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Timothy Page 1

by Katie Dowe


  She's been left broken, can he fix her?

  A sexy BWWM medical romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  As a rising star in the medical field Dr. Robyn Faulkner has it all!

  Or so she thought!

  Now, after being cheated on and accused of malpractice, she decides to start her life anew in the small town of Fallen Oaks.

  And soon her life would never be the same again!

  Self-made billionaire Timothy McLaughlin is cynical towards love… until he meets the smart and vivacious Robyn!

  And he will do whatever it takes to make her a part of his life!

  Yet he’ll find that Robyn’s wounds run deep.

  And he wants to be the one who helps her heal.

  But can he prove to her that he is nothing like the man who had betrayed her?

  Find out in this emotional yet sexy romance by Katie Dowe of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to smoking hot sex scenes!

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2019 to Katie Dowe and AfroRomanceBooks.com. No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

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  Chapter 1

  “Get him on the phone now!” His voice was soft and succinct and brooked no argument. His assistant scrambled to his feet and went to do as he was told, his hands trembling slightly as he dialed the number.

  Timothy McLaughlin waited a beat before he picked up the phone. “I would like to make myself clear right now, Maitland.” His voice sounded almost pleasant as he spoke but the man on the other end of the line knew better than to think that Timothy was anything but pleased. A shipment of pharmaceuticals had been delayed by a week and there was still no sign of what had happened to it. An entire shipment had disappeared as if by magic. Timothy McLaughlin was a ruthless man who didn't tolerate inefficiency and was a cold-hearted bastard who didn't give a damn about lame excuses.

  And Rian had nothing to tell him—at least nothing concrete. “I'm giving you twenty-four hours to come up with the shipment or a perfectly good reason why after a week the shipment is still missing, or you'll be out of a job. Do you understand?”

  “I'm working assiduously—”

  “Work harder,” Timothy said before he disconnected the call. He didn't allow himself to dwell on the one-sided conversation he'd just had with the man in charge of his pharmaceutical operations. Timothy McLaughlin was a self-made billionaire who had spent years building a small operation into something so widespread that McLaughlin Enterprises had now become one of the most diversified companies in the world, with assets that included a shipping business, real estate, and shares in several banks around the world. He'd worked hard and worked smart, saving and scrimping with the determination to make something of his life. He'd grown up with a single mother after his father had run out and left her and their two sons to fend for themselves. He'd paid his way through night school while pumping gas at the local gas station in Fallen Oaks and had survived with barely enough sleep at night because he knew what he wanted and didn't hesitate to go after it. He'd stayed in his hometown of Fallen Oaks and had placed the small community on the map. He was hard and driven and he'd taken the small town and turned it into a showpiece. His mother had died five years ago and his older brother, Malik, was married with two children and was the company's CFO. The only persons whom he allowed inside his heart were his two nieces, who had him twisted around their little fingers, but that was it! Not even his older brother could get through to him or dissuade him from doing anything. The relationship between the two brothers was somewhat strained because of Timothy’s ill-concealed contempt for his brother’s wife and they both knew why that was. Hillary McLaughlin had pursued Timothy first and when she hadn't gotten anywhere with him, she'd targeted his brother.

  Timothy had tried to convince his brother not to marry her and to see her for what she was—a scheming bitch who wanted in on the family fortune and was determined to do so no matter who she used to get in—but Malik had told him that he loved her and she loved him back. They'd been married for the past seven years and even though she'd given him no reason to distrust her during that time, he wasn't one to forget or forgive easily.

  But he was completely committed to the two girls and whenever he could he would visit and lavish them with gifts. He spoiled them utterly and they were the only ones he allowed inside his heart. Once, a long time ago, when he was fighting to gather a living and make a success of his life, he'd let his guard down and let himself love but she'd turned out to be a scheming ambitious bitch who wasn't prepared to wait until he'd garnered the fortune that he'd been so determined on making and had married someone else. He'd never made that mistake again. He took women to his bed who were eager to be with him because of his looks and the money he had but he never mistook it for anything more than a mutually gratifying physical relationship. He offered them dinner and expensive trinkets and the use of his body but nothing else. Whenever the passion and lust ended, he had no qualms about saying goodbye. One day he would choose a wife who would give him children, but that day hadn't yet arrived.

  He looked up as his brother came into his office after knocking on the door discreetly. Malik had the same dark blue eyes as his brother, but the resemblance ended there. Timothy was over six feet tall with brown hair threaded heavily with blonde while his brother’s hair was an unassuming brown and he was shorter by several inches. Timothy had the broad muscular shoulders and build of a line backer and his face, even though exceptionally handsome, looked as if it had been carved in stone. Malik was slightly attractive and always had a gentle smile on his face that drew people to him, while on the other hand, Timothy repelled people with just one look from his dark blue eyes and the expression on his face. He rarely smiled and was all about business and never let down his guard, no matter what!

  “I'm assuming you have the figures ready for the meeting?” Timothy asked as he made some notations on his computer. He had a meeting with several associates of his and he was trying to get ready for it.

  Malik took a seat on one of the plump chairs in front of his Timothy’s baronial desk and started swiping through his device.

  “The girls are asking for you.”

  Timothy looked up and his expression softened. His nieces held a place in his heart that no woman had ever held, and he would do anything for them. Madison was the oldest—an adorable six-y
ear-old with blonde hair and the McLaughlin dark blue eyes and Holly was only three with Timothy’s shade of hair and her mother’s green eyes. He was their godfather and didn't wait around for their birthdays to lavish them with gifts. “Madison wants a pony for her birthday in June and Holly wants a doll who looks like her.” A tiny smile lifted his lips.

  “And of course, their wishes are always your command,” Malik said with a sigh. “You spoil them too much, brother, and they know that they hold your heart in their small hands and use it accordingly.”

  “At least they're too young and innocent to tear it from my chest,” Timothy said sardonically as he leaned back in his chair and stared at the man in front of him.

  He could see Malik attempting to tamped down his frustration; he wasn't a fan of Timothy's opinion on the fairer sex. “How about dinner over the weekend?” he ventured. “The girls would love to see you.”

  Timothy looked at him knowingly. “Do they know you use them whenever you want me to come over?”

  “I would prefer not to use them at all but if I don’t you then you refuse my invitations and Hillary—”

  “Let’s get down to business,” he interrupted swiftly, his expression turning to granite.


  Dr. Robyn Nicole Faulkner sat in the darkened living room, her hands clasped tightly before her as she tried very hard to get past the breaking point, which was eminently near. She'd arrived in the small picturesque town of Fallen Oaks, complete with a U-haul that held on her things. The trip had taken five hours, but she'd turned on the music, turning up the volume so she didn't have to think. She'd concentrated on everything else from the passing scenery of the mild spring day to admiring the quaint houses as soon as she turned onto the side road that indicated—by the oak sign—that she'd reached Fallen Oaks; population ten thousand people. Ten thousand and one, she corrected automatically as she drove slowly up the street where she was going to take over the small practice of the dearly departed Dr. Herringbone. The driver had helped her to haul her personal items inside and had given her a grateful smile at the generous tip she'd given him. Dusk had descended by the time she'd arrived at the cottage-like building where she was going to make her home, so she didn't get the chance to admire the flowers blooming in the yard or the apple and pear trees dotting the backyard. She'd gone straight inside and locked the door behind her, wandered into the cozy living room and just sat there staring at nothing in particular. A month ago, she'd been so happy! The brightest and most talented resident on her way to making her mark at the large, prestigious hospital as she ventured into what she really loved: orthopedic surgery. She'd been secure in the knowledge that she was loved by the man who'd asked her to marry him. Until it started to fall apart in just a few short weeks.

  She'd lost a patient before and remembered being so brokenhearted and defeated about it and then Sean had told her that it happened, and it was nothing to worry about. She bowed her head as she thought about Sean Nicholson, the rakishly handsome neurosurgeon who'd captured her heart in spite of her determination never to get involved with another doctor, certainly not one she worked with. He'd broken down her resolve and her best friend at the time, another doctor by the name of Brianna, had told her to go for it. She'd pretended not to like Sean, telling her friend that he was too pretty and too sure of himself but had assured Robyn that she should go for it because it seemed that Sean liked her.

  Robyn blinked back the tears from her large dark brown eyes as she forced herself to visualize the tableau that had unfolded in her life. There had been more deaths that had been blamed on her, not outright and done so in a way that it left the hospital administrators in little doubt that she was responsible, even if not directly so. That had been heart-rending enough but it wasn't until she discovered her fiancé in her best friend’s arms that everything suddenly added up.

  The man who'd claimed that he loved her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and her best friend since medical school had set on a path to destroy her career and her life so that they could be together. The betrayal had cut so deep that she'd wanted to die! She'd thought about it one hazy night as she sat inside her apartment and thought about how much she'd lost and how she couldn't bear to live anymore. Her mother had called her at that moment and had told her sternly to pick herself up and rise like a Phoenix from the ashes. To not let that miserable son of a bitch win or give them both the satisfaction of knowing that they'd broken her. . Melina Faulkner had been divorced from her dad for the past ten years and had moved away to Florida to get her life back and she had done just that by building a life for herself and opening a small boutique in town she lived and was doing quite well.

  “The best revenge is to get on with your life and start living again honey. No one is worth spending the rest of your life being angry and hopelessly sad over. Go somewhere and start over, come to stay with me, if that's what you want, and go on from there.”

  So she'd decided to do just that and had found the ad requesting a general physician for the small town of Fallen Oaks. She'd welcomed the idea of getting far away from the betrayal of the people she'd thought meant so much to her. She'd resigned her position at the hospital and had listened to the assurances that she would always be welcomed back and how much she would be missed and had left without looking back. No matter what happened in life she would never come back and if the hospital was the only way she had of practicing medicine then she would just as soon choose another field

  She had to get up, she decided. It was almost eight and she hadn't eaten since she'd stopped at a café and had a latte and a slice of pie, which even though it had been delicious, she hadn't finished. She hadn't been able to eat anything much since her world had fallen apart and she knew as a doctor that her body needed nourishment; and that a half cup of coffee and a small piece of pie wasn't going to nourish her body. She need to get up and make herself something hot to put inside her stomach but she couldn't seem to make her body obey her mind. She sat there and couldn't move, couldn't go about unpacking the sheets and putting them on the bed in the room she'd chosen to make her bedroom. The small medical office and waiting room was attached to the cottage and was accessed through a door that adjoined the living room. She'd ventured in a few minutes ago, looking at the small space, and had almost doubled over with the agony of realizing just what she'd had to walk away from. She'd lost her best friend and the man she'd thought she loved at the same time and she had no idea how to cope.


  Timothy rolled off the bed and reached for his pants, pulling them on over his long legs and pulling up the zipper before sitting on an embroidered chair to put his socks and shoes on. “I thought you were staying,” Renee said with a pout in her voice. He'd been seeing her for the last two weeks and realized that the passion had gone out of the lovemaking. He was going to have to tell her it was over and wasn't looking forward to the histrionics that he knew she was capable of. She was a beautiful woman who had caught his attention when he'd gone to a function in the five-star hotel that he'd renovated six months earlier. He'd been amused by her efforts to get him to notice her. He got to his feet and pulled on his light sweater over his head. “You thought wrong,” he said sardonically as he searched around for his keys.

  “You'll have to come and get them darling,” she said sultrily as she held up the bunch of keys in her fingers. As soon as he reached over to take it, she moved quickly and dropped them between her naked thighs.

  “Hand me the keys.” His tone turned glacial, his expression shuttered.

  “I want you to get them, darling,” she said, clamping her thighs together. Without changing expression, he opened her legs and took the keys. He shoved the keys into his pockets and reached for his jacket.

  “When will I see you again?” she cried plaintively as he made his way to the door.

  “It’s over,” he told her coolly, turning to look at her sexy body draped over the pricey cotton sheets.

  He ignored her
tears and pulling the door open he strode out of her bedroom and out of her apartment. The doorman hurried forward to open the door for him and with a nod he headed outside where a valet was waiting with his car. He slid into the seat and buckled up before pulling out of the parking lot and heading north. It was Saturday night and he had considered spending the night with Renee but had changed his mind as soon as he'd started making love to her. It had been over since last week, but he'd been feeling restless and a little discontented and had thought that being with her would take his mind off things.

  He gunned the engine and felt the powerful car purr beneath him as he made his way back to his own place. He'd told Malik that he would stop by for dinner tomorrow evening because he really wanted to see his nieces. With that in mind he'd ordered some toys for them, which would be delivered by the time he got there tomorrow. Whenever he saw them it reminded him that he wanted to have children of his own someday. He wanted the kids, but he'd never seen a woman he liked well enough to bear the children he wanted, and at this rate he was wondering if that would ever happen. He slowed down a little as he drove past Doctor Herringbone’s former medical center and stopped for a moment with a frown. He knew that a replacement doctor had been found and wondered who the replacement was. The place was dark but there was a black vehicle parked in the driveway, which meant that the person who was supposed to replace the doc was already in residence. He'd liked the old man who'd been his physician for a number of years and had been sad at his passing. He stepped on the gas and decided that he would have to swing by and check out the replacement before very long.


  Robyn stared at herself in the bathroom mirror, her dark brown eyes going over the length of her petite slender body, grimacing at the outline of bones at her hips which gave the indication that she'd lost some weight. She'd been staring at herself in the mirror for the past month, ever since her self-esteem as a woman had been shattered by the betrayal of the man who'd been engaged to her, wondering what it was about her that had turned him off and sent him into the arms of her best friend.


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