Dragon's Kiss

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Dragon's Kiss Page 16

by Tielle St Clare

  “Leave?” The harsh word came out of Kei’s mouth but was clearly from Nekane.

  “No,” she quickly reassured him. “I won’t leave you, but I need Kei here to convince the others. I’ll stay right here. I’ll never leave you.”

  With her words, the darkness of Kei’s eyes faded and the glitter of green returned.

  It was like speaking to a child. A child in a dragon’s body. With a bull in rut’s sex drive. She couldn’t stop her smile. She was going to have an interesting life. The thought didn’t scare her as much as it probably should. Still holding his hand, unsure how much Nekane understood, she pulled Kei to standing.

  “We have to—“

  “Lorran?” Riker entered the cave, his sword bare and glittering. Shock and pleasure replaced the worry and tension on his face. “Kei? Hells, you’ve returned to yourself.” He hurried across the stone floor. Kei backed away, pulling Lorran with him. He shoved Lorran behind his back and bared his teeth at his brother. Riker pulled to a stop. “Kei? What’s—”

  Lorran pulled her arm free from Kei’s hold and slipped around to his front, placing herself between Kei and Riker. She rested her hand on Kei’s chest, soothing the frightened beast inside. “It’s fine, Nekane. Riker won’t hurt me.”

  “Touch you?”

  She followed Nekane’s dark stare to Riker. She turned back and nodded. “Yes, he was the man who touched me but he would never hurt me.”

  Riker watched the exchange. “What’s going on?” he demanded.

  Lorran didn’t look at him—she kept her attention focused on Kei.

  “It’s okay, Riker. Nekane just doesn’t know you. He’ll be fine. Won’t you, Nekane?” She took a deep breath and continued to run her hands over Kei’s chest. “It might help if you put your sword away.” There was silence for a moment and then the slick of a blade returning to its scabbard. “See, Nekane, he’s here to help.” She stroked the tight muscles for a few moments more before she felt the tension begin to fade.

  And Kei’s eyes returned to their natural green. But he wasn’t completely calm.

  She could read his body. Something else was wrong. “What is it?” she asked.

  Kei cocked one eyebrow up. “You’re naked and my brother has now had a long view of your lovely ass.”

  Lorran felt her cheeks heat up. She’d gotten used to being naked around Kei. Her dress was crumpled in a pile a few feet away. She moved to get it. Kei’s hand shot out and snagged her wrist. The quick tightening of his grip told her Nekane was struggling to keep her.

  She smiled gently as she looked at him. “This is going to take some getting used to.”

  Kei stared at his hand for a moment as if he didn’t recognize it. For a man who was used to ruling, being out of control was unbearable. Lorran twisted her wrist until their palms met, connecting them. She held him until he looked up. She smiled, letting him know she was fine with it. Then she led Kei over to her dress.

  She turned her back to Riker, picked up her crumpled gown and released Kei’s hand to pull the dress over her head. Even that distance was too much. As she raised her arms, he walked behind her and slid his hands around until they cupped the warm weight of her breasts. Her nipples were hard, long loved by Kei and Nekane. She sighed at the gentle warmth.

  Lorran leaned back against him. He massaged those luscious tits that had sustained him so often and enjoyed her soft sighs.

  “Riker’s here,” she whispered.

  Damn, he’d forgotten about his brother. Now that the dragon seemed less concerned about Riker’s presence, he’d turned his thoughts back to his favorite subject—fucking Lorran. Kei shook his head to clear it. As much as he supported the idea, he needed to be able to focus on other issues.

  “But later, when this is all over…” Lorran turned to face him, her voice laced with promise and lust. “I’ll expect you to have me, fuck me over and over until we’re both exhausted but can’t stop.”

  He felt his eyes widen. Lorran, using the word “fuck” so casually. He was definitely a bad influence on her. He smiled and finally pulled his hands out from underneath her gown, letting the light skirt fall and cover her.

  “Trust me, I will,” he promised. He took her hand again and faced his brother.

  Riker’s suspicious eyes were like a knife in his heart.

  “Kei? Is that really you?”

  “Some of the time,” he answered honestly.

  “What’s going on?”

  “It’s a little difficult to explain.”

  “Well, start with how you defeated the dragon.”

  “I didn’t. He’s still here.” Kei tapped his temple. “But he seems willing to fade away for awhile.” He tightened his grip on Lorran’s hand. “As long as Lorran stays nearby.”

  “What happens if she leaves?”

  “Leave?!” The word erupted from Kei’s throat but it wasn’t Kei’s voice.

  “No, no.” Lorran rushed to assure the still frightened dragon. “I’m not leaving. I won’t leave you.” She turned and faced Riker. “Until Kei gets a little more control, let’s just keep reassuring Nekane I won’t leave him. We don’t need him making another appearance this soon.”

  “Especially not now,” Riker agreed. “The Council is here.”

  “We’ll head down the mountain.”

  “No, the Council is here. They were cresting the last ridge when I came in.”

  Chapter Ten

  “I think I’ll need some clothes,” Kei said, fully returning as the King. He might have a dragon living in his mind but he was still a ruler. He would continue to rule as best he knew until he wasn’t able.

  The clanking of bells on mules and the clomp of footsteps rang across the stone. They were here. Moments later, dressed in Riker’s battle leathers, Kei took a deep breath and prepared to face the Kings’ Council. As the ruler of one of the Seven Kingdoms, Kei was a member of the Council.

  The Council had been created during Kei’s father’s reign to end the constant border wars between the Kingdoms. It had been successful, with only minor skirmishes still occurring. But the strength of the Council depended on the strength of its members and if the other members of the Council decided one King wasn’t strong enough, they would remove him. For the sake of his Kingdom, Kei would walk out of the cave a King.

  He closed his eyes and concentrated on the dragon, calling it by name for the first time.

  Nekane. Nekane, I need your help. I have to go talk to—

  Lorran started toward the door.

  Mine leaving?!

  No, she’ll stay with us. Just—he didn’t know what he was asking the dragon to do. Be silent and stay out of it didn’t seem appropriate. Stay calm. And quiet. That didn’t seem enough. I’ll protect Lorran, he assured Nekane. She’ll stay nearby.

  The dragon grumbled but didn’t move for control. Kei could almost see the beast pouting.

  But at least it was quiet. Kei took Lorran’s hand, making sure to keep her close. Nekane was quiet for the moment but Kei didn’t know if he could control him if the dragon thought Lorran was in danger. The memories of those moments before Nekane had appeared in corporeal form were burned into Kei’s mind. Nekane’s only thought had been to save Lorran—to protect his mate.

  It made the creature easier to understand.

  Kei, Lorran and Riker walked out of the cave into the sunlight. A small group of gentleman, a woman, and about a dozen heavily armed guards waited. Some of the soldiers held bared swords or bows with arrows notched.

  “Am I under attack?” Kei asked, filling his voice with mockery and scorn. He stared directly at his brother. The surprised look on Kafe’s face when Kei stepped outside was enough to make anyone smile. Except Nekane. The crisp sharp image of Lorran being held at knifepoint entered Kei’s mind. He bared his teeth and released a low growl. Lorran’s fingers brushing across the back of his hand drew him back. He looked down and met her gaze. The love and support was so blatant that both he and the dragon recogniz
ed it.

  Nekane backed down and Kei relaxed. He had to control this meeting. He sent a mental reminder to the grousing dragon to stay calm. Lorran wasn’t going anywhere. To reinforce the thought, he pulled her in front of him.

  “Brother, I believe it’s still considered treason to attack the King.” His voice was calm with just the right amount of arrogance. He pressed his hips against Lorran and felt her shift to accommodate his growing erection. Even with the Kings’ Council before him, Kei’s body was eager for Lorran’s.

  “You’re no longer King,” Kafe sneered. Desperation made his voice crack on the last word.

  King Evelant stepped forward. Though there was no official leader of the Council, Evelant took charge more often than the others. “Rumor has it you were bitten by a dragon and completed the final transition.”

  “Well,” Kei said, wrapping his arm around Lorran’s waist and holding her tight against his bare chest. “I had to think of some story to tell the world while I courted my wife, didn’t I?”

  “Your wife?!” The lone female in the crowd shouted the question.

  Kei bent forward and whispered in Lorran’s ear. “Who is that?”

  “My mother,” she answered, barely moving her lips.

  “How close are you to your parents?” he asked.

  “Not very.”

  “That’s probably good then.” He straightened and called across the clearing. “Yes, m’lady, my wife. You may refer to her as Your Majesty and I graciously accept all your congratulations.”

  “Tell me you haven’t actually married him,” a small man with a rather large head announced. It had to be Lorran’s father. “You are determined to make our family the subject of scorn. We’ll be ruined once the world finds out you’ve married a dragon.”

  Evelant stepped forward, ignoring the interruption. It was one of the many reasons Kei liked Evelant to be in charge. He was diplomatic enough to let people talk but he stayed focused on his task. In this case, he was searching for the truth.

  “We have witnesses who say you made the final transition into a dragon.” He said the last word with disdain. Evelant, like others, hated and feared the beasts. He relied on warriors like Kei to get rid of them but abandoned those who sustained bites.

  Nekane rumbled. Kei bent his head and placed a kiss high on Lorran’s neck, behind her ear. He drew in a deep breath, inhaling her scent to keep the dragon calm.

  Kei looked up and smiled. “Were those witnesses members of my brother’s guard?” He scanned the rock ledge. “I don’t see any sign of a dragon here.” Kei stared at the six other members of the Kings’ Council—almost daring them to contradict him. They looked a little less frightened and a little less confident. “Lord Kafe’s been playing one of his tricks again. I go away for a honeymoon and suddenly I’m dragon-spawn.”

  “You’re spending your honeymoon in a cave?” Evelant’s disbelief was obvious but Kei was almost positive none of them had the courage to accuse him directly.

  “We wanted to be alone. I thought this would be a little out of reach for most people. I was obviously wrong.” He leaned down so he could look into Lorran’s face. “We should have climbed higher.”

  She nodded in response.

  “Dammit, he turned into a dragon. I saw him.” Kafe waved his hand toward Riker. “He came here to kill him. Riker knows the truth.”

  Riker widened his eyes and stared between his two brothers. Then he shrugged. “Kafe, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Riker said. “He looks normal to me.” The corner of his mouth kicked up—the epitome of the arrogant warrior. “Rather surly, but Kei’s like that.”

  Rage radiated from Kafe’s body as he turned his attention to Lorran. She steeled herself. He was obviously hoping she wasn’t as accomplished a liar as Riker and Kei.

  “She saw it, too,” Kafe accused, pointing his finger at Lorran. “She saw him turn.”

  She felt Kei’s fingers dig into her shoulders. She knew he was holding himself, and Nekane, in check.

  She was being asked to lie. To her parents. To the Council.

  To her enemy.

  She tilted her head to the side in what she hoped was a look of genteel confusion.

  “I don’t understand what you’re talking about. I’ve only ever seen the man that I love.”

  Evelant relaxed and nodded. Kafe spun around and faced him. “She’s lying. They’re all lying. I saw my brother turn into a dragon.”

  “I’ve never heard of anyone turning back into human form after they’ve made the final transition,” one of the lesser Kings offered.

  “That’s true.” Lorran drew the attention back to her. “I’ve studied dragons for years, since my first husband was bitten. There are others who study the creatures, and no one has been able to reverse a transition.” Until now, she added silently.

  The small crowd milled around, clearly unsure what to do next. They’d arrived with the intent of outlawing a King and killing a dragon. What to do now that the dragon had disappeared?

  “I’m sure it was all just a misunderstanding.” Kei stepped away from Lorran and walked forward until he was directly in front of his twin. Lorran watched the brothers and realized they looked nothing alike. Kei had a power that came from deep inside him—a personal strength. Kafe was weak and used the power of his birth to bully others. “My brother must have gotten confused by something he saw.” Kei stared hard into Kafe’s eyes. “Isn’t that right, brother?”

  Kafe took a sharp, tight breath. And Lorran knew Nekane was staring out of Kei’s eyes. Kafe swallowed and then nodded. “Yes, that’s right.” He turned to the Council, breaking the hold of Kei’s gaze. “I apologize for any confusion.”

  Tension fell collectively from the members of the Council. It was obvious Kei was willing to fight for his Kingdom and no one on the Council wanted to face him.

  “Well, then,” Evelant said, “I believe there’s nothing here. We should return home and let King Kei and his bride continue with their ‘honeymoon’.”

  “But you can’t. I refuse to allow my daughter to remain married to him,” her father announced to the group. “Despite what’s been said, we all know the truth and I won’t have my daughter married to a beast.”

  “He’s not a beast. He’s a man,” Lorran countered as she stalked forward and placed herself next to Kei. She’d never talked back to her father before. She felt powerful as she stood next to Kei. “He’s a wonderful King, who cares about his people and his land. He’s a warrior and a gentleman. And he’s the finest man I know.”

  Her father crossed his arms and squinted as he glared back at her. Kei had the sudden urge to protect her from her father’s disapproval.

  “How much will he want you when he discovers you can’t bear him an heir? That’s right, Your Majesty, you don’t want her. She’s barren.”

  Lorran tensed in Kei’s arms and it was his turn to give her comfort. He rubbed his hands up her arms and eased his hard cock against her backside, silently letting her know he desired her, whether she could provide him children or not. He glanced at Riker. Riker would remain his heir and Riker could be responsible for producing the next generation.

  The now familiar haze that warned of Nekane’s presence was pushing at the edges of his mind. Kei smiled and had the satisfaction of watching Lorran’s father lean back.

  “Lorran is mine, now and forever.” Kei stepped away, taking Lorran with him. He was done with this conversation. He had more important things to do. “Now, gentlemen and madam, you’re on my land. My brother, Riker will escort you down the mountain and off my land.” He looked at Kafe. “All of you.”

  Kei didn’t wait to see if they complied. He turned and dragged Lorran back into the cave. Once out of the sunlight, Kei spun around and faced her.

  Lorran gasped at the brightness in his eyes.

  “Did you mean it?” he demanded.


  “All that you said about me to them.”

he words were out there—hanging between them. She had one chance.

  The dark light that glittered in Kei’s eyes was a mix of he and Nekane. They both wanted, craved the answer from her.

  “I love you.”

  “Do you? Or do you feel sorry for the dragon?”

  She’d never expected Kei to be in need of reassurance.

  “I don’t feel sorry for Nekane. He’s a beautiful creature.” The memory turned her smile sensual. “With a very talented tongue. But—“ she stopped Kei before he could protest. “I fell in love with the man before I ever met the dragon.”

  “You’ll never be free,” he warned, still holding himself back.

  “I don’t want to be free.” She let all her love flow openly into her eyes. “I love you. Both of you. You and Nekane will learn to live together.” She walked forward, finally confident in her love, in her strength. Kei needed her and she needed them. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled. “And until then, I’ll stay close.”

  * * * * *

  She hadn’t realized how true those words would be until two weeks later.

  Lorran closed her eyes and let the warmth of the sun heat her skin. She was exhausted. Kei and Nekane had been relentless, loving her, mounting her or licking her on an almost hourly basis. Today was the first moment she’d had to herself. Finally shouting that she needed a rest and she needed a moment alone, she’d locked herself in the bathing area two hours ago. More evidence that Kei and Nekane were adapting to their situation—neither had done more than playfully growl at her extended absence.

  The bath was lovely—heated by hot springs and placed in a walled garden. She’d soaked in a scented tub, soothing her tired and well-loved body with the warm, spring fed water.

  She reclined on the stone sleeping step and let the sun warm her body, her mind clearing from the long list of duties she had.

  They’d left the cave two days after the Council had departed, when Kei was desperate for food that didn’t include berries. They’d quickly found a Spirit-Guide to marry them. She might be the dragon’s mate, he explained, but she would be his wife. And then they’d begun the slow process of settling into their life.


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