Ruined by the Earl (Marriage by Deceit Book 3)

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Ruined by the Earl (Marriage by Deceit Book 3) Page 13

by Ruth Ann Nordin

  “I needed to hire a couple lady’s maids and a valet,” he told her as she passed him on the steps. “They’ll be coming with us when we go to my estate.”

  She stopped walking and turned to face him. “What?”

  “We’ll be leaving in two days.”

  Her eyes grew wide. “Two days?”

  “I’d prefer to go tomorrow, but the staff needs to pack our things for the trip.”

  “But…but…” She came up the steps until she was standing in front of him. “The Season isn’t over yet.”

  “I only need to be there for a week. We’ll come back before the month is over. We have the whole winter to be there, and quite frankly, I enjoy spending time in London, even if I do love my family.”

  “I like London, too,” she said. “Being in the country gets boring.”

  “I agree. There’s a lot to do here, and I don’t want to miss it.”

  “I don’t either. Every year while I was growing up, I looked forward to summers in London.”

  “Me too.”

  She bit her lower lip. “Only one week? We won’t stay at your estate for longer than that?”

  “You have my word.”

  “All right.”

  Good. She took the news better than he expected. And really, it was nice to find out she wanted to stay in London. He often lingered as long as the weather allowed. As soon as autumn settled in for the year, he made the trip back. But until then, he took in as much as he could. Based off this conversation, he surmised she wouldn’t mind delaying the trip until then.

  “So,” he began, unwilling to part company from her, “may I join you?”

  “You don’t even know where I’m going.”

  “It doesn’t matter. I just want to be with you.”


  “Why not?”

  She stared at him for a long moment then let out a loud sigh. “I suppose even if I said no, you’d join me.”

  “Actually, no, I wouldn’t.” She didn’t seem to believe him, so he added, “Yesterday I wanted to be with you because I thought after our wedding, it’d be good if others saw us having a pleasant day together.”

  “So it was for show?”

  “Yes.” There was no use in denying it. “But it was to your benefit as well. You didn’t need Lord Laxman to think you were pining for him.”

  She blinked a couple times then asked, “Did you say Laxman?”

  He nodded. “I was going to say ‘Boreman’, but it didn’t rhyme with Waxman.” He couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw her lips curl up just a little bit. At any rate, she didn’t need to dwell on the earl and what might’ve been. She was much better off moving forward with her life. “So, anyway, today I want to do something for you. Whatever you want to do, I’d like to come along. It’d be nice to get to know you better.”

  “I was just going to go for a walk.”

  “Then it will be my pleasure to provide you with my charming company.”

  “I’d hardly call you charming.”

  He gave her what he hoped was a boyish grin—one he’d overheard a few ladies mention was hard to resist. “I can be charming when I want to be.”

  She eyed him warily. “I suppose that’s true.”

  He took her by the elbow and guided her down the steps. “Don’t look at me that way. I’m being sincere. I want to get to know you better. You’ll be the mother of my children.”

  “I’ll be the mother of your heir, you mean.”

  “My heir, and the others.”

  “The others?”

  “Certainly. I have a feeling you’re a lady of great passion, and I have no intention of letting that passion go to waste. We shall have many chances to have an heir, and should one come along, we’ll give him brothers and sisters.”

  “You think mighty highly of yourself,” she replied, her tone stiff.

  He waited for several people to pass by before he answered her. It wouldn’t do to let others know they were discussing things of a personal nature. Lowering his voice, he said, “I happen to think very highly of you. You’ll be an enthusiastic lover, one who’ll keep me wanting to come back for more.”



  “You just said that in a way that sounds like it’s supposed to be a compliment for me, but I think you’re really saying you’ll prove yourself to be so good in bed that I won’t be able to resist you.”

  His eyebrows rose. He hadn’t thought of it that way, but as he thought over it, he could see why she took him to mean it as such. “I assure you, I meant to compliment you. You have fire in you, a splendidly wicked fire, and I have every intention of enjoying the heat.”

  She stopped walking, so he followed suit and turned to face her. After glancing around to make sure there was no one within earshot, she said, “I’m still having the lady’s time.”

  “That may be true for now, but it won’t last forever.”

  After an exasperated sigh, she said, “You really should watch what you read.” Then her face turned red, and she started walking again, this time her pace faster than before.

  He hurried to catch up to her. “I’m not sure what you mean.”

  “Never mind. It was nothing.”

  “It couldn’t be nothing. You’re either upset or embarrassed, and I don’t know enough about you to know which is the case.”

  “I don’t wish to discuss it.”

  “Do I have some books in the den that you don’t like?”

  She shook her head. “Why can’t you leave the matter alone? I told you never mind.”

  Whatever book or books she’d found of his had obviously distressed her, and he didn’t like the fact that she didn’t feel comfortable telling him what they were. “Melissa—”

  “I saw your ledger,” she quickly replied, interrupting him. Then, before he could respond, she added, “I couldn’t help but notice you make it a habit of placing a lot of bets.”

  Oh. He hoped they wouldn’t need to have this discussion until they’d been married—and happily so—for a couple months. But it was apparent she wanted to talk about this now, and honestly, he couldn’t blame her. No doubt this came as a shock since he’d only told this to her father. But Logan was going to be honest with her, just as he’d been with her father. He had married her for her money, and she deserved the truth.

  “I did place a lot of bets,” he admitted. “But I haven’t placed any more since our engagement, nor will I do so ever again. I learned my lesson. Money is too easy to lose.”

  She studied him for a moment, one eyebrow raised as if carefully thinking over his words. Then, to his surprise, she said, “I actually believe you mean it.”

  “I do mean it.”

  He thought she might say something, like she should know better than to trust the words of a cad. But she didn’t. She only offered a slight nod, a silent indication that she took his word for it. This was the first time she’d extended any belief in what he had to say, and he didn’t take it for granted. In fact, it warmed his heart to know she was choosing to put her trust in him, especially when it had to do with her family’s money.

  Her steps slowed and she faced him. “I was thinking of continuing my walk through the park. Care to join me?”

  “Are you inviting me?”

  “Well, I suppose you’ll go with me whether I invite you or not, but yes, it is an invitation.”

  He couldn’t help but smile at her wit. “Thank you. I much prefer to be invited.” Placing his hand on her elbow, he proceeded to walk with her.


  The next day after breakfast, Logan spent an hour teaching Melissa to play chess, but then he decided he needed to arrange for their things to be packed for the trip to his estate. While doing this, he also said he had to leave in order to purchase better traveling clothes. He asked her to join him, but she passed on the offer.

  She figured this would be the perfect time to take a bath. She held off on taking one sooner b
ecause she was afraid he’d insist on being right there with her, and she still wasn’t ready to be naked in front of him. She might not be able to stop him from holding her at night, but she could insist on a couple more days before she let him try the things that were in his book.

  She was ready to get out of the tub when the door to her bedchamber opened. At first, she thought it was her lady’s maid, but then she hadn’t pulled the cord to call her. So it could only be one person because she couldn’t think of anyone else who’d come into her private room.

  Thank goodness she’d thought to put the tub behind the dressing screen! It bought her a few extra seconds to grab the towel right next to her. She managed to get out of the tub and wrap it around herself before he found her.

  “I must say,” he began, a wide smile on his face, “you get more and more attractive every time I see you.”

  She shooed him away. “Get out of here.”

  With a pout, he said, “I’m shocked, Melissa. After you invited me to walk with you in the park yesterday and accepted my invitation to play chess, I thought we’d moved beyond formalities.”

  “You barging in here while I’m taking a bath is different from taking a walk or playing chess.”

  “I fail to see how.”

  Was he serious? Or was he baiting her? Most likely, he was baiting her. “You’re a cad.”

  “That was established the night we were betrothed.”

  He took a step toward her, and she backed up. “I demand you stay where you are. Don’t move any closer.”

  “But if I don’t, something bad is going to happen.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “Indeed, it is.”

  She glowered at him when she realized he wasn’t even looking at her eyes. His gaze was focused on her body, and too late did she realize her towel left a slit from her thigh right on up to where her arm hid the side of her breast. At the time, she’d been so concerned with covering her front and back that she hadn’t considered the one side.

  And now her skin warmed with embarrassment. She made a move to back away, thinking she might slip around the side of the dressing screen and hide under her bed sheets, but he leapt forward and caught her, pulling her right up against him.

  “What are you doing?” she spat.

  “Preventing you from falling right back into the tub,” he said.

  Since he nodded in the direction behind her, she looked over her shoulder and saw she had, indeed, been too close to the tub. If she had taken a step back, she would have landed right back into it and water would have sloshed everywhere. And not only that, but she was sure she would have exposed far more of herself than she wanted.

  Though it pained her, she admitted, “All right. I shouldn’t take another step back. You’re right. Now, you can let me go.”

  Her words, of course, didn’t have the desired effect, for he only grinned at her in that rakish way of his and wrapped her in his arms. “I like you this way. Wet, practically naked, and warm.”

  “I told you, my lady’s time is upon me.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “How can you know it’s not?”

  “Because you only said it so I wouldn’t start on that heir right away.” His hand slid up her thigh. “I rather like the wait. Each day that passes only makes me want you more.”

  She thought to push his hand away, but she became aware of something hard pressing into her abdomen and it seemed far more alarming at the moment than his hand. That was the thing that was supposed to go inside her, and when thrusting just right, it was supposed to bring her pleasure.

  Had she not read some of that book on pleasuring a lady, she wouldn’t have known this much. But now that she had, she was sensitive to what his erection meant. And what was more, his lips met hers in the gentlest of kisses, something that sparked an excitement in her she hadn’t expected.

  Oh dear. This wasn’t quite how she envisioned the moment when it was actually time to lose her virginity. She had fancied it being bedtime with soft candlelight and some sherry to relax her, things the book suggested.

  Despite her uncertainty, however, she really was enjoying his kiss and didn’t mind it when he deepened it. His lips were soft, not demanding as she’d assumed they would be when this time came. She leaned into him. She wasn’t sure if she should be encouraging him. He’d most likely be encouraged. The book suggested if she responded to his kiss, he should feel at liberty to proceed. If she was smart, she’d end the kiss right now and tell him she needed to dress for the afternoon.

  But then she thought it might not hurt to kiss him just a few seconds longer because kissing was turning out to be far more enjoyable than she expected. Perhaps reading parts of that book had given her ideas reputable ladies didn’t have a right to have.

  His tongue brushed against her lower lip. It startled her until she recalled the book had instructed the gentleman to do this in order to make kissing more intimate. She parted her lips and allowed him into her mouth. He let out a low groan. Something about that groan excited her, and she wasn’t sure why. But she did find the way his tongue interlaced with hers to be quite pleasant. Well, maybe more than pleasant. She was beginning to ache in places she hadn’t even been aware of before.

  His hand slid between her legs, and she thought to close them, thereby preventing him from going any further. But his touch was amazingly gentle, and she was becoming aware of sensations she’d never experienced before. He brought his hand up even higher, his fingers teasing the inside of her thighs, just below her most secret place. Then he traced the folds of her sensitive flesh. She shivered in pleasure.

  He picked her up and carried her to the bed. The whole thing happened so suddenly, she barely had time to register what was going on. And when he had her on the bed, he removed her towel.

  “You’re lovely,” he whispered, his hand tracing one of her breasts, his caress just as gentle as his kiss had been.

  She shouldn’t want this. At least not so soon. Everything in her screamed at her to stop, to tell him they should get to know each other better first. He’d only be encouraged if she let him continue. But she couldn’t bring herself to protest. All she could do was pull him closer so he’d kiss her again.

  He obliged her, once again brushing her tongue with his. She relaxed, giving herself permission to enjoy this. The book had promised this was going to be something she’d learn to look forward to, and if it was anything like what she was feeling right now, she wanted to find out what else there was. In particular, she’d like to know what the book meant by the peak of pleasure this could give her. And so, she concentrated on the new sensations she was experiencing as he continued to caress her.

  At one point, his thumb brushed her nipple and she shivered. Oh my. Who knew such a light touch could excite her so much?

  He ended their kiss and brought his mouth to her breast, this time using his tongue to tease her nipple, something she soon discovered only intensified the ache between her legs. It was such a strange thing happening to her, really. She was receiving immense pleasure from everything he was doing, and yet there was a pressure building up within her that demanded to be satisfied.

  She moaned, running her fingers through his hair. She had no idea his hair was so soft. His hand traveled to the patch of curls between her legs, and he teased her entrance, probably thinking it’d only make her that much more eager for him. And he was right. It did. She wanted nothing more at this moment than to keep going. And after a minute of lightly touching her entrance, he finally dipped a finger into her, and another moan escaped her lips.

  “Good,” he whispered. “I want you to enjoy this.” He kissed her neck. “I want you to enjoy everything we do together.”

  His thumb settled on her sensitive nub, and she let out a startled cry. Oh my, but that was the most wonderful thing she’d ever felt in her life. She felt him smile as he continued kissing her neck. He was gloating. He was thoroughly enjoying making her weak. But she couldn’t remem
ber why she cared so much about resisting him. Indeed, her body prompted her to raise her hips so he could slide another finger into her. Then, even more than that, she rocked her hips slowly back and forth while he began to stroke her core.

  Yet another moan escaped her lips, and she thought he let out a moan to echo hers, but it was hard to tell for sure when the world around her was beginning to fade away. It was just him at the moment. Him and the way he was touching her. She had no idea her body was capable of such pleasure, especially not in the place he was caressing her.

  She gripped his shoulders and lifted her hips, parting her legs further to aid him along. Good heavens, but she thought she even whispered for him to thrust deeper into her. And he readily obeyed, murmuring her name in a way that excited her all the more.

  She was only barely aware he was still kissing her neck, lightly brushing her skin with the tip of his tongue as he did so. The whole thing was so wonderful. Just so completely wonderful in fact, she never wanted it to end. But even as she hoped it would continue, she could feel the pleasure welling up within her, and she knew it had to be satisfied. When she reached the peak, she cried out and grew still. Her body trembled slightly with each wave of pleasure that consumed her. And through the whole thing, he continued stroking her, an action which only prolonged the moment.

  Slowly, she relaxed, her grip on his shoulders loosening. Still breathing heavy, she leaned into him. He held her with one arm and kept kissing her neck, choosing to leave his fingers inside her for the time being, something she was secretly glad for. Now that she knew what he could do to that area of her body, she was reluctant to let him go. Though, she didn’t know if she could ever voice it. What she did instead was press her legs close enough together to keep him there, and he responded with a few light strokes. She let out a soft moan, and he followed suit.

  “Melissa, I love it when you’re this way,” he whispered, his breath hot on her ear. “You’re the most amazing lady who ever lived.” He kissed her again. “As much as I’m enjoying this, I can’t continue. You’re needed downstairs.” He pulled his fingers out of her and gave her hip a playful squeeze. “Your brother’s here.”


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