacks on her ass as I walk into my elevator.

  “This is so embarrassing,” she moans against my back.

  “You remember that the next time you think about running away from me.”

  When we get to the penthouse, I punch in the code and go straight for the bedroom. I don’t hesitate to throw her in the middle of the bed and jump on top of her, pinning her flailing arms down while I cuff them.

  “Let me go! I said I would talk, Charles. You can’t cuff me!”

  As the second cuff snaps around her wrist, I lean down and flash her my most wicked smile. “Looks like I just did, kitten.”

  “Start talking,” she says through gritted teeth.

  I grab her chin and make her look at me, slowly running my thumb across her bottom lip. “You forget your place, Mandy. You don’t tell me what to do.”

  She tries to shake her head free, but I just hold her steady and keep rubbing her lip, waiting for her to calm down. Eventually, my patience is rewarded and she takes a deep breath, letting some of the tension go.

  “Yes, I was at Stella’s auction. It was the first and only other auction I ever attended besides yours.”

  “Why did you go?”

  “Basically to be a dick and raise the price for them. I knew how bad they wanted her, and I used that knowledge to my advantage. I needed something from them and I needed leverage.”

  “What did you need?” She sounds hopeful but cautious when she asks, not wanting to let her heart fully believe the worst.

  “You, kitten. I needed you.”

  “But I don’t understand. You had me. You got me for thirty days from them. What happened?”

  “A while back Justin came into the Snake Eyes to have a date with some reality TV housewife, and it went bad. I ended up helping him get out of a sticky situation, but I kept the video of their encounter. I used that to blackmail them into them giving me you for a month. I was so jealous that they had you, and it consumed me. I’d never wanted anything in my life as much as I wanted you. From the very first second I saw you, I had to have you. I thought at first that you belonged to them, but after the auction and the switch, I knew the truth.”

  “Then why didn’t you do something about it when I was working here? Why did you let me go through the auction?”

  “When you worked here for me, I was so consumed with every breath you took, and I couldn’t focus on anything. I didn’t trust myself to do the things I wanted to do to you without ruining you. You seemed too perfect and too good for me. You still are.”

  “So why the auction then. Why buy me?”

  “Because I knew if I had you under contract you couldn’t say no. It’s that simple.”

  “And everything with Aaron and Justin?”

  “It was all taken care of two weeks ago. I knew that I didn’t want this to end, and I felt that you didn’t either. This past month had been the best of my life, and I wanted to make things right with them. I gave Justin the video and we mended fences. I didn’t realize they were going to tell Stella part of the story and she was going to flip out and come to try to take you away.”

  At my words, Mandy smiles, and I can see her letting her anger go. “So, you and me?”

  I climb off her body and go to my dresser. I take out a box and come back to the bed.

  “I had this made after the first time I ever saw you.”

  Opening the box, I show her the engagement ring I picked out. It’s a five carat ruby, surrounded by black diamonds. I wanted my mark on her at all times, even then.

  I look into her eyes and see tears start to form, and I lean down to kiss each one away. “I’ve loved you from the second I laid eyes on you, even when I didn’t think I could have you. I don’t know how or why, but I can’t live without you. If I have to keep you cuffed to this bed for the next fifty years, I’ll do it because for me, there’s no other option. There’s no plan B.”

  “Charles, I love you too,” she whispers, and I pull the ring out of the box and slide it on her finger.

  “I’ll love you, worship you, and own you until the day you take your last breath. I’ll never let you go, never let you leave me, and I’ll always bring you back if you try.”

  Leaning down, I press my lips to hers, saying with my body what I can’t say with words, and when I feel her legs wrap around me I know she’s saying “yes”. Good thing, because there was never a choice.



  Five years later…

  “Harder, Sir.”


  “Please, Sir. I promise I’ll be so good for the rest of the day.”

  “You say that every time, and you never do it.”

  “This time I mean it, I swear.”

  One day I’m going to have to stop giving her what she wants. She topping from the bottom again and she knows it. If I give in she’ll do something bratty later so I’ll punish her. It’s a cycle that always leads to us naked and sated, so I shouldn’t complain too much.

  “You’re too far along.”

  “You heard the doctor, it’s totally okay. Please, Sir. I need it.”

  Mandy is due any day now with our first baby. We decided to wait a while and spend some time enjoying being married before starting a family. So when we finally decided to take the plunge, we were shocked to find out that we got pregnant on the first try. Mandy said it was all the practice, and I said it was her body telling me she wanted to breed with me. Both scenarios worked.

  “Fine, but if your water breaks while I’m fucking you and spanking your cunt, you can explain it to everyone.”

  I thrust hard and pull out all the way, smacking her pussy with the flat of my hand. Quickly, I thrust back inside her, fucking her hard a few times before pulling out and smacking it again. After the third smack I pull out and move down her body, sucking her cunt and tasting her sweetness.

  “More, Sir. More. Fuck me.”

  Her pregnancy hormones have been off the charts, and her body is always ready. When we fuck, she wants it all, and I let her have what she wants like always.

  Moving back up, I press my cock to her opening and thrust hard while I rub her clit. “You know I need the taste of pussy on my face when I cum.”

  “Kiss me,” she says, wanting to taste it too.

  I lean over her swollen belly and press my lips to hers, sharing her honey. “Your pussy is sweeter when you’re pregnant. I think we should keep you this way.” Mandy throws her head back, moaning at my words, and I sit up, rubbing her clit until she starts pulsing around my cock. “That’s it, kitten. Give me everything.”

  Her body tenses and she pulls at her cuffs, cumming hard and long. She shouts out my name, and seeing her in all her beauty sends me over the edge. As I cum with her, I can’t help but think about how gorgeous she is right now, round with my child and lost in pleasure. She gets more beautiful with every day that passes, and seeing her like this is pure paradise.

  She lies there, trying to catch her breath, and she looks up at me and smiles. “Again, Sir.”

  Goddamn, I’m a lucky devil.

  His First and Only

  His First and Only

  Alexa Riley

  Ethan James has searched for her since the day they were ripped apart. He's built an empire to prove he's worthy of his first and only. After almost twenty years, he's nearly given up hope. Until he sees her...on his billboard.

  Tiffany is the new star of the hottest show in Vegas. Men pile at her feet wanting a taste of her sweetness, but her heart was taken a long time ago. When Ethan comes storming in and literally sweeps her off
her feet, will their happily ever after finally begin?

  Warning: This book is packed with so much cheesy goodness, it makes Velveeta jealous. This story is guaranteed to melt your heart as well as your panties and leave you in a sticky mess. Enjoy!

  For Yukon…

  Copyright © 2016 by Alexa Riley. All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, email to [email protected]

  Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or locales is completely coincidental.

  Edited by Aquila Editing



  “Here's another,” Nora says, slamming down a flower vase so hard on my dressing room vanity, I’m surprised it doesn’t shatter on impact. The sound makes me flinch in anticipation of the worst.

  Not waiting for a response, she huffs out of the room, her high heels clicking on the tile floor.

  I’m not sure if I’m more annoyed at her or the freaking flowers. My dressing room looks like a damn florist shop. It’s bad enough I have to deal with other girls in the show hating me and wanting my spot as the main attraction, but I also have to deal with entitled rich men thinking they can buy me. Plucking the card from the flowers, I read the message.

  Foxy Bow,

  Have dinner with me this evening. I’m staying in the high roller suite.

  Brent McCloud

  I can’t stop the eye roll as I toss the card in the trash. Like I needed to know the man was staying in the high roller suite. Or how about the fact that he couldn’t even be bothered to find out my real name. Because he doesn't care what it is. He wants Foxy Bow. The showgirl who’s flirty, sexy and bubbly. Someone I play on stage. Someone who isn’t me. I’m Tiffany Smith, but no one seems to care who she is. Why would anyone care about a girl who grew up in a trailer park? A girl who lost her heart to the foster boy who lived next door. Who cares about a girl who ran away from home at fourteen years old and spent a few years on the streets? Until I was headlining a show in Vegas, nobody gave a shit about me.

  The urge to pick up the vase and throw it across the room is almost more than I can bear. Plopping down in the vanity chair, I refresh my make-up, knowing I have to be onstage in minutes. A stage I used to enjoy being on once upon a time. I worked hard to make myself the main attraction. The money is good, and it’s something to keep my mind busy. But now that I have it all, I seem to become more agitated about it every day.

  Maybe because now I have nothing to work for anymore. I have zilch to drive me on or keep me motivated. No, now I just move through the motions with no end goal in sight. It seems like I keep hitting one disappointment after the other.

  I was born into a family that never really wanted me, and they made it clear. I’d only ever known a sliver of pure happiness in my life, and it was snatched away from me at such a young age. Who knew your heart could be taken so young? But mine was, and I know it will never return.

  Dropping the blood-red lipstick back onto the vanity, I quickly change out of my robe into my first act wardrobe. Glancing in the mirror, I take myself in, making sure everything is place. Foxy Bow is always perfect and has all the men vying for her attention. Sometimes my cheeks ache from the fake smile plastered to my face. It’s drawn on as much as my make-up is, and no one ever seems to notice the smile never reaches my eyes. I feel like a doll made to look perfect.

  Mr. Townsend is the owner of the Snake Eyes casino where my burlesque show headlines. He told me I attract men because I have an air of sexy innocence. I know he’s right. I have a baby face that makes me look much younger than I am.

  My cheeks are full, with tiny dimples, and my nose is slightly upturned. My big blue eyes seem to take up most of my face, or maybe it’s just the color of them that makes them seem that way. I’ve never seen someone else with bluer eyes than mine, and people think they’re contacts I wear for the show. With the shock of color against my pale skin and white-blonde hair, there’s no missing them. To top it off, I’m not your normal burlesque dancer. I'm a little shorter than most, at five feet four. Most Vegas dancers are closer to six feet. My hips have a bit more flare to them, and my larger breasts match my shape, giving me a nice hourglass figure.

  My beauty is both a blessing and a curse. When I was young, it attracted the attention of too many men. It was happening before I could even understand what it meant, but back then I had a protector. Ethan.

  When the world ripped him from my life, I had no choice but to run. Ethan kept my father at bay, so when he was taken away, I had to go. I thought I’d have a chance on the streets. I knew what my fate would be if I were to stay at home. Once on the streets, I bounced from shelter to shelter and a couple of community centers. I picked up dancing along the way and surprisingly, I was good at it. Everyone kept saying I was a natural talent, so I did what I could to get by and tried to stay safe.

  I quickly got a gig in Vegas and moved up to lead dancer. Soon after, I was picked up to star in my own show at the Snake Eyes. I started dancing to make ends meet, and I’ve done that and more at this point. Before now dancing was all about surviving. The ache for Ethan was too much at times, but I knew I had to push through and survive. A part of my soul left with him that day in the backseat of the cop’s cruiser. He said he’d come for me, and I tried to wait, but when he never returned I had no choice but to run, fearing that the Division of Child Protection had placed him in another home. If I stayed, the girl he left wouldn’t be the same one he would come back to. She wouldn’t exist anymore. I knew my father would ruin me.

  Now that I’m standing on my own two feet and not having to worry about where I’m going to sleep or how I’m going to eat, the ache for him is stronger than ever. It’s all my mind can focus on. Being around Mr. Townsend and his wife, Mandy, isn’t helping. Seeing how utterly in love they are reminds me of something I’ll never have.

  The way he treats her reminds me so much of Ethan. Mr. Townsend is always so worried about Mandy’s comfort and happiness. The way he dotes on her and shows his affection is beautiful. You can see how he loves her so easily. It was something I’d had with Ethan. Something I knew no other man could ever come close to. We may have been really young, and only had a short time together, but I knew from the instant I met him he’d be it for me. He told me I was it for him too and there would never be another for him. He told me he’d marry me some day and give us both the family we always wanted, the family we’d talk about late at night when I’d sneak out my window and he’d take me down to the park. We’d lie beneath the stars together, talking about the day we would make that happen.

  From the house we’d live in, to the kids we’d have, we dreamed it all under the night sky. He’d tell me that soon I wouldn’t have to worry about going to sleep at night. He promised me that no one would ever get to me like my father tried to on so many occasions. Ethan threatened him with death and installed a lock on my bedroom door. He protected me and promised me he would come for me.

  “Miss Foxy, the stage is ready,” the production manager says, breaking through my thoughts.

  Shaking my head, I give my hair one last fluff, clipping my bow into place. I plaster my practiced smile on my face and push away the pain.




  “If you don’t stop, I’m going to take you back to the room and give you what you’ve been begging for. Or is that what you’re after?”
  Mandy giggles and leans into Charles, and I watch from behind them, trying my best not to eavesdrop. It’s not hard to overhear from just a few paces away, and I’m also trying my best not to look envious of the couple, but I can’t help that either.

  I clear my throat to remind the casino owner that I’m still here, and they turn to look as if surprised to see me. Mandy blushes and looks away while Charles just smiles his devilish grin. Mr. and Mrs. Townsend have built the Snake Eyes casino into something wonderful, and I’m here today to talk about some opportunities for our casinos to work together.

  I’ve owned the Blue Diamond casino for a few years now, taking it from a downtrodden, shabby dive to a shining jewel. I’ve been looking to expand some of our entertainment venues, and Charles is looking for the same. If we are able to work together, we both look to double our revenue, and it’s hard to turn down something like that. It’s unusual for casinos to promote one another, but Charles and I are birds of a feather. We both have a head for business and a strong work ethic. Although since Charles has gotten married, I can see he’s slowed down just a bit.

  I would have slowed down with Tiffany. The thought enters my mind before I can stop it, and it hits me in the gut. I’m usually in better control of myself than that, but being close to a couple who are obviously so in love is eating away at me. My jealousy is palpable, and I have the urge to go throw up.

  For years I searched for her. Do you know how many Tiffany Smiths are in the world? Fifty-two thousand, seven hundred and fifty-nine. And that’s assuming she didn’t change her name. I’ve gone through countless private detectives and more money than a normal man could make in a lifetime trying to find her. False hope and women pretending to be her have broken me over the years. I’ve built my empire in the hopes that one day she might find me. Hell, I even named my casino after her. I’ll never forget her bright blue eyes. I see them every time I close my own. Somewhere in my heart, I always thought we would find one another, but maybe she’s with someone else, moved on. The thought makes me clench my fists and grit my teeth. I only have myself to blame. I should have found her by now.


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