Craving It All: The Craving Series

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Craving It All: The Craving Series Page 15

by Cherry Folkes

  I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and concentrated on the pure lustful movement and then I was building once more. The heat and the sensation catapulted around my body. Everything merged as I became enveloped in pure pleasure.

  “Now Parker, I want you now.” I screamed above the grunts of exertion.

  And he heard me and delivered my wishes. I felt the pulses along his length as we both came together, and then we collapsed back onto the bed. Parker was still on top of me and I could feel the cool moistness as our sweat evaporated from our bodies. I brushed my lips on his and tasted his saltiness.

  “Parker, where did you just take me?” I gasped.

  “I don’t know, but I sure hope we can find our way back there again soon.

  He moved slightly so that he was lying face down beside me with one leg still trailing over me. I could now feel waves of tiredness descend on me, Parker was breathing steadily and deeply and I knew that in my totally relaxed state I would soon be joining him for a few hours of pleasant dreams.

  Awaken the Passion.

  When I woke in the early hours of the morning I felt like I had just returned from an intense work out at the gym. My arms legs and torso ached deeply and I had an intense appetite.

  I called room service and ordered just about everything they had on the breakfast menu, and then I raided the mini bar and consumed a chocolate bar while I waited for the breakfast to be delivered.

  Parker slept until room service knocked on the door and then just stirred enough to pull a sheet over his naked body.

  Once the waiter had left I spread some food out on the small table and took the rest back to bed.

  Parker was breathing deeply once more, his lips were lightly parted and I trickled a little honey onto his lips. He licked the honey away and chewed contentedly in his sleep. I spread a little honey onto my nipple and offered that to his mouth, he started to feed and then his eyes flicked open. He smiled up at me, “You want some more?” He mumbled.

  “No!” I laughed, “I don’t think I’d even have the energy if you were to do all the work.”

  He smiled, clearly pleased that I was satisfied with his athletic performance.

  I took my moment, “I’d still like the chance to meet with your friend Adam and his wife, I really think my idea could work.”

  I had got my timing right, “Sure, why don’t we do lunch with them later, but go easy on them Evie. I’m not sure that Ginny is ready for your special brand of straight talking.”

  We fell silent for a while and enjoyed replenishing some energy to our bodies. Then I went to shower, leaving Parker with strict instructions to set up that lunch date.

  As I left the shower, passing Parker as he was going in, he confirmed the lunch was organised. I almost followed him back to the shower to show my gratitude but my aching legs reminded me that I probably wasn’t ready to enjoy Parker standing up. I went back to the bed and started to consider how to handle the lunch.


  Adam and Ginny seemed like a delightful couple, I liked them instantly when we met at a restaurant by the lakeside.

  I could see why Adam and Parker got on so well, they were so alike. Both had a sort of boyish charm and their faces would both light up with wide smiles each time they heard something that pleased them.

  Adam worked in sales at a local luxury car saleroom. He was successful at what he did but hadn’t had the lucky breaks that had put Parker into a life of luxury.

  Ginny and I were very different but I still warmed to her immediately. She had her hair tied back in a way that made her a little severe and she wore very little make-up. She was dressed in a very pretty floral print day dress that was buttoned up to her neck. I chatted to her while the boys caught up, Adam talking about the sale of a Maserati that had netted him a big commission. Parker was trying to persuade him to come and work for one of his companies.

  I noticed the slightly detached body language that the couple displayed to one another. They were seated opposite each other at the table but still managed to turn so that they faced apart. I also noticed that they both flashed glances in the others direction when they thought they would not be noticed.

  It seemed so tragic that the two were clearly still attracted to each other but they were drifting apart because they were not able to communicate that attraction; both afraid of rejection if they exposed their true feelings.

  I steered the conversation to talk about some of the trips that we had just taken and how our relationship had grown over such a short period of time. I was careful not to flaunt the happiness we had found but wanted the conversation to be light and upbeat.

  Ginny talked in an animated tone when she spoke of the places that she would like to visit and I suggested that we all to take some trips as a foursome.

  Then I managed to swing the conversation and start to talk about what I first found attractive about Parker, describing the first time that I was caught in his gaze with those stunning pale green eyes.

  “And what did you first notice about Adam, Ginny?”

  She initially looked startled that she had been put on the spot, and then she looked rather coy as she avoided eye contact and dropped her eyes to the glass of mineral water in her hand.

  “Sorry Ginny” I laughed I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

  “No. It’s not that…it’s just that I… I first noticed his bottom. We met on a beach holiday you see and he ran across in front of me when I was sitting on a sun lounger. His buns were the most solid I had ever seen, like two rocks in a bag… and I can remember thinking… thinking some thoughts that will make me blush even now.”

  Adam looked completely shocked, “You’ve never told me that you had a thing about my bum. You always said you liked my smile.” He looked rather pleased that Ginny’s real attraction had been to his sculpted rear.

  “Well that’s because you always said that you liked my little turned up nose; I could hardly tell you that I lusted after your bottom when you were being all romantic about my nose.”

  They were chiding each other but I was pleased to hear good humour in their voices.

  “And was it really Ginny’s nose that really attracted you Adam.” I enquired innocently.

  “Well she does have a really cute nose but…” He stopped and looked across at his wife and for the first occasion that lunchtime their eyes did not avoid each other. “No I really shouldn’t say.”

  “Go on Adam, Ginny won’t mind hearing a compliment.”

  He looked across at Ginny, seeking permission before he continued, “OK, if you are sure. She was wearing a bikini and she had the best breasts I had ever seen, not large but perfectly formed. When I saw her naked for the first time I was proven right, her breasts are firm and the nipples point up and…”

  “Adam.” Ginny was laughing but she self consciously moved her arm across her chest.

  “It’s true Ginny; you have the most perfect breasts.”

  “Have you never told her that before Adam?”

  “Well no. I thought she knew that I loved her breasts.”

  How am I supposed to know if you don’t tell me?”

  I could feel that the tone that had been so light was beginning to turn, so I quickly intervened.

  “Parker and I have found a lovely house we think we might like to live in. I would love a second opinion, why don’t we all drive over there.”

  “I’m not sure the agent would be able to let us in.” Parker threw into the conversation.

  “That doesn’t matter Parker, we could still have a look at the gardens and the pool and maybe take a look through some windows.”

  He gave me the quizzical look that meant he knew I was up to something.

  I did have a plan but I would never have guessed it was about to turn out as well as it did.


  When we arrived at the house I took Ginny by the arm and started to lead her around the gardens.

  The house was empty and my guess was that nobody had
visited since we were shown around a few days earlier.

  I leaned into Ginny conspiratorially and told her my plans for the house decorations, and how we would have great parties here if I could persuade Parker to buy it.

  We were getting on really well so I risked a more direct approach, “He is still really attracted to you Ginny.”

  She pulled away a little and looked intensely at my face, “Do you really think so, its just that he doesn’t seem interested in me at all.”

  “He does when you are not looking.” I pulled her back close, “Sometimes you have to keep things alive by doing the unexpected. Have you ever managed to shock him?”

  Ginny looked mischievous and I could tell there was something that she was not willing to share. It didn’t matter I knew I had awakened the hidden naughty part of her personality.

  I glanced over at the pool, “Do you fancy a swim?”

  “I don’t have anything to wear.”

  “Neither do I.” I stepped back away from her and shrugged my shoulders out of my dress letting it fall to the floor.

  Ginny hesitated for about 3 seconds and then started to pull the buttons on her dress open.

  I watched the reaction of the men over her shoulder as she stripped naked and ran towards the pool. I discarded my underwear and followed her.

  Adam was right Ginny did have beautiful breasts; they stood proudly peaked even when she floated on her back.

  The men had picked up on the skinny dipping idea and they were sprinting across the lawns discarding their clothes as they went. I hoped the house agent didn’t have any viewings booked for today.

  Parker dived into the pool and swam to my side, “You planned this all along, didn’t you.”

  “Actually I just hoped to get them talking, this is a big bonus.” I nodded over to Adam and Ginny.

  They were on the other side of the pool, he was holding her in his arms and we could see one of her legs was curled around his back. As we watched we saw Adams hips press towards her.

  “Are they…”

  “Yes Parker, I think they are.” I turned his head away and kissed him. His tongue met mine and I felt him getting harder as he pulled me in against him.

  Making love in that pool was divine. The water supported us both and we were able to move so freely.

  My breasts floated on the surface of the water which seemed to really excite Parker, at one point he demonstrated the capacity of his lungs by swimming under water; holding his breath while he flicked his tongue over my swelling lips.

  We both laughed together as we tried to get some purchase that would allow us to press into each other. The giggling from the other side of the pool suggested our companions were experiencing similar challenges.

  As we slipped and slid against each other we just enjoyed the intimacy. It was not the most passionate sex that we had enjoyed together but it was love making that showed that sex was fun. This was just about the sheer enjoyment we were getting from sharing our bodies.

  Our orgasms when we came were gloriously muted and intimate, when our bodies calmed down we held each other close for several minutes after the final spasms had shot through our bodies. As we climbed out of the pool we realised that Adam and Ginny were already lying on the grass letting their bodies dry in the sun.

  This was a very different Ginny. She seemed happy to be naked and made no attempts to cover her body when we walked over and joined them. She was even allowing Adam to stroke her arm.

  “So what do you think of the house?” I enquired.

  “I think it has potential.” Ginny smiled back at me. “But maybe we would need to try other parts of the house before I gave my final decision.

  “Oh believe me Ginny; we have tried other parts of the house.” I went on to tell her about our quick passionate sex which we had enjoyed while I was actually watching the house agent on her phone. Ginny listened open mouthed but she wanted to hear every last detail.

  “Why don’t we all go on a trip together, it would be such fun, we could do all sorts of things together?” I put emphasis on the ‘together’ so that my meaning was perfectly clear to the others.

  Adam’s eyes lit up at the idea. Parker and Ginny looked a little more reluctant.

  Ginny put an arm around Adam’s shoulders. “When we married I promised I would be Adam’s and only Adam’s.”

  “That sounds fair, but what if we all agreed that we could have some initial fun together but then would break into our couples if we wanted to fully engage.”

  I was giving my suggestion my full flirtatious come on and Ginny seemed to like what she heard. In spite of her slightly prudish initial appearance Ginny clearly had hidden depths and I was determined to unlock her passionate inner self.

  “What do you say Adam. How about we all go away to play for the weekend but it has to stay at playing.” She slipped her hand down provocatively, “This bad boy has to stay faithful to me.”

  With their enthusiastic endorsement of my plan Parker soon agreed. He took out his phone. “I’ll let them know I will need the jet. Where shall we all go?”

  Passion in Paradise

  The chatter about where to go had been lively. Ginny wanted pure white sand, Adam wanted great food, we all wanted blue skies and sunshine, Parker said he fancied trying some water sports. I just wanted plenty of opportunity for privacy. In short we all wanted to go to paradise.

  I whispered to Parker suggesting our Caribbean island that we had visited on an adventure before, but Parker wanted to make that our private hideaway.

  Adam started searching the web and got very excited when he saw some pictures of the Maldives.

  “Brilliant idea” Parker said leaping to his feet. There is a place I have been looking at for a few months. Do you all trust me to surprise you? I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

  We all agreed that Parker was to be allowed to make all the arrangements, then Adam and Ginny called for a car. Parker and I headed for his car so that we could drive back to the penthouse.

  Just before we parted Ginny took my arm and led me away from the boys.

  “Evie, I just wanted to say thank you. I don’t know how you did that but suddenly Adam and I feel closer than we have for months.”

  “I think you are going to get closer yet” I replied with my best suggestive grin.

  She just smiled in reply and gave me a light kiss on the cheek.

  Parker would not let out a single piece of information about the place he had found. He went straight to his office and closed the door so that he could make some phone calls without me hearing.

  I decided that as I was not needed for the next few days I may as well go shopping. I would need a few essential new bikinis if I was going to spend time in paradise.


  On the first day of the trip Parker arranged to meet Adam and Ginny at a private airfield where the jet had been prepared and was ready for our journey.

  Ginny was so excited about travelling in a private jet for the first time, but it wasn’t the luxury that excited her, she had always wanted to learn to fly and had spent any spare money she had taking lessons and working towards her private pilots licence. As soon as we boarded she headed for the cockpit to negotiate the co-pilots seat.

  The grinning co-pilot came back and joined his three remaining passenger minus his uniform cap. Ginny sat up front wearing the cap and assisting the pilot with pre-flight checks. Adam did try to get her to relinquish the seat once we were airborne but by then she had her hands on the controls and he came back to report that he hadn’t seen her so happy since their wedding day.

  “That sounds good,” I smiled, “Perhaps your second honeymoon is going to be as good as the first.”

  “I think it may be better.”

  We landed in Male airport and a waiting car immediately transferred us to a jetty that led out into the crystal clear blue waters.

  I was expecting to board a boat to be taken to an island paradise but what we saw at the en
d of the jetty bobbing gently on the waves was a seaplane.

  Ginny whooped in delight as she ran along the jetty.

  “The controls on this are the same as the plane I am training in. Please let me show off my skills. I could fly us to the island.”

  Parker spoke with the pilot who agreed to let Ginny take off and fly but insisted that he take the controls for the landing as the waters could be tricky to predict.

  Adam was delighted to see his wife so exhilarated.

  She controlled the craft beautifully and gave us all a smooth flight and then we arrived.


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